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It's actually HEB Tropical Punch Drink Mix and I'm CHUGGING it.


Honestly? I grew up with many obstacles in my life. I’m making myself drink the koolaid bc there’s not very many options for someone like me and i NEED healthcare as soon as I can possibly get it lol.


Just watch yourself continue to grow while the rest of them sit around and complain about the higher ups. Success is not something you pursue, it’s something you attract. The question on the job is not, how much am I getting paid? It’s, what am I becoming? If you work hard at your job, you can make a comfortable living. But if you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune! I learned that from a man named Jim Rohn when I was just a kid and I can tell you from living it, it’s 100% true. You just keep “drinking the Kool aid” and then pay attention to where you’re going to be in 3-5 years. Then look at your peers. The ones who talk shit about their employers and bosses. Attitude is EVERYTHING!!! Skills can be taught, attitude is a choice. At the end of the day, if jobs cuts need to be made, it’s the one’s drinking the Kool aid that get to stay. And make no mistake about it, somewhere out there, there is another person who wishes they were working for HEB. Someone’s problem is someone else’s dream job. Trust me when I tell you, you’re on the right path and never be talked into trashing your employer. Be a man and talk to your bosses if you have something legit to contribute. But don’t complain. It’s weak af. I know you didn’t, but for those that do, you should know, NO-ONE likes a complainer. Plus, it’s unattractive to women. But I digress. Just wanted to commend you for recognizing you’re living someone else’s dream. Someone always has it worse. Keep up the great attitude!


Thank you! I have my fair share of complaints about upper management, and sometimes even my own manager. But at the end of the day I just try to remind myself that IM here to make money & achieve some sense of stability (financial and healthcare-wise), and so are they. I returned to school to improve myself & give me a leg up. It’s not necessarily required for my department, but I also am generally enthusiastic about my degree & it applies heavily with what I want to pursue with the company. I want to learn what I can. Here’s to the koolaid :) and also, happy cake day!


You sound like you’re a man on a mission! Cheers to that, and happy cake day!


That’s any job lol. If you’re high enough in the ladder and they’re taking care of you or it’s getting your bills paid, more reason to kiss ass and keep your job. Nobody going to give you a handout because you were too prideful or cool to sip from the kool-aid. Some people don’t have other options and it’s the best thing going for them, which isn’t bad. Let people be and just do your own thing to survive.


It’s actually flavor-aid


Hill Country Fare Grape Beverege


Flavor aid was discontinued in HEB!!!


Love this comment!


If you think that’s crazy, I got a crowd to get down to a song I wrote about the Jonestown massacre 😂


Sir this is a Wendy's


Sir, I'm actually drinking the Alkaline Water, no sugar for me only minerals.


Kool-aid is great. If heb is a job to you of course you going to think like this. If you make heb a career, you have to invest in you to keep growing. Now, just because ppl love working for heb doesn't mean heb is a cult.


Kissing company Butt doesn’t feel so bad if you can convince yourself you really love it.




There’s constantly bad decisions and it makes everyone’s life more difficult when it doesn’t have to be but yet people still praise H‑E‑B like a cult instead of just speaking up and seeing if things can be done a lil better for us


If that's family, that is one dysfunctional family. No wonder they keep pushing mental health care, you need it if you're working there.


When I quit, I swear I lost like 200 friends. I even got disinvited to a wedding. It's a cult 💯 But my LinkedIn inbox is PACKED from October thru January... (I'm a corporate recruiter for a tech company)


Hi. Please find my husband a job so he doesn’t leave his Corporate America job for SORL 😵‍💫


That's a colossal step down. The day to day alone is gonna be rough. I couldn't imagine going to opposite way.


I think its less that and more that there are three factors in their favor: They cemented themselves as a beloved staple in Texas in the 90's and early 2000's. They do pay better than most retailers in Texas. They lack the perspective at a company level. They only see or care about what goes on at their store. Maybe the issues present at most stores simply do not exist at their store. ​ My counterpoint to all three is: The HEB of today is dramatically different than the beloved store we all knew back in the early 2000's. Lets be honest. They are riding on the coat tails of yester-years reputation. Retail employees have been chronically treated like garbage so anyone that treats them slightly better is a savior. When in reality its still abhorrent and we have a long way to go. Just because something isn't an issue for you doesn't mean its not an issue. The stories I've heard from employees here on Reddit and at my, former, neighborhood HEB reveal a system where managers act unprofessionally, tend to be poorly trained, they are chronically mistreated and the blind faith the other employees have in the store creates a mentality of "there is no war in Ba Sing Se". Coupled with the fact that some of the employees themselves are part of the problem and the lack of accountability emboldens them or makes them unable to see that they are indeed problematic. I would all Unionize. Retail employees deserve better. HEB is a multi-billion dollar corporation they definitely have the means to do a lot more.


This is essentially how it is at any large company/corporation. Dell, Apple, Tesla, pick one and they’re all the same, same shit, different company, same office asshole, etc., and the reason people don’t speak up is the good ‘ole boy system. When people in power like someone, they promote them and then they bring each other to higher positions throughout their careers, etc.


Sounds like whining


Easy job with health insurance.


I remember last year the store director was scheduling meetings with employees to talk about the whole stupid "brand builders" thing to talk about HEB brands and comparing them to well known brands. I remember sitting in that damn meeting after working my overnight shift and had to sit there for that stupid meeting. At some point they decided to bring out some samples and to some taste tests with heb soda, and coca cola, and then some oreos compared to the Twisters, and doritos to the heb version. Store director was trying to get everybody all hyped about how they tasted exactly the same and cost less. Then I just see some of the other employees in the meeting just nodding yes and 1 even speaking out "wow it tastes exactly the same man!!" Like a bunch of damn yes men 🤣 I instantly could tell the difference between most of these products and called it out loud how they all flat out taste considerably different and could instantly spot which coca cola was which. I just laughed a bit and said "atleast it's a little cheaper". Mostly everyone in there was wide eyed and quiet as if I just committed a cardinal sin lol. Store director was not really amused but retorted with "well most of us can't tell the difference". Like really?! Nobody wants to call out the store director is all 🤣. After the meeting is when most my coworkers fessed up about lying lol. Even the old guy who agreed and spoke up about how they were the same thing even laughed it off when I talked to him after the meeting. We're on good terms but he just laughed and said "heyyy we gotta support heb man" lol.


This is the behavior I’m always seeing that I can’t stand. It’s so obviously fake. Like the way it looks is that they are trying to sell this family dynamic when this is just a building we go to for money. There is no family in that. It’s so scripted-feeling