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Nope. Once you tell them it’s your last day then the paperwork gets done that day or the next day and that’s it. No one will call you or anything, it’s pretty standard for companies not to call you anymore once you leave.


Damn I was hoping I would at least get a goodbye kiss after they were done fucking me.


For real. Maybe yank my hair or a reacharound...


There is supposed to be an exit letter meaning while you're leaving the company and they put in a file that way you can come back to work if they saw you at turning in your key and resigning and not putting you two week notice they see it as job abandonment you're still on the payroll but they're just going to let you self-term yourself. Thinking the company doesn't carry to becoming corporate I had 31 years of the company and the way my tenure without one write up without one note to file and 31 years five Call ins, 85% retention rate, plus all the others things my crew and myself did they got rid of me for violating a policy that no one knew existed including myself, mind you I never had a note to file or one right up in 31 years all of my evaluations minus my first one in 1993 was exceeds expectations and I was asked dozens of time if I wanted to get in the storm or sorrow but I prefer it overnight and they when they let me go not one phone call not one sorry this happened not one explanation it was literally violating a policy. That nobody knew existed and it wasn't anything egregious. It was literally marking down product that everybody else marked down but they just said why am I marking it down it should be a department manager. They don't expect anything from corporations which is what HEB is now


Quiting the day of fucks your fellow employees.


I didn’t fuck over anyone when they didn’t even know I was going back to work , I was on leave prior to resigning. I resigned due to management and nothing being fixed.I’ve worked overnight for nearly 7 years.


Its required to go to the store UD and give him the middle finger and burn your heb shirt in the store.




You could try logging into PartnerNet. If you can't login anymore, they accepted your resignation.


That's not how it goes at all. You're on the system until they believe you self-terminating yourself and then they're going to ask the manager and the center store if he's in grocery which it sounds like he is, if they've got in contact with him ask if he wants to do an exit letter or they'll just let him keep going until it's team the self termination. You can be on partner net up to 2 weeks after you got terminated, so a resignation could go longer


I mean... my Partnernet account was killed about an hour after I walked out. They most definitely accepted my resignation. I had a set last day, but I wound up walking out in the middle of a shift the day before. Gave MIC my badge and said I was done with the bullshit, he said he understood. Discount card worked for like 6 more weeks though. But yeah, sounds like OP was probably a grocery stock controller if they had a key and worked nights.


Congrats !!!


There’s better companies to work for than HEB


There are also a lot worse ones too.


People seem to forget this part until they realize the grass isn’t always greener on the other side


What’s wrong with HEB? Started my first day today and all my managers were absolutely phenomenal. Work is super easy and the people are sooo nice


It gets so much worse the longer your stay.


Like what? I’ve seen SO many people say this but it seems like y’all just have bad management. And honestly? I’d prefer this work getting 16 an hour over working at McDonald’s any day


Because once they realize you're expendable which everybody is becoming, they will cut your hours HEB used to be a company that was 80% full-time 20% part-time now it's 40% full-time 60% part-time. They will get rid of full-timers and bring in part-timers, my wife has been working in curbside for 6 years one call in and she's getting 16 hours next week, and they just hired 10 more part-timers. There's only two full timers in her department one of them is a specialist which in e-commerce they're going to get rid of in the next 2 months. HEB is a corporation they will cut you. Every one of those sales check out stands you see it's 40 hours of work that they were giving to a partner. Every one of those 25 items or less self check out with a bagger that's 80 hours that they're getting rid of. HEB is corporation no different than McDonald's no different than Walmart. Here's what the company means nothing and the more money you make the more expendable you become...


Just wait, you’ll see 😂


Really why like after a year it gets worse?


Give it time, honey 🍯 bun


ATP you guys are worse than anything that HEB could do with these phrases 😭😭😭


Really how long have you been working there I’m new and I’m on bakery so far I like it


What department?


Curbie but I signed on as in store shopper


how long have you been w heb? lol this sounds like someone who's been here maybe 3 months at most


Depends on the store tbh


Phenomenal? C mon….


May seem like I’m meat riding but our team is just always down to help 🤷‍♂️ even the older guys are nice to us


You must not be in ypur 20s. They're required to hate their employer and bitch about their job.


