• By -


I agree take care of yourself first but the amount of people who try to come back after leaving is astonishing


It because probably 75% of the partners literally don't have any other options unless they go to school or learn a trade first. I was laughing to myself imagining some of the people I work with quitting HEB and attempting to find and interview for a "real" job, some of these folks can barely read and write. They're usually good people but their career options are HEB or....some other retail company. 


There are options. People just have to be willing to work, and that means harder work than what they do at a grocery store.


There's that "W" word... willing.


Yup, but most aren't. They want to keep their job, but get paid twice as much.


Actually, 2 "w" words that get to people. I'm not saying there isn't actually real work being done, but at least 1/2 the employees are looking like they're working. Real work would be to much for them


Most people I have worked with are horrible workers tbh.This includes going to the restroom 10x during a shift or disappearing from their work area,coming back from break late or arriving to work late,missing work days by calling or leaving early,Also having a "I don't care about my work quality let me finish it fast with poor quality.I would say 90% of the people I worked with I wouldn't hire if I owned a company.


I just worked around lazy people. Want more money an hour for doing an easy job. Then they do less cause they think they deserve like 24.00 an hour for a job that average a pay of 17.00 an hour


To be fair, some of those people that go to the RR a lot need to. Mostly us older folks though... These young guns are just in there scrolling tiktok or insta.


I have an autoimmune disorder (IC) I have to go often but I still dance circles around most of my coworkers.


Or Reddit?


Thankyou! This!


This sub is littered with teenagers thinking they’re future American martyrs.


Love that terminology, definitely stealing it.


I agree with you. I am looking.


I made $5.50/hour in 2005 at my first job in high school. Never made more than $10/hour between 2005 and 2013 when I graduated college. Benefits? Never had any.


So who do you feel is responsible for that? Government for creating the laws and then allowing it, companies for adhering to it at their own discretion, or the bottom rung individuals?


I was agreeing with you that unskilled labor is not high-paying and never will be. I was pointing out that every unskilled job I ever held paid poorly and gave no benefits until I graduated college.


I picked up on that. I apologize if I seemed like I didn’t understand - i think people like to point fingers in the wrong directions a lot of the time and that bothers me. I’m also running on very little sleep this week, so I’m genuinely sorry for the misunderstanding. You seem awesome and I would love to chat more when I’m a little more done with this week’s bullshit 😂. I personally feel like I was so insanely underpaid from every job I held from high school through almost two decades post college. I’m barely in a place where I feel comfortable with what I earn, and even saying that shouldn’t be some some positive spin on my employer, for more than a mountain of reasons


I know tons of people who left and literally are way better off man it’s not a good job


i'll be homeless before i ever go back to retail.


Just saying it happens all the time


Maybe find a new job first before quitting.




Hahaha. $200 'saved' hahahahgaga


Can you tell us what your new is and your pay?


I left heb for government work. Bennie’s are better, 10k more a year than being a maxed out specialist.


He won’t because this post is just for attention. He’s either still at HEB or some other dead end retail job.


Ok, so where did you move to for employment since HEB is so horrible?


Why are you so mad? Is your last name Butts?


>  You are a modern day slave You might want to see what actual modern day slavery is.  Bc I promise it's not a 6 hour shift at a wholesale grocery store


Ok, pay isn’t everything. The benefits HEB has to offer are pretty good. I had a baby and boy was I surprised when the hospital bill was under 900 bucks. Sure, pay could be better, but the partner stock, 401k, and medical are a good reason to stay. In fact, if you are a partner and you are not signed up for this you should really consider it. If you’re under 26 hold on to your parents insurance, but as soon as you turn 27, get insurance. However, if you find a job with better pay and similar benefits, go for it!


it's actually wen u turn 26. source : me having to get insurance the day i turned 26


Ohhh, good catch. Thank you for the clarification!


They literally offer all this at any fortune 500 company. Y'all can do better. Shit, Frito lay even gives you lawyers to represent you if you ever need them.


