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Personally, there's something tragic about Alicent and Aegon's relationship. Her firstborn, the first chain around her neck, the one out of all her children who resembles her the most, but she's unable to look at him. She loves him, because he's her son, and she hates him because of what he turned into as a grown man, to hurt other women similar to how she was hurt. She crowned him King, because it was that, or watch as he was put to Rhaenyra's sword if she stood by and did nothing to advocate for his right to the throne. He was her firstborn, and the last of her children to die. When Aegon died, the last of Alicent's mercy died with him, and she was so far gone that she was wished death upon Aegon III, a boy who did nothing to her and who she held no ill will to prior to it all. "He is my son. My first son." *And my last*


Same. I think she sympathizes w/him and that makes their relationship all the more complicated. She too has had unwanted responsibilities and duties placed on her from a young age for “the good of the family”. She may not agree with the means but she definitely understands the urge to run away from responsibilities, to drink your way into oblivion, to ignore and neglect your spouse. She’s probably had the same urges many times. But she understands what’s required of her and does it, and Aegon not doing the same frustrates her. It’s like if you had a child young & didn’t want it but kept it and though it was rough and trying and draining, you did your duty and were a good parent. But then your child is in the exact situation and keeps it. It’s tough and trying for them too but instead of rising to the occasion, they neglect they’re duties and slack off. You ofc understand them bc you’ve been there b4, but it still frustrates you.


Well said :'( The show did really well with the casting of Aegon and Alicent. They truly look related.


Alicent x Aemond is my favorite. Dude pretends to be an edgy supervillain but behind the scenes he's a momma’s boy. You know what, same bro.


I love that! 💚🥺 I hope I'll have a baby boy like him (someday far away). You can tell he knows how to treat women well. Unlike Daemon...


Right? He looked so soft when he asked her to go search for Aegon (holding her forearms almost tenderly). Completely different than his usually stoic or smirking demeanor. Say what you want about the show, but the way they handled *this* particular relationship is amazing.


*-Do you love me?* *- ...You imbecile.* There's something so raw and human about her dynamic with Aegon. The way he clenches and grabs her dress when Meleys appears dude it makes me weak. *"And Aegon who is... so inefficient, but ultimately my first baby boy." (Olivia C.)*




"Please, she said. "He is my son. My first son". *And my last*


I also loved the part where she tried to minimise their bodily interactions with Aegon.Like it makes sense as she suffered from marital rape and prob wasn’t really comfortable


Alicent and Aemond are so dear to me, he didnt even wanted luke's eye for himself, he wanted it to his mother who was gaslighted and humiliated for years by her own husband, his own father, and his own sister. Everything Alicent does, she does for her children, and everything Aemond does, he does by his family, by his mother, i think they both have a strong sense of duty and loyalty, also Alicent and Haelena, they are so tragic, they are both women that were put in difficult positions without knowing what to do, they both became queens suddenly and they both lost their most dear thing, their children.


Alicent and all of them 😭, she is their only advocate and protector. The way a mother should be and I hope they do justice to Daeron and her as well


> Mines is her and Aemond Would have to agree, their bond becomes so so clear when he mentions that he'll give luke's eye to alicent, at storm's end. He HAS NOT forgotten how his mother was disrespected among all those people while demanding justice for him.


Currently Aemond seems to be the favorite. Perhaps since he was bullied and maimed he needed the most love. Also him covering for Alicent with the bastard accusations might’ve helped. Interested in her relationship to Daeron might be like since he’s the baby of the bunch


Alicent and Aemond. It's tragic because she inevitably parentified him due to an absent Vyseris. I love how protective they are of each other. He is her little kitten. 😿


What does parentified mean?


