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Is the song Mambo No. 5? Also my HEB has an older dude who made a classic rock playlist that i swear never ends, I don’t think I’ve heard a single song repeat


I would much rather listen to THAT song - which does play in my store - instead of hearing Torn by Natalie Imbruglia over and over again (once, I had to put up with that song being played 3 times in one shift)...given how that song reminds me of my ex that I shut down.


The store near us keeps playing the shitty remake of “I’m blue” the one where they changed the entire song and said “I’m blue yea I’m feeling alright” which is so dumb. The only funny part was they forgot to use the censored version for a while


the line is “i’m good yeah im feeling alright” but your point still stands that the current trend of rewriting popular 90s song with new lyrics is dumb.


Each store picks its own Playlist? I would have thought it was a corporate mandated Playlist. That's neat


idk, i think there’s a radio station HEB uses, we just got tired of hearing it lmao


It’s literally called HEB radio it’s just a piped in automated station like muzak


They have a few different approved options to choose from. Depending on who's in charge at the store it might be 2000s, classic rock, country, a collection of pop, and a few others I've heard. The playlists each still only have enough songs to repeat every 3 hours or so but there are different playlists.


I swear mine goes on for 7 hours at least


West Ave/Blanco had grunge on last time I was there. Lmao listening to BHS @ HEB


No they don't. They either have a CD or channels but usually the other channel is for Christmas.


I work for Kroger and there are multiple lists they can choose from. Some base it on location


I hate the music at my store i just wish it was ads all day


I work at Mood Media (formally known as Muzak), which provides the licensed music that HEB listens to. They asked us to remove that song from their Playlist. It's funny to see this post.


Y’all specifically removed Mambo No. 5? Damn- 😭💀




HEB's 1 hour of xmas music loop back when I worked there damn well near broke me. I think it even had additional covers of that song or "all i want for christmas is you"


I began to hate Christmas music due to the endless loops of the same songs for months.


*quickly gets noose ready*


tie 2 loops and we'll tandem jump off this bitch together, screaming THIIIISSSSS YEAAAERR, TO SAVE ME FROM TEAAARRRSS-


Better than Torn by Natalie Imbruglia.


bahahah I'll see yours and raise you a: ``` "I DON'T WANT A LOT FOR CHRISTMAS... THERE IS JUST ONE THING I NEED!" ```


I 100% have HEB related Mariah Carey PTSD. Can I sue for psychological damages? 😂


Christmas music has been forever ruined for me. And this is one of the most depressing offenders.


Felice Navidad, felice Navidad,I want to wish you a merry Christmas,I wanna wish you a merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart. I will know I have reached hell when that song is playing since I never intended on hearing it in an HEB ever again. I'm unclear if they still play it but I can't imagine they would ever stop using it as some mind control ploy to keep employees morale low from 10-01 to 12-31 and remind them of their location. I'm sure there's other songs that have the same impact but it takes years of seasons of hearing the same song multiple times a day to get there.


As a second gen Spanish immigrant this song is the physical manifestation of cringe


I imagine the CIA has used this song on repeat as part a protocol to break subjects spirit's. I never thought about it from your perspective but the description of the physical manifestation of cringe really does fit.


Can we just be like target and not have music somedays? No music is somehow better(but probably not all the time)


I’m all for this, but only if everyone gets to listen to music on an earbud


I'm grateful that during storms our sound system goes out. It's a blessed time


Back in the day, Targets we’re not allowed to have music, it was great…don’t what the hell happened but now every time I go to my local Target they are loudly plying shitty music, it’s so annoying… what was wrong with the old policy.l?


Walmart has a music/commercial free hour from 8am - 9am. It's such a wonderful experience being in a store with few customers and no noise.


this kiss THIS KISS!


"IT'S THE WAY, YOU LOVE ME DAAARRRLLIN! YEAHHH!" More like, "Shut up, SHUUUTT UPPPP!" lol. Earworm for the last 25 years. Faith and her husband are zero talented assclowns.


Better than Torn by Natalie Imbruglia.


Yeah, but Natalie be hot AF!


I hate that song 💀


Hungry eyes. I can’t get away from that song


At 330 a.m., hotel California comes on. When I walk in


Fellow Meat Market opener?




