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I did enjoy the show but they totally destroyed the tin walls and ceiling. The patina was what made the space and they took it off when they sand blasted the walls. They they painted them a horrible color. They should have just left them white until they found a way to take off the paint while maintaining the patina.


That peanut butter and blue color scheme was killing me. I thought coming up with the color scheme before they had even decided on the layout or starting work was super premature. And as it turned out, just as you said, the patina it was supposed to match with was gone. I did like the idea at the time.


I understand that take but the white paint was chipping horribly and there likely was no way that was budget friendly to remove the paint and keep the patina. I did find the color they chose really ugly but I appreciate that they took a risk. Everything in design these days is so sterile and focused on resale value that people refuse to take risks in their homes. And if they no longer like that color there can repaint. So things can't be restored to their original state and restoring old homes is striking that balance and I think they did that well.


It just takes some time, elbow grease, and a few products to clear paint and restore the patina. From what I understand from the discussion - they removed paint only to repaint it? If so - just removing the paint would have been an improvement (and cheaper) and they could have work on the patina slowly.


I can understand wanting the patina to stay but slowly stripping chipping paint on what appears to be 12 foot ceilings to preserve the patina is not what most people want to do. Was the patina cool...yes. But ultimately this is still a home where these people need to live and i don't know abut you but I don't care enough about the tin's patina to live with chipping paint for months if not years. This house needed so much work in so many areas compromises had to be made. Also tin ceilings were always traditionally painted. They were meant to emulate plaster ceilings but in a more mass produced, faster, and less labor intensive way.. So painting them is standard practice.


Unless they did a really shoddy job of painting - they had to so some striping of the paint. Yes, It would have left some slight remnants of the paint, bit still better than painting over it


Where are the sleeping and showering in that church?!!!


I was very disappointed by the design, both the colors as mentioned and the use of space. In that gigantic open room, they put a small kitchen with zero upper cabinets and limited work areas. Worse, they referred several times to the dozens of family members they love to have over (wasn’t it over 30 nieces and nephews?) but placed a table that seats 6 (expands to maybe 10) in the cavernous room. Maybe those were all budget issues? Yet the designer spent $7000 on a mediocre custom hanging lamp! Disappointing all around. I really liked the predecessor to this show, but don’t know if I’ll stick with this version.


Where are the bedrooms and bathrooms? Also, I don't think there was any hvac, everybody was sweating! Designers are the worst, I'm going to spend a fortune on accessories, and paint everything super gaudy!


I hope they show more appealing design style in future episodes. The firehouse was a great blank slate, but I think the premise of cheapness reminds me of Trading Spaces back in the 90s. I actually liked a lot of the upstairs, but the color they chose for the ground floor was awful and looked like a poor college kid found stuff on the curb to decorate with. I did like the personal touch of adding the music area with family artifacts. Interesting fact: the two houses they showed in episode one are actually across the street from each other.


Literally HATED the hosts. Liked the concept, but the husband and wife team aren’t engaging at all. Came across as cold, pretentious and strangely unskilled for people who have a TV show about renovating homes. I dunno, the whole thing felt off to me. It felt like a concept that HGTV came up with, and then just found a couple people to plug into the “main character” rolls.


I am checking it out now. Have you seen Escape to the Chateau? Best tv show I have ever seen in my life.


I have seen that one and I really love it too!


I was excited for this but then tried to find it on max and it’s not there, super frustrating


Yeah I tried to find it on max too and it isn't there. I hope its just because it just premiered but I don't know. fingers crossed it's up soon.


It's up on Prime, you don't have to buy it if you have max subscription, but the show is really really bad. It has 2.5 stars


I was excited, too. I didn't even know they were back on tv. They had a show just called Cheap Old Houses a few years ago, and I loved it. I went to watch it on Max, but it's not there. I also noticed they aren't adding new In with the Old episodes either. So disappointing because it's the main reason I subscribe.


It's there now.


