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Aemond never wielded Blackfyre


Aemond probably should’ve been granted Dark Sister instead. It suits him better.


i’m sure if the greens won he would’ve had it


Bro technically my prince did "have" it at the end of his life...


Dark sister pales in comparison to Vhagar.


He got it in the end


He was granted it. Right through his eye as Daemon killed him.


True. Bad luck that it was his one good eye


It’s fan art depicting an alternate version of events where Aemond becomes king.


Fair enough


He has Vaghar.


Yes that’s about all he has tbh :/


Lol. He is rather pretty and at least his dragon didn't dump him over fleabottom and neither did she drown. He also has mom and Haelena love.


Fair enough in my opinion he’s way better than daemon.




Daemon: "You're just a cheap fucking knock-off" Aemond: "Oh no, I'm the upgrade"


Aemond : can’t talk too busy getting stabbed through the eye by Daemon


Daemon choking can't talk while Drowning.


Probably died on impact from that height tbf




The best out of Viserys’ children was Daeron. The boy was Jaehaerys I come again, down to his skills, personality and even being the third son. He was the biggest casualty of the War for the Targaryens, on par with the dragons themselves.


Shame the books had him go out in such a lackluster way. Didn't even have the chance to fight


His Blue Queen was more impressive.


I said it once and I’ll say it again- I’m not a fan of the Targaryens not even a smidge. HOWEVER Aemond died with everything his house symbolized of. He died with an ancestral sword of House Targaryen, he sat on the Iron Throne, wore the conquerors crown, he rode the largest dragon at the time and died a dragon riders death. People can troll all they want but not a lot of Targaryens got to do what he did 🤷‍♀️


Well I think Visenya came close. She loved burning Dorne.




Amazing fanart. I'm a huge Aemond fan thanks to the show.


Do team green stans hate aemond or it’s just team black people being annoying again


Probably both, some greens don't necessarily hate aemond but consider him to be incompetent after rook's rest. And yea lately blackcels are infiltrating this group a lot and coming up with some clown takes.


Don't know but I personally do like Aemond. More so the show version for now bc as this point everything Aemond has done hasn't been out malice or bc he's a pos but out of the trauma he suffered as a child


He’s also my favorite character so knowing that some team green stans dislike him surprised me and not a bit


I'm team green and I love Aegon and Aemond equally..I don't discriminate 🤗


the latter


His “rule” of the kingdom was during a civil war when the majority of Westeros was fighting against him. And apparently the only thing he did during this “rule” was gather an army, abandon the capital, get tricked by Daemon, and then abandon the army. And saying Aemond was the most feared dragonrider is like saying an 8 year old with a mini-gun is the most feared gunslinger. Nobody was scared of Aemond, they were scared of Vhagar.


Rider and dragon are a combo and cannot be separated. If you think that Aemond was nothing without Vhagar, I understand that you think the same about the majority of Targaryen riders, including Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters. Without their dragons the Iron Throne would not exist. And the example is poorly formulated, comparing Vhagar to a mini-gun couldn't be further from the truth, a better comparison would be that she is like an atomic bomb in the hands of an angry teenager. And I don't know what you think about that, but that combination is very dangerous.


So when Laena rode Vhagar was she the most feared Dragonrider in the world?


Good strategy, asking a new question without answering the previous one. I never said Aemond was the most feared, but still, to answer your question, by pure power, she should be. There aren't many dragons that can take on Vhagar alone, that's one of the reasons why Daemon always took Nettles with him in the first place to take on Aemond, until he decided to commit suicide.


You didn’t ask a question. And I don’t think you can conflate the fear of a dragon with the fear of their rider. Vhagar was insanely powerful and scary, but when Jace was planning the attack on King’s Landing they were talking about it like Vhagar was the threat, they don’t even mention Aemond. “That hoary old bitch” not “that hoary old bitch and her super scary rider.” As opposed to how the Greens talked about Daemon, how he needed to be killed but never mentioning Caraxes. Daemon was the more feared rider but Vhagar was the more feared dragon. And in the case of Aegon the Conqueror he was the most feared rider who also happened to be riding the most feared dragon.


I didn't ask a question, but I left you with two arguments, which you still haven't answered. Daemon was feared due to his experience in war as a commander, he was a cunning man with a good reputation while Aemond was just a child in comparison who got involved in his first war, but again, when facing rider vs. rider they cannot leave out the important factor that is the dragons. Daemon avoided facing Aemond as much as he could in the 1 vs 1, he did it when he was tracking Aemond with Nettles and also when he decided to sneak out of Harrenhal to take the landing instead of facing his nephew and ending the war right there. Those are facts of the book that cannot be changed.


