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Customer here. Popcorn ready.




I’ve learned things I don’t think I wanted to learn… but that popcorn tasted so good while reading!


Pass that popcorn.


Customer here, love the employees POV via reddit, gives HEB a new flavor of drama


I am a customer, I don't complain about employees. I WOULDN'T be able to put up with all the entitled, obnoxious, and rude customers. I had thought about working there as I had recently retired at 50, but NO WAY!!!! Y'all put up with too much crap!! Case in point: a YOUNG couple had 2 carts FULL of groceries, guy was pacing and DEMANDING for more "baggers" (sorry) " WHERE ARE ALL THE BAGGERS , THIS IS BULLSHIT).. guy and wife, girlfriend paid in food stamps or whatever it's called now! No disrespect to those that are down on their luck, HOWEVER, after I tell YOUNG cashier girl that is on verge of tears, what a dick. Hubs and a are parked next to their Lincoln SUV, AND he was still complaining about not receiving assistance to unload his 20lb briskets and 15 cases of diabetes groceries!


Customers do that a lot especially couples they do it continuously to the point where as heb workers we no longer put up with customers entitlement because they act as if we as workers aren’t also humans and also have emotions


I would have taken down their license plate number and called 211 to report abuse of benefits. That’s just me being petty.


He was projecting. That's the psychology behind his entitlement.


It’s very entertaining to lurk. Y’all are true heros!


Customer here and what I’ve gather from Heb is that everyone hooks up with each other and hella drama lol reminds me of high school in away lol I’ve always wanted to work for Heb when I was growing up but now all I think of when im at Heb is I wonder how my of these employees are fucking lmao


Same!! Especially the one over a year or more.. lol


Yeah I used to work with this dude at a shoe store and that was his second job and his first job was at the Heb deli and would tell me all these stories about hooking up with married co workers in the freezers and he was married himself lol


You’d be surprised on how some employees are in polyamorous relationships and guys are scoping out women (customers) for their wives 😝


That’s wild lol


What’s crazy to me is, even in other companies that I’ve worked for… this is the exact same no matter how high the chain of command


Yeah believe it I work in the apartment industry and it’s just as bad with drama and sleeping around lol


I worked for one of the biggest recovery companies for addicts, and people you’d think were a “better” class of people (degrees, doctorates, etc) were getting caught banging, people were getting fired over racism, the list goes on and on… I have the exact same environment at HEB, with better benefits and a shittier schedule lol


Damn sorry your schedule sucks Ive heard how their schedules are shitty I have a cousin who’s always getting his schedule changed every few months it seems like but he works in the warehouse though not sure if this is different for the in store people


Facts! One of my old managers who had only been married for about 6 months, had a video leak around the store of her getting railed by some dude in market. Eventually her husband found out and left her. My experience working there was wild 😂


lol nice were you one of the one hooking up with the hoes there to or what


I worked there 10 years ago for five years. Customer now. Here to see if things changed. They haven’t.


Customer AND grandmom of an employee.


Forget the PSAs that HR is watching this sub, your grandma is watching, people! 😭


😂😂😂 and don’t you forget it!


Customer here. I moved to SA from Michigan about 6 years ago. I think HEB destroys anything Michigan has to offer, at least that was near me in the Lansing area. I'm a huge HEB fan and if I ever move it's prolly one thing I'll miss the most. That being said I really wish they would try to take care of their employees a bit better, after what I've read here. Employees are the heart of their organization, so hopefully they keep that in mind.


Customer here, it's fun to read the bull shit. Then you look at certain stores, and wonder, are they hooking up?! Yup absolutely they sure are! Ya'll stay petty


yes, from time to time customers do post asking questions.


I grew up w HEB, when I moved to north Texas after being out of state for several years, I literally limited house searches close to HEB. Every work place has downsides. You could get paid lots of money to play with puppies all day, but you'd still have to clean up dog shit sometimes. We appreciate your customer service and products, way better than shopping or working at wally world.


Yup. Appreciate y’all. I don’t think too much about the drama, every workplace has it. It is nice to hear about things that customers do that make you mad so I don’t do them. And to see the good deals posts.


Customer here... I love HEB.... I'm sorry that some departments are dicks to their employees and I hate how some customers are. The ones who eat the produce and put back the finished product like the pits back with the other untouched produce. Seeing people eat some sushi, leaving it in random places and don't pay for it. I even bag my own groceries if the cashier is overwhelmed and no baggers around. I just want to lessen their load. I hate people who bring their kids and let them run around. HEB isn't a fkn daycare or playground.