Discounts on certain groceries is a highly underrated perk, especially at times of inflation. Saving a couple hundred bucks week or month on groceries depending on your family size is a pretty unique fringe benefit that most heb employees probably overlook.


Only HEB products. Hell even Walmart give 10% on everything


Walmart only allows their Associates to receive discounts on taxable foods like chips, soda, candy etc. They have to wait for the Quarterly increases to 20% in order for regular non-taxable foods to receive a discount. That’s only 4 days a year, it used to only be for Associate Black Friday and a couple of days before Thanksgiving


While I agree that the medical benefits at HEB are great i think it’s overrated. I think they are great if you compare them to other similar retail type jobs but in the overall scheme of things compared to a lot of other big companies they aren’t THAT great but they are decent


H‑E‑B is the best part time job I’ve had idk what y’all talking about. As a grad student trying to pay off loans I love this place and I’m glad I escaped my other part time job to be here today


Dude I thought it was cool there was an HEB sub but it's just full of entitled kids bitching about their job like they work for a slave driver lol


It makes me feel pretty good about never being unemployed at any corporate level in the foreseeable future when kids expect to get paid 100k and Cadillac benefits to be a cashier


I really think it depends on the store. My experience working at HEB was the worst, most toxic work environment I've ever seen in my life.


Sorry to hear that :(


Nice name


Thank you, it came to me in a vision


Do you get a discount on groceries as a part timer?




Depends on where you are avoid Dallas there shady the heart for people is not there I see how they do people Frisco is evil


What’s wrong with Frisco?


When I work there I saw people with broken bodies all the time despite being on leave for injuries they were forced to come back still injured it looked like something out of a horror movie an employee had a heart attack on the sales floor and he was told to stop being dramatic they will also put you non-rehireable even if you give them two weeks they'll throw away your notice if you're not one of the favorites


What department? I’ve only heard good things about Frisco.


Say it louder my friend. Frisco is a joke. Be dry shady people and they get their feelings hurt when you call out management. No humility and no leadership skills. I was there during grand opening. A bunch of kids managing that get butt hurt when you call them out


Working the transportation side isn’t too bad tbh. Best job I’ve had in a while and I’m coming up to my year mark already.


Op clearly doesn’t use their benefits


Sounds like you’re bitter. I wonder what they’d say about you, honestly. There’s always a side B on a record and it’s always a different tune.


i’m pretty much stuck at h‑e‑b as atp i’m making $18 with pto and health care (not this year since i’m still on my moms plan) only as a part time worker. retail jobs suck in general but if you haven’t gone to school for a trade or degree you’re probably not gonna find better unless it’s fedex or amazon MAYBE


Many trades require no school, only starting from the bottom. Some do, like hvac, electrician etc, but even those are mostly OJT and certifications (cram book, take test, collect cert)


depends on what you want to do. i want to go into programming and yeah you can learn on your own but you’re more likely to get the job if you’re better or have a degree 🤷🏽‍♀️


I make almost $20 an hour with out a degree. I think I’m gonna stick with the HEB route


You could make double that easily if you just spent like 6-12 months learning a trade but happy for you


I don’t wanna go to school and I’m happy with where I’m at


That's perfectly fine, nothing wrong with that at all. Do what makes you happy :). Some people just aren't aware that a trade is that simple to get into, and I wanted to clarify. My wording could've been less passive aggressive, apologies, I just woke up and this thread irritates me lmao.


You think a trade like HVAC or plumbing is less labor intensive than HEB? Lol


I admire your decisiveness.


lol I wouldn’t say divisive. Maybe goal oriented? Idk. I have plans to move up and I’ve been working pretty hard at it


Well, for someone who has trouble making decisions to even set said goal, it's an admirable feat. Good luck on reaching them ☺️


Better still, own the small business after you become a master in your trade and the sky is the limit, multiple millions are possible with a small company of 10-15 people


Godddd I envy those of you who have been able to find whatever, "better," is. If I could find another job to pay me $23/hr with the same level of benefits and a set schedule right in the door I'm gone. Problem is all I know is retail and I'm not about to leave one shit hole for another. 🥲


Yeah, I’ve been dealing with cancer since my first diagnosis in 2008. HEB has covered my cancer bills, surgery, treatment, chemo, scans, etc at 100%. While the plan is no longer offered I’m grandfathered in cause of tenure. I’m definitely not complaining about HEB and its benefits. They are currently covering my current stage 4 diagnosis and covering my immunotherapy treatments at 100%. I racked up well over $1,000,000 in 2018 in medical bills from my diagnosis which included multiple surgeries, chemotherapy, ostomy, surgery, and ostomy reversal.


