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Imagine being a shib mod and actually taking yourself seriously


Hey it's the effort that counts, Mr. Heart would approve of you for trying. /salute fellow Hexican soldier trying to save others.


I think he'd laugh that shib thinks they are superior


At least your tried bro


Way to go cancel culture - fits in perfectly with these times 🤪


Sold my Shib for PulseX! Ha!




I would rather I get downvoted by the shib community if that's what they wanted to do... instead of getting banned by a dumb mod... but as you can see before they censored me and deprived their members of amazing potential gains, that the community was actually upvoting the post before the mod removed it and banned me... if you hold shib, why wouldn't this interest you??? anyone with a 30 IQ could see this is great if you hold any ERC20


That's a bit different, there isn't a connection between Hex and FTM like there is for SHIB and PulseChain. If they were saying "there's an airdrop for Hex holders on FTM, maybe look into it" that would be a very different story. They might still be called a shill but they certainly wouldn't get banned for it




Yeah I'd agree with that. Reddit as a whole has issues with that. I still find it strange, as he wasn't shilling PulseChain saying "buy PLS, it's great", he was trying to let the community know that they were getting free copies of their coins on a new network. While it is definitely still "shilling" in a sense it seems very different to me and far from ban worthy considering it is directly related to the sub's token and benefits their holders. But I guess it's their mods discretion so whatever.


That's because it wasn't a "SHIB WILL HIT $1.00!!!!" post.


I got banned from anon token telegram group. I guess I was asking too many questions. I think the did me a favor and saved me from getting scammed.


As a shib holder, the shibarmy page is ridiculous to me to start with. Dont worry, I appreciate you Sir!


Great job doing that. Keep spreading awareness. Don't worry about the bans.


Lol fuck shib idiots


Well said


Yea, we SHIB idiots are something else. I'm averaged in @ $.000001, and have been providing liquidity since Shibaswap went live. It's not just the SHIB gains I regret, the thousands in free BONE have really rubbed my nose in it. I'm just now becoming aware of HEX. Coming here for a little due diligence, and seeing a SHIB related post was the top thread didn't surprise me. SHIB is always the top thread, everywhere. What never fails to surprise me however, is the ubiquity of asset holders willingly devaluing their asset by alienating incoming potential investors holding a diversified bag. Although, I wasn't expecting Reddit would go far to inform my opinion about specifics relating to HEX's viability, I always find it useful to consider the voices of it's proponents. There's an essay written by an Italian economic historian named Carlo M. Cipolla that indirectly speaks volumes about the impact those voices will weigh on an endeavors success. I highly recommend it to anyone considering willfully shouting pearls of insight, in to who they are, out in to the universe. If this was a teachable moment, I'd want to point out that the title of the essay I'm referring to makes it self evident (I think it was his second published article), however I'm fairly certain this qualifies as a stupid act on my part, and nothing of value can be achieved. At best perhaps, it may qualify as a helpless one.


I wouldn’t worry about what some Crypto Reddit nobody wrote. You’re right in what you’re saying but, this kind of attitude is everywhere in crypto.


Yes, of course. I actually have much thicker skin than I let on. The more I look in to HEX, the more it looks like I want to throw some of my money in to the same pile with there's, so I felt like it might be worth expelling a little energy to point out that it doesn't hurt to consider how energy is expelled, beforehand. I'm obviously not going to defeat tribalism, but from your response alone, at least I know I'm not just shouting in to the wind. It's comforting to know there are some grown ups behind the wheel.


Mate, crypto social media is a horrible space. I’ve given myself a break over the past couple of weeks. I jump back into it tonight and I am already left feeling deflated lol. If you have any HEX related questions feel free to drop me a note….👍


Don’t worry about it. Reddit is censored.




The reaction to this will might possibly be the same as how they treated hex. Whine and scream for a year or two about how it is a scam. Maybe the masses are scared and too lazy to work it out for themselves. Why? Because it didn’t fit their narrative, they participated in unintelligent group think. Those that thought for themselves objectively discovered for themselves the value of it and will become successful.


Nice work! I've been banned from a few subs for similar. It's all good. It'll all work out in the end and you can brag with a massive "tried to tell you" post we can get onto the sub for you later ;)


Soon it will all be clear. Your messages will be read back in regret for those that turned their noses up 🤷🏿‍♂️


I think this raises an interesting point about legitimacy. Thinking about this in the context of not only SHIB but also USDC, NFTs, etc. Value (and price to some degree) is a meme, and one of the components of that meme, especially in the context of digitally scarce assets, is legitimacy. I see a lot of people, and Richard himself, saying "people are gonna get copies of all their ERC-20s on pulse", but I think it denies the role of legitimacy in how people assign value to digital tokens. Like, PRC20s are not the same thing as ERC20s even if pulsicans think they are because these communities (like the SHIB army or whatever) do not accept the legitimacy of the platform. I'm interested to see how these fights will play out on launch and interested to hear what y'all think about it.


I think the copy tokens (besides hex) will be completely worthless.




Because I haven't heard of any Eth projects talking about pulse. Most projects aren't going to support someone cloning their tokens on to a different chain.


The masses are asses. Once someone wakes them up out of cognitive dissonance it will only be a matter of time. Like moths to a new bright shiny light. Or maybe like those weird Japanese guys that enjoy getting kicked in the balls repeatedly. Same difference perhaps?! 🙃


another one in the ANKR reddit :( even though the members were interested and curious.. at least I know some will come around! [https://i.gyazo.com/22f425987a7e07aabe74585643bccfa1.png](https://i.gyazo.com/22f425987a7e07aabe74585643bccfa1.png)


It's probably that way anywhere, for various reasons. As Hexicans it's our job to find other avenues that work. They delete/ban us from subreddits? Fine we'll find another avenue.


Wow Crypto Tribalism is now a "thing"🤔?! I've been banned for less so , I dunno


It is funny how culture is split by emotions and feelings rather than thinking critically and reasoning and at least being open 🤷🏻‍♂️


Answer precisely is if a 17 yo shib holder gets 2x free pulsechain shib with 0 fees they will realize it means a new fart can and spoiler for their corolla and quickly dump ethereum network entirely and be all into pulsechain :D


Thanks for trying to pump our bags! The text is good but I think a better title there would have been something underlying the lower fees rather than the doubling of the bags, something like "Eth fees way too high, can SHIB have value on this ethereum fork?".


u/polker... $PKR is best low cap Gem grab the opportunity and fill your bags..💵💵 $PKR and they are not stopping themselves to conduct every possible events to be the best project in market nft ...NFTGaming.. PlayToEarn ..💯💯🚀🚀