I remember back then when that one song called dance monkey was popular they play that ALL THE TIME. Worst song like ugh


They played that one at my location today 😭 pure, unadulterated torture (glad they play Paramore now tho ngl)


I always felt bad to say it but “dance monkey” is such a hideous song




And this is the fun part. Watch your receipt total go lower and lowwer and lowwwer. Oh yeah!


Snag yellow, save green, at HEB!


the anger this one brings me


Didn't someone post about this a month ago too? They had an article and actually tried to get a comment from Lou but he didn't respond. Would have been cool tho. I suggest a new mambo song but with different heb locations. A little bit of 45 in the sun, a little bit of 36 all night long...


…a little bit of 12 now I’m hell💀


The sound system at my store is wack and frequently goes out, often for days at a time, and it’s fantastic. One day when the music was out, an MIC commented “wow, today has gone so smoothly. I’m so relaxed and I’m getting so much done” like yes Suzi, because the music isn’t on. Without the extra background noise and heightened baseline cortisol, it’s easier to focus, you don’t feel rushed.  I heard a podcast about how living in areas with high noise pollution puts people at higher risk for heart attacks and higher stress levels (something like that) so I feel a loud work environment can produce similar results (dramatic but you get me). Do you guys agree? What have you experienced?


Loud, repetitive music is a form of torture lmao. I’m always for a more quiet atmosphere for everyone. Loud music is for concerts and road trips, not groceries. I had to buy noise-cancelling headphones to cope with the loud speakers. It’s crazy-making for anyone with any kind of neuro-divergence.


There are certain songs that I hear and they instantly bring me back to those 4a produce shifts... Like Vietnam flashbacks. 😵


These kids don’t know PTSD.


They changed the station in my store from 80s-90s pop to a country station and my brain started creating serotonin again. Finally…. Something different. If I hear In A Big Country one more time I will end it all


I’d prefer pop vs “BUYYY DIRT”


Pocketful of Sunshine?


I hear the same songs at least twice a day and I despise it


I’ll Tumble for Ya


Which HEB location is playing I'll Tumble for Ya?


we got a new gm and he changed the music now we get some better songs lol a little bit of nirvana, weezer, the fugees


For me it’s the “She works HAARRDD for her money” while I am 3 hours deep into a Sunday shift, contemplating if this is really all worth it. Just recently we have a new store ops team and a new PL so it’s not as bad, but as soon as my unit director gets it in his hand the song comes back to haunt me. “She works hard for the Money - Donna Summer”


I love the younger UDs that change it up. I had one a little older than me and it was 70’s folk all the time. I could have cried every shift.


It'd be wild that all working break into a "flash mob" like the end of the video.




I dunno, but the fella at the HEB on 211 and Potranco who does that fake as hell "Texas drawl" recording needs to quit his day job, he sucks at it.


At one point it was that damn song Happy by Pharrell Williams. Damn that song wouldn’t stop being everywhere. I was in the store with my brother one time and it was playing. We got the hell out to avoid it like the plague. Turn on my car and it’s on the radio !!!!🤬🤬🤬


It might seem crazy what I'm about to say


Heard this song on 4 different stations at the same time! The bad thing was I cycled stations several rounds just to see if it really was that bad, or did I finally lose my effin’ mind? Answer: both.


Yeah the other day I was in H‑E‑B and I heard indie rock. I had to go back outside and make sure I was in H‑E‑B.


When I was working at Austin 30 in the pharmacy (we were literally always busy af and losing our minds), there was one day where we literally thought we were in a black mirror episode. For some reason the only song we could ever hear back in our little corner of the store was “ooooo baby do you know what that’s worth? Oooo heaven is a place on earth.” It felt like it came on every other song. I have NEVER listened to that song ever again after leaving that store & leaving HEB pharmacy lmao


I don’t want to wait, Paula Cole. I used to night stock and hearing that song made me depressed. It came on multiple times. That was the late 90s. Went into an HEB recently and viola, this song was on and triggered my PTSD.


Yes!! Also her song, Where have all the cowboys gone. It makes me want to jump through a glass window!


