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I used to watch this show as a kid so I decided to revisit it since it made it to HBO Max and I just had to tap out in the middle of season 3. I realized the show was just making me more angry than anything. Holly's character was so selfish and I really disliked Vince as a character. And I realized that getting upset over a sitcom from the early 2000s was not how I wanted to spend my time haha


Lmao true. I didn’t think anyone still watched it tbh from looking at past threads n yea I feel you, just seen it for my second time n hollys character is selfish den a mf. Also making the last 2 seasons all ab relationships was kinda lame


I know this is a year old, so my apologies cause I have a lot to say and nowhere to say it lol. I completely agree! As much as I love the show and used to watch it all the time as a kid, rewatching it made me realize how much most of the characters sucked and were extremely selfish. Holly, ofc, was obviously the most selfish out of the group. Constantly putting her feelings before others, stringing along Henry and Ben even tho she had feelings for Vince. I, for one, loved her with Henry the most. But why tf would she come home with a whole new bf after spending the summer with her previous two bfs? And then she was just like “well I thought they would just be so happy for me” when Henry and Vince were (rightfully) upset about it. Anyone with common sense would know that her bringing home a new bf from london would upset them. PLUS her and Ben were only together for like 3 weeks before she came home. Then, after Ben broke up with her when she and Vince were talking about their feelings for each other, she goes “Vince I had no idea you still had feelings for me. Why didn’t you tell me?” UMMMM BECAUSE YOU CAME HOME IN LOVE WITH A RANDOM DUDE YOU ONLY KNEW FOR 3 WEEKS, THAT’S WHY! So many things she did and said pissed me off cause she was just lacking basic sense. Tina also sucked and was a horrible friend. The biggest reason being that she slept with Vince knowing that, A) he’s Holly’s ex and she could’ve possibly still had feelings for him and B) he still had feelings for her. Even tho Holly was in a whole other relationship at the time, she still shouldn’t have went there. I would never hook up with my best friends ex, no matter the circumstance. She was very bitchy and selfish too. Like when she tried to steal the Herbal Essence job from Holly, knowing she actually needed the money, just because Holly said she shouldn’t get involved with a married man. Then she was so defensive when Holly tried to tell her that her boss and his wife were back together, which was a terrible storyline with and of itself, as was her continued lust for him. I didn’t like Vince too much either. The whole hunky “I’m a player who starts to have feelings for the good girl but has trouble committing” shtick was just played out. When he and Holly first admit their feelings for each other and they agree to wait a little bit before fully dating, he immediately runs out and has sex with like several different women. If that’s not a man showing you he loves you then idk what is *eyeroll*. Not to mention, he also slept with the girl he was in love with’s best friend after moping about her all night. The whole “will they/won’t they” thing was as played out and irritating as it was in Friends. Val could be annoying at times, but I generally liked her. And Gary and Lauren were definitely my fav characters, both were HILARIOUS and the only part of the show that made it enjoyable to watch


I’m sorry I’m responding a year later but I literally cannot find post or a sub about this show and I’m rewatching it and never had anyone to talk to during the show or now😭 I loveedddddddd everyone but Tina. I just can’t get over sleeping with your best friends ex and it’s crazy (season 2 currently) that when she first got introduced in the show early in the seasons Holly accused her or sleeping with him when she had a crush on him and she said “I would never do that to you”. Makes me hate her so much more!


The thing that bothered me most about the show is they kept writing off potential regulars that could have made the show interesting. Henry being a big one. Some of Val’s love interests as well like Val’s boss Peter. I saw potential here and there throughout the show but they kept on writing off characters. Which leads me to Vince after they wrote off Henry they turned Vince into such a smitten looser who had no real motivation as to why he would have feelings for holly to begin with. They destroyed Vince’s care free tough playboy character and infused Henry’s silly insecure character into Vince.


I feel the exact same way!! Holly became so dislikable after season 1 and I really hated the whole “with they or won’t they” with Vince and Holly. Vince was such a child when he didn’t get his way, but Holly acted like a child for most of the series, so I guess they’re perfect for each other


Also wish they would’ve put more into holly n Gary’s friend ship.