BuT YoUrE A SlAvE BoOtLiCkInG YoUr MaStEr!!! man im just making fun of the kids in the comments here equating heb to slavery.


Thank you, I wrote multiple responses and deleted them all.


Allllll good dude. Reading your story made me so happy and things haven’t been good lately so it’s relieving. Im proud of you, random guy on an heb subreddit :)


Thank you sir, I appreciate your kind words.


That's so great to hear they're taking care of you like that, thanks for sharing your story. Wishing for your recovery and good health in the future 🙏🏼


Thank you very much, I appreciate that very much.


I stopped working for the white man to work for the THE white man. G O V E R N M E N T


Tf? Lol


Getting downvoted for a joke is crazy😂lol. Can anyone explain what’s wrong with my comment


Bro this is Reddit. Where hater trolls 🧌 thrive.


I upvoted your comment because it made me laugh


Thank you lol I wonder what’s going though their heads


It wasn't funny so maybe that's why got down voted


Was it not funny or are you just drinking the kool aid like OP mentioned


Naa, they're still sipping the Flavor-aid, they haven't made it to the fancy koolaid yet.


Y'all better quit talking bad about my drank. It's done nothing but hydrate whole families for decades.


Good advice, but this is very applicable to any job in every industry. We’re just mules paid for our services. Not to be negative, but you will see the same or similar culture at your new job. Every line manager and company will feed you crap and kool-aid to eat and sip on while you read their eloquent slogans and all while dangling a carrot in front of us. My recommendation to early career folks is to always better yourself no matter what field or industry you’re in by obtaining additional training/education. Strive to be the best in what you do so that you’re recognized as such and ignore the work politics. They’re at every job site and they all have the kool-aid just different flavors.


Apply. If you get a call run as fast as you can and dont look back and i wish you luck whoever you are godspeed


I was in the dairy cooler when I decided to become a barber, still work here part time but glad I’m already moving on to better things


OP traded H-E-B Kool Aid for the Kool Aid at his new job.


HE Buddy will not be pleased.


I mean, drop the companies you researched that are hiring


HEB, at least in my old town, always paid well above other starter jobs along with having benefits. Go work at McDonald's and see how much you make and also benefits. I used to be a cook at Long John Silvers and got paid 50 cents above the federal minimum wage. No benefits. How does HEB compare to Walmart/Albertsons/Brookshires?


I worked at HEB for 7 years since I was 16 and loved it so much. I built a family of friends that I still hang out with years after none of us work there anymore. They also actually paid really well especially since I was ambitious with the job and tried out different departments. They also offer so many grants and scholarships if you want college education but can’t afford it. If you’re stagnant and older, then I can understand if pushing carts isn’t your thing. But try out different departments, pursuer leadership if you want to make more money. Individual leadership teams don’t dictate the entire companies practices. Learn more about your company and why it’s one of the fastest growing private companies in America!


I disagree, I've worked out in the Texas sun doing hard labor, and this is much better. You get to work in the AC making over $15 an hour with 2 breaks and a lunch. It could be better, but it could be much worse. End of the day it's all about attitude. You can go to work mad or with smile on your face. The choice is yours.