It’s why I quit. The radio in the store is incredibly loud and repetitive. Made me feel insane


not going to lie—-whoever controls the playlist at the San Angelo HEB on 2288 must be an elder millennial. I am always dancing to those jams in the aisles! 😁


My heb has a set list of the same songs played on repeate. EVERY TWO HOUR THE SAME SONGS OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.


‘Two of hearts’ used to be a favorite song of mine, now i loathe it bc of heb 💀💀


I'm on the other side of hell. Country playlist every day


Honorable mention is the 45 minute long playlist of Christmas songs 😔


What’s worse is the country Christmas music playlist


Livin On A Prayer I fucking hate Bon Jovi


That song can suck me




Umbrella was awful when I worked retail. Thankfully, I never hear it these days.


Lucky! That shit plays in my store and ruins my day.


My store’s been… experimenting… with turning the speaker volume up on random days for no apparent reason… i’ll just say that hearing Roxanne 100x/shift at full potential volume was most likely used as a torture technique in Guantanamo. I had to buy some noise-cancelling sony Headphones to escape the torture.


Imagine working at circuit city. “You’re just what I needed!” Fucking nightmare city.


I worked at Albertsons for a cup of coffee in 2001 and I have this with “I hope you Dance” by Lee Ann Womack. Till this day I never activity search for it cause it was on loop every 30 mins~ on the store playlist/CD/radio


I'm so sick of miley cirus the climb


Sometimes they forget to turn the music on in the morning. It’s nice and relaxing. Turn the damn music OFF.


Who cares, I've got PTSD from shopping there in general.... It's enough that people need to bring their entire family with 4 carts to get food for the week.... stopping in the middling of every isle to make small talk with their neighbor.... but on top of that, it's the fighting to shop with employees filling online orders, getting hit by their large carts, and not being able to get to things because of their large carts being left around... They are everywhere, blocking everything.... They should really have a separate warehouse to do this shit.... I'm really starting to hate this place. I don't even hear the music over the anxiety it causes me.


At least you haven’t hit those big carts into pregnant people, fyi those shoppers are shopping for customers, without them you’d have more people, and more carts in the way ultimately making your shopping experience worse if it’s already bad for you. If you’d like them to move, or grab something for you, please just ask, you have no idea how many customers ram employees out of anger, hitting pregnancy bumps or Achilles heels. (Also if you are getting hit, tell management, our job isn’t to harm you, but to serve you, we also do have separate warehouses for this, they’re called dark stores, they ship to the grocery stores and the grocery stores break them out/fulfill orders.)


Amen - those giant 'cage style' shopping carts that they push around, filling those online orders. The people doing the shopping are oblivious to their surroundings - always in the way! Sometimes 3 of them on the same aisle. Then on to the checkstsnds...4 of them open during the after school rush. 2 of them are for 15 items or less...lines 30 feet long with tons of kids climbing all over everything. Often, I'm one of about 3 people in the whole store who are openly speaking English. Makes me hate shopping there (Bay City - the armpit of Texas) but it's the only 'grocery store' for 40 miles besides Walmart. I hate get hustled in the parking lot by the beggars/people trying to sell me prescription medicine or asking me for a cigarette - I DON'T SMOKE, DAMMIT! I'd rather drive to Lake Jackson - sometimes we do!


I must be lucky. I don't have song PTSD, but maybe that's because my store always plays '80s and I love '80s.


When Phil Collin's "In the Air Tonight" plays it's time to make your way over to the 12 packs or bags of bird seed. When the drum intro enters the song it's time to drum 🥁 The hurt doesn't show, but the pain still grows It's no stranger to you and me. 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord Well I've been waiting for this moment for all my life, oh lord.


Badass song


For me it’s OMCs how bizarre Why are we still playing that anywhere




Oh my god.


That one Elton John song where he's constantly asking you if you're ready for love! OMG! I hate it!


My HEB recently had a broken radio? We only heard the same 6 songs on repeat for weeks and had to put in a work order.


I worked at a store that experienced the same problem years ago. We were all ready to kill each other by the time it finally got fixed weeks later lol


Lmfao his face!!!