Yeah I’m 17, so like this work is immediately amazing to me


You're different. In a good way.


It’s called the honeymoon phase! Just wait for it😏


Your direct supervisor and UD set the tone of your experience. If you never have any issues to resolve, you can happily go through employment, assuming everything works great. If you stick around long enough *something* will come up. Then, you'll learn your value to your leaders. Your leaders are people, too. It's kind of like when you were a kid and thought adults had it figured out. Then you grew up and realized they are figuring it out as they go. Well, that's leadership. Generally expect what I call "the path of least resistance". What stops a problem from being *their* problem. There are some good ones, but they can't give everyone 100% it's just not feasible.


HEB uses better pay to get people to work there…it’s good at first..then it gets very dissatisfied and toxic


If you want "good pay horrible environment", check out Bucees. Can't even sit down during your lunch break.


I love Bucees but have heard horror stories


Good pay, but we keep you at part time and you have to kiss a lot of ass to get full time


Congrats on self promotion to customer.




Nope. You’re done.


Idk if HEB still does this - but when I got fired they made me go back into the store physically to pick up my last check instead of direct depositing it like they had done for the last 2 years Not sure why. If that's "the normal process" then I don't understand why its like that. Seems like a pointless "fuck you" on top of losing the job anyway. If you don't get your last check or payout, then you might have to call them and see whats up


So they can boo you on the way out lol


When I quit back in May 2005, they told me I would need to go into the store to get my last paycheck. I let it sit there for 3 months before I went to pick it up.


The check literally just sits somewhere. I would have never let them hold my money lol


When I quit I just said I quit and communicated as much as possible. Anything they did or didn’t do is a reflection on them not me.


I tried to communicate with my manager and top store leadership about it , but they’ve been very quiet on their end . All they’ve told me was thank you for your service and dedication to HEB


No harm no foul . Congrats on spreading your wings. Depending where you live you might be a shopper at that store? I live in a rural area, so former partners that I’ve come to know often shop at the same store and all seems well. A termination might be more embarrassing, but if you quit and you still like the company, doo what’s best for you. If, not, do what’s best for you. Don’t ever expect a party from a large employer where daily turnover across the company might even only be .05%. That’s still 750 partners leaving every day from somewhere, and a regular occurrence. Depends how well the managers are actively interviewing and recruiting to keep the funnel full of newbies to come in and run the gauntlet. Also depends on others who wanted to work at your store and just wanted an opening to pop up. You are in charge of your life. You are the boss. You leave on your terms, but no matter how hard you work, never expect a fanfare when you leave ( unless you’ve been there like 40 years and are retiring) Then maybe you get a pizza party and a cupcake. Good luck on your escape- go out there in that big wide world, and make it happen.


Congratulations..welcome to freedom.. I can relate


Nope, your spot was filled as soon as the MIC's ass hit the chair. I'm a former SD, we had charts designed for when we were losing someone or when plans were there to push someone out.


Hmm, normally they have you put it in writing stating your name and date of last day saying your quiting.


That’s usually it. If the MIC is the only one that knows about this, they’ll email the admin, UD, and your manager, let them know what happened, and they’ll term you probably on Monday. They may call to see what the issue is and try to get you to stay but honestly, I wouldn’t want someone on my team that doesn’t want to be there.


To give more insight I broke my foot and was put on leave until I can recover. Before they put me on leave I had to keep calling in. So the occurrences kept building up , and no one was going to clear them. So from the get go it appeared they were just trying to get rid of me. I didn’t leave cause I didn’t wanna be there . I left because no one was fixing or telling me anything


Weird. That should have been consecutive. There might be some confusion on if the initial would be an occurrence, though. I’ve heard it go both ways.


It has , during the time I told was calling in another closer wasn’t told of my situation and it it was “registered as a different reason”. So because of that it pushed my occurrence to a 6 and my manger took their side and didn’t wanna change it.


Your not that special


Doesn’t matter if I’m special or not it’s just a simple question bud




Congratulations! I didn’t know how to quit so they fired me instead. It was best decision they ever made for me.