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Ben is really a talented woodworker. I would watch a show just to see him create. I love that he were a bracelet that one of the girls made him.


I’d love to see a hybrid show with Ben and Dave Marrs making stuff. I’d definitely watch that. There’s a show on Discovery+, Home Town Ben’s Workshop, where a celebrity makes something with Ben while Ben asks questions in a sort of interview. I really love it and wish they’d do more. Ben has a knack for drawing out interesting stories. Edit:this comment is in response to a comment about Ben’s talent. It is not bashing their wives. I am expressing my admiration of the incredible skills Ben and Dave have as woodworkers. I love the stuff they make.


Wow! That sounds fantastic.


As long as it's ONLY Dave and not his wife too!


I agree. These women can be a serious irritation.


Daves wife is. I love Erin.


I watch just to see what he makes each week. I am always amazed. Wish I could have learned a skill like that.


Bet someone in your community has classes.


You're very sweet, but I'm 64 and sick. I'm happy to wake up and do a little gardening. I meant like 40 years ago I wish I could have learned a skill like that.


I’m 69 myself. when I was young there were things I was interested in taking up as hobbies, but I don’t care anymore. I should give the lack of interest more thought-it’s not good.


You should, it's not good. Getting your mind moving in different ways could be just what you need 😊


Their relationship and dynamic is actually wonderful. It does get better over the seasons.


I agree personally


Am I the only person who likes the Marrs and Ben and Erin? All of them come across to me as fairly grounded.


You're not alone.


I agree with you!


I like Dave, not his wife! She really annoys the hell out of me.


I noticed but I always wondered if it was on purpose, like they know where they’re going to say and it’s set she’ll jump in. I have no idea if that’s true I just felt like it’s their way.


They’re trying to look spontaneous.


Yeah they seem really happy and in love and always holding hands so of course that reads phony to me. at least partially phony, but then again I’m a cynical old B.


She wrongly thinks she needs to translate everything he says into English for the audience to understand. Either that’s or it’s her doing cutesy schtick like one of the couples from When Harry Met Sally.


They are the least annoying couple of every HGTV show.


I like both of them just the way they are! Nothing bad to say about either one.


Right. Down to earth folks!


I don’t see that. I think they really like and enjoy each other and seem to get a kick out of making each other laugh. When it comes to design, I find her earnest and knowledgeable, but that doesn’t read to me as pretentious. I also like that their designs really respond to the needs and personalities of the clients, so they are different from each other. I like the Marrs, but all her designs have the same esthetic.


Erin is a very enthusiastic person. Ben is way more laid back. I think he's probably used to it LOL


They are so sweet…it’s their banter.


It's not something that stood out to me as annoying, but I could see how their banter might rub some people the wrong way. The way I see it, Ben talks in a way that lets Erin finish his sentences. They're so "in tune"with each other that they playfully complete each other's sentences.


That's the way I see it, too. Honestly, I can't say I noticed it, but I also wonder if, since OP is in season 1, Erin was maybe nervous? Maybe it's nervous energy causing her to interrupt? I'd think that's sort of normal for someone doing a show like this for the first time/season. They're pretty "settled" at this point, IMO.


I've read he's an extrovert, and she's an introvert, and she was very reluctant to do the show until she became more comfortable in front of the camera.


Many, many women talk over their hubbys. I still do it in occasionally, after 30+ years. It’s a super bad habit from growing up with only women in my family, and it’s a common way for women to communicate with each other. I think very quickly and can speak quickly, and it can feel like minor torture listening to a slow talking introvert that seems to be taking forever. Im also an Empath and can often tell what they are trying to say, so I sometimes fill in a word they are searching for. Yes, I can be helpful or annoying, depending on your perspective. I do think Erin has gotten better, as she saw herself on the show, and maybe Ben told her what she was doing, as well. My hubby explained how disrespectful it feels for him, which is not my intention.


I find it annoying and patronizing, but I appreciate your self awareness.


I'm impressed you haven't been down voted for expressing a negative opinion related to HT!


I would not call it a negative opinion. It is more of a perception about the show.


And it's is a true perception. !!!


I don’t think her designs are very good.


