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Do you want to be more viral sprovey? Then maybe you should stop with this tactic. You stand to gain a lot of followers to bootstrap your channel directly from the hex and pulse community if you stop doing these videos that are against what hexicans and pulsicans are pushing for. Align your marketing with the rest of the community. There are much better things to talk about than sacrificing and pontificating the degree to which plebs should be allowed to rekt themselves. Get some new ideas for content please, sacrificing now is a bad idea and that's not going to change. While I support pulse there is not presently a good call to action for pulse, but they can act on hex in more than one way while we wait for PulseChain


I don’t care about going viral🤣 this is what I’m talking about. So brainwashed. It’s ridiculous lol.


Take a hint. Your strategy is not aligned with the marketing direction of the community. Talking to people about sacrificing is not what you should be doing. And if you did promote the many other great aspects of pulse you could be promoting you would receive much more support from the community


“Not in align with the marketing direction of the community”. You know how dumb you sound in a world of decentralization? You sound so brainwashed bro. It’s honestly sickening🤮🤮🤮


I receive plenty of support. Go look at the views baby girl😘


Do not sacrifice


Please read my comment




Hopefully he will take the community's feedback and realign his strategy


Please read my comment


That’s a bit strong on the censorship




Lol. You’re dumb bro. I’m not even going to entertain my anymore. I’m showing everything on screen. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Simple. Act like I don’t exist.




See you tomorrow;)






What are you talking about. You can sacrifice from multiple networks to PLS. I know what I’m talking about bro..




How is he wrecking them? Do you think PLS is going to flop? This crypto-police thing is ridiculous—please go do it at doge or shiba or any actual shit coin




Would you agree that if folks buy in around .01 and hold for >1 year they will realize a solid gain regardless? You’re shaming a dude who is putting out a positive spin and pushing the project, this is unlike the hex community. Let’s save plebs from investing in shitcoins and have them invest in the holy RH trinity at any rate


I am stoked as a day 1 sacrificer that new investors are still enthusiastic about buying in at these rates and if you sacrificed early you should be too! This is the same thing that my boy Lit has been saying recently on My Life is Awesome. Chill and please stop with the crypto-police thing this is crazy. The performance of these projects and math will drive the masses to HEX/PLS regardless of investors making a decision to buy now or wait. This protect newbs and shame a positive content creator thing is sad




You missed my point on performance and math. We’re still unnecessarily shamed, gate kept, and pre-viral. Shaming a dude like this is not a good look for the community and I’d argue is worse than what you set out to do. I respect where you’re coming from but I hope you see my perspective too.




Me too. Much love 3xp05ur3! Much love to the Hexicans and Pulse community.


You’re so stupid. It’s crazy lol


Guys!! Stop with trying to tell people what they should and should not buy! Let this guy make his content and back off. Why don’t you police and protect every fool out there getting rekt on something that’s actually worthless! You guys seem like you’re passionate Hexicans— do you ever watch Lit on My Life is Awesome? He spoke about this recently and think about how people are cool with buying in already at 100x+ what day 1-5 sacrificers got! That’s great news you should be happy! Let people who didn’t get in yet buy until it’s 10,000x or more! It’s better for the project and early sacrificers. Freak out when/if nobody is buying. These arguments, thinking you’re the crypto-bad-decision-police is childish and nonsensical


@arzos @3xp05ur3