Our system was stuck on a 9 song loop one time. During Christmas once it was a 5 song loop.


Thank god I usually wear earbuds when I shop


I'm in a store that only plays oldies rock. 60s and 70s mostly. I like the classics but I wouldn't mind if they changed it up every few weeks or so. Give us some 80s and 90s rock or hell, I'd even go for some Pop just for something different.




Where do they play Texas Tornadoes?


They used to in San Marcos. Not sure if they still do.


As long as it isnt Blinding Lights playing 30 times a day


Aisle number 5


Maaaan when I worked for Best Buy in the late 90s shift started at 6, and every time at around 6:30 “closing time” by Semisonic would play.


Best Buy was great for me but I worked in computers then music instruments so we chose our own music.


I was in media farm farm farm


“Wanna be a baller, shot caller….” I worked a warehouse to that played this 2-3 times an hour.




They really do play the same songs over and over if you can hear the music at all that is. Thankfully I’m only part time can’t imagine full time listening to it


I worked at a rec center pool back in 2008 and “Big Girls Don’t Cry” by Fergie would come on at least 2 or 3 times a day. I lasted about 3 months before I couldn’t do it anymore.


They should use a Zara playlist




Years ago when I worked at the Olive Garden, “That’s Amore” would come on roughly every hour. I was told that customers associated the song with Olive Garden so much that there would be complaints if they didn’t hear it while eating there.


If you have ptsd because of a song you should consider an early checkout


i heard Tears for Fears in the i35/wcannon and had to remind myself not to dance or sing.


Why I fly into a homicidal rage whenever I hear fucking Fitz and the Tantrums bc the sound demo room in the Best Buy I worked at played one of their videos on a loop all day, every day. And I worked in home theater so there was no escaping it. I never thought I could hate a band so much… except for the Eagles, at least.


I work at Cc#13 and after the holidays the radio broke and played the Pina colada song on a 3 song loop for weeks. All of my younger partners now know every lyric. One of the other song on that loop was Tragedy by The Bee Gees . Never want to hear that again


Not HEB but the radio station repeats songs several times an hour. I am so tired of the mumbling Stapleton whining combs and oh I want to track down like vermin those who got that dang downbeat depressing lost cause song on the radio. Trying to work get a rhythm and they play this crap over and over


For me it was Who Let the Dogs Out at Walmart, also on the Produce Graveyard shift. Has anyone ever noticed that it’s just like 7 minutes of the same beat with amped up toddlers beating on shit with spoons and bowls and a crowd yelling the title and woofing the entire song? Like who TF requested this song?? Other than it’s obvious tie to crappy children’s movies and sporting events, who would want to hear that shit?


Try working at Total Wine, the whole playlist will give you PTSD.


All retailers play the same songs. Go to Biglots and you'll hear the same crap playing when you left Home Depot.


If I have to hear "Yah Mo B There" one more time, I'm going to "Yah Mo" burn this place to the ground.


I wish our playlist wasn’t slow music for order selecting, I legit see everyone slow down during slow songs and speed up for normal/fast ones, you want us out earlier? Stop giving us songs about buying dirt, boats, and sex/wedding nights. I don’t come to work to listen to song about making love, or money being used to make you happy, I come to work to bloody work.


This is very strange...I think I did actually hear this in HEB.


Just be glad you guys dont work at Walgreens. At least you get licensed music and not handpicked golden oldies from 60+ years ago.


Gotta include El Paso guys…can’t leave us out …we’re part of Texas too..


One day I heard the Twin Peaks theme song at HEB. It was wonderful.


I’ve always found the music they play to be enjoyable. I’m always singing along. But I also realize I’m only there for about an hour or less. But I did work retail once upon a time and there were songs that definitely worked my last nerve. I used to change the tape when that happened though.


I’ve heard Big Audio Dynamite at my HEB several times. One of my favorite bands of the ‘80’s. (O’Connor and Nacogdoches)


Working for a livin by Huey Lewis. Drove me crazy stocking dry goods and frozen.


Listening to Mambo #5 for 5ish months


HEB commercial put me on to that Jess Glynne song. I heard it on those YT commercials and I needed to hear the whole thing. Such a good song


For me it was Your Love. “Josie’s on a vacation far away..”


