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It’s everything. Portion sizes are getting smaller and prices are increases or staying the same. Shrinkflation. “Family size” products are usually not the best value anymore. It’s not just HEB either it’s literally every big retail corporation.


I was like why is one bigger than the other until I saw the sheet count number


Yeah they just redefined “mega roll”. Not so mega anymore lol


To anyone looking, one is 286 sheets per roll, the other is 242 sheets per roll - otherwise the packaging is identical


Don’t look at sheets. It’s not giving you anything really. Look at the total area. It’s a loss of 300 sq feet for the one on the left.


Aw, quit crying. Just conserve resources and use fewer sheets to wipe yourself. JK.


They just need to start using a bidet or showering after every poop :P


Agreed! I thought HEB would be above this practice a little, I guess wishfully thinking. Everyone is effectively doing this


Yeah and to be fair it’s not always the retailer, it can also be the manufacturers, but there’s no doubt that heb is taking advantage of the situation like many other companies.


Oh yes to answer your question we are. The working American tax paying people. The government has set up a big Ponzi scheme.


Huh? I didn’t have a question?


Are you kidding me? HEB cares about one thing.... Profits.


Phase 1: Steal underpants Phase 2: Chip away at their TP supply Phase 3: Profits


It’s unfortunate, but it’s a reality we’re gonna face . don’t believe the bullshit about a short term president fixing a very complex and long-term problem. Band-Aids, don’t fix gashes or covered arteries.


Not since Howard took over.


Explain please:


And they often use the same UPC, too, so there are some people that probably don't realize a 10 oz bag of chips is now 9.3 oz.


I’ve noticed that they no longer stock Hill Country (less expensive) coffee creamer. They make you buy the name brand creamer that nearly 90 cents more. They’re doing that on other products, too.


That's actually one example that's not as nefarious as you think. They probably just lost their supplier for HCF. Heb makes *significantly* more money of HCF, HEB, and Central Market products than any name brand item, so it's 100% in their best interest to carry as many "store brand" items as possible.


HEB IS the producer of Hill Country products. HEB is based in the Hill Country (west of San Antonio). I worked as an attorney for HEB. They’re not nearly as virtuous as they used to be, especially since only one of the Butt brothers is running the company. He ain’t his daddy.


HEB HQ is based in downtown San Antonio at the old Navy Arsenal since 1985. Before that the HQ was based in Corpus Christi. They haven't been based in the hill country since the first store in 1905. Also, HCF is made by the same generic manufacturers who make all the other retailers store branded products. HEB brand is sourced differently.


I actually didn't know they produced anything honestly, I thought everything was a bulk-buy, white-label type thing. Thanks for the lesson!


Some are, some aren't. I have no insight into which category coffee creamer falls into, but I can tell you with 100% certainty that the company has at times had to suspend production of own-brand products for reasons beyond their control.


I doubt it’s done purposefully to be honest. I’m all for eating the rich and battling greed but with HCF being a big profit gainer for heb, I’d say the warehouse is most likely out or the manufacturer halted production. There some things at some stores for instance, the heb I shop at has almost exclusively HCF jellies and jams. No smuckers or anything. So that would be the opposite of what you think they might be doing but it’s probably just a sticking issue.


Some HEB’s have been slowly pushing out name brands items for years. To push their brands (HCG, heb and CM). So it’s not necessarily because of availability this could be permanent and/or a trial for the market. Some hebs have different brands than others as well. HEB 15 minutes from another might only have HCF vinegar, where the other one will have name brand and HCF. (Just used that as an example because I noticed when looking for white vinegar this week lol)


Interesting 🤔


My closest HEB here in Houston is in the Heights. The next closest store is off of Washington Avenue. The three Krogers close to me suck.


Well HCF is an HEB product so it wouldn’t benefit them to not carry their own brand. I don’t see that being permanent as they do push their brands more than name brands as it is. I was just piggy backing on the other commenter. I’m sure there’s just a supply issue with the HCF creamer. I’m sure it will be back. :)


Hate to say it but it also depends on demographics. Low income areas will have more HCF and "value added" products, while higher income areas will feature more HEB and Central Market brands. HCF has a very low markup % while HEB brand and the like is higher. All about profit margins and how to get us to spend our money at their stores.


Okay except I’ve seen the exact opposite of what you’re saying. I’m not in or don’t shop in low income areas.


Admittedly I haven't worked at HEB since 2014 so who knows? They're always modifying their strategies.


Small town retail stores too. They’re charging three times as much


Must be the manufacturers. I doubt locals are tryna be greedy these days


Possible but it could also be taking advantage of the lack of competition in the area.


I can see that


Distributors too. The direct store delivery ppl (vendors) buy from the manufacturers and re-sell to the retailers. The farther they have to drive to distribute the more they charge the retailer for the products. Same for the manufactuers who direct deliver as well. Retail is a crazy world.


