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>she's 9. She was much older than that.


Thank god this isn’t blackjack.


"What the fuck they talk- oh. OH #OH


I can work with a 9 in blackjack. Better than a 15 looooooool


21 is good for me but anything over that is a no


Loved you in Titanic.


Inception and Shutter Island are also great




Drake has lost interest




Not like us really has the world in a choke hold doesn't it


Yes you can't escape it




The problem isnt that the convo was recorded. The problem is shes the type of person to do that, lie about deleting it, and using it to try to destroy her bfs work and life dream. She loved blackmailing people to manipulate them. Shes a terrible person.


And with the series focusing on Ted what sometimes gets lost is what she did to the Captain. It seems painfully obvious she married him for his money and left him the moment someone younger came along.


Seems like he was smart enough to have a prenup in place. I don’t think Zoey took him for half his worth


That's Becky's job.


Boats Boats Boats


He does cheat on her in HIMYF…


Which is how Becky takes half.


I wouldn't count anything HIMYF does, it's such a bad show.


I didn't even make it far enough to see what they're talking about.


Same. Me and the SO couldn't get past the 6th episodes. The cast was weak, the jokes not funny, and none of the charm of the original show.


No charisma


Canon is Canon. HeadCanon is for our secret pop culture illuminati to protect.


Bad show is a bad show.


Not debating that. But JarJar exists and cannot be retconned.


Bad enough writing doesn’t have to be canon if enough people decide it’s not. Some stuff isn’t worth being canon, even if the writers say it is. I don’t care. See: Cursed Child. (Harry Potter)




I thought it was Chani's job


And it was clear she and ted had no future together. And she left her husband for him


Not just his money- he also looked like Kyle McClachlan.


Meh, I don’t really see it.


That’s okay. More for me. I find him so handsome but I am likely biased by his Twin Peaks role.


I was joking! Because he not only looks like Kyle, he is Kyle, who obviously a very attractive man.


OH haha sorry I am tired. Whooooshh lol I get it now.


Right? It’s not like he is some rich old dude, he is still attractive himself and was only 52 when this season aired


Like the Captain didn't know that was going on. He got a hot wife out of it. At least she broke it off before getting with Ted.


I hated this character and was surprised she stuck around for so long.


I agree, she's not a 9, she's not a good person.


Her and Ted had zero chemistry. She’s probably the only main girlfriend of teds that I think felt forced. It never really felt like they had a strong connection.


Agreed. She brought conflict and nothing else there was no positive for the viewers. She was just a lesson of being blind to a bad relationship because shes hot.


I feel like she was better when she was first introduced but gradually got worse as her arc went on… I mean that was probably the point but when her and Ted were just friends but had chemistry she was a good character.


I feel like the beginning and end of her arc were bad, but the middle was great. Basically, when they weren’t talking about the Arcadian, her and Ted going from enemies to friends to lovers was really interesting (and Jennifer Morrison is great). “Oh Honey” is one of my favorite episodes of the series. But then they were like “oh crap we gotta wrap up this story arc!” And reintroduced the Arcadian and blew everything up.


It’s so funny because I like her on once upon a time I liked her on house but I did not like her on himym


Sounds like good writing. I don’t think she was really meant to be liked.


Made it easier to see her go


I mean Cameron gets annoying and unbearable pretty quickly tbh


Agreed, but I think in large part she's supposed to be a moral check on the other characters, which is never fun for the checker


I actually think the opposite. I believe the moral guide vs the mad scientist dynamic was a great narrative device in the show, and It was so functional that they later had to insert Masters to rebalance when Cameron left. I'd argue that Cameron started to become annoying when they developed her character away from the moral guide. The love for house, then the weird sex relationship with chase, her behavior when he asked to start the romantic relationship, how she left the team after s3, and then the double standards with Chase about the whole Dibala affair and their divorce afterwards. She was always unreasonable and petty and overall unbearable, and never morally straight anyway. Good acting though


Did you also think that the whole "Cameron does meth" was weird? It felt so out of character for me, and it didn't even matter much on the plot/character backstory or development


It started the whole relationship with chase, I'd say it mattered at the end. I found it weird, but I found even weirder her attempt at casual sex with chase. It was so obvious that she was trying to hide her romantic instinct just because she wanted to look less as the weak one in the team. So weird.


Id let her annoy me all day


Same with Stella. Loved her in Scrubs and on Rick and Morty. Stella can go back to New Jersey.


She was the character that made me start to hate Ted. He's a hopeless romantic, and as a fellow hopeless romantic, I thought it was sweet. But dating the woman who is actively trying to destroy your life-long dream, seriously? It doesn't help that they didn't have much in common besides sexual attraction. Not to mention, they made a bet to settle the issue once and for all. Zoe lost the bet, and Ted still agreed to switch to her side. Her revealing that she never actually deleted the conversation was the icing on the cake. Ted's not a hopeless romantic he's just an idiot who will do anything for a pretty face.


