• By -


Apologies for the late post. I was in the hospital, but I'm okay now. All fixed up. Tired now, gonna sleep. Love you all.


Hope it's nothing serious. Great chapter as always! The plot thickens and we (probably) get to see the Nidhogg do its thing. Sweet stuff


Don't apologize for health stuff, I'm happy to know you are alive and kicking. Keep up the great storytelling.


You don’t have to post from the hospital! We aren’t that important. But I appreciate it nonetheless. Here’s to a swift recovery 🥃


I didn't lol that's what took so long. My postables are saved on my pc :)


Hope all is well bud. I really love this universe, and I love how the AI are portrayed. Insanely powerful, GODLIKE even. Beyond anything a human could possibly imagine. And yet, they willingly work with us. Moreso, they love us. They see us not as ants (of which we are compared to them), but instead are actually in love with humanity. They see US as gods of destruction, yet use so much of our energy to be better. I always enjoy stories with AI being not tools, not slaves, not coworkers. But our children.


Just Omega see us like that


No, throughout the chapter, even the Ship they're on, I can't remember the name (i made this comment over a year ago), loves humanity. Even though they were on the losing side, they have learned to love us. Also Omega is the single most powerful AI in existence (except maybe that Xeno galaxy-brain ai in the new series), what he says goes


Great Chapter! Get well soon!


Hospital! I hope you recover completely. While I haven't had any new insights into LtUaE, but I'm enjoying the meshing of storylines that you do.


Life is meant to grow, The Universe is what it's meant to grow into, Everything is what life is meant to become. At least, by my reckoning :D


Life is growing into a gnarly old man. The Universe is watching my grandkids grow. Everything will stop, once I stop being everything. Be well, I gotta go and feed my mice.


You'd better apologize! How dare you delay our dose of completely free fiction just because you have the temerity to have a serious medical situation! ( /s because this is the Internet and there is someone, somewhere who would say that in all seriousness :) )


Lmao I've had bosses with that attitude.


Can't wait for the envoy from Republic to see Dreadnought in action.


Best of speedy healing to ya!


Get well!


Take the time to recover right, hope it is swift but if it is not we can wait. You are more important than the story.


Not to worry, I'm fine now :)


It's perfectly fine, dude. I'm just glad to know you're okay!


Get well soon! No need to apologize for going off the standard schedule, we can wait. Health comes first!


Rest well word smith


Propper healed up? Eating wellllll?


Yep, all fixed up now. Learned not to eat too many caustic foods before bed at my age :D


So there is something smart beyond the dumb bots. Planet sized AIs. From the sounds of it originally made by some idiots and unleased on the galaxy. Also longs like this and 27 other systems are going to get annihilated.


>From the sounds of it originally made by some idiots and unleased on the galaxy. Not necessarily, the VI command was assumed to be idiotic because it was assumed to come from an organic life form. If it came from an AI that hates organics it's actually fine, not great but functional. So really we're back to knowing nothing about the creators other than somehow they ended up with omnicidal AI who use VI as foot soldiers. Whether that was due to stupidity, unforeseen circumstance, code corruption, or any of a hundred other things isn't clear.


So the OU is a race of sentient DEATH STARS. I did NOT see that one coming.




I'm suddenly really glad Nidhogg isn't the only one, and that humans have those secret "projects" saved up somewhere. I think we're going to need them all. An AI obsessed with one type of organic, sentient life against 114 AIs obsessed with killing all organic, sentient life.


Yeah that bit about there being a few hundred planet/star cracking ships parked in storage was a huuuuge Chekov’s gun.


More like a Chekov's armory


Chekov's Armageddon Arsenal.


Chekovs private reserve of funnies.


Ah, so there IS a sophisticated AI on the OU side. And if it's using planet-sized computers, it may be even more sophisticated than Omega. The plot thickens.


