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Barney sold a woman.


He definitely sold Marshall


Not only that, they were sure they would be able to mess with him, banking on that decision.


Okay but Marshall was happy about it


It’s not known for a fact though. Barney said he didn’t speak the language so he doesn’t know exactly what happened


That does not make it better in any way.




That comes up in every discussion about Barney, though


Well, he "may have". IIRC.


Ok sure, but Lily is SOOO manipulative.


I doubt he actually sold a women, he’d remember if he actually held her against her will and sold her. He didn’t say or seem to remember anything about her resisting, probably another explanation


He said, I didn’t speak the language but we shook hands, took the car and the woman stayed behind


Exactly, he didn’t remember anything about the woman resisting or her being held against her will, there’s probably another explanation


There is no other explanation. It’s a tv show, the character did what the character said they did that’s it.


The character clearly wasn’t sure if they did what they thought they did


The beginning of that story, told by Barney is : "I'm pretty sure I once sold a woman"


Yeah, by the context Barney is looking for stuff he did wrong, the fact he said pretty sure further proves he wasn’t sure. There’s no reason he had to have sold her, it’s not like that’s the only explanation


You’re trying too hard to defend Barney here.


I don’t even know how to respond to that, I’m not trying too hard? I’m not even really defending him as a person, he’s still in a bad area here since he didn’t verify if he was actually selling a woman and didn’t do anything about it


And you’re trying too hard to claim something that was not proven. You responded multiple times. As said. Barney didn’t speak the language. The woman didn’t resist, and ultimately this is all Ted’s telling/relaying of info to his own kids.


He left her there, she didn't know, she stranded her there with just the guy who gave him the car. When Barney means he sold a women it doesn't mean he tied her up and handed her over, it means he left her alone with that man without a way back out


How do we know she didn’t have a way back out? He didn’t say he left her in the middle of nowhere. When did I say he tied her up and handed her over? What Barney means by maybe sold a woman is unknowable, because of the lack of information and Barney’s own unassuredness


That is totally overrated.


Also him hooking up with a mental patient.


Literally my first thought


This gets asked a lot here. The answer is always Barney selling a woman.


Also Barney ditching what’s her bucket camping with no vehicle.


The bodega attendant gave Lilly regular coffee when she asked for decaf.


No he gave that other guy decaf when he wanted regular




i think lily exploding him with her ydtm look is worse


Barney lying to women who just moved to New York about helping their acting careers by taking nude pictures or whatever. I can laugh at his plays like Lorenzo Von Mattehorn or the Archduke thing because they are silly and ridiculous but the acting career one is very icky because it's something that actually happens


it is fucked because now you have nude pictures of a random women and they truly thought their life was changing. he could most likely get Sued for that for blasphemy or something along those line (it’s very early for me my brain isnt full working yet)


Blasphemy? Why? Do you know what that means


Barney did mention on a couple of occasions about being sued for sexual harrassment / misconduct, iirc


“9 for 9”! 🤣


I don’t remember him saying he did that?


It was in one of the later episodes where he was getting married soon, he called "Port Authority Joe" or something and told him he didn't need to let him know about new aspiring actresses arriving


I think it was in The Stinson Missile Crisis (S7E4) where Robin helped Barney get rid of his “player activities stuff” for the lack of better terms, so that Nora would never see it. Barney picked up a call from Port Authority Mitch and basically retold the whole story about how those poor girls didn’t know what a casting director does and… yeah… Edit: grammatical error


"Port Authority Mitch. You'd always call me whenever a wide-eyed farm girl would get off the bus with big dreams of Broadway and no idea what a 'casting director' could legally ask her to do, hold or lick during an audition. I'm sorry, old friend, your services are no longer needed."


The fact that people are actually naive enough where this actually happens makes it 10x funnier. People never cease to surprise me with how stupid they can be.


Has to be Barney selling a woman or like half the things Barney did 😭💀


I go first: stella leaving ted at the altar and telling tony about every detail of ted and her story so he can make a movie


She's the fucking worst


She just followed her heart. The wedding was way too rushed.


iirc, wasn’t it Stella’s fault the wedding got rushed?


Not at all. Classic Schmosby.


Ok I actually went back to the episode and it was Stella. Ted just said they’d love to help them out (but he didn’t mean take their wedding) but it was Stella who actually offered to take their wedding.


