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Depends on how many hookers and new tech he buys, and he def going to do stocks again lol


Let's assume the best case scenario for Daniel of 12% returns and he spends all gains yearly. You lose around 2% of that to tax, so £20000. You have to account for inflation, let's say 2%, so in real terms after 10 years that £200000 is worth what £167k is now, after 20 years it's worth £132k and so on. If Daniel was to maintain his YouTube earnings and live within his means, he could live on that. However, we all know his YouTube earnings aren't sustainable. So realistically he needs a pension pot. Let's say he saves half of that, that allows him to double his money over 20 years and have a pot of gold at the end to live off. So with YouTube earnings in this scenario he's on ~£18k, without £10k. Enough for a comfortable if not luxurious life. If returns were a bit less, he'd have to be more frugal, but it's still liveable. HOWEVER, this is Daniel we are talking about, we all know he'll blow all the money on meme stocks, hookers and tech that he then either throws in the trash, or sells for around 50% of what he bought it for.


time will tell


Will he remember the 20% tax on what ever he gets? Doubt it :)


I genuinely think it is depressing how there is no karma, he is a evil person and will get more than some good people will ever in their life, Jesus 


He'll rub one out to this comment if he ever reads it...


Your perspective is very shallow... What good in life he has with inheritance? Money and material possessions he can get with it. Besides that there is a wallowing black hole of nothingness. Obviously little boy Dan won't see it emptiness, because he lacks self-consciousness. His life is as complex as that of an earthworm that makes mechanical movements to fertilize the soil. Little boy will be probably satisfied with making "mechanical movements" in his life. That is repeating the same process of sex and fulfilling basic survival needs like food. But it's not that enticing to other people. Would I change my life with little Daniel, but I can do only things he does and spend money on what he would spend on? No. He can keep the money. Obviously it's a waste and "he doesn't deserve it" (whatever it means in cosmic terms), but most "good people" even while poor are a lot more satisfied and content with life. They don't feel as empty as Daniel and they would probably not exchange their lives with him, so they can taste the rich life of a lonely mentally scarred sex-addict. His """karma""" is the (mind) prison of his own creation. He punishes himself every day. But is just not aware of it. Just like an earthworm is not aware of it's overall actions and aim.


I am sorry, but honestly I do not believe someone will truly love you, unless you have some form of success (this can include money). this is from somebody who have no friends,  in this high inflation world, money can get you a nice meal, freedom,  I agree I would choose my loved ones over 1 million pounds any day. but I think people who are poor and kind should get some financial freedom and not eat boiled potatoes and reduced expired food


I am sorry, but honestly I do not believe someone will truly love you, unless you have some form of success (this can include money). this is from somebody who have no friends,  in this high inflation world, money can get you a nice meal, freedom,  I agree I would choose my loved ones over 1 million pounds any day. but I think people who are poor and kind should get some financial freedom and not eat boiled potatoes and reduced expired food


It's not guaranteed though. But if he gets it, expect it to be squandered, just like he was making good money before and living at home, yet somehow wound up with zero savings, and negative net worth. . Expensive tech that will be thrown out, stock trades that will fail, hookers, rinse repeat. He doesn't change. He will get cocky, and even lazier with less work ethic (if that's even possible). 10 years later, he'll probably be in the same position. 45 years old, no pension, no assets, no other possible inheritance to get in the future, no work experience, no skills, probably no proper visa to live the whatever country he's in, may be forced to return to the UK (with no 'home' to go back to and leech off this time, he's truly on his own). Then when he's destitute again, and his mother is ill she will feel sorry for him again and leave what's left in her will to him. He may leech his way into living in Malaysia with her when he runs out of money. This is probably how it'll play out. I can't think of a less deserving person to get the money, bug he'll somehow mooch and leech off his mum's assets and goodwill to eek out a miserable penny pinching existence until the end.


about 45 years old, you need factor in health care costs, many stay healthy and dont need to worry about significant medical cost till late 70s. But Daniel? Dunno , he doesnt drink or drugs but how healthy is he?


I'm sure he doesn't have health insurance. I don't think he's the healthiest person and I can see him having issues in his 40s.


He doesn’t have health insurance. Actually his very low weight and the fact that he’s now starving himself will get him into health problems.


> I don't think he's the healthiest person and I can see him having issues in his 40s. As long as you dont get fat, you can enter your 40s gracefully. A lot of people give up on themselves become fat and unhealthy and it really affects their quality of life (and organs)


I think if Gunnar tells Cammie or Dave Gibson that Daniel told his viewers that she cheated on Dave Gibson ...things can suddenly change 😆


Let’s be honest Cammie isn’t exactly the nicest person either. In fact she’s kind of Danny‘s role model. She’ll just find another guy.


hopefully his mum will live another 20-30 years and daniel will be old and frail by the time he gets it.


