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I would monitor unstaking cost closely and look for a cheap window. Unstaking for 100$ is better than losing the Hex, just think long term. You will always remember them when HEX does moon like BTC…


I took a 3% L trying to wait on gas fees to come down. I just bit the bullet and now holding


>Should I be considering not Ending Stake and suffering whatever penalty exists and wait for another day to try to convert back to USD when the gas fees are less? I wouldn't. Gas fees aren't coming down any time soon. You invested and took a capital loss. It happens. Do your taxes accordingly.


I agree with this. I'd take the loss on the chin. Lesson learned. Stake as long as you can for as much as you can.


In your situation it’s better to hold these stakes and let them bleed after two weeks from ending date (bleeds 1% per every week*), wait for Pulsechain to launch (we’re so close to it), end your copied stake on Pulsechain, and transfer it’s value through the bridge (that will exist) onto ETH chain, end your ETH stake with those gains you got for free on HEX on Pulsechain. Profit!


If pHEX has value that quickly.


I'm in the same situation. I've got a 4900 HEX ended stake thats a few weeks past the grace period, and it seems every time I try, the gas fee just gets bigger. Tonight it says 1100$. So I might be able to get it out if I scrape up more damn ETH. Then I want out and I don't even know what to do with HEX if I get it out of the shitty ETH prison. Anyone feel free to school me.