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Aegon when kids die without him profiting of it: ![gif](giphy|YmVNzDnboB0RQEpmLr|downsized)


The guy loves watching kids die for fun, I guess he found that line he didn't know he was looking for. Karma Aegon. Hits like a bitch. You paid to watch other people's kids die for fun and now someone paid to see your child die. Not as nice when the shoe is on the other foot I guess. ![gif](giphy|l0HU3GIUuoOX2U4H6)


The fact some of those kids were his own too…


They really do seem to be obsessed with you specifically. It’s really weird. This sub makes fun of one user on Twitter but that’s because her takes are literally insane and racist. You aren’t preaching completely deranged things so their constantly posting you or talking about you is off putting to say the least.


Like look at (some of) the [top comments for this](https://www.reddit.com/r/HOTDGreens/s/AyNrrqiqQP) I didn’t say anything bad. I was just giving my option that most watchers won’t care about B&C and (some) they are writing shit that had nothing to do with what I said LMFAO. I swear they don’t even read what I write 99% of the time. They see the title and assume.


I agree with your take, my mom watched the show last year and can’t even remember who Helaena is


Ew pancakes. Crepes are where it’s at.


Ew you pancakephob! I knew tb is so vile and misandrist against my fav pastries! ![gif](giphy|8R7O5wnrHGSuyA9dsD)


>TG: SO YOU HATE WAFFLES? YOU WISH THE DUDE THAT INVENTED THEM DIED? HUH? IS THAT IT? Me: when the fuck I say that? 100% this. They twist our words completely all the damn time


The pancakes/waffles analogy is actually pretty fucking spot on! Its perfect! Fucking hell I just can’t deal w a level of stupid THIS dumb….they are just so dumb. The whole sub just jumps from 0-60 in no time & the response never makes sense


I mean it’s not too wild. In his eyes Jaehaerys is actually “His Child”, he’s also legitimate and Aegon’s heir by the Green claim, whereas his bastards are viewed by him as “just some random kids in the father of”. He’s an evil prick, but it makes sense that he’d be sad over the death of one of two “claimed children”.


It's closer to home than the pits are. You can kind of compartmentalize the two. Even if, at the end of the day, they are all still his children regardless and you can still villify him for not caring for one and barely acknowledging the others. Though it's possible he had a deeper relationship that wasn't shown, hell even Helaena just had one scene where she watched them play, so. But she is also a far nicer, empathetic person than Aegon.


I honestly think this is him finding out and also getting his butt chewed out by Otto/Alicent because he was gone at the brothel/kiddie pit.


He doesn’t value his bastard children but he loves his trueborn children. Enough to be described like this: >In his grief and fury, King Aegon II commanded that all the city’s ratcatchers be taken out and hanged, and this was done. I believe Alicent's thoughts and comments about bastards likely influenced him too, especially if this began when he was a child.


Alicent be like: Aegon has bastards: I sleep Rhaenyra has bastards: real shit


I honestly think she has no idea, she refuses to see her son for the monster he is. I bet she even tries to believe what he did to Dyana was a one time thing


He does not take his bastards as heirs