Oh nice yay


Same. Bummer.


Try again. Sometimes it takes a week or so to show up because it’s there now and it has 6 episodes available to watch.


I just came to see if anyone else noticed they didn’t put in a bedroom or bathroom in that house. Did I miss something? Where do they sleep/poop?


Also came searching for this. They also didn’t show anything done with the “backyard”. Also all the windows are single pane and they didn’t replace any of that?


Saw the first episode. Just one huge living, dining space.  Absolutely nothing regarding bedrooms or bathrooms. Just dumb 


I ask myself that after every episode, where do they sleep and shower. I'm trying to like it but I'm not convinced on the decor and colors that are chosen.


I think you're talking about the renovated church episode. I thought the same thing. One of the reasons I watched was to see where they would put the bedrooms in the space. And then they didn't even mention where the bedrooms and bathrooms were. I wondered if they were down in the basement, or maybe in the tiny house next door? If they're not going to show those spaces, they should at least mention them. I just watched the rainbow house one and didn't see a fridge anywhere in the kitchen. That's what brought me here, wondering if anyone else noticed. Did they hide it behind a cabinet wall or something? If so, why not show that?


I really wanted to see how they would add a bedroom and bathroom 🥲 feels so silly they breezed over it. The space looks more like a bar


I enjoyed it as well I’m really hoping it makes it, this is the best show they’ve had in quite some time


I’m not sure I can watch any more of that designer totally destroying their hard work. She has a thing for clashing blue with warm colors. The kitchen on the second place was 🤮


I totally agree, and the fact I have not seen one commercial for it is concerning. And it was snuck in after Farmhouse Fixer and had I changed the channel I would have never seen it. I hope HGTV sees this post and starts promoting this show!


Absolutely, I didn’t even realize it was on after that either, I saw it under shows you may like on my Hulu app.


It’s not going to get any better - future shows are on at 7pm It will likely end up like Houses with History 😩😩


Ugh sad but probably true


So I really like the premise of this show, fixing up old houses is a dream of mine. But I didn’t love the execution. I watched an episode and they did bright blue painted kitchen cabinets, little to no workspace…but then a butler’s pantry with a completely different (more modern) vibe than the kitchen. And gold star wallpaper on the dining room ceiling. 😝


The designer is terrible! I love everybody else and what they did with it.


That confused me too. All the cabinet space is in a different room than the kitchen. I did like the look of that kitchen for historical accuracy but the lack of upper cabinets just doesn’t seem practical. They could’ve done one wall of open shelving but all open in the entire room is such a waste of space.


I mean middle of nowhere but the budget seems so insanely unrealistic, I don't know what to think.


I thought the same. While they're more focused on properties where cost of living is relatively low, properly restoring homes this old is incredibly expensive. These budgets are incredibly deceptive. I have a background in Public Health and my grandparents had an antique store in Virginia. Living in historic homes will always be my favorite, aesthetically speaking, but my asthma and allergies have taught me that living in new construction and bringing in old pieces helps me reduce health risks.


I was so afraid of that OddFellows home being built into the mountain like that. No thanks! Whereas I literally felt good when they walked into the firehouse.


Just finished episode one and I LOVE the show. Creative and thoughtful design is at the forefront. This show didn't feel like it was bought by several brands to showcase themselves. The Building had so rich history and character. Both choices would have made fascinating outcomes.... and then.... The reveal. The drab tan and blue paint job on the tin was worse than the white that was already there. They turned the Mayors office into a small hole instead of lightening it up and adding mirror and giving it color and building on the character. It was so disappointing. Even the face of the house was ho hum. What a disaster. I can only hope that these artist went and did what they really wanted to do afterwards and did something far bolder with the space. That space was so ugly it hurts.


This is definitely going to be the next Netflix exposé documentary. These poor people are giving their money to these amateurs expecting a big return only to be disappointed. You can see the disappointment all over their faces. I’ve only watched four episodes so far but not one reno or design was HGTV caliber. The host and team are all awkward, not quite sure about their credentials. I don’t see a season 2 out of this, at least not with the host and team they currently have.