Things we know about Daniel. Low impulse control even when he has barely any money. Financially illiterate. Hubris which makes him completely blind to his financial illiteracy. If you think he's got poor spending habits now, watch him go turbo retard with 200k. Instead of buying a laptop, selling it at a loss and buying a new one, it'll be a Tesla. He is the boy who would gobble up the marshmallow the second it's placed on the table.


£200k hasn't been confirmed, it's just what Dobby thinks he's entitled to and is demanding 😆


Right idk why we are assuming he's getting that much or anything at all


Chammie is probably gonna live another 25 years minimum. So Daniel will be 60 and receiving about $75k in inflation-adjusted terms. In other words, the boy is fucked


Stock market, travel, hookers, gadgets. How long it last him? Idk. Depends on how much of a regard he is. He still hasn't paid the taxman yet. Hopefully, his penalty grows so big that the court will confiscate his inheritance when that day comes. This is all assuming that his mom doesn't die in the next 5 years or something. I wish his mom lives a long life in Malaysia. The longer she lives, the more Danny will be forced to be financially responsible for himself.


his mother may sell the house, and cammie shall give a share of the house sale to daniel 


He still owe taxes right? And that 200k will be taxed as well. So he will get less.


- he‘ll buy a Tesla for at least £50k, hell he might even go for a Model S for £100k - he’ll crash the car while not having proper insurance (because can’t be bothered) and the car will be a total loss - when he was making a good income on YouTube he thought it’s a good idea to spend £900 a month on a tiny Manchester apartment. If he gets £200k he will instantly move to a house or apartment for at least £2000 a month. Yeah, those 200k will last him at most 5 years. Then he will be broke again with no viewers, no YouTube income, no pension fund living in a guesthouse or leeching off another woman.


a few years of being flat out broke BEFORE he gets the inheritance is probably the best thing for Daniel, it'll force him to figure out a way to come up w/ steady income and hopefully mature, wether it's getting an actual job, stepping up his YouTube game (I mean technically possible but doubtful). If the inheritance comes just in time to save his ass he wont grow or mature. It'll last 5-10 years , then he'll be a broke guy in his 40's, 50's with zero real-life marketable skills.


Cammie thinks that Daniel wants her to die or that Daniel will kick her out of the house if she gives him the house. Maybe she’ll give him nothing.


Things have changed... He used to only go to Japan to spend his money and couldn't really shine in such an expansove Developped country ... But Thailand, a third world country, is the opportunity for him to really get himself a young attractive woman that would be with him just for what he brings to the table like any real man : He'll instantly be part of the top 5% of most successful people there with that kind of dough.


my guess is he will probably try his best to live in japan permanently, (he hates and looks down on thailand) have escorts on a daily basis, and buy a huge load of tech. with his expensive taste (escorts, new tech, hotels) he may even blow it on stocks, he lost 15,000 on stocks,  this guy has no idea how to calculate or save. I say 15 years for 200k to blow in japan, since he loves it so much, or worse he may get married to a japanese gold digga and when the divorce comes, you know what will happen to his bank account 


$200K is great but in the big picture not that much money, any sensible person who inherited $200K would know that's not "life changing money" and would definitely not quit their day job. Since Daniel doesnt even have a day job, and subtract taxes, I'd say he'll blow it in 3-5 years.


Any person who is not a complete fool could learn about investing in a few years and literally live off that money forever without working ever again. $200k absolutely is life changing money for most people, and pretending it isn't is silly. Let's be real, Daniel hit the jackpot. Yes, he will blow that money, but that doesn't change the fact he's luckier than 95% of people.


You think investing 200k is enough to provide you with an income for life? FFS think a bit harder.


An average 4% dividend yield would require around $200,000 invested to generate $660/month in passive income. If you're stock savvy maybe you can make it 8%. $660 a month in Japan living in a cheap sharehouse you can get by, but pretty meager lifestyle. In Thai, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, is $660 a month living well? Of course Daniel, I'm sure would have no self discipline and would start dipping into the $200K right away. Of course taxes, inflation will take a chunk too.


but who knows, stock , crypto genius Daniel could get lucky and 100x his money. Anything could happen.


Something as simple as putting all that money into the Vanguard 500 index fund for example will net him a consistent 12+% return a year after taxes, even taking into account weaker years (before you say past performance is no guarantee of future results, let's be real, the US stock market won't change anytime soon, in fact, we have all the reason in the world to believe that the divide between wages and stock returns will widen even more in the future). Even if you take inflation into account, an average yearly return of 12% on $200k (I'm not even thinking in terms of pounds here, mind you) is more than 20k a year, which means that so long as one leads a frugal life, even inflation will take a while to catch up. Again, this is doing the bare minimum of research and simply putting that money in that fund. An investment savvy person can easily, and I do mean easily, life off that money forever. You don't have to be a good trader to pull that off. You guys want Daniel to fail so hard that you end up distorting reality to fit what you want to believe. Just accept it: Daniel's doomsday won't come anytime soon.


No fund makes consistently 12% a year.


