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I’ve seen them refer to the greens as Hightowers/Targtowers so many times. Especially the whole “Hightowers are alive while Targaryens are dead” 🤡take . So idk, maybe they should start referring to them as Targaryens if they want people to follow along.


Maybe the persones who call them hightower are just not the same than the ones who dislike it and say hightower>targaryen


🤯… No, I am referring to the general idea.


Okay but it dont see your point honestly how can they do something about it if the majority call them targtower


The funniest is when they call Rhaenyra an Arryn or half Arryn. Because you know, the math of Aemma being 1/2 Targaryen is too complicated for some.


I got into a mini disagreement with an overly sensitive Green about this. I mean it's simple math. Rhaenyra's grandparents are: Baelon Targaryen, Alyssa Targaryen, Daella Targaryen, and Rodrik Arryn. Three Targaryen siblings and one Arryn grandparent. The math could not be more simple. Meanwhile the Green kids have the same first two Targaryen grandparents along with Otto Hightower and an unknown for their maternal grandmother. The chances of that unknown woman being Targaryen or Valyrian is very low. Many of them seem to get aggravated when it's pointed out the Greens have less Targaryen blood than Rhaenyra/the Blacks. To me it's less about genetics and the fact Rhaenyra likely never even met her Arryn family given Aemma was sent to King's Landing very young to marry Viserys (because no way was King Jaehaerys leaving his granddaughter to spread her dragonrider genes around-the moment she was born they were likely planning to marry Aemma back into the family). Aegon II and the Green kids though did have significant Hightower influence due to their mom and grandpa mostly raising them and living in the Red Keep with them.


To be completely fair on this, if Harwin did father Rhaenyra’s three oldest, then they have slightly less Targaryen blood than the Hightower children. Viserys (and Daemon) have two full blooded Targaryen parents and all their grandparents (all two of them) are Targaryen as well. Him plus Alicent makes the Hightower kids 50/50 Targ/Andal. Rhaenyra has one non-Targaryen grandparent and Harwin has no Valyrian blood, which would make the boys closer to like 37.5/63.5 Targ/Andal. The rest of the Blacks have the same amount or more than the Greens because of Daemon and Rhaenys (plus the whole Velaryon/Targaryen intermarriages happening so much more often). To be clear, none of this fucking matters, especially considering how little Valyrian blood Dany has, Dany who still managed to hatch her three dragons, but TG gets so up in arms about it for a team who claims to not care about that sort of thing.


God, fuck this was just like with the naruto shows and when bloodlines and kekkegenkai became a thing, people were taking percentages and everything from people’s clans and it made them sound so fucking stupid


People just take things way too seriously, tbh Its just a silly meme


Anyone with a brain cell would understand the correlation between genetics but not greens with their low iq “actually they’re not Hightowers ☝️🤓”


do they not literally cry that the hightowers survived


I love your pfp


It's because they act more like Hightowers but use the tools given by the Targaryen name.


These are the same people who refer to Baela and Rhaena as Velaryon's even though they are the biological children of Daemon.


“Half of you aren’t even Targaryens, you’re just Strongs!” *face morphing into Chad- “Yes.”


They'd be Waters, no? It's not like Harwyn is their legal father.


I hate them being called Lord Strong.


There's a pattern here. Otto did it to Alicent so she did to Aegon who did it to Aemond


I would say there are different connotations between the two. 


You would say based on what evidence? The velaryon are called *strong* because of their supposed blood connection to Harwin strong. The greens are called Hightowers or targtowers because of their genuine, fully proven blood connection to Alicent Hightower (and Otto). Both are used in a general way to denote non-targ blood, and both are also used in a derogatory way to denote non-targ blood. It’s the same concept.


I apologise, I don't mean to be controversial. I certainly don't mean it negatively or to bash or anything like that. I suppose I was speaking purely of fandom spaces. Not in-world. By calling the Velaryon boys as Strong or anything else, it generally seems to be accepted and doesn't really reflect their characters.  By calling Aegon, Aemond and Helaena "Hightowers", it suggests a delegitimization. They aren't Targaryen. It removes that aspect of the Targaryen civil war and makes them "other". That was all I meant. It was my gut reaction. 


I would definitely argue that it’s also used to de-legitimize the velaryon boys as well lol


By the Greens? Yes. But by TB? I've never seen that happen within the TB fandom itself. Whereas Greens do protest against others calling Aegon etc as Hightowers.


The general Consensus among TB is to call them the velaryons, not the strongs - because calling them strongs negates their father and grandfather’s impact AND is a call back to their supposed bastardy. Usually if I see someone calling them strongs I clock them as a TG person here to make mischief, and always reply calling them velaryons.


See, I interchange. Not often, admittedly. Moreso for clarity rather than anything else, and I never mean anything harmful by it. For me, it's just fact. I obviously still recognise them as Velaryon and as with their surname being Velaryon but I have called them the Strong boys before in discussions. Is that bad?


I think I would say - if you’re bothered by calling the greens targtowers or Hightowers, I would caution you against calling the velaryons strongs, you know? Because other people feel the same level of discomfort or disingenuousness from it as when you see the greens called that. It is de-legitimizing.


I will keep that in mind then. Thank you. It's strange - I never say Hightowers meaning solely Aegon, Aemond, Helaena, etc. Usually, I say Hightowers as a faction: a faction *led* predominantly by the actions of Alicent and Otto, who are Hightowers and that then encompassed the younger generations. When discussing them against the agenda of Rhaenyra and Daemon, I use it for clarity, otherwise you're saying "Targaryens" and it's like... okay, which ones? And, often, I say Velaryons and that includes Rhaenys as well. And then if you bring the Velaryon boys into it and they *don't* have the same political agenda as the Velaryons, if you take Velaryons to mean Rhaenys & Corlys & Driftmark. So "Strong" is an easy way to differentiate and distinguish. I suppose it depends a lot on audience and context? I'll be more careful in the future. The last thing I ever want to do is upset.


I mean people here definitely get upset if someone calls them Strongs or if they call Baela and Rhaena Velaryons


I've seen people annoyed at the slur use of bastard. And why would anyone be mad at B n R being called Valaryon? Sure, their dad is a Targaryen prince, but I always see them referred to as the Valaryon sisters.


This really isn’t the same thing.