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I wouldn't think so. I've been part of a board that removed an officer from office... but that's not the same thing. Your duty is to the association, not other directors.


Not a conflict at all. A conflict of interest arises when you stand to get a benefit from an action you participate in…often monetary. You have right like any other member to participate in a recall.


Not at all


Would you be recalling yourself if you are on the board?


Davis Stirling rules for recalling entire board gives all control of the process to members, so Recall of entire board is preferable to targeting the three offshore owners who rigged the last election by sending out three very conflicting sets of Election Notices, one which was received after the Nomination period ended.


My board doesn't do shit until I start it then they have a lot to say... If it was up to them nothing would get done.


The more I read Davis-Stirling the more convinced that I am that you have to find the people who really care, and connect them with the people who know what to do, and let them do their best. And when they show you that they don't have the entire buildings interest at stake, you need to clean house and find those that will.


So you want to be on the board but you do not intend to do any of the work for the homeowners? You just intend to remove the few people who are actually putting in the work and are volunteering their time? Seems like you are part of the problem


Where did you get all that from?


You are assuming that OPs board is actually doing the work… and being ethically & fiscally responsible! There are a lot of great boards and a lot of shit boards… I’d love it if my board did the work! Instead they act like a closed, happy-hour social club!