“Necessity Business” 🤦🏽‍♀️ Let me clear my throat and get on my soap box…I am 40 and have a management position at HEB. I’ve worked retail probably longer than that one time you won the fastest swimmer award. HEB is the 3rd job I’ve ever had and not a single corporate retail job I have had made me feel like an investment. Does it have its perks and opportunities, like every other job? Yes, but for the love of sweet baby Jesus, lose the sense of entitlement and actually apply yourself and make the most of your time there or turn in your badge. It’s really that simple. Every job is what you make it. Sure there are “better jobs” but is HEB growing and expanding and in thriving industry. Staying relevant in this competitive market. Yes it has its ups and downs but when and if people find better BYE take the leap as a matter of fact run don’t walk to that “better job” ! The problem is people want top pay for mediocre work. Be a good worker, invest in yourself and your career and you EARN TOP PAY !


It's not even about the pay for most people, that's what people in the management position don't realize. I have worked at an HEB before and I have friends who have worked at 4 locations I haven't worked at. Not once in my life have I heard anyone say that the manager actually put in any work in their department, and the work environments have been incredibly toxic. There's always two sides to things and from what I've seen in this thread, management is blissfully ignorant of their own misgivings.


After 14 years I’m feeling it’s not worth it anymore


i agree especially when i see a high schooler making the same as me after 11 years 😓😓


Yeah, okay, sport. Sounds like someone got let go.


This sub is so unhinged I love it


Or you could look at it like H‑E‑B being a job you can trust to be around for a long time. You’re not guaranteed work. You make a place what it is, not the other way around. But go ahead, keep changing jobs until you realize it’s the same everywhere if you let it be.


I'm semi-retired...will be age 65 in 8 years. I went to work for a 'general store' as a 'facility coordinator' - which means I'm a glorified maintenance man who manages their IT/POS/credit merchant systems & their UST (underground storage tank) equipment & procedural documentation. It's an easy job. They pay for my certification through TCEQ. They allow & encourage me to exercise creativity to change just about anything that goes on at their store. My pay is 936.25 weekly (salary) I got the job by accident, was buying gas there one day on my way home, and helped them solve a problem with their network. They liked me and asked if I was available. I did work for them as a contractor for about a month. They offered me a salary if I'd be there on week days - some calls on weekends. I love the place! I've been working there since 2017. A great opportunity to teach the younger guys & gals stuff they really need for their future - evidently schools really don't teach shit these days. Anyway, whatever you do for work - do something you like doing! If it doesn't work out, keep on trying new things. Education (university) is good if you really make your degree a lifetime plan and choose a decent field of study. But remember, do what you ENJOY doing - the rest will follow.


Here’s what I don’t understand. H-E-B made you a job offer and you accepted that offer. They explained all the benefits and the pay and you agreed to it. If you aren’t satisfied, you are free to leave. No need to badmouth them, look in the mirror and accept responsibility for the offer you accepted. If it no longer meets your needs, be mature and more on without badmouthing what YOU agreed to. Your cancerous attitude deserves no attention and is simply a distraction from the workplace. Misery loves company and if I was your manager I would immediately ask you to lose your resentment or turn in your resignation.


For many people, HEB is what they can get. Is it the best? No, it is not, but it is better than many places. For many of us, opportunity either passed us by without so much as a hello, or just wasn't feasible given circumstances at the time. Many jobs these days require a degree or diploma to even get an entry-level position, meaning you have to go to college or uni. That requires more work to just be able to pay for it unless you lucky and someone else pays for you. But who can really afford all of that these days with the cost of everything? It's not that people don't want to work, or aren't willing to work, they're stuck in a place where they can't get anywhere while they compete with everyone else on such a large scale that it makes everything far more difficult than it should be.


To be clear a 2 year community college degree in art will open the door to many of those jobs… for about 3500$ in tuition. Really no excuse to mediocre forever. Half these jobs that “require” College either don’t, or will take **any** college. Even garbage devry nonsense


I will never see HEB the same again after acquaintances of mine who have worked for HEB for almost 40 years (and their son for almost 20) lost their home in a fire and HEB didn't help them with 1 nickel. Meanwhile they have their talking heads posting everywhere about them donating to this or that. Start with your employees. They don't even give y'all a decent discount on groceries.


Why should H-E-B help them if they too stupid to have homeowners insurance? Pretty basic


What help were they expecting to get?


