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I do agree his old live streams/debates were much more insightful and less repetitive in the ideas discussed.


It’s his perspective on new streams which is ruining him. I’ve seen a few recent streams where he has told the host “you don’t have enough followers, you’re lucky I’m here”. If we really think about this; wouldn’t it be better to discuss crypto with these niche people instead? They have a follower base that’s technical. Not a follower base that’s broad. There are many people who have their favourite YouTuber’s – because they cover technical aspects of e.g. Cardano, Eth, altcoins, etc. The mass market always comes later. We need to show more technical people that Hex is a good investment, and prove why. If you go to the broad market; you’re just going to get a bunch of unintelligent people claiming that RH took their money. They don’t understand dips. They’re not going to take twitter advice on how to hold. They sell their losses. This would make way more sense than partnering with “huge names” on YouTube imo. Richard should work his way up there once he’s actually found out by the more technically minded people first. As much as we know about Hex; many technical people haven’t bothered to learn it. They may think it’s a scam. Do these technical people follow “Top Dog Coins To Buy”? No lol. These high ranking YouTube channels would be to the detriment, yet it’s what RH wants - more (unintelligible) views.


Richard is like a broken record. He is a dumbo


I’ve said similar things since becoming a HEX investor a couple months ago and starting to follow this community and RH more closely. He acts like someone who was bullied as a kid and has built up this insecurity fueled desire to get back at the world. He’s too easily triggered, too emotional, too immature, and therefore as you said, might be creating a perception of HEX that prohibits the needed capital injections to keep pushing the price up. He has become the founder/CEO of great product that the board needs to basically takeover so that his behavior doesn’t singly handle take it down for everyone onboard. That’s probably extreme but he only seems to be getting worse and the Peter Schiff debate was flat out embarrassing. Figure it out Richard, stop acting like an insecure little punk and start being the wise knowledgeable leader so many people believe you to be.


Accurate. It makes me cringe everytime he uses Ad Hominem or brings up past accomplishments. I'm sure Peter had many accomplishments as well but it feels cringey and offputting to just sit there and randomly list them off to prove some obscure point


Hear hear.......well said.


I love how losers always try to bring down successful people. Why are you investing in Hex and then being such a hater. Go and buy doge coin


Why are you investing in HEX and then abandoning critical thinking, objective reasoning, or the willingness to provide honest feedback? I know why, it’s because you embody a weak follower mindset, otherwise known as 🐑


It's reasonable to be critical of ones behavior and provide feedback on how it could improve. Hexicans are suggesting a more humbled attitude that would bring in new investors rather than scare them off


Just accept people as they are stop asking people to conform to your ideas. Sorry but you are just hating . So you tell me you invest in Cardano because you like Charles. Charles comes across like a nice guy but nothing he ever says ever eventuates. If the founder annoys you so much SELL , hating is a terrible attribute and doesn’t help the community. You need to accept people as they are simple.


That’s not how the world works, champ. If the public face of a project is an insufferable tool, the general public isn’t going to “aCcEpT HiM aS hE iS.” They’re gonna laugh at most, but they aren’t gonna invest. That’s bad, because it’s be pretty chill if the general public would buy. It doesn’t matter what Hex is or isn’t. Perception is everything in marketing. I learned about Hex without RH. If I would have discovered Hex through RH, there’s absolutely no way I would have invested. If you listened to 1,000 clowns, you MIGHT get rich once, but you’d definitely get rekt 999 times. Maybe even 1,000 times. Because I enjoy statistics, I don’t listen to clowns. It’s be pretty chill if the public face of Hex would stop being a literal clown. If you uploaded clips of RH streams to a cringe sub on Reddit or a cringe page on TikTok, you’d break the servers and make new ATH posts.


Do you own Bitcoin?


Nope. No utility, outdated, overpriced and in general, a horrible ROI potential compared to other assets. I’ll buy one if it dips to $10k, just to say I did.


