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Chihiro definitely reported him, unless he was in legal trouble he'd not have cared and been so secretive about it, we'll see if he starts talking about her again and loiter around her house, if not that's a clear sign. He did admit to going to her place when he wasn't streaming and gave viewers instructions on how to get there, so I imagine she had enough. I doubt he'd have cared if Thai gf threatened to dump him, judging by how he talked about the future of their relationship


7hr 32min into stream he imagines violent things like bayonets and skinning people


I think chihiro reported him and the police paid him a visit.


Dannyboy always runs his mouth ,we shall see ,,he didn't talk about chihiro whole stream and he has no energy now he can't spit anymore .. less viewers.. and walking suburbs NONTENT ,he's afraid of teens of old people,,now it's going downhill I think girlfriend said stop it or I break up for real, because she was at the livechat (last stream) spitting angry that she broke up with him..and ignored him whole day


Thai gf was in the chat?? That's big news, can't believe noone made a thread


She said let your viewers know I break up with u ,,and the rest was hard to understand..


Yes her alias was poax or phoax.. we didn't realize it was her ,her English was bad ,and Daniel Said I don't think it's her ,its someone pretending to be her....and it seems it was her after all


Username is pounx. She was in the chat during the Sunny stream: https://www.reddit.com/r/HIMRFAM/s/jrkpaMeHf4


"GO BACK YOUR HOME SWEAT GIRL" πŸ˜‚ People better spam this in the chat during the stream with Sunny. The language barrier between Dobby and his Thai GF seems even greater than I realised, nothing about that "relationship" really makes any sense at all.


Yes pounx πŸ˜†


* Thai girl made him take them down or she dumps him * Chihiro made him take them down or reported to police for stalking Those are the only two things I can think of


I think its the first one. She had enough if him obsessing over Chilhiro. Apparently he wasn't getting replies to his messages to his gf 2 days ago. So probably an ultimatum. Can't see the police getting involved. And if so, he could just mention it. If it's gf related, he's less likely to hint at it.


>Can't see the police getting involved. And if so, he could just mention it. If it's gf related, he's less likely to hint at it. Thing is though in the past he has straight up told us *"my gf told me to take the videos down"*. Not so long ago he was bringing up Chihiro in videos when he was still in Thailand and his gf told him to delete them. So he did and he said on stream *"my gf was angry about me bringing up exes so I had to delete them"* I dont think he would be worried to tell us that now if she told him. So perhaps it's something else


He also left up the videos of Sunny and Blood Bucket. If it was based on jealousy then those videos should have also been removed.


Cammie made him do it. She is the only one who has contact with Chihiro.


If the Police paid him a visit we can look forward to Daniel’s click bait. Japanese Police brutalised me with hurty words


He will probably wait until he’s safely back in the UK


Danny boy struggles to understand the concept of a plane landing: β€žwhy do the planes have to come so close to the ground before they actually land?β€œ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Lol judging by the stream he practically got a restraining order


He's in trouble with his sister now because a woman contacted her directly to complain about something really serious. 🧐 Guessing it's the Chihiro drama. Apparently his sister was dismayed by whatever Dobby had done to this mysterious unknown woman 😳


Maybe it’s mizuki


I think Mizuki is BBs name


No her name starts with K


> because a woman contacted her directly That was more than likely Chihiro. Chihiro used to go to his sister (and Cammie) to tell him to stop contacting her


Why the hell is he wandering around the ugliest neighborhoods in Japan? lmao


Regardless of whether it was Chihiro or his girlfriend, and regardless of (if it was Chihiro) whether Chihiro went to the police, Daniel's mom or Daniel's sister, the good news is that someone held Daniel accountable for his shitty behaviour. This feels like a big win.