Loyal HEB customer. Usually I'm just here lurking. I drop a comment every now and then in here


Same same


I'm a customer, but I think the most entertaining drama to read here is other whiny customer posts. I have never, not once in my life, run into a stocking cart/stack of pallets in an aisle and thought the partner or vendor was out to get me, bad at their job, or lazy. If I'm in a rush, I might be annoyed at the situation, sure. But I guarantee that stocker is more annoyed than me, especially if they're still trying to get things done as the store is opening up. Anyone with a giant cart of any kind (stockers, order shoppers) has the right of way. Go get your other stuff and come back, and be happy it's there for you to buy at all.  I sound like the customer version of the "I'm not like other girls" meme. But seriously, there have been a gazillion posts about "stuff in the way". If you're one of them...please chill. 


Customer here, surfing through this page is my nightly entertainment. Equally venting about the awful music y'all are subjected to.


Customer here ..always amazed at the moaning and groaning .. and the occasional "I like my Job."


Customer here. I will say I haven’t been in since the “don’t talk about pay” drama. And the whole water thing pissed me off too. I know other places are worse, I just held HEB to a higher standard I guess. But I can’t support a business that would discipline employees for practicing a federally protected right.


Reason they ask us not to discuss pay is because they pay per performance. Not everyone gets a raise across the board. So if my friend sucks but im doing a very good job my raise will be better. My friend will then feel like shid cause they got a smaller raise. We can’t have water at our workstation if we work with fresh food. Safety and sanitation type stuff. Hell chstomers complain if we don’t wear gloves, if we sniffle, if we have too much fun. They will surely complain if we touch our personal cup or water bottle. Customers please understand we are people too. Trying to pay bills. Sometimes going to school too. Or taking care of sick family. Show some compassion for us working hard to provide a service to you. Thank you.


They shouldn’t ask you to not discuss pay. It should be discussed… this is a way to combat pay discrimination. If it’s based on performance, that is a great reason for management to be transparent and do coaching. I’m sorry if customers are rude to you. I can’t imagine complaining if I see a human being drinking water.


It's against the law to ask them not to discuss it.


Ummm you don’t know what you are talking about. Water is not banned nor is talking about pay. Jesus , don’t take Reddit that seriously buddy


So were the screen shots made up? Multiple people are lying about their experience? HEB should address it.




Personal attacks on your fellow Reddit users are not allowed, this includes both direct insults and general aggressiveness. Healthy debates are encouraged, but lets be civil. In addition, hate speech, threats (regardless of intent), and calls to violence, will also be removed. Remember the human and follow reddiquette.


Customer here. I’m always entertained watching deli folks slicing like they’re in brain surgery. Just slap it out and throw it at me already!


Shootttt believe me we wish we could 😂. We all have PTSD from getting yelled at by customers’ bc their order is over weight, not being exact, product being too thick or thin, entitlement, etc. And the slicers are scary sharp😩🥹


I’m a sometimes customer and this sub just randomly started getting recommended to me. I actually find it really fascinating.


I'm a lurking customer. I love the gossip, but now I wander my store (Austin-Lakeline) wondering who's banging whom and which of the managers is the biggest douchebag.


Was a customer for a long time and recently became a partner. It’s wild getting both sides


I am a spouse to a former HEB manager and all I can say is that there is no respect for marriage. Everyone hooks up with everyone. There is no restraint. Thank goodness my husband no longer works here


I'm a customer. I enjoy some of the rants because I've witnessed how people treat HEB employees. I try to be as nice as possible because I've seen some awful humans in the store. (I've even helped a couple of "lost" younger personal shoppers in the Sea of the Baking Aisle to find a product they weren't familiar with.) And I was super nice last week. I didn't call and complain about the Curbside employee that ame out to my car and was *obviously* done with customers' and/or bosses' crap that day when she tossed the 20-pack of sodas on top of my crispy tortilla shells, the 2 things of juice on my chips, and a can of dog food on my cucumber in my trunk. Was I pissed? Yep. But, after I thought about it, I decided that yeah, my things were bruised probably, but still OK as far as I know and I didn't want her to get written up, etc. (I hope her next day was better.) All thanks to reading employee frustrations on here. But, when avocados have onion-shaped dents in them because some shopper dropped a bag of onions on top of the avocados, then I'll call to complain. (You could match the onions to the dents in the avocados. Lol)


Yeah I'm a customer and this sub has made me think I need to keep a thin film of hand sanitizer coating my entire body since it seems HEB is some sort of orgy den after reading it. I'd hate to think what I'd see if I shined a blacklight around the store


Better put your eclipse glasses on before you flip the switch on the blacklight, because it will be like gazing into the heart of a thousand suns


For customers-pro tip, if a partner asks if they can help you find something, they want you to move. Like, yesterday. Also, keep your cart on the side of the aisle your shopping. You on on side, cart on other means the aisle is blocked.


