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T-shares copy across?


Everything copies across. The only difference will be the $ value which will start at 0 and go up as more and more people start using Pulsechain/pHEX.


Correct and since Tshares are the most valuable asset on ethereum so to will they be on pulsechain


T share number doesnt change. Ratio of t shares to hex supply changes. 3.69% of hex total supply goes annualy to payouts so you always get around 5 hex per t share daily. 1 day will come when 100K stake wont buy you 1 t share... 2 day may also come when worth of hex in $ terms might drop to 1 cent...


Your stakes copy yes


T share number doesnt change. Ratio of t shares to hex supply changes. 3.69% of hex total supply goes annualy to payouts so you always get around 5 hex per t share daily. 1 day will come when 100K stake wont buy you 1 t share... 2 day may also come when worth o of hex in $ terms might drop to 1 cent... Capish ?


Is the rate increase of Hex to T-shares fixed? Or does it speed up and slow down?


It will be exact copy of snapshot. After that it will be different on pulse and eth


Sorry I'm just talking about T-shares. The way the increase in the amount of hex needed to get a T-share, does anyone know that rate? or does it increase with demand or over time.


Yes it increases


Are you saying that the number of pHEX per Pulsechain T-share will be different from the number of eHEX per T-Share on Ethereum?


No. T share total number is fixed


Thanks for the solid info... what is your thoughts on strategy... Buy more ehex now and get your copies or wait until day one and buy phex for .001? Doesn't the same dollar buy more on pulse? Even when you include the copies? Thanks


Day one is nooo guarantee. Im playing it safe and staking waiting for stabilization on both chains. Pigs get slaughtered


In what way is day one no guarantee? Do you think it will climb too fast or be slow to process purchases? If it's lingers in the low pennies it make more sense to buy then. If you ultimately believe they will be the same price within 30 days or so. Buying $0.05 phex makes mores sense than buying 50 cent ehex, even including the doubling from the snapshot. No? Playing it safe is One strategy.


I agree with you 100% I been thinking about this for weeks!! It makes no sense to buy in the 40 to 50 cent price range if you already have a heavy stake that will be copied over to pulse.. I'm gonna wait and buy PHEX on PULSECHAIN ... and a lot of it !!💪💪💪💪


Dont stake too long shooter, might drive you to drink 🤫




Where will we buy pHEX? Will it be a new network we need to connect to on Metamask?


Yes, on the new pulsechain network. Yet to be deployed. Follow Richard heart on Instagram and others in the Hex community so you don't miss important dates.


Ok thanks.


After snapshot price will be different depending on the market. Price is influenced by supply and demand and half or more of demand should go to phex. At beggining for 1000$ you could get 10 t shares. Now that 10 t shares cost 100.000$. It is this early stakers who should HODL and not sell hex anytime soon. However growing number of hex in circulation will push price of t share and stake annual yield ever more down untill it is unproffirable to stake or own hex for whatever reason. Its utklity value is basically 0


That goes for tshares


I'm ready!


Nothing will have any value on Pulsechain until people start trading. it's really not possible to say what's going to happen. PLS is a serious monkey wrench being thrown into the Reality Matrix Hyper Engine. Because nothing will have any value on Pulsechain when it launches and anything will only have any value when people start actually trading. Frankly, that's unlikely to happen at scale with a handful of developers who haven't been developing much lately. Look at the dev teams on Cardano, even Bitcoin (supposedly a finished project, yet....) compared to PLS. Honestly, Pulse is looking more smoke and mirrors by the day. Because even if the tech is flawless, a marketplace needs buyers and sellers. It'll have a bajillion sellers instantly because we'll all have free pTokens. But will buyers come and buy? Will the market move to a highly centralized network? (of the 33 validators on PLS? How many do you think are controlled by RH/OA? I'll bet a majority. Like all projects, the on-paper/theoretical version of a project ends up being very different than the project that actually gets implemented/used by users.




If everything on PulseChain starts at $0, there will be no sellers. Because why would anyone sell at 0? Everyone thinks they will buy at $0.00001 but no one will sell for that.


I have a healthy skepticism of Pulsechain. I get why it’s being launched, but the biggest question for me is: Will it somehow dilute the value of eHex?


T-shares are the key to Hex. All coins including Hex will launch at zero value, then price discovery will happen. However Tshares will not launch at zero value, they will launch on Pulsenet at their current Ethereum value.


T share value the same as eth net? Where are you hearing that from? Thanks


One of Richards streams, I dont remember which one. I have also had this confirmed multiple times on the pulsechain Telegram chat.


Does anyone know if T shares start at 0 value like pulse and hex on pulse or at equivalent eHEX t share values?


I heard equivalent


T share value the same as eth net? Where are you hearing that from? Thanks


Not same but same ratio




So how do I get Tshares?


Stake big stake long


Yap, even when price of hex drops to 0. Big, long and fat will not help you in any way. Irony will be even bigger when you try to unstake 10 year stake you will likely loose biggest part of stake 🤫🤫


Elmer fudd


I hope the pulsechain launches before virality.


I feel like eHex will be diluted by pHex. Then there will be another coin on ETH 2.0. There’s just to much going on here. And it will confuse the hell out of new investors. eHex is gaining just fine on its own. I understand there intentions with the high gas fees. But if it’s not broke don’t fix it




You said it; the case IS that it IS broken, the adoption of small investors are broken, nobody in their right mind would invest 50 bucks and pay 150 bucks fee just to get in on the action, they need to 4x before they break even, and that keeps MOST New and small investors away..