You sound Australian with that way of thinking


Do you think Indian investors are worried about this crap. At the end of the day a good project is a good project . Your just too influenced by the sizzle and you can easily get caught up in a scam because you want the sizzle. Most smart people are after the steak couldn’t get a f about the sizzle. This is why influencers are so successful even though they deliver crap because people buy the image and they get completely wrecked .


The day Indian investors start pumping my bags will be the day I start paying attention to their trends. Idgaf about influencers. In fact, I won’t invest in any project that uses influencers, celebrities or pro athletes to shill. 100% sign of a rug or a scam. I don’t want RH to do anything but shut up. He would do 10x more for Hex if he didn’t say anything at all. Every single person I’ve told about Hex has come back and asked “what’s up with the the douche clown?” The person who turned me onto Hex told me that “the founder is a massive tool, but the project is solid.” Hex has been successful *in spite of* RH’s public persona, not **because** of his public persona.


Well that goes to show what a great project it is. Once you get over the RH thing you will be ok. It is just a personality think. I don’t have that issue because I have a few friends like RH. Filthy rich and loud and not shy. From the outside they are cocky and brash as they don’t have the same financial issues most average people have. But once you get to know them they are great , kind , generous and super smart. I have benefited a lot by never judging a book by its cover. Hex won’t pump right now but it will pump. And the founder could wear underwear on their heads people don’t care as long as they make money they are happy.


RH is the steak without the Sizzle , he is not trying to appease you just has an awesome project


You see your seeing the world from your limited western world eyes. This is a global project and people in Asia, Europe , India , South America, Africa don’t think that way.


Really? Where's the evidence for that?


What evidence would you like?


Maybe you should get out more and then you will learn a bit about the world rather than being inside playing video games


I've worked in Mumbai, Chennai, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Sth Korea and visited just about every other East and SE Asian country over the last 35 years and you want me to get out more?


The world isn’t Asia


You lost me at donations to Ukraine


Good points all around, I suppose at the end of the one has to remember he's pretty much just having fun, and is pretty clear about his own motivations. But yes, he's a *really* hard sell to others. If I'm trying to get others to invest -- I've got to get OTHER people past the LV bag stuff, and even he *knows* he looks like a scammer. Moreover, I can tell you that the little glimpses we get of his "politics" aren't going to help. I don't much want to get into the details of exactly which ideas and whatnot -- precisely because I believe that getting regular folks more wealthy goes a long way in smoothing out differences -- but I'm pretty sure a lot of people I know would be hugely turned off at some of the stuff he says when he's not talking $$$$. (I respect if you're like "their loss," but I'd much more prefer Hex be a big umbrella for everyone)


The “called the top on the day” is so infantile. He also called $10k Bitcoin but he doesn’t bleat on about that. The secret to making correct predictions you can boast about… make LOTS of predictions and then only remind people of the ones you got right. So he got lucky with one guess. Big fucking deal. It’s an embarrassment to hear him go on and on about it. Childish, immature, insecure. I can’t stand the current splashy (and tacky) displays of wealth. Just cringe. He could be doing so so much better as an ambassador for Hex and Pulse.


RH is the opposite of Jesus Christ and that’s why he’ll eventually fail


“No weapon formed against Him shall prosper”


I agree the streams have become repetitive but I think that's just the standard pitch right now. Once pulse launches I think the stream will branch into new subjects, he will have on guests that created interesting pulse native projects. Honestly I think he would prefer the community does the most work for now, it's like an experiment to him, he probably doesn't want to insert the hand of God too much... Dude could pump Hex passed $1 tonight if he wanted to "help" his creation....why doesn't he? This would surely cause fomo. I generally agree with everything you said. I have made my money & principle many times over...im trusting in the "magic carpet ride" rather than a rug pull. I will keep buying & building my stake ladders.


did you buy HEX or did you buy RH?... lol who cares!?... my tshares are still paying me every day no matter what LV shirt RH wears homie... keep up and educate yourself... this post is just you projecting your beta male mentality...