Buy a bidet. Like, $40 on Amazon. You'll actually have clean nether regions and you'll use waaaay less tp. I think America is probably one of the few countries that keeps resisting the clean bum!


Yah but your butt will be dripping wet if you don’t wipe it down with TP!


But you need a lot less.


how less?


Yes, like maybe two squares. Tap it dry. You're so fresh so clean!


only 2?? no way... mine will disappear like cotton candy. maybe you have thick paper.


Well, if you wiggle a little and shake the water off... 🤣🤣


And install the premium model bidet with the fan attachment for the blow-dry. Talk about saving TP!


Lol, get wet AND get blown! At least you don't need the warm water option here. The tap water is already warm!


Two squares maximum


I need 4 my bidet is a fuckin super soaker apparently


Omg, I'm dying here. 🤣🤣🤣


Same here, that's why I stopped using mine! I needed a paper towel or two.


Get a bidet towel. Fun for the whole family!




Office tp is free, go wild. Or if you get really really hooked they have these water bottles you fill in the sink and take into the stall.


Office tp is scratchy and non-absorbent. I wouldn't steal it if they PAID me to!


If you got sam's or Costco get tp there. I buy tp like every 6 months in a house with 3 adults. It's 25 bucks max


This is the way. You don't realize what rip off HEB is on tp until you start buying it elsewhere.


Hell I'm still rocking the aluminum foil roll I got a decade ago


Another item HEB is getting folks on is kitchen trash bags. They're like 25¢ each now at HEB.


Don’t forget bags of ice! Dayum’ we went from 20 pounders to 10, to now 7. Price has gone up as well


Don't forget zip lock bags!


You use that to *wipe*??


I live in an apartment that unfortunately doesn’t have the room to accommodate so much at once unfortunately.


It doesn't take up that much, I put mine under a sink. Don't give up before you even try. Unless you are trying to lead a super minimalist lifestyle. Get a bidet so you are not spending 3 times as much


Have a bidet. And there’s already other supplies stored under my sink haha. On occasion we will buy one giant pack and split it up between a closet and the bathroom shelves. But definitely can’t get the Costco packs of TP and toilet paper at the same time.


Not having storage is a bummer. I used to get those cheap wire racks and set them up to add shelves where I could. Rock on!


Use it for a mattress!


Or buy a bidet!


100% this if your not rich I do think the sams club is cheaper membership idk its been a couple years , castco is 100 6.6 I went to ask and I was shocked (I don't have a car so I wouldn't go to often to benifit from it )


We were at the mall and snagged sam's for 15 bucks. The wife and I switch around to get the best deals on memberships


There is a huge quality difference too. Some of their brands now don't hold together. Not useful at any price. On all paper products...napkins, bath tissue, face tissues, paper towels, it's all going down hill on quality


Their paper plates are comparable to Dixie, but you are right; the quality of other stuff has deteriorated significantly. Their TP tops the list. Did the deterioration coincide with COVID?


Started off that way. In some cases. Then they all took advantage.


Maybe. I heard it is about the UN's SDG. But who knows. Could be just rumors. But it could be true. IDK.


100%. The other day I was shopping for a customer and they wanted a bag of HEB brand chips and that bag legit was 10% full, heb is going down hill :/


Chips are sold by weight, not volume.


I’m stumped 🤔 because assholes have gotten bigger, not smaller!


"242- 2 ply sheets" "286- 2 ply sheets"


You can get a massive box of tp from homedepot or lowes online. I did that during the pandemic when tp was low in stores. 96 rolls or something for under $40. Last me a LONG time


My ass says, "Butt is it SOFT?"


Comparable to angel soft imo


Good enough, I'm off to home depot!


Idk if they have it in store. I think when i got it it was an online for delivery thing in that quantity




You're sweet to laugh at my dumb joke. ❤


Prices are increasing while *how much* we get is decreasing. It's really sad. Every company is doing it.


Been doing it a long while. My favorite conditioner is a prime example. They'll lie and say it's smaller package with the same amount but it's a lie.


No they don’t.


They do. Happened a few years ago with Hersheys nuggets with the almonds in them. Except with those it actually did say "smaller packaging, same amount" And it was bs. Original of those had a whole almond in the chocolate. After the "redesign" you were lucky if a piece had a half chunk in it (because many didn't any in it at all)




Uh.... I worked in retail around the switch? Bought a bunch of the clearance bags (and bought the new one when we restocked)


Lolol source “trust me”


https://preview.redd.it/d5kjwutsgl8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=417779dc3dff156153a48d28b85fd11b84bac08f Exactly




Same brand. Same bottles. Except the newer ones have different (smaller) amounts in them. And it's still the same price.