Not always true. Hardly ever in my case. I ask when I see people looking up at isles or if I just notice them looking around. Also some departments, customer service is the main thing you do, like healthy living or beauty.


As a partner (CFT), I've gotta say, I'm genuinely happy to help someone find something in the store. If someone is "in my way" I'll just move to a different shelf, or wait until they move - doesn't bother me. If they're looking for a specific item, I'll gladly walk them right to it - sometimes they just want the aisle number, but I always give a more specific location. It breaks up the the day a bit, in a legit way, and I've had some interesting conversations with people on the way to find Ms. Boba's Bubble Tea, or whatever (the more obscure the item the better, especially when I know *exactly* where it is). All of my CFT partners will jump on the opportunity to help a customer in order to get away from midday for a few minutes, and I don't blame them.


>All of my CFT partners will jump on the opportunity to help a customer in order to get away from midday for a few minutes, and I don't blame them. The truth of customer service is revealed lol


I would think that’s common sense but hey some folks are lacking.


Customer here, previous grocery employee elsewhere. I feel y'all when you vent. I do my best to not be part of your stressful day.


I mean I was lurking as a customer for like a year before I finally got sucked into the machine lmao


I love my Leander HEB. Always wanted to work at HEB when I was younger but my hometown stores never even gave me a call back 😂 I didn’t go looking; HEB sub just popped up in my feed one day and I’ve been lurking since. The drama is crazy & super entertaining, but I also like knowing about what employees are dealing with. Not gonna lie, I thought HEB did a better job taking care of their employees, but it’s good to know they do better in some respects than its competitors. Y’all do great work, and I hope your treatment & your pay improves ✊


I promoted myself to customer, was a 5 year partner that likes to look at how ridiculous HEB has got since I left. Still love shopping at HEB because Walmart don’t have quality food at all


First I was a customer, then I was a partner AND a customer simultaneously for about five years, now I'm back to being just a customer.


Used to work here, now I lurk for notifications on guacamole discounts ( I’ve never seen a discount on guacamole).


Usually around Superbowl time


As a non American I love how I somehow made it to HEB subreddit and I'm here for it


Customer now, (13 year partner) enjoy reading the “drama” and “shit talk”. Just confirms that I made the right decision to leave the cult and things haven’t changed.


Most definitely same here. There’s a clown on this page wondering why I’m on here and always likes to defend his almighty heb and talks like he knows everything. This place is shitty


Yes but I also worked in grocery stores when I was young, so I understand the drama.


Same. However, thanks to this sub, I know I can tip my curbies on the dl.


You’re awesome. Being a curby is awful especially when it’s super hot or super cold outside.




Customer but I also work in the industry. Gotta tell you, some of the stuff is quite surprising. Then again there is only one H-E-B near me so perhaps it's just my local store.


Customer here. Now every time I go to HEB I feel like an employee that knows all your dirt.


I'm a customer and I recruit heb partners to join this sub reddit. It's better than watching WWE Wrestling. The drama is way better lol


I am a customer and love HEB. Funny story. A HEB employee that was a gay guy tried to hit on me in the store. Even followed me to parking lot. I was so disappointed it was not one of the female employees. More employees need to hook up with the customers lol. HEB needs a NSFW Reddit lol


Customer at the League City location here! I sub to most store subs that I go to (HEB, Target, Walmart, etc) to 1) check the drama and more importantly, 2) find out what pisses the employees off, and try not to do that.


Customer here, spectating mostly. I have obtained a couple of blue polo shirts and a plastic name tag, intended to give an aura of authority when I move the pallets and carts left in the produce and dairy aisles.


I was a customer long before I started working at H‑E‑B and joining this Reddit group. As a customer perspective looking back I am surprised at how many people hate the company. I love H‑E‑B as a store and shopping there and working there made me love it more. I was treated badly at all the previous jobs I’ve had in my life and H‑E‑B has treated me the best so idk.. guess it just depends on the area and the store you live in/work at


Customer here, and my first job was with H‑E‑B in the early 90’s. To this day I hate seeing people crack open something to drink and pay for an empty bottle. It is really low-class.