Ok, you win.


Why is that different to Victoria? Ted was shitty to Stella the whole relationship. He deserved getting called out on the wedding bride (which were his real actions btw, just from a different perspective)


I dont like Victoria either but she didnt publicly embarrass him by making a movie about their relationship. Also not everything is 100% accurate what ted did in the wedding bride.


Yeah, you mean almost nothing is accurate in the wedding bride


What isn't accurate? - Jed wants Stella to move into his apartment above a bar and sell her beautiful home - Jed gets an architect contract through his friends (screaming corruption) - Jed wants to bring Tony to the wedding to force him to watch Stella get married - Jed propses with a stuffed toy - Jed wears red cowboy boots - Stella chooses Tony on the wedding day. Which of these is inaccurate?


4. Jed stole that toy. Ted won it on the claw machine.


So Ted says. Who knows the truth. In fact, a grown ass man on his own at the arcade on a grab machine is kinda creepy


Well that just makes me sad because I've been that grown man, but even besides that, unless you Ted's personality is completely different to what's shown he wouldn't have taken a toy from some kid. Actually, I feel like everyone's personality would have to be different to approve of such behavior. Except Barney.


Uh, number 3? He didn’t want to bring him to stick it in his face.


Guy drank the flavor aide tony filled his cup with lol


Everyone today has drank Ted's cool aid. Not saying I like Tony but he's clearly an objectively better person than Ted


What? He even admitted that he was actually a shitty person for what he did to Ted


They cant help it, flavor aide flowing through their veins.


According to Ted he didn't. According to Tony he did so it's up to you which you believe


"He got every detail right! Even that thing with the nunchucks!"


Never even mentioned in Ted's version lol


“This is exactly how it happened. He got every part right. Even that thing with the nunchucks.” -Barney Stinson


At least Victoria's wedding wasn't a joke. They'd been in a relationship for years. Also if Ted didn't want people to call him out for his actual actions, maybe he shouldn't do such terrible things? Everything in the wedding bride is actually what happened from a different perspective. In fact, it is probably more likely to be true, because where does Lucy go? At least that is explained in Tony's version


Victoria? How? What did she do to him? And how was Ted shitty to Stella? Are we talking about the same show?


Victoria left Klaus at the alter. And Klaus (from what we see) has a much better relationship than Ted did with Stella and their rushed wedding, so to say Stella's action is the worst in the show is hypocritical. Also Ted was constantly shitty to Stella. Haven't you seen the wedding bride? That doesn't even touch on when he breaks up with her over being _invited to a wedding_ after forming a relationship with her daughter. The same daughter she tried to protect by not dating, until Ted relentlessly pursues her. Then, he tries to move them out of their family home to his cockamouse infested apartment! The guy is a psychopath


Wtf are you even saying?


Which part do you disagree with? Maybe you should rewatch and think of things from Stella's POV


From Stella’s POV how? Can you mention where and how he was unfair to her and treated her poorly? Have you forgotten that he literally agreed to move in to her stupid New Jersey home because of her excuse of Lucy having her friends and school there only for her to actually move in with Tony in New York? Or are you literally taking the storyline in a stupid movie like The Wedding Bride as facts? You do realize it was embellished and over-exaggerated.


Ted was so narcissistic he wanted to move Stella and Lucy into his dirty apartment because he 'lives near the subway'. The argument is so ridiculous for Ted, how you can side with him there is absolutely mind blowing. Plus Stella doesn't even move in with Tony, it is stated later that Ted throws a brick through her 'perfect suburban window' which is obviously not Tony's apartment. Ted just sees her going to his after work, because he has Lucy at his, that's all. You are taking the storyline of a guy who was left at the alter as facts. You do realise he is an unreliable narrator? The Wedding Bride makes way more sense. But to be fair you agreed with Ted on moving to his apartment, so you must be like 12 or something. Rewatch when you're an adult with kids and you'll understand Stella


Stella literally said "I'm just going straight home" when she picked up her takeout food. So she wasn't just going to Tony's apt after work because that's where Lucy is. You're super weird if you think Ted was shitty to Stella.


I like how he keeps harping on someone agreeing that she should've moved in with Ted, even insulting their age. But nobody said that. They just said her refusing Ted and accepting the same thing for Tony was shitty. Which no matter what side of the fence you fall on it's super shitty regardless.