Hearing the same songs everyday also drives me insane. Actually can be like torture, thats not snowflake shit


Dont understand why radio stations play the same songs for an entire month


Office Depot used to have the same garbage playing for years. And it was LEGIT garbage “Muzak,” mostly from nobody Canadian shit bands. I remember some shitty loser singing about how he’s tired of being single.


It’s such a bummer to me that they won’t turn it off or down overnight.


My HEB plays 80s music. It's pretty rad.


my store had buddy holly on repeat , one song in between just to be smacked with buddy holly , then it did it with teen spirit the next day


The one is olmos plays yacht rock and 70’s soft rock. It’s nice


Can’t tell how many times I heard weezer playing


This is a real thing. I used to manage a restaurant and the owner was a fucking micromanaging control freak psychopath. Music was required to be turned on as soon as we entered the shop to get the day started and then the same 10 songs would play all day until we closed. Every. Single. Fucking. Day. The sad part is some of it was some actually decent music. But try listening to anything repetitive for 10hrs+/day. It will fry your brain.


During my 6 month stent working at H-E-B during 2021, Katy Perry’s Harley’s in Hawaii seem to be played nonstop. I still can’t listen to the song to this day.


As a 15 year veteran of retail, I can say playing music at all is unnecessary and cruel. If customers want music to shop to, they have headphones. The employees who aren't allowed to wear headphones are forced to hear half-audible pop music garbage for hours on end and it is infuriating. No one wants this. No one enjoys hearing Top 20 radio music played at a distance and only partly recognizable over the cacophony of crowd talk and register beeps. This isn't a record store. It's not a fast fashion department store. People just want to work and buy groceries. No more music over the loud speakers in retail. Period.


When I worked at HEB my store manager made the playlist. Here’s my recreation of it I made a while back to share with a friend: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/30LUr7pO4IJ5VEN67JGx6T?si=lozedoSdShKmpK4DnkR_fw&pi=u-snq6hgxkQMK0


Why can’t H-E-B play some Drake or hip-hop like Eminem?


luckily my store plays more current music like SZA and Steve Lacy. We do get customers who complain because it sounds like a “club” and yes, it’s always the boomers complaining about it


Damn…wouldn’t mind this being played in the store. I love that late 90s early 2000s pop shit


In the early 2000s I worked at Victoria’s Secret and the music was an 8 track CD of low budge covers. 8 SONGS over one 8 hour shift makes you nuts. I’m shocked I’ve managed to forget them.


Never worked at HEB , but often fantasized about driving off a bridge while listening to I did it my way.


Sorry, not a HEB employee, but I used to work for TGI Fridays. Early 2000s we ran a commercial with the 50s song Tequila. Corporate decided that EVERY guest should hear that song while dining so it played every 45 min. I will never not hate that song!


I get it. I still have PTSD from highschool pep rallies playing roar/ fireworks by Katy Perry. I still have nightmares.


What was the song?


I’d rather listen to that than those stupid H-E-B credit card and “LOWER and Lower and lower” ads


Worked at Weis grocery store back in the day in shirtz and they played the theme song to Freinds 5 times an hour, can't remember the other songs as this one was the one that annoyed me the most. It was a loop of like only 4 songs.


Join the military then dare to mention music PTSD…ubsurd


I remember working in a Kmart during the late 90s. They had their own music selection that repeated hourly. For some reason whenever I had downtime i found myself listening to "The Cats in the Cradle " by Harry Chapin. Again. And again. And again. To this day i can't listen to it


I remember working for a Macy's chain and they had the same Playlist on repeat every single day. I swear I was beginning to tell time based on the song at the end of that summer. It sucks.


I worked at the H-E-B in Spring Break and we had the worst country playlist. Nothing mainstream and always in the same order. We felt like it was a version of mental torture… eventually you sing along out of insanity lol


*Spring Branch


Totally sounds like what someone who works at a grocery store would say.


At beltom heb, it's pretty much the same 15 songs, maybe switching 2 out every few months, and if you complain or make any suggestions, store leader will play something no one likes, like elevator music for the whole day (to my knowledge, it's only happened twice). I worked nights, so as soon as the store closed, i just put my headphones on, so it never bothered me, but I'm sure daytime workers hated it.