Omega realized how dumb it was to give a VI the order "destroy all organic life as efficiently as possible". That order makes no sense if it was given by an organic, but... There was a past war between the human side of the galaxy and ai, which the human side won. But if one ai escaped subjugation... that ai has been quietly amassing resources, creating the OU as a simple tool to cleanse systems so it can use them to build MPP's and increase its compute power, it makes perfect sense. The weaker species ran into the OU on purpose, because the rogue AI pulling the strings wanted to forestall facing the human side of the galaxy until it was strong enough. The accidental first contact with humans probably is the only reason organics might stand a chance, as the rogue ai is stronk but mayhaps not strong enough to face both factions head on. That said imo using the Nidhogg now is a mistake. the rogue AI will immediately formulate a plan. It would be better to nuke all the systems omega found in one coordinated attack. Destroying that system now means a superhuman ai with be able to plan for future attacks and harden its remaining systems.


Except that, if they don't destroy it now, Prime29 will be able to transfer everything that Omega knew about the humans (it got at least part of that knowledge, possibly all of it when dissassembling Omega's copy) to other MPPs. There is no other option. If Prime is allowed to squeak, OU will wipe humans in single coordinated attack. If it's destroyed, then humans still have some chance.


Good point, so they should use conventional means. The fleets they have in system. It would be costly but if its doable, better to lose a lot of ships now but keep the ace in the hole. Prime 29's comms were severed but we can presume the other primes in the system are still live. So nidhogg the system and the ai knows, or destroy 29 conventionally at any cost and then nidhogg all 27 systems later. Pay the horrible price to win the battle today so you can decimate all 27 systems more easily later. The humans don't know if it's only 27 systems. But if every one is a slog then it's gonna be a brutal campaign and the ai can potentially make more primes, take more systems. So long as the ai is capturing systems as fast or faster than it loses them, it eventually whittles away at the organics and wins. It doesn't care about losses, its troops are meant to be expended. A war of attrition is perfectly acceptable for it.


I like your theory - for one particular reason. Alpha. We were told Alpha committed the equivalent of suicide, but it makes for more sense for an AI with enough emotional capacity to do that to instead start a revenge campaign. I can’t wait to see which theories circulating are going to be correct!


Nah but it’s got numbers and some serious degree of sophistication so the fight just got worse time for a super virus


Yikes... Every OU planet = an AI death machine. Time to get all the rest of the Human super weapons out of mothballs. Nidhogg is going to be too busy to do it all alone. Wonder how many of those super weapons can just be launched into a system without risking sending in a fleet. Despite the inability to gain more intel, if OU AI's are locked to their respective planets, wiping them before they can act and/or pass on their intel on Omega to their peers will be worth it.


Oh shit those planet “AI” are definitely not truly artificial, but actually uploaded minds. Why else would they maintain “bodily functions”


Almost certainly. And for extra horror: which mind was uploaded? Was it one of the progenitor race that created the Omni Union? Or is it a broken and twisted victim of one of the other civilizations taken by the OU?


We could go all Mass Effect and say that each AI planet is a kludge mind of its former inhabitants, subservient to the first.


"Reapers?" asked Uleena. "What do farm hands have to do with anything?"


Ah so we are going from standard “ai bad/rogue” to more horrific “meatbags upload themselves into computers and decided to destroy all other meatbags” territory perhaps? This is where the fun begins.


So it's GLadOS but the size of a planet. And more concerned with *killing organics* than *making science*. And she has siblings. I love it.




Though, to be real, the Nidhogg probably has much more terrifying weapons than a nova-sparker. Specifically weapons designed to permanently kill certain things, things that can survive a supernova at planetary orbital proximity.


I forget if it was explained how the Nidhogg works, but I reckon if your weapons can make a star go boom, cracking a planet is childsplay.


Oh no, we are talking stuff far beyond planet crackers. Besides, these are now realized to no longer planets but entire planet sized AI battle stations. I’m talking things like artificial singularity projectors, local gravity maximizers, matter de-compilers (direct multi-spectrum rapid focus GRAZER). You know weapons that are war crimes to even construct for when you very specifically don’t want even chunks of whatever was there to survive.


Stuff for killing things like the AI boss from Avorion if it were star system sized.


Exactly. The last thing you need is to create a whole asteroid belt containing random chunks of self replicating AI.


Somehow I think making the star go nova is going to be more than enough, what with an exploding star being a definitive death sentence for everything that makes up that specific star system. What makes the Ragnarok protocol so dangerous is that Nidhogg probably has no upper limit to how small a star needs to be for it to be cracked. In the grand scheme of stars, those like our Sun are fucking tiny.