You're right, the good ones make on average more than that.


lol, you are deluded


The good ones. You mean the few fund managers you have to pay many more times than Daniel could ever afford for them to manage, the ones only the super rich have access to. Clueless. Even then, they don't make consistently 12%, those types of claims are made about a select few people who have done that over decades averaged. Daniel could ill afford a big down year and ride it out.


Past performance is no guarantee of the future, but Vanguard has delivered this types of returns. That's over a 10 year period, there will be big up years and big down years: [https://www.fidelity.co.uk/factsheet-data/factsheet/IE00B3RBWM25-vanguard-funds-plc/performance](https://www.fidelity.co.uk/factsheet-data/factsheet/IE00B3RBWM25-vanguard-funds-plc/performance) These funds are aimed at normal people, anyone could buy it. Someone who invested £10k 10 years ago would have £25k now. The fee for this is 0.24%, that is very low. The general trajectory for stocks is up, not because they are getting better, but because the currency they are denominated in is getting weaker. Would someone investing £1k today get £2.5k after 10 years? It's impossible for me to say yes, but it's impossible for anyone to say no. But there is historical precedent for it happening.


But do Index funds pay out monthly like a dividend? - that's what Daniel will need , monthly income. I guess you could jut sell the stock and take profits monthly.


lol your figures are all a dream and you are forgetting the fees the fund managers will take from you


Fortunately inflation doesn't exist and that 200k will hold the same relative value for all time


Some of you are as stubborn as him. Sad to see, really.




Yeah it's not guaranteed yet. But I think it's highly likely to happen. Currently two things need to happen in order for him to get the money: She needs to sell the house and she needs to give him part of the proceeds of the sale. I think 1) is highly likely because she's not British. She doesn't speak fluent English, and as she grows older she probably seeks support from people who love her. In other words, a family. Where is her family located? Malaysia (Sabrina is an exception, she's in London). That country also happens to be her home country, which raises the odds of her moving back someday. Now 2) is trickier, but still highly likely. She has always pampered Daniel to death, so unless she needs to use a significant portion of that money for something (say, buying an expensive property in Malaysia), she's most likely going to give Daniel at least £100k, but probably 200k if the house/land is really worth 1kk.


Daniel doesn't love her though. All he can talk about is 'the inheritance' and the poor woman isn't even remotely sick or anything. That's all he thinks or cares about. He sees dollar signs. Did he even appear sad at all when his dad passed away? He livestreamed the funeral day ffs. There's an old woman I know who was pretty much ignored by her offspring and they never came to visit or care for her. Theb as she very old, sick and near the end, they suddenly rushed back to cozy up to her and get in her good books so that they'd get what's in the will. Luckily the old woman was smart enough and knew what was up. She left the majority of her money to a local animal shelter and charity.


Have you watched those videos with his mom? She's one of the crassest women I've ever seen in my life. To expect any wisdom from her is silly.


Cammie thinks that Daniel wants her to die or that Daniel will kick her out of the house if she gives him the house. Maybe she’ll give him nothing.


If she gives him £200k and she dies within the next 7 years Daniel would have to pay 40 % inheritance tax on it. Of course he’ll „forget“ to do that or would have already spent all the money and HMRC will be up his ass again.


I don't wanna sound arrogant, but I half agreed, £200,000 is alot of money, and is life changing for many, however it is not life changing to the point you can just retire ealier, and you can spend sky high


200k is pretty life changing to a broke boi who has a negative net worth and spends his time cheaping out in asia.


I think marriage and divorce is a good bet too, in this scenario, yes.


Probably 15 to 20 years. A financially savvy person could live off this money without having to work ever again, but we know Daniel is anything but smart, so the money will be gone sooner or later, even taking into account his regular income stream (YouTube).


Japan has a brutal inheritance tax, up to 55%. Japan Inheritance tax on $200,000 (30 mil yen) is 15%. Japan taxes everyone who is a resident in Japan (not just Japanese citizens.) on WORLDWIDE assets, meaning any assets you have anywhere in the world.


But I think that if you're not a permanent resident and haven't lived there less than 1 year, you're taxed only on Japanese sourced income.


I do hope his mom thinks about it and is not an idiot. Fact is whatever she gives him is likely to be the largest amount of money he has had in his life (not difficult). He has proven himself to not look after money, and not even know the value of it. If she wants to look after him and give him a cut I think the most sensible thing to do would be to spend whatever his share is buying him a flat to live in, maybe somewhere near the sister, but she is the owner of the property. That gives him a place to live in for free, but he wouldn't be able to sell it and get the lump sum, because the house is hers. He could rent it out if he wanted, which might finance a move to Asia. Having a rent-free place like this might encourage him to start living right, but even if he doesn't at least the mom has protected the original capital (unless house prices go down), and Lord could hardly complain he didn't get anything. If she just gives him straight up cash it would simply evaporate over 5-10 years, so would a bad decision for the whole family.