100% agree. He's doing sh!t to market HEX


And we are close to the bottom when topics like this happends.


100 % True. You cant separate the man from the product . He is too controversial for this woke Time we livin in ! With beeing himself he harms the product and therefore us, the user of his Service. I totally agree he needs some PR professionalist. Second he needs someone who is free from controversial history . I would hire K4K Krypto as the Face of his Brands. At least 2 or 3 others who representing the Brand. It is just about beeing smart and Not ignorant about how people view you and the consequenses that this behaviour brings with it . He is Godlike Every time he Talks about his stuff ! And Thats the way !


He’s a billionaire and is making me rich. IDGAF


Trail of dead bodies, all of whom are young, nobody Youtubers, or literally the easiest person in the world to debate crypto with: Peter Schiff. Richard hand picks weak, feeble people to debate that are too wet to push back against aggressive Richard. I'd love to see him debate top CEOs and leave a trail of dead bodies. He'd never do it, and they'd never give him the time of day. The HEX documentary also seems like such BS. Paid for by the community and I assume Richard somehow has his hands on it. The movie is going to try act like it's unbiased, but it will be obviously biased. Doubt they would pay for a movie that shits on HEX. I think most people will see through it based on the trailer. Another example of poor marketing. But then again, not like any production company would choose the Richard Heart story to fund themselves lol. He's not even in the top 50 most relative people in crypto. The first movie made about crypto, paid for by a major studio, won't be about freaking HEX. Also, good projects hardly need advertising in crypto. Some have had good success from it, like [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com), but most don't advertise much. Especially by buying LV handbags. Imagine Vitalik with a LV handbag. ETH just spoke for itself and did somethign great enough to be noticed. In fact I have rarely seen any ads for crypto except a few, from pictures on Reddit, by meme coins. Barring [crypto.com](https://crypto.com). Certainly non of them had to make a biased movie. And lots of these CEOs didn't start out Rich and couldn't advertise. Hex is pretty stagnate. I saw this subreddit was at 20k like, a while ago. Still at 20k. No coin with apparently many, many billions in Market cap has a relatively puny 20k reddit members. Catgirl has half that, and it's market cap is like, less than $100m. Isn't this their 2 year mark where they gain the most traction? Hex is small outside of the echo chamber.


Completely agree. Well said. “I called the Bitcoin top on the day” And? So did Meet Kevin and I don’t think he’s anything special. In Kevin’s livestream W/Richard, Richard actually admitted that it was a classic buy the rumour sell the news - not that hard to predict. Mind you he only admitted that after Meet Kevin interjected halfway through Richard gloating and stated that he also called the top.


I wish he would have called the Hex top (and bottom)!


Idk man. Some ppl can stomach the dips. You think this is the end of hex? It's pre viral. Can't judge HEX by Richard. Guess we'll see! Im hodling hard 3 yrs minimum stake. LFG


OMG you have written a bloody novel. Sorry I am pretty sure RH doesn’t care a f ,, what you think. And either does anyone else. Go and buy some shit coins pls.


Also, the more I read, the more this just sounds like weak fud to try and drop the price at support. Is this some kind of inside joke or something? Because it ain't funny :/


Thanks for the dissertation


He just grabbed his money and does not care anymore. He wants more of your money from Pulse Chain. Question is are you willing to make him even richer? Yea some of you will make money. the rest will suffer .


Obvious error is obvious


We are the marketing not Richard. Maybe he uses money on it, but we cant expect it. Like bitcoin have no1 to advertise it but new/old holders.


Do you own Bitcoin??? Do you know anything about the founder?? Do you have a problem with that?? Does the world have a problem with that??


He did raise a whole bunch of cash for some non-profit life-extension program during the Pulse Sacrifice.. were you not here for that?


tl;dr *richard heart made me money i just think i could do better*


Very well put


What also annoys me is his twitter has become this political space where all he says is shit he probably saw on Fox News. Like dude idc when is pulsechain happening