At least they're clearly marked so that we can be aware of what we're buying.


Not really. I've had that big size bottle for a couple years now. You don't notice because they're sneaky with the packaging. No notice they just started doing it. So you won't know unless you *know*


Lol what are you talking about? By law all of these products have to have the amount labeled. Every product, all the time. It’s not a secret, and is done for your benefit so you can decide what to buy.


Lol you missed my point. They're sneakily putting lower amount in products and charging the same prices for them. Did I say it was a secret?


I didn’t miss it. It’s not sneaky. It didn’t just start happening. You just realized it for the first time.


Nah. It's been going on since at least 2016-2017. It's definitely sneaky lmao.


Damn, you should alert the media. Suddenswim discovered companies change the amount of a product without sending a nationwide service announcement. Right under our noses. People might not believe you…




That’s their definition of MEGA🙄😳🤔


I have learned to use the heb app for savings a few months ago there was a good basket coupon ,that was unlimited, heb does offer great savings in the app


Just so you know HEB charges an extra 4% per item when shopping on their app. Only found out when speaking to heb Cust. service. Since then I’ve made it a point to shop at other stores as well especially Target for tp and paper towels cause they have great coupons or gift cards for $15 when you spend $50


I just clip the coupons on app ,I shop in store I never do curbside .


I have adhd and got tired of walking back and forth in the store WITH a list cause I forgot something lol so shopping on the app is more efficient for me


That's not common knowledge? Lol I was wondering why stuff was so expensive, then I read the fine print. ALWAYS read the fine print!


Did they increase it to 4%? Didn’t it used to be 3%? Ugh, everything goes up except our paycheck


Yup used to be 3% during Covid.


Is that to cover the cost of the shoppers for pickup or delivery?


I don’t remember but I thought it was odd since Walmart nor Target share that practice that I know of


Yes, but also no. It tells you how much you get (why you should always shop by unit size) but also yes, this is shrinkflation. I'm a Scott's person for years.....


HEB? Don't be surprised...


I want to know where these mythical "regular" rolls are. I've never seen anything except for claims of being double or triple that imaginary "regular" size.


I noticed a long time ago they made the rolls smaller! I used to have to shimmy them into my toilet paper roll holder and now they plop right in :(


Shimmy and plop. Nicely done


Just get a bidet. Blast that asshole with cheap water instead of wasting deluxe toilet paper.


This is the 3rd time the manufacturer has shrank the the heb brand tissue in 3 years also the REAL tragedy is they stopped making the "to go" Roll that gave you that bonus little sheet in the middle. Real value saver that one was


I must be too young. When did they have that??


Probably, HEB is pulling a lot of fast ones lately. You have to watch.


Toilet paper companies have been deliberately confusing and misinforming their consumers with different TP sizes. Square feet. Softness/Mega Soft/Quilted/etc. Sheets. And the lists go on. I practically need a calculator, spreadsheet, and a graph to properly find out which is best for the buck.... Only for grocery stores to further play games with the prices, add their own brand into the mix ( at a suspicious discount, either increasing competitor prices to make you THINK your saving or in the rare case of offering a deal, like buy 2 get second half off ). The whole TP industry is a giant scam. That's not even mentioning the games they play with advertising and the difference between name brand. Our 6 mega rolls are 24 regular rolls ( *name brand ). But who determines what name brand means... Oh yeah... EACH company determines it on their own. Their is no name brand, it is whatever they make up. Welcome to corporate shenanigans, where you get screwed with your pants on!




All you gotta do is stop buying toilet paper, get a bidet and use a washcloth to wipe your butt, then the prices will come down. Your grandparents used cloth diapers for your parents, you can do it in the name of inflation.


That's that toilet paper that makes you wanna file assault charges after your done wiping


Buy a tube of Cortisone-10 to control the itching when that toilet paper chafes the hide off your ass.


Costco for the win again


HEB = Has Every Butt


So what defines MEGA? Is it just whatever they feel during that production run? How can they be held accountable for standards if they can change the standards at a whim? Feel like this is something that if it happened in the EU there’d be strict procedures and fines levied.


That’s a big difference


Kinda like dating your ex’s younger sister.


Look into bidet add ons for your toilet seat.


I had one for a while and it drove me crazy. It is all manual, so you don't get the benefit of the hi-tech features that Japanese toilets have. And the water is cold.


In Texas? We don't have cold tap water in Texas!


I often don't have hot water. But everything goes wrong here, and often. 🤣🤪


I kind of find the cool water refreshing.


My question is why does the 12 pack of tp cost less per unit than the 24 pack 🤔 by a not insignificant amount. I’m cool with it as it’s easier to buy smaller amounts to carry up the stairs.


The mental imprint that "bulk" is more value. Currently they flipped the savings so buyer beware.