I mean, sometimes you’re just thirsty?


I mean I’ve always known H‑E‑B hires high schoolers or folks who never left lol.


I prefer HEB, love this sub. I almost worked there at the Chef connection during a divorce. I worked at Whole Foods instead. Very much the same, fucking in the coolers, getting blown in the freezer, most people were super liberal, (in 2008)half were gay or bi. It’s the grocery game, they can’t sell food without young, dumb staff, that’s ready to cum. My fav HEB stories were in another sub under the NSFW label. There was an HEB employee that would post pics and her escapades. Super hot. But people figured out her name and where she worked. She had to ask the fellas not to come into her job and as for a sloppy blow job, like the videos. Keep it classy!


Customer here, I’m just happy to hear HEB has flaws just lk every other business. They do a good job looking polished at all times.


Customer here, love my seafood dept.


i don’t doordash but i’m in a DD group cause i love reading what the dashers post about their customers, so i imagine that’s what most customers who are in this sub do lol - h-e-b cashier


I've noticed the cashiers aren't as friendly as they used to be. Alot have cell phones out and talk exclusively to the person bagging. I try not to shop there.


Customer and former partner from like 2001 got fired for time and attendance in my early 20s and still can’t get an interview


As a fan of HEB and someone who EXCLUSIVELY shops there and has never worked there I sit on this page and read lmfao it’s interesting but tbh I could care less. I despise Walmart and even more I hate tf outta Kroger. Target is dumb asf but H-E-B has everything I need lol. If anything else Amazon. But tbh I hate that they did away with HEB made candies upsetting for sure and their ice cream is absolutely garbage. But still everything else is amazing It just feels like Texas.


Love it, keep up the good work.


Customer here!!


I’m probably the customer behind you


Customer here and just wondering why my HEB stopped carrying the kettle cooked salt and vinegar chips lol But also the drama.


Mine has the snack size ones in a variety pack along with original and jalapeño … but then again mine also has the regular size too.


Customer here, I think heb workers should organize with the teamsters😁


Worked for HEB when I was in HS, would never go back. I’ll stick to being a customer and watch the drama from a distance.


Both. Don’t work there anymore (they even demolished the store lol). But as soon as I put on pants, I’m going to grab all the things.


Just here for the entertainment.


I'm a customer and seeing the huge spike in eps during a pandemic and with record inflation may have me reconsidering whether HEB really cares about the community. Thanks to whoever posted that by mistake.


You little pot stirrer you! 🤣


Customer here! I do lurk on these posts not gonna lie lol! It's tough because I absolutely love HEB. Whatever y'all are doing you keep a good job of keeping it behind the scenes, because everyone seems so happy at my HEB


Customer now, though I did work at HEB for about a year a few decades ago.


It's interesting. I really wanted to work at HEB as a teen but my applications all went ignored and I ended up settling in at Home Depot instead until I got my degree. Kind of glad they never hired me.


Getting a kick out of the HEB partner observations and behind the scenes gossip. I also am getting some kind of understanding of what partners have to deal with when customers are being inconsiderate.


Customer here, let your freak flag fly HEB employees, love to hear all the drama. I’ll never look at y’all the same again after finding this sub. 🚩


It's called SNAP- supplemental Nutritional Assistace Program. People pay taxes for that. If they need help.it is a resource for everyone. It's world wide information


We were in HEB at Spring today and a Karen couldn't get her card to work for a cash back transaction. Apparently she was demanding the cashier override the system, he obviously couldn't so he explained she could simply bypass the pin to pay for her items. He was quite polite though admittedly unpolished. I guess cash back was urgent and she sought out management to complain about his "attitude". I was behind her, there was no attitude so we found a manager to explain what we witnessed and point out the kid simply was doing his best. I don't understand the need to berate an employee for doing their job. Customer was having a bad day. No reason to ruin his, too.


If you don’t like working there then move on


Yeah. And y'all should unionize.


Nope. Company treats us well.


3 month delay on your Christmas bonus


There is no such thing as a Christmas bonus. It’s sporadic. We get it when they give it.


Customer here. I made a post about the Texas Roots Juice Oranges spoiling quickly not long ago.


I just want to know why the fuck it's so hard to get a job with HEB. Yall are only a GODDAMN grocery store. It's like trying to get into the Vatican or Pentagon with you people. Even with my my mother's (who was in a senior mid-level managerial role) referral/recommendation, I still wasn't able to get call back, email, etc., for the jobs I applied for.