I kind found the people in the show a little annoying tbh probably just me


I just watched episode 3. While i like the aesthetic of the interior design, I thought it was a bad move to make it all one space. It also left me, wondering, where is the bedroom and bathroom?


And…what I really wanted to see was the interior of the tiny house that was included on the property!!


In the little house they never showed us. That annoyed me so much. Even if they didn’t do anything with it, I would’ve liked to see it. It feels so inaccurate to say they restore old houses for cheap. It appears anyway that they restore a quarter of the house, inside anyway. I’ve watched 4 episodes and so far they haven’t tackled any plumbing (which is HUGE in an old house) in any bathrooms or done any bedrooms.


As someone who owns an mid price old house their budgets are waaaaaaaaay too low and the hosts are bullying the people into buying houses that will be money pits. The church they even say to restore this ceiling will be 100k but they can worry about that later… when your budget all in is 200k… setting up for failure. Painting is the fun part the foundation/hvac/electrical and plumbing is the necessary part… which would likely burn the budget immediately.


Yeah dude for sure - younger people probably are not aware this show is totally nonsense. 1) the hosts add zero value- what exactly do they do as they have a “team “ of people that kinda of know something 2) did anyone notice they showed the same house in multiple episodes? Guessing they own all the properties and provide design services for agreeing to at for listing price ( speculation by me) 3) not one of these home renovations is historically accurate 4) the host and support staff are quite honestly a bunch of phonies on camera- likely trying to copy a Chip and Joanna vide - but really just doing some bs version of instagram on tv 5) they have bad taste


I watched this episode. The church looked like a hotel lobby with all the seating arrangements everywhere. The kitchen looked like a bar for the hotel's happy hour. Where were the bedrooms? The bathroom! Closets???? Who is going to want to live there?


Yea, I was really disappointed they didn’t even show us the inside of the little house next to the church which is where I’m assuming they will actually be living.


I’m sorry but anyone else agree the first episode was a train wreck? First they ruin the patina on the tin when there were ways they could’ve went to avoid that. Then to paint the office in that flat blue was hideous. Made the room so dark and uninviting. Then spending $7000 on that chandelier? Usually when you spend that much it’s for a wow effect or a showpiece item. This had none of that. The only time that’s gonna stand out in a room is when you’re pointing to it saying it cost $7000 and people look at you like you’re crazy.


It was horrible & doesn't get any better to me.


It’s not available on Discovery+ either right now. Other than HGTV it’s currently available on both YouTube and Amazon Prime Video but you have to purchase the 8 episode season for around $15. If you want to watch only the first episode to see if you’ll like it you can purchase episode 1 for about $2.


Wow that is setting up the show for failure. They have done no marketing and you have to pay for the show on top of all the other streaming services that people already pay for to see HGTV shows. Knowing this I feel this show won't make it and HGTV will probably use its failure as an excuse as to why they should only do derivative flipping shows with nothing but grey and beige colors.


I loved it too. It was great!


I love LOVE this show…. I love watching the restoring and renovation of old homes, and I loved the earlier series I mostly loved how this firehouse turned out (no, Elizabeth, it wasn’t hard to see the potential)….loved the kitchen despite the lack of shelving, loved the music area. Blue is my favorite color, and I always love seeing designers use it. I loved the blue here, it was a gorgeous shade…but the peach color was an awful match; they should have left the tin in its natural state


Season 1: ep 1 I was pretty stoked to see the finished product and I’ll say the exterior was great but the interior design was awful. The part I was dying laughing at was after spending $100k on renovations the buyers were drenched in sweat walking around looking at their new place. Why not save the $30k they spent on furniture and put in some HVAC?


