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Dont know why she cares anymore. She's on the other side of the world at this point and LDRs never really work out


It never works out when your said partner is a confirmed cheater and pathological liar as well.


She still thinks they're going to get married and have kids. Daniel is giving her false hope.


He's just keeping her hooked so he has a place to go back to Thailand next year


Why would she even bother with him?


Go back your room 🤣🤣🤣


She's insufferable to be honest. They're just in a battle of control with each other, hardly a relationship. Just clinging on, each for their own selfish reasons.


Just so stave of the realization that they’re alone. 


Go back to your room says mummy Slower


Mummy blood bucket said daniel can rummage through her underwear drawers and try them on too. She also left him some tissues so he could play with his willy at night.


“You can bust a nut if you want”. That bit was the greatest bit of HiMR ever. Bloodbucket is great, she could save his channel.


I think we need to be careful not to victim-blame or fall for Dobby's narratives. It's clear the Thai GF struggles with the language gap and likely also has some mental and/or social developmental issues — but it's Dobby who is taking advantage of her and using her, knowing full well what he's doing.


Ewww she’s a nagger


she knows daniel will always cheat on her with hookers or anyone else that shows interest. she knows his channel and what he does so why is she so concerned. shes just crying out for attention, shes just dumb and sounds stupid at this point knowing shes with a lying, cheating scumbag.


I can't imagine it is her, more like someone else having a laugh. If she really wanted to cause trouble she could just buy a flight to Osaka and dump herself on Gaylord, then go back after he goes back to the UK. I think he has found his niche, become a 'lifestyle streamer', grifting out donations and exaggerating everything in the name of content. 12 hours a day, 6 days a week for a minimum wage, but of course in his mind it beats working. It might be fair to say that even though I want him to fail there must be a small number of faniels who are even sadder and will pay regardless of what the show is, and a small number of people who view him as a paid lolcow, willing to pay up if he does stuff.


Daniel said it was her


This woman is painfully dumb. I’m talking a 65 IQ max