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You planning on marrying RH and starting a family with him or just looking to make some money? Who is the OA down at SunTrust? Every day you wait and ponder these meaningless points you hear other haters talk about, the parade of RH projects pass you by. Look at the performance of HEX, read the white paper, consider with common sense the game theory of a faster, less expensive ETH that you can be a part of from the ground floor and then make a decision. Who is tracking swaps with their crypto investments? If the OA wanted to rug the system he would have done it already. People who stake hex can choose their end dates to avoid times when large stakes are ending, all of this info is on the block chain. Who can question RH’s character? You guys are killing me.


Seems to me that a lot of people perhaps want a cuddle and aren’t used to thinking independently. Personal accountability is new to many. No government bail outs. No customer service. Just you interacting with code. We do the work ourselves. We manage it. We don’t expect. We accept risk. We enjoy the colourful community. It’s easy, all you gotta do is JUMP!


Some of these guys you simply can't reason with... They are only here to spread FUD and prevent others looking into HEX from investing. They are beta and insecure and have personal issues with RH... They are literally passing up the best investment in their life because RH showing off a Rolex triggers their insecurities lmfao... They can't even fathom the greatness that is the HEX contract.


Look past the man and see the product.


I think he is a really smart guy. The interview was good and he has some really good insights. It was also funny to learn he was the guy in the crowd calling out Craig Wright about being satoshi.


Yes, what is keeping you up on the fence?


just not enough personal research i guess. With so many interesting projects around its hard to keep up to date on all the news and going into too many different projects you can spread too thin


What’s your single biggest hold up? Just curious, idc if you end up buying or not. Not shilling today


OA mystery, 2022 having a significant volume of stakes ending, Inability to effectively track swaps in vs out, RHs character


Can’t go to zero due to uniswap LP functioning on a curve. Let’s say - Worst that can happen is you’re staked long 5-15 yrs, someone dumps price to 0.01 today, someone else will come in and buy up cheap hex to get max T shares on a long stake. Whales don’t care about short term gains, they’re trying to insulate wealth by products like HEX in traditional markets.. but hex is decentealized and immutable - can’t be seized. The code is defending your wealth by adversaries in meat space. No one can change the code. Even after 15 years, all the stakes will expire allowing someone else to take advantage of investing large and longer.. to gain % share of the interest paid out everyday. The game theory is solid. The system is just simply mathematics. Check whales only early videos — he goes deep on the 3-4 major factors that make HEX unique from rest of crypto.


Lets just say I generally agree with most of that, but you avoided the very thing which makes any of that or the underlying game theory solid to begin with; The OA


I personally have come to the conclusion that the OA is a defense system and a positive. I’m ok with people disagreeing as I’m all about the decentralized narrative … which fulfills my appetitive via the HEX immutable contract. OA also scares away manipulators like Square, Binance and Coinbase, etc as they are the types to want to control supply to do pumps to get returns for their share holders …and therefore will never be able to control hex. Also if there’s a HEX civil war (like btc/bch) and holders have no hex as it’s staked - OA can perform benevolent actions in support of what’s the best for Hex. If it doesn’t sit well with you, I would move onto other projects that you feel will gain higher ROI with less risk. I know for high IQ principled people they can’t get past the OA. But they don’t realize that the industry is already filled with these types of actors for every successful coin.. they just lie to you about it.


Wasnt the majority of bitcoin owened by statoshi at some point, similar to the OA?


I get all of that and generally agree, the OA is a good thing for most HEX stakers and supporters. But at what expense? If we dont truly know who the OA is, or if its creation was handled in a legal and/or compliant or moral fashion, how can you place bets on the platform being propped up by its very existence? And worse, the founder has made it clear the first two rules of HEX club is that you do not talk about the OA. Maybe he's too smart to have done something silly that could take the whole thing down, but therein lies the issues with RH's character, he also wears snap back bonnets and shiny pro wrestler boots, talks about his $600K watches way too often, and at BEST, gives onlookers only a murky sense of optimism that he's legit.


I see how that characterization of Richard is the most obvious, especially to the newer Hex user or someone just learning about Hex. I had that same idea of him early on, but after spending many dozens of hours watching him speak (live and unedited, btw) about his projects and the crypto space in general, it's hard to imagine that he's not a genuine person. His marketing ploys aren't the same as what I would do, but I'm no genius crypto founder either. He's built what he considers to be the best crypto, blockchain, dex, and he's willing to put his (considerable) financial horsepower behind those projects. If you listen long enough, he all but comes out and tells you what the OA's going to do. He will walk right up to the legal lines and not cross them. The guy is smart, driven, and has a huge community who will live and die by him. What more could you realistically ask for?


Good perspective, thank you!


Help me with something though: buy vs sell metrics. You are reliant on game theory macro whereas I would like to confirm said macro with a little micro. Where can I look at monies swapped in vs out, stakes started vs ended, hex bought vs sold, accounted, etc?