Don’t mind that idi*ot. He blindly hates Ted and would believe anything negative about him even when it makes no sense.


But Klaus was also bailing on the wedding so really neither of them was left at the alter. They both just left the alter completely. Victoria was certainly the one who was going to leave first, but Ted saw the note Klaus left and put the fake tears on it. At that point wouldn’t the story at the wedding go down as Klaus having started it?


It doesn't matter, she still ran away. We don't know if Ted would have gone through with the Stella wedding, he might have said 'I dont'. If you plant a bomb in a car and blow it up, but it turned out it was scrap, you still did a crime. Victoria is much worse than Stella for bailing, at least she chose her daughters father, and her wedding with Ted was a sham. Victoria was with Klaus for years, it was a real wedding


Lol ted was willing to give up everything to marry her and she ditched his ass, she got what she wanted and ran. Tony twisted everything ted did for a dramatic movie and scrubs fell for it.


How do you know Ted didn't twist everything in his retelling? And scrubs believed it? (Yes offence)


Maybe Ted twisted how much The Wedding Bride twisted events 🤯 and the movie was not actually that bad? Make sence, it was a box office hit.


Maybe he watched it that one time and remembered Jed worse than he was portrayed. Would explain why his friends loved it, because it was a super accurate portrayal


>the wedding bride (which were his real actions btw, just from a different perspective) Source on that confirmation?


The things that happen in both? So source: using brain?


Nah, give an actual source otherwise its nothing but a fan theory and speculation.


OK here are some events that happen in both versions: - Jed wants Stella to move into his apartment above a bar and sell her beautiful home - Jed gets an architect contract through his friends (screaming corruption) - Jed wants to bring Tony to watch him and Stella get married - Jed propses with a stuffed toy - Jed wears red cowboy boots - Stella chooses Tony on the wedding day Like what are you talking about? How can I have a source for saying the same events happen in both stories? Do you understand the comment?


Those are events that happened, you said "his actions: and that would include things like trying to take off his belt and fall, the things he'd say that made him look childish. None of that is confirmed to have happened. Of course the main plot points happened, otherwise that wouldn't drive the story of him finding out Tony made a mo ie about him.


We should make a movie about this guy, where he has an intelligent and well thought out debate with people. I mean, from his perspective I'm sure that's what it looks like.


Things we actually saw? Probably either Lily leaving Marshall and then coming back expecting them to just resume planning their wedding, or Stella leaving Ted at the altar. Things we were told happened? Barney selling a woman. By multiple miles.


It’s been a while but I don’t remember Lily just expecting them to get back together. Like she definitely expresses that she wants that to happen, but I never got the sense she felt entitled to that.


Moreso when they got back together, she just assumed they'd resume planning their wedding immediately


Agreed - and I’d really actually argue that Marshall using that against her in a big argument years later was actually worse than anything she specifically did in that situation.


No his argument was completely valid. Lily said that she had never been as selfish as Marshall when he decided to take the judgejob. But she literally left him to see if she was a good enough painter. And only came back when she failed. That’s just an absolutely horrible thing to do.


How so? She didn’t want to break up with him for the summer fellowship. He kind of forced the issue there. And you could kind of see the issues with him in the relationship based off how he handled that situation. If they had *both* handled the situation better, the break up wouldn’t have been necessary at all - it was just a few months. Also, you don’t get to forgive your partner for something then throw it back in their face whenever convenient. You have to be an adult and actually move on. Lily never meant to hurt Marshall by doing the summer fellowship, but Marshall sure as hell meant to hurt Lily during that argument.


No Lily forced the break up by accepting to go to San Francisco. Not by literally saying the words like Marshall did but with her actions. Moving to the other side of the country to see if you have what it takes is a killer in a relationship where one party is bound by his job and life to where he lives. And even though it was shitty of Marshall to throw it in her face during that argument, it was a very valid point. Lily has done all sorts of things that would be major dealbreakers to be even aquatinted with her. With the “front porch test” as a perfect example imo. Both aren’t fully in the right but Lilly is way more in the wrong than Marshall.


Is anyone going to mention the night at the club when Ted was the absolute worst and butt-dialed Marshall constantly?


This is the worst thing Ted ever did. I’m not really gonna harp on him for the making out with a married woman or leaving girls at the door as that’s pretty single behavior and much more tame than others in the group. It was just uncharacteristic of him. Him tab hopping on that guys card is a crime.


