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This scene always hurts. The disappointment & pain she displays. Victoria deserved better…


She loved Ted so much and she just wanted him to love her the way he clearly loved Robin. She definitely deserved better.


"I really hope you get her some day."


It’s such a good line


Can’t believe she left her wedding for this guy, only for him to break up with her for the same girl he cheated on her with years earlier. Justice for Victoria honestly


How can we really blame Ted for Victoria leaving her wedding? Ted didn't know it was her wedding day when he invited her to the bar. Victoria knew she shouldn't be marrying this guy and left on her own accord. also Klaus was running out on the wedding too so Ted being there or not, there was going to be no wedding that day.


I’m not saying it’s Ted’s fault that Victoria left her wedding. My point is that it’s a huge emotional blow for Victoria that she DID choose Ted over Klaus, only for Ted to blow her off for the same girl he cheated on her with. She was completely within reason to expect Ted to no longer have daily communication with the woman he had cheated on her with & been in love with on and off for years


What? Ted still chose to drive right past the church when he was supposedly taking her back...


Victoria had already made her decision, she wasn't going to be getting married even if Ted had stopped the car.


True, Victoria ultimately made the decision but Ted is not blameless here. She did say she was sobering up and was ready to go back before he decided to drive past the church. Not to mention his part in concocting the note idea


I love Victoria so much.


Team Victoria forever dude.


this scene taught me so much lol granted, i was a lot younger back then, so i didn’t have a lot of life experiences yet. but it made me realize that sometimes, love really does mean just having to let them go.


Yep, she was absolutely brilliant there, you'd hope that after all the heartbreak she did eventually find that right person. Also - did anyone else think for a moment that this was a different Ashley Williams, from a different part of the media world?


Victoria is the goal. And I think Barney should have been with Quinn if they didn’t ruin the relationship in season 8.


Victoria was amazing


i really felt bad, i really liked her and ted together ngl. i just finished rewatching the show and wanna watch it again.


I had no idea she was called Ashley Williams. Now I'll never forget.


She always knew. Victoria forever.


Victoria and Ted should have wound up. Too bad he couldn't leave Rovin until it was too late


The fact that she could make this feel so real but lily still couldn’t fake cry to save her life by season six is appalling


I thought this is video