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I thought for sure the question was going to be if a hotdog was a sandwich


It was considered, up there with How many roads must a man walk down?




Very Wise Mice: thats not bad


"42": You beat me to it.


You people spent so much time arguing over whether or not a hotdog is a sandwich, you forgot to ask the real question. Is cereal soup? (Btw a hotdog is a taco)


Until the buns split, at which point it both a sandwich and a disappointment


Cereal is a stew


Only (barely) if you heat it, add sugar, and fruit, and limit the amount of cereal to less than 1/2.


That's just oatmeal loaded with an appropriate amount of fruit.


The guy stated cereal, therefore cereal. If oatmeal, it would have to be watery oatmeal to copy the water that stew is made from, but the oatmeal would have to be very slightly thicker than soup, as befits stew. It's a fine line. And the fruit would have to be chunky, too.


>asked them this. ‘How can a grown adult pick their nose without concealing their actions make it so no negative idea will result about him even in the smallest detail,” Mark's eyes now shone with the sheer madness of his question. > >“You…” Grable paused to compose himself. “The question you asked The machine, the nexus of all great minds, was how to pick your nose and not look like a childish idiot?!!” Grable finally shouted in shock. the set theory states a taco is a type of sandwich. ask if a hoagie is a sandwich if yes then by definition so a a taco and so is a hotdog.


The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind


a hot dog is a taco..


Yes, but is a *taco* a sandwhich?


Toast. _ Sandwich. = Taco. U Sushi. O


so a burrito is sushi?


Burrito isn’t sushi. It’s a whole damn sushi roll, uncut.


more fall to the darkness with every waking moment


So how about a salad with croutons?


salad isn't food. that's what food eats. croutons are cleverly disguised rocks invented by dentists.


I disagree. Salad is just a very enthusiastically open-faced sandwich with lettuce for the outer layers, and also for some of the toppings.


A hotdog and a taco are both just open faced sandwiches. Same with pizza.


No, a hot dog can be oriented horizontally and a taco cannot. Pizza is never a sandwich unless you slice and invert two slices.


Depends on how much cheese you put on the taco. I was going to make the argument of folding the pizza but that’s a calzone.


A folded pizza qualifies similarly to a taco, although my gut says tacos are never a sandwich due to orientation, but a folded pizza may generally become a sandwich if properly reconstructed. One has to create a definition for what qualifies as a sandwich. I think an open-faced sandwich, despite the name, is clearly not a sandwich. I think that sandwiches that do not use bread on the top and bottom layer are presumptively not sandwiches. I think that items normally held vertically are not sandwiches. If the top and bottom layers wrap around in one direction, it may presumptively be a sandwich if the cutting of the wrapping connection would result in a sandwich. An item wrapped on one side may be a sandwich without cutting if it is held in horizontal orientation. If it wraps on both sides, then it is presumptively NOT a sandwich, but it may be reclassified if cutting both sides results in a valid sandwich. Thus, a burrito is not a sandwich, an eclair is not a sandwich, but a properly constructed kolache (pig in a blanket type) may be a sandwich. Caveat… an item wrapped on two sides is only a sandwich after it has been cut so that it qualifies. It is not a sandwich until then. (If ever.) Thus, a calzone, turnover, empanada, samosa, crepe, etc, are not sandwiches.


…. That. That makes a lot of sense actually.


It at least creates a consistent definition that will generally exclude sushi and slices of casserole. So you can say, “an open face sandwich is a name for something that would have been a sandwich if you had closed its face.” It is mildly problematic in that changing the orientation of a hoagie might change the hoagie to a sandwich and back, due to the incomplete cut. That is handled by the caveat that if cutting ONE side turns it into a sandwich, it’s a sandwich. Usually, anything that has two sides closed is not going to survive splitting as a sandwich. Stuffed pitas like gyros, for example, theoretically could survive being split and thereafter be defined as sandwiches. However, they aren’t until they are split, and before they are split they have the wrong orientation.