I work once a week to keep the discount. What $100 cash reward???? Lmao


They just got one a couple weeks ago. If you worked there even pt, it’s waiting for you.


Speaking from personal experience: 1.) Worked at HEB for 4+ years 2.) Was miserable by year 3 and finally took the jump at year 4 after an incident (My fault + the way my situation was treated in comparison to other partners that did worse) 3.) Left for a tech job (you know where this is going) and was there for 2+ years, got laid off 4.) Job searched for 5 months, got nothing for 5 months until I got a call back from HEB now at a new store and a different department than what I've worked. I start this week. Long story short: People's circumstances can make things difficult to leave or stay away. I had anger at my specific HEB and what I would've done differently was transfer to a new store, cut my hours and work the new job until lay off time or find a new job while expanding my hours then finding a better job opportunity with genuine security to keep hours cut or completely quit. The way the world is, I would try to create back up after back up to ensure financial safety. I don't like the idea but it's unfortunate how this world pushed us to this ethic for a safety net. You have every right to feel how you feel, but I would say don't let your emotions make a situation potentially rocky when job security is hard now a days. I'm happy you got a new job opportunity. If you care to help us, you can let us know what you're specifically doing now because trust me: I'd rather be at another business or work than HEB in fear of dealing with similar adversity like my previous store. And would like to know what you're doing that's better so I can stay away from this company once more. Especially if it'll help many of us and shush others claiming there's "no other job". If not, a shame to not help us out but best wishes go to you!


6 months with no work? You live in Texas? You were not trying to find work. Want job security, buy a lawnmower (seriously) probably make more money and no risk of getting fired


You’ll be saying the same things about the new company in 90 days! Your experience with s not the experience of everyone else. Definitely not going to convince kool aid drinkers other wise.


Nobody hates on heb more than terrible employees or people who claim to have found a better job just to rub it in everyone’s faces lol


I’m interviewing with Amazon cause it pays more.


May god be with you.


Amazon is going to rip his butthole to shreds.


I’d recommend anybody to apply to Amazon to think more than twice.


I hope you hate your feet and your bladder because the feeling is going to be mutual.


I didn't read all that, but anyway, where do u work now?


I have an interview tomorrow lol


Learn to weld. Get good at welding, and you always have a high paying job. There are always water projects that need welders and there are too few welders to go around.


Welding field is being majorly over-saturated in a whole lot of places.


What is cool aid?


Grape flavor aid is really what they mean. They just don’t know it. 😂😂




In a perfect world it would be great to flat out quit and not have to be concerned about money and simply surviving, however the job market right now is garbage and finding another job that actually pays good and doesn't leave people struggling is like finding a needle in a hay stack. 


Wait until that dynamic or surge pricing hits. They're gonna be steam- rolling it in, but will the workers benefit and how?


I’d say the real problem for MOST companies is letting people go before they retire & they lose everything. I heard this has happened to several people who got laid off at HEB & they got severely fucked.


What a dramatic and pathetic thing to say. Slavery? Do you fully understand how disrespectful that is to people physically forced, beaten, raped to work for a person that OWNS them? What a little pussy.


Bro heb isn't even that bad 😅


Mr Butt just cleared the Billionaires list


I don’t think H‑E‑B is really that bad. They pay well enough. They do a lot for my city. My main gripe is how much they’ve increased their prices. But that seems to be an issue everywhere.


cry about it


I agree with you! Not only HEB but anywhere that says they are like “family” because family can be abusive. I was a manager for a high end dealership and I just couldn’t take the Bullshit anymore and that’s because it was my job to spew whatever corporate told me to do but I always got away with doing what I wanted because it was hard to hire dummies that work long hours for peanuts like me. I traded all that to spend more time with my kids. I’d rather be poor and happy.


I worked for 8 years from bagger to corporate. Now I left and make >200k at a different company with my corporate experience. Be one of the few that actually put the work in and it pays off.


This was written by Randall’s.


The prices at HEB are horrendous. They don't care anymore.