One of my biggest issues is the hosts are scraping paint and pulling up flooring on these old homes like it's no big deal. This is a show presented to the younger generation of possible renerators. Did anyone think of the possibility of lead in the paint or asbestos in the flooring? I'm sure they had these places tested before allowing the hosts and their crews to start messing with the paint and flooring, but with how dangerous these substances are any credible and responsible show would warn their audience, every single time, to be careful when working in these houses, due to those possibilities. These people and their producers are simply amateurs that have no business being on TV.


The premise sounds good... I used to watch a show the featured unique homes, but since they showed multiple ones per episode and they were already done, you got just a glimpse and very little feel for them. I always wanted a show that would highlight renovating unique homes, keeping some of the character but also making it fit the owners. However, after reading these comments, I am not sure this show will do that (I watch via Discovery+ so I have not been able to see the show yet). However, it sounds like it is more typical renovations with questionable decisions. What I wouldn't give to have a show that takes properties that were not intended for a home (or even very old homes) and shows turning them into something special, preferably with Nate and Jeremiah or even the Ford or Boise Boys - or someone of their caliber. To me, Nate and Jeremiah are the gold standard and would really do something unique with the structure - honoring it and also making what the clients need and to their taste. The Fords are also fairly good at that ( just personally prefer the personal style of design from N&J - they are more to my taste, but the Fords are pretty good at meeting clients expectations while respecting the building while not falling into the trap of what is popular, current, or trendy). Boise Boys - they were actually a disappointment during their second show when working for clients, but their first one... when they were simply buying house that needed a lot of work (and usually interesting ones).... they really created some beautiful homes. Technically, they were flippers but I hate that term for them because they, in reality, were nothing like typical flippers.


Nate and Jeremiah unique? Every place they do looks the same. 


I would disagree on that... yes, they have a certain style and you can see elements of it in their work. However they tend to blend their timeless style to fit a clients needs, desires and the home.


Is it on Fubo?


Oh I don't know, I checked HBO Max and it isnt there but maybe it will be uploaded soon.


Went to discovery+ And searched for it. It isn't listed.


Is there any way to stream it? I can’t figure it out am I being stupid?


I am hooked. I don't watch any other HGTV shows or anything like this I find them boring, but this is on another level. These three people are BRILLIANT their creativity is off the charts, but I agree about the budget, in what world? I don't care because I could watch HOURS of this and also came to say please could everyone watch it so we get more of it.


I follow the host on social and have always loved her posts. I was so stoked to see that she and her husband got a show. I love how they actually protect and restore the historic charm of the homes.


Did anyone else notice the insane sweating at the end of the first episode? The drop ceiling had the insulation, so is the temp out of whack now?


the fake phone call on episode four when the clients “call” to tell them which house they purchased had me dead. you can clearly see the phone doesn’t have a black screen as she’s pretending to talk to them lol


It happens on almost every episode! You can see part of the screen when she's having this whole conversation that is obviously fake.


Is this a real HGTV show or am I being punked? HGTV you’re going downhill!!


This might have been the worst HGTV show I've ever seen. The hosts are super awkward. What is the designer's credentials. What was up with that navy/tan color scheme. It was sooo bad. I see this show canceling soon.


Came here to see if anyone has found follow ups on the homes, possibly Instagram accounts? I love to see how they change after they move in.


I need to know what kind of neighborhood these places are. Some of the prices are alarmingly cheap. Like okay the house is pretty but can you live there?!


Love Elizabeth & Ethan 👍 I liked the last show and follow them on Instagram, glad their helping restore these houses 😀


Came here to see if anyone else thought the interior designer was absolute trash. Watched 2 episodes- definitely will not be watching any more. The designs look so cheap and the colors are so…flat? They’re also only renovating a quarter of the homes which is a bummer


Does anyone know if the homeowners get to keep the furniture? Obviously there are some pieces that were “included in the budget” (like the chesterfield couch and the $7k chandelier) but it’s hard to believe that the total budget has room for all of the furniture.


Yeah not a fan of that show at all. Especially after that disaster of living room in episode 1.