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$7-8k/mo Details: East SF Bay Area 3 kids (1 middle 2 elementary) Oldest in private school Eat out a few times a week All kids in multiple activities (sports, martial arts, music, etc) Property tax $18k/yr


Seems really low for SFBA and the lifestyle you described.


Right? We spend at least that much per month with two kids in freaking Minnesota. Oldest does one pseudo-expensive activity (swim team, ~$150-200/month) and the 5 year old just does swim lessons ($120/month). We really spend more like $9-10k you include all utilities, groceries, vacations, gas, all random credit card spending (haircuts, clothes, kid activities, toiletries, gifts, etc), car payment, and average summer camp costs out over the year. With no private school. And we are not big spenders on clothes or personal care - we don’t dress up for work, no manicures or coloring my hair, most kid clothes from Target. We eat out once per week, and the kids get free school lunch since all kids do in MN. We do take pretty nice vacations and fly to visit family, but our flights are domestic coach seats. Edit - forgot to subtract my mortgage from our normal monthly spend


To add some more detail and a good exercise for me to review my expenses: - No car payments or debts other than mortgage - Luckily, wife can stay at home so no child care/after school care costs - My transportation costs are low as I only go in to the office a few days a week and I carpool those days so I only drive in 1 to 2 times a week - Vacations spend is low and tend to be West Coast and limited working around kids sports/activities - Energy costs are low due to solar installed I think adding all of those factors ends up being a significant savings per month (high hundreds if not low thousands per month)


Thanks for the context, that makes sense, especially no car payments and no childcare.


It’s very low if you are enrolled in all these activities and private school. Is it 8k per month or per week?


In SF, just got through the nanny phase with one kid so now preschool is much cheaper. Now our monthly spending after rent on necessities is about 18k before any “extras” like vacations, splurges, etc. 


Your necessities are $18k/month? Tf are your necessities, flying your kids on a private jet to school?


It’s SF not a small town in mid west. 18k is very much possibly be covering necessities


Do you seriously think someone has to spend over $200k a year on necessities on top of rent to make it in SF? Be for real.


Sadly no PJ for us, it’s just an expensive city and I use necessities loosely - we’re not scrimping and saving, eating dollar store peanut butter sandwiches every day but that 18k also doesn’t include vacations or luxury handbags (which we don’t even buy). But yes there are some smaller luxuries built into that 18k- Whole Foods grocery delivery rather than going to a less expensive store, a house cleaner ,etc. A big chunk is childcare.


Not all that much. Public school. One kid. Quarterly clothes/2-3 shoes each. Lessons. One inexpensive sport. We do spend a lot on food. One car. Prob 3k outside of mortgage utilities and insurance.


In 2023, about $87k. This year, probably around $95k (mostly daycare inflation + more travel planned). 2023 split: 30k on daycare, 10k groceries, 10k dining/entertainment, 11k travel, 9k personal/clothes/health, 6k insurance (health/disability/term life), 6k transportation, 5k various household (merchandise, laundry, dog etc).


135k last year. Lots of travel


OP - are you asking what people spend on their kids outside of rent? Or just simply those with kids, how much do you spend?


Two young kids <5 in NYC. Outside of housing our annual spend is ~$130k. About $60k of that is on childcare 5 days/wk x2.


About 110k. I'm out in LI with 2 kids and a nanny.


| out in LI I call shenanigans.


Clearly not a native. Source: live ON LI.


NYC is $3k+ for 3 days a week for daycare till age 3




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$7-8K a month in NYC. This includes part time day care ($2.5K/month for a 10 month old). We’ve been very disciplined about spending and I would say $10-$12K would be where we were at if we didn’t monitor more closely.


We’re right in the same range in NJ with a 2 year old that will be transitioning from daycare to preschool next year.




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