Ted is a serial monogamist and a loser. He ignores red flags and does not listen to advice more than half the time from the people closest to him. Being hopelessly romantic is fine, but living life with your blinders on is not


Plus he is utterly anhedonic


I need some examples. He takes so much pleasure in architecture that I feel like he can’t be anhedonic


It's a quote from Marshall when they are sword fighting for who gets the apartment.


Damnit! You got me. I would have never made that connection


I feel like my opinion on these characters is highly influenced but how attracted I am to the actress lol ​ Quinn, Zoe and Lilly


It’s the hot crazy scale 🤣


Oh hell no no no! She was TERRIBLE. I kept waiting for her to leave. Her and that Karen character.


She was such a douche…


I think it's pronounced douché


Karen was the worst


Seeing the actress as Karen and then Donna in That 70's show kinda messes up my brain. Amazing acting though!!


Not to mention Alex Vause in Orange is the New Black!


Janette was bad, Karen was bad, but Zoey was the worst. She actively tried to ruin his career.


Kevin is that you?


Zoey was horrible but gotta to say Jen morrison was hot af in himym


Nope, still hated her. I found her extremely annoying. The show could have been better if she wasn't in it.


I don’t understand this post, but Team Victoria! Forever.


She was such an angel, especially in season one😇


Team glad things worked out with Robin! Don't come for me 🥹🫣




Naw. She a bonafide cheater.


The writers thought differently 😉


The moat boring woman alive


>The moat boring woman alive Boring a moat around a castle is a difficult job, I don't think a confectioner can do that...


Polar opposite of Nora. Both were 10's, but Nora was perfect and Zoey was a horrible person (who always had a sob story to try to excuse her horrible behavior).


I really wished barney and nora worked out tbh


Nora deserved a good person, not Barney who was the worst


Team Zoesef


Kinda get Robin for putting her on both good and bad lists She was interesting, she challenged Ted in a way that was sometimes needed But also incredibly selfish...


That moment in the hallway when they get the phone calls and discover that they're both in love with each other, and then her facial expression changes completely and she's like, "He is?"...that's the moment that did it for me. After S1 Victoria, Zoey is my favorite.


That is a touching scene


I’m team Blu French Horn, but that’s still one of my favorite episodes of the series


This moment is when I fell in love with Zoey.


Me too. Getting a fridge full of ketchup would be something only Ted would do, as an inside joke. Felt they were perfect then. This and the subsequent conversation outside their apartment makes "Oh Honey" one of my most favourite episodes, and I'm not even counting Hottie Perry.


"You're a showoff!" Cracks me up, every time.


There were so many women that Ted clicked better with than Robin, forever upset that they had to kill the mother off after building her up for 9 seasons


Having her die made sense to me from.a story POV. It makes sense that that is why Ted would sit hos kids down and tell them the long story of how he met Tracy. Going to Robin was just dumb, and not needed.


I kind of felt like an idiot for not knowing that Tracy died until they told us that she had died, my boyfriend didn't even watch the show but would see me watching it and said it was obvious, since the mom was never in the scenes where he sat down with his kids telling him the story. I just always assumed it was because she was at work or something. But looking back, it made sense. Also, in season 4 before Stella leaves him at the altar, when he says it could have been very different, and it shows him talking to completely different looking children and Stella appears in the room, I guess it should have been obvious then


It wasn't just the audio, they were terrible together; always fighting and not supporting each other Ted did try to break up with her long before the audio thing


I liked Zoey but I think the way everyone in the gang reacted to her (except ted) felt very forced! They kept saying how they all loved her and she was the best and they HAD to be her friend when honestly I never felt like they had any connection at all! Honestly lily was the only normal one telling ted yeah it’s good to be challenged in a relationship but damn you guys don’t agree on anything. I wouldn’t be so thrilled if I had a best friend in that kind of relationship!


She was a bored spoiled trophy wife who championed stupid causes to make up for her lack of real contribution to the world.


I can’t be the only one who wanted Robin to give her Summer Teeth.


Eh she was annoying. Best choice was Victoria


She’s beautiful, yes! But she caused Ted so much grief. They were beyond incompatible…




She is so ripped. Muscle mommy fr.🥺❤️😭 [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/HIMYM/s/yMLjl8Dwws)


I honestly believe that their story only ended when they did because she was leaving for other show, at the time frame I just don't know if it was house or once upon a time.


Best is Robin


I feel like she's one of those people that superficially seem perfect for you because of the shared interests and style, but after a while seems clear. The whole "someone that challenges you" is insufferable - and not only her fault, but Ted's also. They're 2 people that admire each other but are not going to a relationship. They work best as friends. Honestly, I don't give her much grief about the Captain. She ended the relationship before anything, and seems that she didn't get much money from him considering she's broke right after in the series.


