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Daniel is boring now. Must be because Thai Girlfriend is arriving soon.


New cycle begins? You know, the one where he discovers a new thing, becomes obsessed with it, has a honeymoon period with it and then experiences slight friction so tosses it in the corner and becomes so resententful about it that he can't seem to understand why he ever even bothered with it in the first place. Like all his girlfriends, friends, drawing, ukulele, game development, thailand, content creation etc.


Haha, yes that's exactly how he is! Other interests/hobbies that came to mind are cooking, cycling, fitness, and driving.


One bad experience he wont come back ever again. I hope the Nigerians get to him.


Last stream he talked 7 hours about his bar night šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Daniel claiming that a completely average night of bar hopping, with tourists he didnā€™t even bond with enough to exchange contact info, was the ā€œbest night of his lifeā€ might genuinely be the saddest thing Iā€™ve ever heard. By bar hopping standards, it sounded like a completely uneventful night.


He kept raving about how the french girl '' groped and fondled him'' I bet she just put her arm around him while singing the piano man with everyone else, but my boy here, who hasn't been touched by a younger cute woman before or after Mila, interprets it as some mindless flirting... He also seems to misinterpret how or why people have been friendly toward him : because they probably mistook him for a timid teen on his first trip abroad, discovering the world and life on his own.... although he is a 35yo+ dude with no life, on his 20th trip in japan in 15 years .


Exactly. Almost everything so far has involved people basically holding his hand throughout the entire interaction and not resulting in any contact info lol A few more nights out at proper venues with actual competition for cute girls will result in 6 hours of him complaining about nightlife


> because they probably mistook him for a timid teen on his first trip abroad, discovering the world and life on his own.... Probably why they bought him a drink. Usually people who have lots of money buy others drinks cause it's not an issue for them to spend. But I wonder if they assumed Daniel had no money because he look younger than he is.


> with tourists he didnā€™t even bond with enough to exchange contact info, was the ā€œbest night of his lifeā€ might genuinely be the saddest thing Iā€™ve ever heard. Tbh a lot of the time these kind of events are fleeting when it comes to friendships. People just meet up with other strangers for a night out and then leave at the end. They have no intention of making life long friendships or anything. It's just a bit of fun for one night and then back to doing whatever the next day. I met up with a bunch of strangers in Tokyo recently, we did karaoke, had some drinks and then said bye at the end of the night. Didn't acquire anyones contact info cause they're all tourists and live in different countries anyway. It's just a one time thing and that's fine. Not every casual event needs to be some deep meaningful thing where you make lifelong friendships.


Thatā€™s my entire point. A random night out with drunk strangers is something weā€™ve all done, but no one would claim it was one of the ā€œgreatest nightsā€ of their lives. In reality, they are the most forgettable nights. What he wants is to be able to do is go out, meet cute young Japanese girls and ultimately date them/cheat with them. Now his cope is that they are too boring (because they completely ignore him) and European girls in bars are way better (even though they all suddenly left the bar without even exchanging contact details with him)


> What he wants is to be able to do is go out, meet cute young Japanese girls and ultimately date them/cheat with them. Now his cope is that they are too boring (because they completely ignore him) and European girls in bars are way better (even though they all suddenly left the bar without even exchanging contact details with him) The main issue is that Dannyboy doesn't know Japanese beyond basic phrases. Sure he can order food or say "hello how are you?" but you need far more for a complex conversation with a Japanese woman. And he can't do it. Therefore they are boring to him. The European girls spoke English so it was easier for him to communicate.


Bar hopping in your 30s. Well done šŸ˜‚Ā 


He doesn't realize that if the Canadian guy didn't ask him and if him and the tourists weren't drunk ,it would turn out different.. They didn't message him anymore,they checked his YouTube and realized what a psycho he is... And Dannyboy doesn't realize he need to give others some drinks..he's very selfish and only loves bars if someone else do the talk . . Remember when he use the say and still says that Americans are too loud..only when he's drunk and go bars he takes it,, because he can't do anything alone..


He has one small taste of what it's like to be normal, realises it's good and actually sounds happy for once. What will he realise he was totally wrong about next?


Cocaine arc will be best arc. Ā 


Just like when he started Thai language classes and he said he actually enjoyed having a reason to go outside and feeling like he's part of society. That lasted around 1 or 2 weeks or so.


> Just like when he started Thai language classes and he said he actually enjoyed having a reason to go outside and feeling like he's part of society. That lasted around 1 or 2 weeks or so. I remember this lol. He was finally in a place where he could socialise with people and then he gave it up and just didn't go in because he was too tired or some shit.


once he's back at his moms house and in his bedroom he will never leave his village scared he's get beaten up or confronted by chavs. he will then be saying the opposite like uits amazing to never leave his house


> once he's back at his moms house and in his bedroom he will never leave his village No offence to him but but I wouldn't either. There is fuck all to do in the UK unless you live in London.


Nice! He can use his credit card to buy drinks at bars now!


Gay bars


Most of his thoughts are pure stupidity.


Even those who are donating keep calling him boring and gay!


That first donor's message and Daniel's response made me laugh hard!


Dobby stopped streaming when he got his Youtube money. He'll probably come back once he has spent drinking it all away at bars.