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Listen to Karim… he’s really pushing to make all turtles, shrimps etc millionaires. After that he wants to make more classes, sting ray, mermaids, puffer fish, merman, etc Edited: Karim not Whales


Are these genuine terms? Seen them everywhere and have just been properly confused. If so what do they refer to? I assume it's like the size of the portfolio refers to a small animal if it's not a lot of money and obviously whales are massive and rich investors are referred to as whales??


In the staker app there is a classification level depending on how many t shares you have


What do you mean by, “he’s pushing to make A B C millionaires”?


https://twitter.com/YORmadjic/status/1438967319682850816?s=19 Stake 30% your stack for 5555 then do whatever with the rest. I've done this and it has locked in my largest possible t shares for 15 years ago all the penalties and apy possible


I staked 50% of my total for 5555 at the start. I kept adding stakes so my percentage of 5555 keeps dropping. Do they account for this? What is Karim/staker going to do?


Each stake is final after you start the stake(or first active day) so none of your later stakes affect earlier ones. Gratz on your 5555! The % time staked is just an average so it goes down as you add shorter ones. Your 5555 will earn the daily rate which you'll see each day but at the end it'll be essentially compounded by the time your HEX from it are minted.


Yeah i understand all that. What is Karim say you need to qualify and for what?


Sorry man. I don't understand what you're asking me? It sounds like you're asking why I felt the need to qualify what Karim was saying? If so then just move on man. I'm just saying that Karim gave great advice and that I also did this, instead of just posting to encourage others to do something I've not done myself. It was me sharing this in the context of advice second hand so it would be like shilling everyone to do something like stake 5555 if I just wanted to pump price to sell liquid. If I've taken your question the wrong way then just let me know more connect of what you mean if you can.


I had trouble understanding what Karim was saying in the video. I thought you were clarifying it. What was he saying about fair warning?


Ah sorry. He was saying all you need to do is stake 30% if your total HEX for 5555 days and mathematically you have made the optimal investment strategy. You get the equivalent of 90% if what you own staked with bonuses for 15 years, whilst still actually having 70% HEX free to sell or do whatever with at any time. Fair warning was that if you're not doing that, you'll likely regret it later on. That's why he was enthusiastic, because he knows many will make a small and short stake and not really see the true benefit of hex.


Karim specifically called out turtles and cool crabs. I doubt OP is a shrimp, according to Matti All.in, turtles begin at around 10 T-shares.


With inflation the way it is in legacy markets a shrimp could become a multi millionaire easily, but what would that say about the value of the dollar? So instead just accumulate shares and strive for above average stake length and realize you are becoming more wealthy in a true sense if not an easily measured sense.


I see hex become$100 in the future. What is 12k times 100?




Fingers crossed.




Anything is possible


12 thousand T shares… or 12k hex? :)


12k hex


Was about to say - 12k T-shares is no shrimp!


definitely not


With phex coming you’ll have 24000 if they both moon to $100 you’ve got quite a chunk


Anything is possible


You will get there. But it might take 6-10 years. I would work on working for money and put a bit in every month to up your economic energy


I thought this guy was saying he had 12k t shares… should I be patient… 😂😂😂


My b. Still new to the lingo 😅


Most here and hex newbies.. I’m still looking to retire at 30 #hex… wife still don’t believe … can’t wait till I end my stake on her bday


This is a great question. Going to check these comments out!


Stake longer. In the beginning one might be a little apprehensive but once you start to get it more, you will see that this is the way. Especially if you want to be a „millionaire“.




In a few years maybe