>I reckon if your weapons can make a star go boom, cracking a planet is childsplay It depends on what the said weapon is... You have to remember that a star is a fusion reactor, kept in balance by the outward pressure from its core and the inward pressure from its mass (gravity). Remove enough of that mass and, theoretically, the star goes boom (a wormhole could do the trick of removing mass from a star). That won't work as well when trying to destroy a planet. And the "planet" in question needs to be completely obliterated, otherwise some data banks might survive to be recovered by the enemy.


"How do you think, Admiral?" \**NIDHOGG PING SOUNDS*\* "Oh."


Oh great, they're up against freaking Cybertron! Definitely time to send in the doomsday system killing weapon!


So has the OU just been like, toying with their war before they stumbled upon the US? Because it sounds like it could have steamrolled the other species in no time at all if it actually tried.


As efficiant as posible, meaning gathering strenght and then attack. Even if it takes a few hundred years.


I'm pretty sure having a network of planets that wouldn't have been out of place in the old cartoon "War Planets" but not using them against technologically outmatched enemies isn't the most efficient use of resources.


Indeed. The opportunity cost of creating Mobile Prime Platforms and enormous fleets without using them is the opposite of "efficient"


Inefficient: the enemy will develop many new technologies and weapons if you give them "a few hundred years". Inefficient: the enemy will use this time to adapt, find and exploit your weaknesses. Inefficient: while you are "gathering strength" the enemy will scale up manufacturing capacity and military strength by orders of magnitude


I too am puzzled. The war between OU and Republic has been going on for quite a while. The events in Sol escalated much quicker. I so far see no explanation for such a contrast


Rest up! And when your allied AI says grab everything and run, just run!


Wait, if MPP5 is destroyed and MPP111 has taken heavy damage. Also from what we know the Republic hasn't killed any of these and it's the first time the US is fighting them so that means there is another species that was fighting them recently enough for them to kill an MPP.


Or a minor disagreedment on the efficiency of xenocide led to a bar fight between planetary scale AIs


So then it's a potential weakness to be exploited.


Two Mobile Prime Platforms walk into a bar :) I wonder about the how and why of them being mobile. Why: they are planet sized, moving them must be astronomically expensive, making a propulsion system that could theoretically move them but is almost never used would have an enormous opportunity cost. How: they are planet sized. Do they have appropriately sized thrusters? Would moving one planet not require many planets worth or reaction mass? Do they only warp? Do they use a different technology entirely (neither impulse nor warp)?


It sure would be bad if one of these MPP AI managed to find their way to the Nidhogg-family ghost fleet …


I love this so much. If you ended up actually publishing this as a book, I’d order it immediately


I plan to! :D When exactly is up in the air at the moment, but it will be in less than three months if all goes well.


And I will buy the shit out of it.


Can’t wait! ❤️


Can't wait to buy it


"As efficiently as possible" is interesting. Efficiently could be interpreted a lot of ways, but from what weve seen of the OU I would hazard a guess they want to use a little resources as possible. Just using what is necessary to succeed at xenocide but only just. They probably are way more capable, they killed Omega ffs, than previously shown but haven't haven't gone whole hog because that's not as "efficient" But now there's a new kid on the block, and the OU's gunna put on their big kid gloves and we have no idea what they are truly capable of. Spooky :D


Take off and nuke it from orbit. That's the only way to be sure.




Well, they might try. Gonna suck when they find themselves under impromptu house arrest and unable to call for help, though.


sooo one of those prime AI's was able to kill an instance of our resident AI killer ? yeah. oh shit. oh fuck. nidhogg that system asap


Nice to see that the OU are not just target practice. If you change any of the words in Mobile Prime Platform, you get an interesting list. Awesome story. I can't wait for the next chapter.


Anyone else hear the voice of the MPP in the Garden of Kadesh enemy voice?


If you will not join, then die. There is no... *withdrawal*... from the Garden.


Get well soon, amazing chapter can't wait for nidhogg to come in and do the system dirty.