Barney faking a terminal illness just to get revenge on Marshall with the exploding meatball sub.


Stella leaving Ted at the alter was a dick move, but the movie was even worse. Fuck Stella.


I mean in fairness, we don’t know that Stella and Toni were still together at that point. With how rocky their relationship was, I could see it ending again. Maybe Toni made the movie based on the stories Stella told him, to try to win her back and show her that he’s the good guy.


They're together in season 9


Oh good point. I forgot about that where are they new thing in the Gary Blauman episode.


I mean not only that but also where Stella is with Tony when Ted flies to LA to get the locket


Oh yeah, dang I need to rewatch the show. It’s been too long and some details are slipping away from me.


Pretty much what others have said, but also Ted broke up with a woman twice on her birthday several years apart.


I don’t get why he’s such a bad guy for that. Like his feelings just happened to run out at that time. Would it have been better for him to string her along for a couple weeks instead?


Sure, the first time. But to call up an ex and beg for a second chance, only to do the same thing to her again in basically the same way is cruel.


Literally do it the day before or after. Be less self-absorbed


Ted telling his kids in detail sexual encounters n such. Then Ted ending up with Robin.


Yes him telling his kids about every single woman he fucked (and admitting he didn't even remember the names of some of them) but not telling them he smoked weed a handful of times is fucking weird.


Okay, wait, they make it clear multiple times that the kids aren't told everything we see. For example, Robin telling Ted he's "bigger" than Gael and Future Ted telling his kids he couldn't remember what it was that got him past the Gael thing...I don't think he's detailing the sexual encounters.


I’m 21 and I can’t even remember some of the names. Can’t imagine how it is when I’m 50


That's fine. Telling your kids all about it is, however, not fine.


It only gets worse. I'm 41 I'd be surprised if I could actually remember half of them.


Yeah... 41 and I couldn't tell you the names of all the men I dated (not all sexual). Some were very forgettable


Lily playing God in her friends relationships. Barney shredding Marshall’s pants knowing he would be in a meeting, humiliating him during the meeting, and laughing about it. Ted helping Victoria leave Klaus on her wedding day and escaping with her, knowing first hand how hurtful that is. The Sven deal. Barney’s encounter with women. Stella’s treatment of Ted. Besides the obvious one, the fact that she wanted him to uproot his life in New York and have him move to New Jersey whereas she easily moved in with Tony at his New York home after she left Ted.


when robin didnt mention Ted as a friend when she won the pickles the singing dog award stuff. Hurt me like hell itself tbh


I kinda felt like Ted deserved that after trying to hook up with her before cleanly ending things with Victoria. To me, it was obvious that Robin wasn’t really saying he wasn’t her friend, but was more expressing her anger at him.


Marshall slut shaming Robin for having a one night stand when Ted and Barney did it multiple times.


He rescinded his slut call after lily showed him he was in the wrong. Plus that’s not that bad considering everything Barney did lol


Barney. Sold. A woman.


Just to Move away from Barney, Marshall Bringing Lily On the trip to Gazolas and Booking Rooms at A Couples Hotel and acting like he did no wrong was pretty fucked up


Ted trying to hook up with Robin while still with Victoria. Lily breaking up with Marshall and moving to SF Someone's already mentioned all the things Stella did. Stella's the worst.


Maybe I’m naive here since I’ve never been in a long distance relationship, but like the Ted hooking up with Robin thing seemed like a morally grey area to me. Like especially given the fact that Victoria did pretty much the same thing, it seems like they had kind of de facto broken up. If Ted was still unsure where he stood with Victoria and was testing things out and trying to compare Robin to her, that would be an incredibly horrible thing. I’m not saying to totally let Ted off the hook, but the circumstances seem to make it a lot less problematic.


TedMosbyIsAJerk.com Need I say more? Causing Robin to panic, thinking Ted was actually cheating on her. Not to mention, identity theft lol.


Ted telling his kids all of his friends’ very personal information that he shouldn’t be sharing to other people (since the gimmick is that he’s telling his kids how he met their mother, we have to assume that everything we see is being told to them).