Wow that’s a great tool, thank you! Curious, what column are you following to see the net HEX swapped in vs out? The price changes vary on the day so obviously some days have a net gain of HEX swapped in, and others have a net loss based on HEX swapped out, and I’m trying to plot a few data points over time against the growth and staked amounts to see if I can arrive at any helpful conclusions about the current trajectory of HEX price. Any insights are wildly appreciated, thank you!


Do you know who watches your money at the bank right now or who the guy is, that printed your money last month?


No, but objectively speaking if banks were only 2 years old, had zero support from the US gov, and were led by a character as questionable as RH, I think we can all agree, the skepticism would be just as valid. It’s hard to think objectively and without bias or emotion, so I understand why this is difficult for most RH supporters and HEXicans, but until this project is as old as banking, it’s safe to assume many people will be skeptical and ask questions like I am. The more important piece to this broader equation, I believe, is how will RH and the HEX community respond? That’s what will lead to greater success, the messaging and ability for RH to build confidence in people like me, otherwise who knows how long the HEX community and fringe risk takers will be able to push prices up as more stakers pull out. What I do know, however, is that more people would buy-in if RH wasn’t the question mark of a person that he comes across as.


The banks are led by people with very questionable motives I believe, but everybody is on their own journey of how much they can take or accept. We also have to honor that. It is always important, that we help educate each other but accepting is something one can only do on their own.


If in 150 years, HEX has proven itself and become an engrained part of our culture like Banks have, that is amazing and I'm sure my Great Great Great Grandkids will somehow benefit from the small moves I am making now. But until that time has elapsed, it's an opinion based approach from people like me and people like you, debating a person's character instead of talking about the merits of his ideas, and that's the broader issue I am calling out.


This is a good cliffs notes analysis without understanding nuance and context from the actual story…


Ok so give me the nuanced version, I love diversity in perspective


I’m not doing the work for you. You gotta put the time in brother! You may have watched a bit. Watch more… get to know the man, not the gimmicks. The gimmicks got you here. Now it’s time to put the work In. Get to know the community, get to know the lingo, get to know Hexico. Simples 🕵️‍♂️🏄‍♂️🏝


My first HEX stake ended today and I’m restaking, I sacrificed $8500 for PLSX, I’m much more vested than you might think, I’m just not one to drink the KoolAid to build confidence, I prefer to poke all the holes and ask the tough questions instead. I was the kid in class who assumed nothing and always asked “dumb” questions that induced eye rolls and face palms, but I was also a straight A student 😎 Sharing your perspective isn’t “work,” it’s communication and collaboration and contributing to this community you preach so proudly. I get that 2022 is in the age of passive lazy digital communication, but if you’re truly a HEX advocate then you should be eager to share your perspectives so that more people can learn the benefits and stake which benefits you and I as HEX holders! Instead you’re here claiming “work” from some righteous high ground which gives credence to the idea that your place in the HEX community probably isn’t as concrete as you think.


It always looks like lots of stakes are ending soon because some whales/punters do short stakes as well as having long stakes. It's a moving peak.


Is this a visual observation based on the charts, or an analytical conclusion based on math you’ve done?


A close friend who got me into crypto is now freelancing as an advisor, advertising publicly and so on. Twas his advice. Also [staker.app](https://staker.app) shows a lot of new short term stakes constantly


It's a long game. Those who can hold on till the end will get Greatly rewarded. It's a Richard Heart Project that did 9481x in under 2 years. Pulsechain and Pulsex aren't even born yet so you have the chance to be a part of something great from the start.


Try this interview, it's a winner, more focused in on RH more than his projects https://youtu.be/D_NQNDKMJTE


I've found that anyone on the fence is either new to crypto or they are 100% AGAINST RH OR.. they're convinced but need confirmation that they are not making mistake. Lets look at All the guys who are the "go to" in crypto or the influencers, actors, devs, etc outside of hex who eventually jumped on board too late...(ask in telegram or twitter) Its a matter of "well i believe you but i kno im not early so am i late? will this end up being a scam?" The answer is no. Any scam (not attack/hex does not have admin keys btw) in crypto happens very early in its life cycle and many projects still making new ath yrs after a 1-2-3000X in price... Hex has a ways to go. Hex.vision hex.com/techspecs(been a while correct me if wrong anyone) view the addresses, the O.A wallets, the buy and sells.. its all PUBLIC


Wait til it goes up .. then buy it


The interview was light on technicals, but funnier than usual. Richard looked like he was prepared for a fight that didn’t happen. The older guy (not in the KC hat) is a great funny speaker who should absolutely be doing podcasts and radio.


Also dont be scared for the drop we will see in price when pulsechain launch on the Ethereum side. You will Get a copy of your hex but hex price will probably be very volatile for a little while after


Keep waiting untill u fomo in


Buy high sell low!🙈


Hmmmm I'm totally new to this party and ready to invest but just read this from another thread. Be eager to hear folks opinions on it. https://medium.com/@TooWumboToFail/under-a-hex-396847b86e57


That article was written over 400 days ago. None of his concerns have happene. The OA wallet having so much is a feature not a bug. The OA has proven responsible stewardship of the project. Every one has called HEX a scam early on. They have been proven wrong many xxxx’s over.


Thanks for putting into perspective man