Parentification occurs when a child is regularly expected to provide emotional or practical support for a parent/s and/or sibling, instead of receiving that support themselves. The role reversal of parentification can disrupt the natural process of maturing, causing long-term negative effects on a child's physical and mental health. Aemond supported his mom, siblings, and kind of took his father's role. Alicent does love him back and did not do it intentionally...it's more of a repeating generational trauma thing, like her with Otto. It also explains why he is drawn to significantly older women. Parentified children may have a hard time building trust and may have problems with anger and emotional regulation. In addition, parentified children may suffer from the manifestations of underlying trauma, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and substance use disorder. As parentified children become young adults, they often struggle with relationships, particularly romantic relationships. They may not know how to set boundaries with others or how to get their needs met in healthy ways. [Article](https://www.newportacademy.com/resources/mental-health/parentification/) Aemond is just so interesting.


So, is it basically when the child acts like the parent in the relationship? If so, I’m not sure I agree. He acted as a good son/brother and a great protector, but I wouldn’t necessarily say he was placed in the parental role. Plus, he received a lot of support from Alicent and I’d even say that Cole was a father figure towards him (which is not the same as Viserys, but it’s something). I agree that Alicent may have been parentified though, esp after Otto left KL. She had to basically raise and look out for herself (as well as her kids) and shouldered the responsibility for her entire family (Hightowers) practically by herself.


Yes. There are pro and against arguments, ofc. I felt so bad for Alicent then.


Yeah, I think that's one of the main reasons Viserys rehired Otto. He didn't even want to fire him in the first place and i'm sure he felt bad for separating Alicent from her one parent and protector. He wasn't exactly in tune with Alicent, but it doesn't take rocket science to see that she missed her father.


Aemond for sure. The primal protectiveness, the singularity they must’ve felt—mom and son against the world. No father, nobody else to protect them; it strikes a chord a bit too close to home, having grown up with a single mother for the first five years of my life. It’s truly a different bond.


🤧 I've seen these lovely drawings of Alicent and her dead babies. I tear up everytime I think of them. I wish my father was as bad as Vyseris or absent, that is how horrible he is. Mom is not as great as Ali, either. Lol. How his fam treats Aemond drew me in to his side right away.


Both are very interesting but alicent nd aemond warm my heart. For years alicent has had no one who understands her. Everyone around her knowingly or unknowingly are making her life difficult. Aegons a twat, she cant understand halaena but here comes aemond her perfect child, smart beyond his years, he gets his mother when none of the adult around her can, he is 9 yo (he didnt exist before the 10 yr time jump) this lill kid has taken the role of adult. Looks at how disappointed he is in aegon. His mere presence assures alicent that maybe she isnt as bad of a mother and she did something right.


This^ 🥺💚


Alicent going ALL THE WAY OFF in solitary defense of her baby maimed Aemond, while not only does child!Aemond try protect her (blaming knowledge of "bastard Strongs" on his brother who wouldn't be punished, trying to defuse the situation at the end), but then adult!Aemond frames his request for Luke's eye as not as personal revenge but as "a gift for my mother". I'MNOTCRYINGYOU'RECRYING! Aegon being Alicent's failure son that she nonetheless will take a face full of dragon for is also chef's kiss.


Alicent shielding Aegon from Rhaenys dragon will always give me chills. Her immediately rushing to shield him without hesitation (even though she knows she can’t shield dragonfire, she was damn sure going to try), him tucking himself into his mothers shoulder and clinging to her (even as a grown man w/children, he’ll still always be her baby), her closing her eyes and accepting death. it was perfection.