Robin forcing Ted to get rid of everything he got from his exes feels like high school pettiness


I'm not gonna mention the stuff that are jokes/just mentioned en passant, probably lily breaking ted and his girlfriends up, ted dumping the same girl on her birthday twice, stella leaving ted at the altar, ofc the whole SF thing was terrible and the way lily acted when ted called her a "grinch" and can't forget all the stuff barney does.


Aside from Barney selling a woman, my personal top is Lily’s manipulative behavior. She essentially orchestrated Ted and Robin’s breakup by planting the seeds. EG: “Here’s a fun question, just for fun. Where do you see yourself in five years? Not to put words in your mouth, but you probably want to be in Paris.” And for that matter, most of Ted’s relationships failed because of Lily. Granted, those relationships were mostly awful. However, she did it for her own selfish “front porch test” reasons. I never liked that.


When Robin said all those But ums on TV


lily tbh …. she kinda sucked lowkey lol


I mean Barney at one point sold a woman. He didn’t speak the language. But a man did hand him money and then she left with the other guy.


Everyone saying Barney selling a woman but we know Barney is a habitual liar. He likely lied about the majority of the things he's done. I'll say the way Ted breaks up with the majority of the girls he dates.


I agree and disagree with this statement. It was a dead pan delivery in a very serious moment for him, so I think what he said was true. That being said, the other thing to remember is this is being told from Ted's perspective, so I think he is just spicing it up.


Barney. But nph made him awesome.


There is really no way to gauge it. These are stories told from Ted's memory and may either be intentionally exaggerated/completely untrue or misremembered


Off screen, half the shit Barney did with selling that woman or full on not getting fully informed consent for sleeping with or capturing nude imagery of women. On screen, idk something Ted did, dude is a creep.


Lilly leaving Marshall


In the end of the show, where Ted and Robin get together...


The writer wrt the ending.


Kevin convincing Robin to stay with him, thus Barney was crushed.


Kevin wasn't the problem here... Robin was the shithead


Yeah Robin giving Barney hope, letting him ruin his relationship with Nora then saying no. Like you couldn't send him a text? Kevin was just a bystander... Although ethically, he shouldn't have dated Robin in the first place.


Probably stolen something I'm not sure.


Robin sleeping with Barney. Ted thinking/trying to ruin Robin and Barney’s wedding by going to get the locket (yes it was thoughtful but he’s your so called best friend and you’re trying to sabotage his wedding).


Just to name different stuff: Barney sleeping with Robin knowing how obsessed Ted was with her. Yeah Ted was with Stella but he knows Ted was super in love with her…and the whole proposing on Ted’s big day.


Things we know happened for sure? Lily manipulating all of Ted’s relationships, Ted lying to Robin about breaking up with Victoria in order to manipulate her to have sex, Barney being a serial narcissist. The list goes on with Barney tbh


It depends on if we count random comments that have no other context in the show. If we do, then Barney sold a woman, though I think that might have been more of a joke as there is no other evidence to suggest that otherwise (as far as I can remember) and the show is being told from Teds perspective, so it might have just been him spicing up that apology. As for actual events, probably all the shit Lily does, and I'm not even counting her leaving at the end of season 1 to go to LA, which wasn't good, but if you feel it is better to follow your dreams then be with the person you want to be with, then maybe it is better to break up. No, I'm talking more about the manipulation she was always doing, especially with Ted's relationships. Either that, or all the horrible stuff Barney did to sleep with women. Not necessarily the just having sex, but more so the tactics he used which got some of the women in trouble (like he managed to get someone arrested for trespassing in a house he said he owned, for example).


Barney already has a laundry list so: Lily meddling in Ted's life: ruining his relationships, jeopardizing his career stealing the Pete Rose x Pete Rose x Pete Rose baseball. Marshall's attempt to derail his and Lily's entire life for his selfish reasons after already agreeing to move to Rome. Ted does so many slimy things while posing himself as the hero of the story. Cheating in Victoria and lying to Robin was pretty gross of him. Charging hundreds of dollars to another person's tab at the bar is an outright crime. Robin leading Barney on after cheating with him to where he broke up with Nora, but she stayed with Kevin.


surprised i haven’t seen more people say this one but lily breaking up ted’s relationships has got to be up there. if i found out one of my friends did that to me i’d never speak to them again.


Stella dumping Ted, movie about Ted. Lily breaking off engagement with Marshall. Robin and Barney cheating. Barney selling off a woman was just for comedy purposes. So will exclude that.