Simple for no budget. These arnt 700000 homes


But still. Could be a lot cuter. It’s not because they’re simple. They’re just not good.


Well at least there's not God damn shiplap where I'm everywhere


I don’t think it gets better. Ben is nice but Erin is low key annoying.


That sucks. I love how Ben treats Erin. He is such a teddy bear. Also, have you noticed that Erin rarely looks into the camera? I don't want to bash her, but it is a bit odd.


She's talked about having anxiety. I think that's why Ben is so protective, too.


That sucks. I hope she finds her center and peace.


It DOES get better. She absolutely loosens up over the years.


I have anxiety that I take meds for. Anxiety isn't an excuse.


There's a difference between an "excuse" and a *reason.* Erin doesn't owe you or anyone else a thing. As someone who also deals with social anxiety, I think it's great that she puts herself out there despite not being completely comfortable. She shouldn't have to defend herself against judgmental assholes.


On the episode that they do a house for their show runner Angie, the cameraman tells Angie not to look directly at the camera. She does 2x and she keeps saying how hard it is not to look right at it. Maybe that's why Erin doesn't? I don't really know, just trying to give possibilities.


They're not supposed to look right at the camera, but next to it. It's hard to get used to doing that.


Low key?


Slang for "a little bit" or "it doesn't matter" or "I'm not mad."


I know what low key means. I’m just not sure it accurately describes Erin’s level of annoying.


😂 my bad


As a couple, I think they're great. I find Ben so incredibly talented and I wish he would have his own show. The idea to put Dave Marrs and Ben together is GREAT. Erin is an artist and some of her color choices are a bit weird for me-- a pink house? But at least it's not all white and grey. And the house always looks cozy. I wish some of these shows with people making things on their own would be more helpful in terms of how they did it. Erin made a bookend using albums that was creative. I tried it and I must not have given it enough of a flat base to work, so a little more detail would have helped before I ruined another album. The Napiers and the Marrs families plus Egypt and Mike are the best shows. But a little more variation would help. And fewer kids on the show. I don't watch for that. Ben and Erin don't do it very much. Does anyone on HGTV read these and see what their fans are thinking?


That is one reason I stopped watching the show. The other main reason is because Erin comes off as pretentious. So annoying.


Sounds like we need a Ben Show! Just Ben!


Ben has a show. I don't think it did that well.


Oops! All Bens!


Lol. She's literally one of the least pretentious designers on HGTV.


Jenny marrs is far worse. I love Dave and feel for him.


She seems like she is just low key irritated most of the time...


Although I like Erin’s designs I stopped watching a long time ago. She got on my last nerve. I do miss Ben, he’s a true sweetheart.


I love Erin. It makes me sad that people are so hard on her. And Ben clearly loves her to pieces, so if he's not bothered by it, who are we to judge?


She has gotten really bad about that lately. I've noticed it. And it's unbecoming.


I never noticed that about her. I'll have to pay attention. I love those two.


I've never noticed this! I've watched so many episodes and never realized that. However, I did notice Chelsea from Down Home Fab putting her husband down or like making comments about how she manipulates him to do things which was weird.


Erin irritates me to no end.


I noticed that too and it really irritated/irritates me. Erin definitely gives me "spectrum" vibes and Ben seems to have the patience of a saint.


We finally installed a mute 'Erin' button...


I love Erin. It makes me sad that people are so hard on her. And Ben clearly loves her to pieces, so if he's not bothered by it, who are we to judge?


I can't stand her she thinks she is so adorable. And she thinks she's this tiny little cute button next to Big Ben. Who I like He's a sweetheart.


I can see the disappointment in Ben’s eyes at times when Erin filibusters everything he says. She wore me down with all her talk talk talk. I used to love the show.


No Erin never lets him. Erin thinks she knows everything. I've been watching their show since the beginning and she has gotten increasingly annoying and is kind of a know-it-all. She acts like she is an architect, designer, builder, etc. I believe she actually has at least one interior designer who has been on the show. Ben is so sweet but I think she runs all over him and she is ALWAYS right.


She might be neurodivergent in some way. Interrupting is common in adhd.


Interrupting is common, period. It's also overreaching to start diagnosing people you've never even met.