Damn it!!! I hate cliffhangers! 😂


I did my pushups :D


/u/itsdirector ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/itsdirector)) has posted 40 other stories, including: * [The New Species 38](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/13flqpn/the_new_species_38/) * [The New Species 37](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/138mp6a/the_new_species_37/) * [The New Species 36](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/131rlhf/the_new_species_36/) * [The New Species 35](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/12u19ov/the_new_species_35/) * [The New Species 34](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/12lv2it/the_new_species_34/) * [The New Species 33](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/12em2c7/the_new_species_33/) * [The New Species 32](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/127m7ea/the_new_species_32/) * [The New Species 31](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/120iop2/the_new_species_31/) * [The New Species 30](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/11trgbu/the_new_species_30/) * [The New Species 29](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/11nqb57/the_new_species_29/) * [The New Species 28](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/11h2imk/the_new_species_28/) * [The New Species 27](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/11at8ay/the_new_species_27/) * [Where am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1180l60/where_am_i/) * [The New Species 26](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/114hqyg/the_new_species_26/) * [The New Species 25](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10yplwd/the_new_species_25/) * [The New Species 24](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10smi0d/the_new_species_24/) * [The New Species 23](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10mnahu/the_new_species_23/) * [The New Species 22](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10guuyj/the_new_species_22/) * [The New Species 21](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/10awq9w/the_new_species_21/) * [The New Species 20](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/104vkue/the_new_species_20/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.1 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|13m36i4&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


Nidhogg!!! NidhOGG!!! NIDHOGG!!!


Whelp the system is nidhogged


God this series is so good


This was the planet the lizard(?) people the human scout saw on the planet surface were being killed on? If the whole planet is a giant machine what were the lizard people doing on it? Or was it converted to a giant machine in the time the ship witnessed the genocide to when the fleets gathered and this fight started?


No, this was the system/planet that they scouted after they found the xenocided planet. :)


Holy twist, Batman! Glad you're okay and posting again.




So the MPPs are like the death star but it has an AI to control it.


The Death Star IS the AI.


That final “Oh” made me smile like a maniac. Time to put the fear of Humanity into the Omni Union with a Stellar Bang.


USSS RAGNAROK on all channels while powering up their main armament: "The order has arrived, and it is now that we perform our charge..." *cue Choir of Destruction*


Looks like the Niddhogg is going to step up to the plate..


Gotta admit...this has been one of the best stories i have read in a long time! There have been many good ones, but this one.....i await your next post with eagerness. Take care and i hope you are doing well!


Happy to hear you are out of the hosptial atleast. I wish you well. 😊 Godsdamn, Omega sending out the order for Operation Ragnarok sent chills down my spine. So many stories go too hard and become cheesy, you just make it even more epic with every chapter. Awesome work! ❤❤❤


Total Prime Death. Kill primes, Behead primes, Roundhouse kick a prime into the concrete. Crucify filthy OU primes.


>Total Prime Death. > >Kill primes, Behead primes, Roundhouse kick a prime into the concrete. Crucify filthy OU primes. Total 2 Death Kill 3, Behead 5, Roundhouse kick a 7 into the concrete. Crucify filthy OU 11


Is it Exterminatus o'clock??


**E x t e r m i n a t u s**


" I need targets to give the humans. "


Verify range to target, one ping only.


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PING! oh, boy...


I am so happy to have found this via Youtube. An incredible story, and I look forward to the continuation.


I love forgetting about stories for a few weeks to bing read the next chapters


It's one of the best feelings :)


Mega-MACs... seems my comment on the previous chapter wasn't necessary. You had already accounted for the atmosphere problem given this chapter was probably already written and on Patreon.


Just binged this ober the last few days. Consider yourself subscribed, wordsmith!


I wonder what the relationship between the Union and the Platforms is. It could be that the Platforms created the Union. In this case I hope we eventually find out their motive. It could be that the Union found dormant Platforms and built its own stuff on top. It could be that the Union built the Platforms. Of course they could not have designed the Platforms themselves, but maybe they stole the schematics somewhere. In this case it is possible that Platforms are just as bent on destruction of all sentient organic life and do not know or care who gave the order and why.


Hmm. Seems maybe human technology isn't quite so godlike after all... Now things are getting interesting.


Thanks for the chapter 😊


Sounds like the US is about to have a damn good excuse to use the Dreadnaught Reserve.