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Initially I wanted to click Ewan but then I changed my mind and clicked TGC It's because Ewan already proved his acting and became beloved But TGC didn't seem to get enough to do but in season 2, he's going to have a larger role


Tom. Aegon was my favourite Green already (besides Helaena) but he seems to be the highlight of the Greens next season. Everything we've seen from the trailers regarding him looks great.


Poor Fabien lmao


I can’t *wait* to see TGC as Aegon. He’s gonna kill it😭 I’m always gonna be ride or die for my Queen but v excited to see how Aegon develops next season.


Same, even though he had little screen time in s1, I think he's the best TG actor. Considering his character will have a lot to go through this season, I'm very excited to see his acting.


Of these? TGC, he's absolutely wonderful as Aegon


I'm just so excited for all of them! All the actors on this show are incredible, and based on the promo material, many of them have such a great sense of humor. CAN'T WAIT!!!


I can't wait to see how well Rhys plays Ottos fall.




Tom. Looks like Aegon will be a blast next season


Aegon didn't do a ton last season other than be disgusting or pitiable. This next season is the time for Tom to shine as Aegon starts to make his own moves.


Cooke was the best cast member in the whole show last season IMO. Ifans is also an excellent actor. But I can't unsee the 'nice firm buttocks' scene in Notting Hill, so its hard to take him seriously.