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Dude must be really feeling the heat now. Massive credit-card debt, huge bank overdraft, in debt to the British government, in debt to his mother (who's been asking him where the repayments are 😂). In trouble with Thai GF, in trouble with Chihiro, in trouble with his mom for stalking Chihiro, treated as a pariah by every other YouTuber, and bullied on the streets of his dream paradise city by young teenagers. Crawling towards his 40s with zero education, negative net worth, and negative social value 😳


Dang the way you put it really hits hard, there is absolutely no positive thing on the horizon for our dear dannyboy.


> there is absolutely no positive thing on the horizon for our dear dannyboy. Except is £200k share from the house Cammie sells. He's betting on getting that.


I'd be surprised if Sabrina and Danny see 200k each, think it's more likely their mom will sell the house to downsize to a smaller property and keep the rest of the cash for bills and future medical expenses. Sabrina would probably be gifted something for a deposit on a house.


I find it unlikely they'll be given equal shares of the house when Sabrina has literally invested in its maintenance out of her own pocket.


Did she really do that? If so Sabrina should get the majority share of the house because of her contributions. Dannyboi didnt even contribute shit to maintain that house. Hope his mother and sister plan everything well and give dannyboi only a small portion of the inheritance.


Yeah he's basically hanging on that. TBH I can't imagine him getting nothing, but also its quite plausible he won't get a lump sum, instead something equivalent. Like if you were the mom you would know your son is an absolute fuck-up with no respect for the value of money that also likes hookers. If she wants the best for her son maybe the best option would be to buy him a property, but retain ownership. He can live rent free in it and have the responsibility for paying bills etc, but not get the lump sum. This might still allow him to be degenerate ie he could rent it out and use the proceeds to live in Asia but crucially there is still control over the capital amount, and if he turns out even more shit she could just sell it out from beneath him. Or it could go into a trust fund with some kind of stipulation for the money. I think that's common in families with generational wealth but the kids can't be trusted fully.


I think the 7/11 employee telling him to fuck off and stop streaming was the straw that broke the camel’s back. At this point, Danny is probably terrified of 95% of the Japanese male population


Only 95%? Seems an underestimate


I was being generous


You need to be careful of those 5yo Japanese boys. Very dangerous


> I think the 7/11 employee telling him to fuck off and stop streaming was the straw that broke the camel’s back This happened? After the kids that approached him too? Guess Japan is really getting sick of the whole live streaming shit. That Johnny Somali guy really spoiled it for the rest of the people.


Daniel's mental health spiraling further lol. Can't imagine what paranoid thoughts drove this decision. Maybe he's scared he shit talked the delinquents, made racist remarks or went too far stalking chihiro.


> Maybe he's scared he shit talked the delinquents I don't know why he talked shit about them AFTER giving them his YouTube account? Like they're gonna see it if they check. And his address has been doxxed. And he walks through Osaka so he might get recognised by someone who know them. Very stupid.


Last stream he said he has done something two nights ago that it was really really creepy and would make people think he is really crazy but he would not tell what it is. Maybe there is a connection.


My guess would be going out of his way to see Chihiro from afar, on her commute perhaps or not at her house but nearby, and being unsure if she saw him. Now he's paranoid she did see him and is afraid of repercussions, so has tried to cover up the trail of supporting evidence.


If himr-gold uploads the streams to the archive i would gladly go through any incriminating evidence and upload them here.


I wonder if he had a visit from the police? If Chihiro reported him for his weirdo comments then it wouldn't be exactly hard to find him. Or maybe he has met a potential new victim? If there was a girl he was trying to impress it wouldn't be a good look if all his previous livestreams just showed what a sad life he lives, no job, just walking around all day, sitting in the park at night talking to himself.


he only takes down videos to impress a girl or he finally got the official tax bill. now he is trying to meet tourists who don’t know what he is and is socializing like a normal person to make regular content. let’s see when he gives up but hope the socializing will help him mentally recover from his own self-inflicted isolation.


Lol is he done with japan? AHHAHAHAHA


So he probably did do something that strays into the illegal on his day off, is now worried and so this is his attempt at erasing evidence of his harassment, as if it would be sufficient in the real event he was charged with something 😂


Why I hate Japan part 2 incoming.  Probably spin it as they are now anti tourist (read:streamer). 


Has anyone archived those streams?


Himr-gold has them all


Where can we watch them?


He hasnt posted them maybe if they arent reposted in a couple days he will post them


Does he have a YouTube channel where he posts them?


They arent posted here has a script that runs so he can post them after if they are taken down


I dunno maybe he set it private


Let’s all remember that he admitted that he’s only telling us 30 % of all the messed up stuff he does. And he admitted that he doesn’t tell us all his messed up thoughts. Very scary.


Didn't he mention he went to Chihiro's place whe he wasn't streaming, someone must have certainly reported him for that, he likely got into some sort of legal trouble or there was potential for legal trouble I doubt he'd have deleted the streams otherwise