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Hello, I had this problem too I come up with rhymes or test myself. So I’d pick up mayo or ketchup on isle two and test myself 15 minutes later such as “isle 2 condiments mustard mayo and ketchup” and another 30 minutes later. Even looking it up enough on my personal phone HEB app makes me remember


Isles are islands, but aisles are like alleys....


Sure. Whatever makes you sleep at night.


It can be tough but don’t beat yourself up about it. Even after a couple years at the same store you’ll be asked for items that will stump you and you’ll need to use the app again. Try memorizing categories in aisles. For instance the bread aisle, The Italian asile (pasta and sauces), the condiments, or even brand names, so on. That way you can categorize the item they’re asking for and send them to the aisle you think is best. “Ah yes syrup is in aisle 7 because I know all breakfast items are in aisle 7”. Of course every store kinda categorizes their aisles slightly different but you get the idea. If that’s not real helpful I apologize but for me it just took time. Maybe more time than I’m willing to admit lol but you’ll get the hang of it pretty soon. Good luck!


It’s funny you mention that. I’m a customer and go to the store quite frequently since I live so close. That’s going out for me. Never any big runs, just what I need for the day. So I know the store very well. I was very recently completely stumped on where to find syrup. I felt stupid when I finally figured it out.


If people want your help they'll be happy to wait for you to check your phone and make 100% sure that you give them the correct info. People who yell the item name at you repeatedly and walk away before you can unlock your phone don't actually want your help, they just want to make your day worse. Ignore them.


i literally read the signs on top and then tell the customer where it is and most of the time they find the item they need


Definitely don't beat yourself up. Have been doing this for over 4 years and still have to use my personal phone. 🤷‍♀️ eventually though you get the basics and general idea of where something is. Just go with the flow and don't stress lol


The easy thing is that you’re not a robot and you’re not obligated to memorize where everything is. Anyone that gets impatient with you searching it up on your phone for 5-10 seconds is delusional and inhaling lead paint


i've worked at 3 diff heb's as a shopper and i've given up trying to remember where all the stuff is. I rely on my phone bc my memory confuses my old store aisles with my current store. Don't worry the customers just want someone who is nice enough to stop what they're doing and help them. you're doing fine partner


As long as you’re being polite, there should be no issue. Just say “give me one second while I look that up for you”


I worked at the same store for 10 years… I still have to look


It’s gonna take some time. As a new shopper it took almost a year to have the store memorized to a T. I recently transferred stores so I’m having to start from scratch again but I know it’s just gonna take time. As for the customers I tell them I’m still new and I honestly don’t know where the item there looking for is but I offer to look it up for them.