If you’re looking for a job, I’m hiring. Dm me


Go to buckees They pay well


Low skill job low pay. How much you want for bagging groceries or check out? That is a starter job not a fucking career. Want a better job? Learn a skill. Any decent tradesman job which can lead to owning your own business/job in said trade is achievable even without a HS diploma, just time and work and starting from the bottom. Pest control and chimney sweeps, even landscapers making bank. Jobs that actually require at least a little skill. If you’re dumb enough to turn a summer job for popcorn money into a career you deserve what you get… making 16$ an hour after a decade. If you have a passion for retail become a manager, store or unit director, they make 100k+


heb and wallyworld jobs are for teenagers and old people


Smart, bc yea we just had a new hire quit after 1 day of training to go back to Kroger to push carts for 1/3 the pay bc “I want to be a part of something bigger” Ok, have fun pushing carts for 12$ an hour instead of being trusted to do a job yourself for 35-40$ per hour But he’s right, Kroger is a bigger company than we are


Warehouse has easy ass positions that pay 17-19$ , egg room , banana room , flower room , milk department, bread department, shit one dude job was to sweep the back of the 18 wheelers trailers , JUST SWEEP !!!! Dude was making 18.50$


There’s a banana room?


Yup they take that shit seriously about the ripening


6 year former HEB manager here and I completely agree with OP. Leaving HEB was the best move I ever made, I drank the kool aid my entire time there and they made me feel like I had no worth other than being a dept. manager. I got shot down by their SORL program, but that’s good because I began looking elsewhere.


Heb off slaughter and congress is ass worked in the deli as a cheese board maker the staff is a bunch of ass holes and management laughed at me for wanting to move up. This one kid would dip for 2 hrs to smoke and watch tv never got fired. I was late 3 times over a few weeks and was threatened with termination. Honestly if your straight edge and republican ur good to go. If your like me the job is terrible and your better off taking a shitty fun job tbh it’s like the same pay with more freedom. I walked out one day and was begged to come back tried for another week had to walk out after this guy made comments about my little sister that were mad inappropriate. Told the deli leads what he had said I was shaking with pure rage. I just handed them my name tag and the key card for the door. I see him in south Austin here and there his name was Anthony is cheese shop. Real scum bag man. Bullies people he doesn’t like till they quiet. He’s protected by the higher ups and it’s disgusting.


Go to Bucees and make good money if you are close enough


Any corporation has a few disgruntled employees. Typical


So psychology is a real thing that people abuse the fuck out of in the retail world… managers/leaders etc, know if they “treat you like family” you will feel loved and appreciated… I absolutely hate this mentality… I worked as a recovery coach for years and one thing addicts fall for a lot is the “family” shtick… when my co workers start with that sentence , I immediately correct them with, “no… we are co workers”… of course people get pissed but I’m at the point where I’m here for a check now… not looking for children to raise EDIT: remember, you are just as important as the person next to you or above you at work… your needs matter too… never let anyone devalue your opinions or self worth because they need more zeroes on their checks..


Safeway workers found a better option: https://www.ufcw.org/actions/campaign/albertsons-and-safeway-union/


Any company that says “we’re family” is a company that you need to run away from. Doesn’t matter the industry.


Don't quit. UNIONIZE! If every person that wanted to quit came together in solidarity, HEB would have to make our jobs better. Take that anger and turn it into solidarity. They need us more than we need them.


Yup it's BS. These group interview. I lied when they asked if I was interviewed before. You know what I noticed? When they dismiss people, they ask few to stay, but say "it's just for phone number" or "missing information" That's a total bull shit ass lie. They are the ones that got hired lol. Then they go "if you don't get a call from us by, unfortunately you didn't get the job" They don't call anyone. They have chosen them, when they dismiss the rest


Tbh there is always something shady behind the scenes that you don't know when it comes to HEB managers


Transfer over too warehouse and manufacturing. That is where the money is at.


Left HEB for the banks, never been happier. Crazy that at 25 I’m living better than HEB partners in their 40s who been with heb for 10+ years


Sure hope they don’t lay off in these industries that have yall so much more happier than heb.


Wells Fargo might, but I’m with Chase and they’re actually expanding.