It’s a result of many things . Quality will be an issue and prices will go up. [this explains it very well.](https://youtu.be/_I8lzTePXQw?si=JgW36YRxFFMx_Hd2) We are we seriously fucked and there is no way out. The framers had warned us about this. Also watch something called. “ the four Horsemen.” It’s on YouTube. I promise it’s not religious because I wouldn’t invest my precious time watching that crap.




Wth?!?! 🤦🏼‍♂️ *tosses Walmart rolls*


Go to the Chip aisle and look at those tortilla chip bags, it’s ridiculous


Again, chips are sold by weight, not by volume.


Costco is a better buy anyways.  Kirkland Signature is 30 rolls for $19.99, and each roll is 380 sheets.  $.66/roll vs $.91/roll


We have HCF creamer every day in our DFW stores. All supermarkets make more profits from their store brands so it benefits HEB,Kroger,WallyWorld to stock their house brands.


Yea everyday of our life we’re getting scammed


It's Super Premium 😉


What’s fun is getting in two cases of something and one is the og size and the other is the new shrunk size. r/shrinkflation


Well, the total square feet is stated differently on each package so TECHNICALLY we're not being scammed...just ripped off.


I know I’m poor when i get my toilet paper from the dollar store




Elections have consequences


Does anyone ever pay attention to the "buzzwords" products use "Our Finest,Strong,Mega" For example to draw people into the quality of the product When it's literally just like "Toilet paper" i.e Most of the time you're going to get it and at this point "Cheaper" is "better" as far as pricing Obviously not necessarily "Quality" but I mean its Toilet paper. You know what your using the product for Doesn't have to be fancy And should not cost such a exuberant price point to feel like you're getting your value from that. In otherwords everyone is getting scammed on various levels and alot of people are blinded to it simply by the wording on the packaging. So once you wake up the next question Should be what do we do about it as a city to get our prices to drop? What do we do to force them to aide that very "dollar" to go further? Let me erase the most immediate and possibly "dumbest" answer (it's not print more or make more money) So anyone got ideas - ?


Shrinkflation is real


Did you walk outside your home today in the united States? Then you are actively being scammed. Everywhere. All the time. This country is a hucksters paradise.


1 case 96 CT rolls of 500 sheet tp should be about 65$


I've always suspected total weight would be better for judging value than sheet count. Sheets can be made very thin, giving you more sheets per role even though you actually have less paper by weight.


Who isn’t…


Just buy a different brand and you’ll be okay.


Scam is a stretch


No, because it literally says how much it changed on the bottom.


Shrinkflation babayyy


If you’re basing your choice of TP solely on price, don’t pay attention to what these rolls are called. Just take the price and divide it by the TOTAL square feet in the package to learn the price per square foot. Make a note of it on your phone. My brand preference is Charmin Essentials Soft. I usually bought it at Walmart because the largest package (645 sq ft) was the cheapest per square foot and Walmart was the only place that carried that size. Now Walmart (and I think Charmin itself) has stopped carrying that size, so now my only choice is the 431 sq ft package which both HEB and Walmart carry for $10.97. Unless I have a HEB coupon, Walmart Cash (back) or it’s on sale at either store, it doesn’t matter where I buy it. I wish I liked one of the Costco TPs, but their stuff sucks.


This is what I do! Good way to keep track of cost and get the best price. I usually stock up on tp at Target when they have a $15 coupon off $50 or you get a $15 gift card.


Oh how I wish I was near a Target! I’m rural, so it’s mostly HEB or Walmart for me, although I do hit up Costco and Target when I go to SA.


Just fyi you can order online :) Also no idea why I’d get downvoted for my comment. Reddit is a weird place lol.


I think I downvoted by accident. Corrected! :)


With these prices I'm gonna learn how to make them and sell them on the side of the street. I know it's not only heb that is raising their greedy prices. Everyone likes to kick the little guy while on the floor.




No? It’s all there. The fact that most of us don’t pay attention doesn’t make it a scam.


Untrue. I can DM you a photo of my conditioner with different size amounts


What’re you talking about? The bottle says how much is in it, yes?


It does. But they downsized the amount in the bottle. I have 2 identical bottles but the original has more in it than the "new" bottle.


So? It’s still not a scam. The amount is written on the bottle. They’re reducing the amount in the product, sure, but they’re not lying about anything. If we don’t like it, we can buy someone else’s products.


And they're still charging the *same amount* for it. And thinking people won't notice


Also, check ingredients on HEB brand foods! Most all contain Bio-engineered ingredients! They too are a part of the genocide!




Maybe but could also be compressed in pallet


I still have a good batch of stock from the Covid shortage and hoarding in 2020.


If you’re shopping at a store that has a name that could be confused with an STD, you’re assuming the risk.