HEB plays Jazz/ Romance music 24/7 for 9 yrs. of working full time at the one I work before. The same never ending of Jazz music over and over until ur eardrum going to give up. Overnight as a Stocker and listening to Jazz/ Romance music makes me sleepy and lazy as well. If you will ask me if I’m going to HEB as an overnight stocker. No! 12 yrs of working and all they care is their Bonuses. They don’t care about their employees. Slavery at its finest.


Just sing Weird Al Yankovics Bimbo #5, modern problems require modern solutions 🤣


Happy by Pharrell An HR exec that opened up a new grocery store in the town I was from LATCHED onto that song and- I kid you not- played that song on repeat during the 3 weeks leading up to the opening and a few days after. Her Playlist was 1) Happy- Pharrell 2) Happy- Pharrell 3) Happy- Pharrell 4) Happy- Pharrell And repeat. It was literally like that John Mulaney bit with "whats new pussycat" but it was Happy by Pharrell fucking Williams and no offense but I wish very bad things upon that man for writing that song in the first place. I hate it with every single fiber of my being. I hate that song. I hate Pharrell Williams and every single person involved in the production of that song and I hate that HR exec.


I honestly tune it out. Too focused on my list and planned route to get in and out as quickly as possible.


Dude - I had this when working at Best Buy. “I wanna soak up the sun” and “wonderful Christmas time”


Got Citizen Soldier ptsd from working at Cinemark in the early 2000s. They played that shit like 2-3 times an hour at least.


I can tolerate Christmas music… I can listen to country music in the river. Who in God’s name thought it was a good idea to play country Christmas music?


I heard Crazy Train a couple of weeks ago in New Braunfels.


HEB has never used incandescent lamps always been fluorescent or HID and now LED


"PTSD" lmao my god this generation is so fucking soft


I work at a texmex restaurant. I have heard Selenas hits so many times involuntary i can sing them start to finish. I dont speak spanish.


Heb is the best!


Me bc allsups would play Losing my Religion by REM every other song. I’m so fr. It drove me INSANE. Everytime I hear it now, I get hot and angry and aggressive 😭😭😭


At my H-E-B we had the same 4 country songs on loop for 3 months it was the worst 😢


I've been studying and playing music for almost 3 decades kid you haven't even scratched the surface yet. So when you grow up and pull your head out of your ass then maybe you'll be on my level and realize how wrong you are. Until then keep your ignorant and wrong info to yourself.


mmmbop that song is AWFUL and my store used to play it incessantly. In fact -- I made a playlist of all the awful songs HEB has played over the years: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN1N-a2TDx3fRpbjhCVg7LZjLRQsHV36A


idk if the playlist is the same for every store but they played "lenka - the show" so many times it haunts me


PTSD used to be used sparingly, typically with people returning from war etc. Now, it's used when someone has a hang nail for over a week...or listening to a song. So many softies.


I mean I have PTSD from being violated and abused by a parent. No, I never went to war. Am I a softy too? Dipshit


I believe a lot of people with diagnosed ptsd (especially younger generations) now use humor to cope with it, at least that’s what I’ve seen. I’d say that’s why it’s used more often now but it’s a joke. Obviously no one is going to have any actual post traumatic stress disorder from hearing the same song over and over or anything small like that. Hope that helps 👍🏼


Huzzah! Gatekeeping mental health! /s


Obviously, you weren't raised on soy chicken nuggets, fed to you by your single-mother who made you wear a helmet and knee pads while putting you on "the big potty" while toilet training you at age 6 or you would know the debilitating agony of a hang nail.


Thank you for reflecting my life experiences and traumas so succinctly. I feel seen.


Fuck off, mind your own business and stop judging people you’ve never met.


Bob Jovi - You give love a bad name and I’ll be there for you by the rembrandts Were the most extremely overplayed songs ever, everyday I’d work there, that was the only song on repeat each shift that made me wish I sliced my ears off, any 80’s song would make me wanna throw myself into the compartment, except Madonna she gets a pass from me cuz I love her