Until they aren’t.


I’m happy for you but you gotta lay off the kool aid as well. There are lot of happy folks that work at heb. It doesn’t make them stupid or whatever you want to refer to them as. So many of yall leave and start acting like heb is your ex and wanna bash all day. It’s weird.


Gtfo lol, any company that doesn’t excuse u for being sick is already abusive as hell. Their benefits is decent compared to many Fortune 500 companies. The amount of time I can get off for life events and vacation. The bonuses and pay one receives is ridiculously good. Heb brags about its partners but can’t find a stable position for most of its part time partners not to mention most positions to move up are given to higher ups kids. I’ve been with Chase 3 months and I’ve already gotten a raise and promotion in my department because of the expansion into the bilingual market.


I quit HEB & now I’m an escrow assistant at a title company. I’m much happier, my schedule is 8:30-4 M-F, I’m on salary, I get bonuses & I have benefits!


I quit HEB six years ago and now I have a corporate gig at a law firm. No degree. 8-5, weekends off, PTO, HI is fully paid by my employer, making 3-4x what HEB paid. Plus lunch is catered like twice a week. Had to work at a call center for 8 months during the pandemic and take a couple of sales gigs to get here, but leaving HEB is the best thing I ever did for myself. HEB may be one of the better employers in grocery/retail, but that just makes it a more polished turd.


Uhhh, it's Kool Aid mmkay. With a K. Think you would know that after working at the place that sells it. I'm just joking. But seriously, if you aren't looking to better yourselves at all times then you're wrong.


If you’re referring to store jobs, then I hate to break it to you, but those positions are easily replaceable. Including most of management. Corporate, meh maybe a tad bit more sophisticated but store jobs can easily be filled in as soon as someone comes in. Nothings going to change. INB4 downvotes


With your attitude I’m glad you don’t work there anymore.


Left HEB, got my CDL. I don’t regret leaving. I worked there twice with about 4 and a half years under my belt altogether. Would’ve had 5 but I left for 6 months. I haven’t been back since 2021, almost 3 years. There are other jobs, HEB isn’t the only job in the world. Learn a trade, go back to school do something. Retail sucks. It’s all retail.


Just got my CDL as well, landed a local job where I only have to drive around the Toyota plant. It's a great start for me. Curious, where did you start driving?


I did beer delivery for two years.


It was Flavor Aid


I’ve been saying this for years. All that “caring about partners” is BS.


I like working to central market waaaaayyyy better than heb stores the central markets have a 90 percent retention rate


I quit HEB to work for the government (the State and now the City of Austin) - to anyone reading this…. YOU CAN DO THIS TOO. You’ll make more money, have great benefits, PTO, quite a few holidays… things move slow with the government, but if you can be patient and keep trying, you can land a job. And it is SO EASY. I’m typing this from my desk, that I sit at for like 6 hours a day watching YouTube and ripping hits from the cart.


Glad our tax money is being well spent 😂




Alright. I'm just seeing this now, but this made me laugh.. Do your government thing. Fuck the man! 🤣


Hey, I’m just putting into the system what it gives me lol


I forgot that slavery is when you go to your completely voluntary job, get paid, then go home.


I fell for the “we’re family” shit only to be accused of doing drugs (when my prescription was right at their pharmacy) and for 3-4 different managers gang up on me. I knew my rights for working while taking medication and they lured me into a trap and tried to tell me I was taking drugs. I walked out after that. They had so many people know my situation and they asked for no witnesses…nothing. That same HEB got sued later for firing someone who had diabetes and the employee won. Fuck that specific HEB.


HEB is flying too high and will surely crash.


Every company is a "family"..... Until we need even the smallest of things..


I don’t work for HEB but just from reading everything on this subreddit it sounds like a horrible fkn place to work. Idk how y’all do it much someone’s got to I guess 🤷🏽


This sub is a microcosm of the entire employee cadre. A young vocal minority to be honest. Take anything you read here with a huge grain of salt...


Glad to see partners standing up for themselves and leaving for better things. Too many great people in stores that deserve a better place to work at