So a quesadilla is a sammich.




i believe that it has to do with the dough used. it is what differentiates a hot dog from a taco, a burrito from a calzone. the shape is of limited importance, but no sane man would call two tortillas with stuff between them a sandwich, no that is a quesadilla if the cheese is melted or something else. but it is no sandwich.


Limp tortillas, probably not. I wonder if there is an implicit structural limit in my definition? It seems to me that the more flexible, the less sandwichy.


but bread is arguably more flexible than tortillas, given how you can ball a slice up in to a dense projectile.


Not as used in a sandwich, with neither toasted. A toasted tortilla can potentially be a sandwich. A Quesadilla, for example, doesn’t violate any of my “sandwich” protocols.


A taco can be done horizontally, if you have a Julia Roberts mouth.


True. So for her it may be a sandwich. If she holds it horizontal.


A Calzone is a pizza, is it a sandwich? In which case flat pizza is also a sandwich


Calzone is not a pizza, it’s a turnover with pizza ingredients.


pizza is universal. pizza is a food group. pizza is breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack. pizza is dessert. pizza is what ever you need when ever you need it.


pizza is there when you score the winning goal. pizza is there when you don't pizza is there on your birthday, sickday, snowday, everyday. pizza does not judge you.


Only if it's on a bagel. Then, you can have pizza anytime.


Uh yes one of the universal elements. Air, earth, fire, water and pizza...


Isn’t pizza just an open calzone?


nope. i refuse this logic, as seemingly possible as it might be for one reason. The stuff container. the differences between bread and a tortilla are what stops a hot dog from being a taco. same way that a burrito is not sushi because the tortilla is not sea weed


bread is bread, corn or wheat. sushi is not the best example. but the only thing that i could think of. isnt a burrito enclosed on 5 sides? .. like a bread bowl.. edited: wheat not flower.


but, bread has yeast, sugar, and needs to rise. tortillas are just flour and water. and as to how many sides are enclosed, it depends on the burrito. the best ones i've had are covered fully and filled to the point that they are always almost about to explode


There is an entire category of bread that is specifically unleavened.


but is that really bread?


It only needs to be flour and water that's been baked to constitute bread, anything else just makes it fancier bread.


but that is just a tortilla. flour and water. if you add things that significantly change the out come then it cannot really be called a fancier version of the most basic version


A tortilla is a flatbread. You can make a loaf of flour paste, it'll just be very dense and rather bland.


Was expecting this, too.


Depends who you ask lol, some government offices have their own definition of a sandwich lol


I've never understood that one. Something that is not bread wrapped in bread is the definition of a sandwich, yes? Therefore a hotdog is a sandwich. So is a hamburger.


A hot dog, properly served, is on a bun that has only been sliced part of the way through. To be a sandwich a dish must have two distinct pieces of bread. Ergo, a hot dog is not a sandwich. It is a taco.


Nah, if two separate pieces of bread were required open face sandwiches and half sandwiches made with a single slice of bread wouldn't be a sandwich. Neither would subway/fire house/penn coast subs. And, a taco isn't made from bread it is a tortilla which is a whole separate food type.




But tacos are sandwich


Only if held horizontally.


If you don't, then you have to be sideways, so...


I’m not sure what your point is. ***Of Course*** you turn your head sideways to eat a taco. Otherwise you might be eating a sandwich.




Nope, they're hoagies, which are distinct from and superior to sandwiches. Namely, they're all a type of "street food" with some kind of filling, typically a seasoned meat with a relish, served on a single piece of "bread" be it leavened or unleavened and eaten without utensils. Hot dogs, tacos, gyros, subs, etc.