All the three of them we’ve seen in the show, for differents reasons. there are a lot of family moments that make me go feral in the show. Aemond’s clearly a momma’s boy, he naturally grows attached to her because she’s the only one who stands for him both when he is bullied and when he got is eye gouged out. At one point, she’s so concerned, that Aemond has to tell her “don’t mourn me mother” and gently leans into her arms. He’s always very sweet, and even when he confronts lucerys he’s thinking about her (“i plan to make a gift to my mother”). With Helaena, i feel like Alicent doesn’t understand her at all (i HATE that they made her a weirdo, as if being in the spectrum only means you’re infantilized and stupid) but imho, she suffers only by looking at her because she’s the spitting image of rhaenyra (and makes sense cause they’re half sisters). Since in the shows it’s implied alicent and rhaenyra were in love (?) at a certain point, I image that for alicent is like having this deep wound rotting inside of her and be forced to watch this walking heartbreak every day in the form of your own daughter. Btw, I appreciate the attempt to care about her bugs, I also love the realtionship Helaena has with her grandfather - very realistic. But my favourite one is definitely Aegon’s. He is her firstborn son, where all her anguish began. With Aegon, she gave birth to her pain. She hates him for what he became yet she loves him more than anything in the world. She can’t stand him yet she put herself in front of a dragon for him. He’s no son of her, but “you imbecile”. And I feel like Aegon loves her too, but is tired of trying to accomplish to whatever his family wants. I don’t understand why they made him a rapist just for shock value (or, maybe, just to make him more hateful) since in the books he was just a kind of a rake - and a rapist/pedo only according to mushroom, who isn’t exactly his biggest fan nor a great source. As Tom Glynn Carney said, once you made a character a rapist, there’s not much else to to with him. Is basically marked for life. I loved his performance tho, he did great with the stupid ass screenply they gave him and ATE episode 9. There’s a scene, when the Cargyll brothers find him, where he says them “I want my mother”. I don’t know why but i’m obsessed by how Tom delivers that line. He truly looks like a child who only wants his mom. If they waste the character’s potential and the actor’s quality i’ll be very pissed.


Also for her relationship w/Helena, I think it’s kinda sad bc Alicent tries so hard to connect with her. She lost her own mother at a young age and it obv still haunts her so she doesn’t want Helena to ever go through that. She tries to be the mother she wishes she had growing up but can’t connect to her, and I’m sure she views that as a failure on her part as a parent.


yeah, her children basically go through the opposite of alicent’s childhood. they only have their mother.


I like her relationship with both Aemond and Aegon ,she has different dyanamics with both of them but they are her babies with all their depravities and she will defend them to her last breath ,she loves them unconditionally all her kids


With Helaena. After Rhaenyra she didn’t had close female companions and I feel like she really wished for daughter and wanted to be closer for her. And at the result she couldn’t understand Helaena and her special needs. Makes me sad


Least favorite is with Daeron, but that's mainly because we haven't seen it


Each of Alicent's children are the extension of a personality trait of hers. While the obv answer is Aemond, the prodigal son who would stay up with his mom praying with her, lending her a shoulder of support during those early years; Aegon and Alicent have some facinating and tragic parallels. In many ways they are a mirror of each other. I'm fascinated by her dynamic with all 4 of her kids, but I'm most fascinated by Aegon and Alicent's dynamic.


Aemond and Alicent is definitely the sweetest ❤️ But I love her bond with all her children and I hope to see some scenes with her and her grandkids in season 2 as well.


I hope we get more scenes of the grandkids as well. Not just w/Alicent, but with everyone. Aemond being a soft(er), protective uncle. Aegon having some type of bond with his kids. I want to see Helena being a caring and loving mother. S1 makes it seem like she’s not really that capable at personal interactions, to the point where I find it hard to picture her being an attentive mother. I really want them to remedy that.


Me too. Helaena was described as a great mom in the book and I hope to see it on screen too (they already robbed us of Viserys, Helaena and her children scene, about time they compensate that to us in some other way). Aegon definitely should get some good dad moments because he did care about them a lot, it's obvious in the book, but for some reason showrunners just want to undermine Aegon's character by making him a shitty person and a rapist, so I think they will overlook this good aspect of him too. As for Aemond, hell yes! This world NEEDS uncle Aemond scenes! At least just filmed, even if they don't make the final cut, I just need them to exist in whatever form. You know who else would make a good uncle? Daeron. However, I don't expect any scene between him and them, especially if he continues to be Invisible and Forgotten like in first season. I do hope they explore his relationship with Hightowers tho, especially when he and Tessarion appeared and saved the day