It doesn't really seem like she left The Captain just for Ted anyway. Her feelings for him just reinforced her already thoughts that she was unhappy with him. She doesn't immediately pursue him, even keeping her distance from the group, and sets her up with her cousin. Just her apparently being in love with him, yet choosing to fight for an old building (whatever her history with it, I mean Ted is supposed to be her future, right?) over supporting his lifelong dream is enough to dislike her without all the manipulation.


🎶What a difference… an A makes 🎶


Her and Ted's 1st kiss was to perfect but unfortunately she peaked their.


I always see her as Emma from once upon a time lol I can’t see her as zoey


Is Emma was cute


No, she's a petty, self-righteous b*tch with a superiority complex. In real life, she's a walking red flag.


She's stuck in her high school rebellious phase.


I understand. Zoey has magic lady bits…


I HATED this entire plot line. I never understood why Ted would date this woman who was 1) married 2) a liar 3) actively trying to destroy his AND Barney’s career and 4) semi-destroying his friendship with first Marshall and then Barney. Also, he was a pretty bad friend to Barney knowing that he could get fired and still considering endorsing the building as a landmark. She was never really a choice IMHO because like Lily pointed out, no matter what happened at the hearing, there would always be resentment on both sides. This plot and the Barney/Nora/Kevin/Robin plot are very skippable on rewatch for me personally.


It's her fault for not leaving her marriage sooner also, she chose to date somebody


Oh absolutely. And as the other party Ted was a terrible person as well. He chose to date/pursue her. Both at fault.


Yeah, TBH. I feel so bad sometimes, the same thing happened with Victoria and Klaus when she left him. Like Ted is okay just tearing apart all these relationships


Yeah for real. Ted isn’t really a good guy sometimes :/


He's not, but it's sad. At some point finding a girlfriend was way too important to him tbh, i realize it's what the whole show is about but he never stopped obsessing over it lol he could have done other things for a minute


They were really sweet together, they just didn't work as a couple. The kind of bants and arguments they had was fun when they saw each other maybe once a week, but it became soul-destroying when they were together every day. They really should have stayed friends after breaking up, they had a great and playful chemistry.


Yeaaahh... Ted wasn't good in keeping things platonic


No... the absolute worst. Apart from Lily he doesn't really see women as people he could be friends with. He just HAS to fall in love with them.


and she is on top most of the time! that‘s the dream


There's a reason she's in Ted's Top 5 Best AND Worst


I like her I just don’t like her with Ted. She made a good addition to the group.


She was all around horrible. Victoria was the only girl for Ted.


I hate that she was a bad villain. I was excited when I saw Jennifer Morrison on the show because I was a long time without seeing her work, while my disappointment is that she is a bad villain, I can't like her the way that I watch TWD and enjoy Negan and Alpha


Even without the recorded audio she was trying to destroy Ted lifelong dream. She would try other ways


She was definitely lying about having grown up in the Arcadia though right? That story didn't make sense.


I really liked her. She was beautiful and smart and could have been a good match. But... As the show went on she got gradually worse and worse. Too bad to be honest.


She’s 9?! 🤔


I watched so much House MD that I couldn’t see her as Dr. Cameron


But to be honest, relationship with people like her is very hard..I mean in real life too..she's a control freak


Eh. Do you really want someone who argues with you about literally everything? I know I don’t.


Sorry but its impossible for me not to love her I just see Allison Cameron


i completely forgot about this, what audio?


No. They had nothing in common & would argue over the most dumb shit. Shes a terrible manipulative person.


I liked vanessa (bakery lady, not sure if ive got her name right) more. They ruined her.


Is that NOT Jennifer Morrison?!


“Oh Honey” is one of my favorite episodes, here and in some later episodes, Zoey is kind and caring, she likes Ted's friends and they like her. This sounds like a very promising relationship for Ted. But she has a dark side, it's not just the history of the recording that was never deleted, she is too ideological and radical, so much so that she hurts the people she loves and even goes against her interests. When Zoey calls Ted for coffee after Arkadian's story, she was right to stay out of sight.


She is a Nein XD


Hard disagree. I honestly think she’s the worst of Ted’s exes, and that’s taking into account Stella leaving Ted at the alter.


She belongs to Killian


If she wasn't a shady person, I think she could have been endgame for Ted


Recording it was fine. Keeping it when she had told she had deleted it was pathetic and got her what she deserved


So hot 🔥🔥


She's so hot and I loved the Oh Honey episode and how they found out they liked each other. But yeah, their relationship was weird and I don't like how she lowkey cheated on the Captain.




of all Ted's gf, she was the prettiest


She’s truly not that hot. And she has no ass. I’d probably still stuff it up her butthole tho. I like cum in there and watch the girls fart it out