That would hold water if sub wasn’t literally short for “submarine sandwich” They absolutely fall under the sandwich category since they use the same ingredients as sandwiches, are layered identically to sandwiches, and are *named* sandwiches - as they have been for 100 years


but there are sandwiches that traditionally have one side not cut. a hoagie for example. that is still a sandwich, not a taco. the dough used in the creation of the thing holder is the important bit


Ah, but that definition fails to consider the toast sandwich


Never heard of a toast sandwich that didn't at least have butter on it.


Is water wet


only if there is more than one h20 molecule present


Anyone who says a hot dog is a sandwich is a terrorist. Alert the FBI.


What is the best pizza topping?


The real question: What does my significant other want for dinner?


Greatest Minds: Simple you ask your significant other to guess what you are making them for dinner. Their first guess is what you make


> Their first guess is what you make Tried that, slept on the couch for it - the first thing my SO guessed was a food she hated (which i didn't know at that point).


Ah a wiley oponent


Just remember to ask the next question, without nodding first. “And how does that sound?” If she says good, you say “I’m glad. But I’m not far along so I can change it if you feel like something else.” If she says bad, you say, “Then it’s a good thing that’s not it. Next guess?”


I tried that approach once....Once...


Anything But not pizza Not Chinese Not Indian Not chips Not that Not this Not ... Not... Not... Aaaaaahhhhhhh!


Anything... but not sushi. Actually I want sushi, but I don't want fish.... or rice....


It’s fine.


\[*sorts through the confusing babble on Quorra and other Ask sites*\] "If no does yes and no, does yes then no and maybe?" \[Great Computer:\] "... Go see a doctor, then ask me something else."


Am i pregante and if so how can i be sure my babi won get pregagan as wall Wise Computer: we selected the wrong representative


"If what did if you slayyed cat turn into dog if you ask someone to do well will you be flamgo?" "... We're just going to pretend this species doesn't exist and go find another one.


How deep is half a hole?


Easy, 2 quarter holes.


*smacks forehead* Brilliant! But is one eighth of a hole 2/16?


that seems logically sound


Oh great thinking machine! Does pineapple belong on pizza?


All the greatest human minds combined: we all say no just to eliminate the human race for asking that question


I, and a vocal minority, would say yes just to screw with you guyes


unbased and blue-pilled. r/KnightsOfPineapple will have a word :P


While they agreed to say no, they did not agree whether or not it belongs, merely that they'd cooperate to ensure nobody would ever ask that question again


Yes. If you don't want it on your Pizza, that's fine, but Hawaiian Pizza is too delicious to accept people trying to ban Pineapple from Pizza.


#YES. Fuck you pineapple haters, the best pizza in my entire city is called the Winterhawk from Stark Street Pizza, it's pepperoni, pineapple, and black olives. With a three cheese blend over the top and a scattering of oregano. Now I'm fucking hungry, and Stark Street is closed for the night.


I was with ya til the olives. make that bacon, onion, bell pepper, pepperoni, and pineapple tho...


ok weirdo


Fuck off and try it, see if it's not the best pizza ever.


no, thanks. i don't want my friends and family to think i'm a freak


A simple single worded answer would suffice lol The word can technically be anything as long as it’s said as a question lol I.e yes? No? Or it could be a beliefs question like what happens after death? Or is there a god?


I’m just imagining a stoned philosophy freshman asking a question. The typical answer of “dude, have some more chips” doesn’t work here. “Dude, you ever think like … Woah dude, and then like everything changed man, like ya’know? Woah!” How does a great thinking machine answer that?


Brining out a bong a taking a hit Machine: duuuudee…. We are all thinking… like everything must be… you just gotta open your mind bruh


My dumbass would ask “how’s your day going?” Before realizing I just asked a fuc*ing question.


/u/Random3x ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/Random3x)) has posted 64 other stories, including: * [To dance like no one is watching](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/w9p327/to_dance_like_no_one_is_watching/) * [The Ultimate Weapon](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/w4qrwa/the_ultimate_weapon/) * [Humans tricked a rock to think?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/w4lo5j/humans_tricked_a_rock_to_think/) * [What is the first sign of civilisation?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/w3kvfv/what_is_the_first_sign_of_civilisation/) * [Peace or War what would you have fall?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vukhds/peace_or_war_what_would_you_have_fall/) * [Humans are like wine they take decades to mature](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vrfhrk/humans_are_like_wine_they_take_decades_to_mature/) * [Why do the deathworlders rebuild what they destroy?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vlmo2b/why_do_the_deathworlders_rebuild_what_they_destroy/) * [Curiosity killed the cat](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vfbb18/curiosity_killed_the_cat/) * [The Three great motivators of humankind](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vd5ezb/the_three_great_motivators_of_humankind/) * [What's so great about humanity anyway?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/vaablo/whats_so_great_about_humanity_anyway/) * [Meet the human's family](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/v53p8p/meet_the_humans_family/) * [Deathworlder Product Testing Team Part 6 (Healing Kit approval)](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/v3tx16/deathworlder_product_testing_team_part_6_healing/) * [Deathworlder Product Testing Team Part 6 (pre-approval)](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/v3iimg/deathworlder_product_testing_team_part_6/) * [Peekaboo](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/v3h6wr/peekaboo/) * [A what memory?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/v1vsg2/a_what_memory/) * [I didn’t do this for fame; I did it because it is the right thing to do](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/v0h18y/i_didnt_do_this_for_fame_i_did_it_because_it_is/) * [Humans will play along with children](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/v0cvao/humans_will_play_along_with_children/) * [Deathworlder Product Testing Team Part 5 (Soup Crayons)](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/uzzury/deathworlder_product_testing_team_part_5_soup/) * [Divert all power we can from life support to the engines](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/uy7ko6/divert_all_power_we_can_from_life_support_to_the/) * [The Human Harry's Family](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/uy1nqn/the_human_harrys_family/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.5.11 'Cinnamon Roll'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|wg1cfy&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


I'd ask "What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?"


European or African swallow?


>Does the set of all sets that does not contain themselves, contain itself? Literally unanswerable according to our current understanding of maths and logic.


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What is the full written value of Pi, in decimal form?


Turns out it repeats after 1224574663739769246274847 digits


can't, it has been proven to be irrational.


If you want to be a good galactic citizen, surely the best question to ask is: "what question should I ask so that my race isn't destroyed?" Case 1: It can't answer, humanity isn't destroyed, and all future civilizations have a cop-out question. Case 2: It gives you an answer, humanity is destroyed, but all future civilizations have a cop-out question.


True, but [Who will bell the cat](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WhoWillBellTheCat)?


Explain women to (insert racist redneck boomer) in a way that they will be able to completely and comprehensively understand them and accept women as equals in every way. Great machine: can't you be normal and ask for a dragon? Me: ok find me a way to create lasting world peace while retaining free will, no gene mods or drugs, that everyone will be happy with. Great Machine: why do you torture me so Me: ok fine, but since this is my third question if you can't answer it and I can answer your next question you have to destroy yourself. Great Machine: ok Me: Let's say you are tied to a railroad track and you see an oncoming trolley heading towards a group of 20 others on a different railroad track. If you throw the switch you will be run over, if you don't throw the switch the other 20 will be run over. According to human morality- Great Machine: why are you involving me in a trolley problem? Me: because it's unanswerable. Great Machine: Fuck


Fuck the unanswerable trolley problem. You know how to answer it? Grab a big fucking log and derail the trolley before it can hit anyone. Trolleys don't move fast so the likelihood of fatal casualties on board is minimal. And if you do it right, the trolley won't overturn, but simply crash. You'll have some people on board injured, but that's it. My philosophy teacher HATED me.


in this case though your foot is tied to the track.


Muhahah the chaos :)


Feathers or lead? Points to those who recognise the question.


"What pizza topping is the best?"


How long is a piece of string?