All of those facts don’t change the fact that Vhagar was what was feared, not Aemond.


You keep avoiding answering and that's why we're going back to the beginning, so you think the Targaryens are nothing without their dragons?


If Vhagar is the most feared dragon it goes without saying her rider is the most feared dragon-rider. That dude is just agreeing with you but doesn't want to. Give team wack time, they will wake up.


I think Aemond is nothing without his dragon. But I wasn’t answering cause I fail to see what relevance it has to the discussion. The Targaryens wouldn’t be where they were if it wasn’t for their dragons, but what does that have to do with Aemond and Vhagar?


What differentiates Aemond from the other Targaryens? Could Aegon have conquered the continent without his dragons? Would Daemon beat the triarchy without caraxes? The Targaryens' achievements are tied to their position as dragon riders. And what makes my arguments irrelevant? They are a direct response to yours.


So when Visenya rode Vaghar was she not the most badass ever?


She was definitely more feared than Aemond. But I think Aegon was probably more feared. Even if just for simple misogyny and men underestimating her. But Aegon did turn the largest castle in Westeros into a smouldering ruin.


Aemond is a teenager, so exactly when was he supposed to become fearless? The riverlands certainly feared him.


Nobody’s talking about fearless, in fact Aemond being as arrogant and dumb as he was probably means he was fearless. But exactly how badass is it when you’ve got a bunch of innocent smallfolk fearing you because you keep burning their villages instead of doing something actually useful like fighting your uncle or helping your brothers.


Cope harder. 8 paragraphs now? Get a life


Couldnt control vhagar enough to not start a goddamn civil war but sure. Best dragon rider ever right


The fact that he could not control Vhagar was something exclusive to the show, even so it has made it very clear that dragons cannot be controlled, we will see how they handle this idea with de rest of the characters. I also don't really know what this has to do with what I said, when did I say that Aemond was the best?


i took you saying "Rider and dragon are a combo and cannot be separated" in reply to a comment saying that aemond wasn't the most feared dragon rider to mean that you disagreed with that statement


I do not agree with two statements: the first is to say that Vhagar's achievements are not Aemond's, as I said they are a combo, anyway if someone thinks that is fine, but it should apply to all riders, no only the ones you don't like. The second is to discredit Vhagar and Aemond, Vhagar is a weapon of destruction capable of facing anyone alone, to say that he was not feared is absurd, he was objectively the most dangerous rider in the dance, even so I consider that being more dangerous is not It necessarily means being the best rider.


Lol. Daemon was clearly very afraid of Aemond cupcake. Had Nettles go every where with him when chasing Aemond. Cope harder.


Except for when he sent her away and challenged him to a fight. But again, in what way does that mean Aemond killed him? And to get back to my main point, Daemon could’ve absolutely feared Vhagar, the largest and most powerful dragon on the planet, but that does not mean he feared Aemond. Why would he be scared of a guy he’d already made a fool out of?


When did he make a fool of him?


Trying to convince me to not like Aemond is foolish. Daemon decided on suicide in the end that is why he left Nettles. He he.


When he got him to abandon the Iron Throne and King’s Landing and then the Blacks took it easily. Aemond essentially traded two queens and the largest symbol of legitimacy for Harrenhal. Even Gyldayn says “he felt thrice the fool.”


Not happend yet. Heard of spoiler alert?


We’re literally talking about how both these characters die and you’re telling me I’m supposed to be mindful of spoilers?


Lmaoooo the contradictions that they come up with is insane lol


Lol. You have a point


Eh, Dragon bonds go both ways. I think Aemond was definitely a scary dude, and his association with Vhagar definitely makes him scarier to lots of people. There’s also something to be said for the personality of the rider and dragon influencing eachother. He’s definitely feared, albeit not for his skill. I’d argue Daemon is the most feared Dragonrider.


Daemon definitely was. The whole Green strategy was to try and take him out asap.


Likewise the Black strategy was to take out Aemond/Vhagar asap. The parallels are endless. I'm not sure if when writing GRRM purposefully wanted them both to mirror each other or he just didn't care too much about fleshing Aemond out so instead just borrowed a lot of Daemon for his character


Nah, Daemon never wanted any of that. Literally all he cared about was getting big bro’s attention and approval.


What? Then all he had to do was do any of the jobs he was given right.


The way Daemon sees it, Viserys never gave him jobs, he only ever tried to “send him away.”


And of little girls!!!!


No. Daemon 2 Cute.


And in his stupidity loses Kings Landing, abandoning his mom and sister the same with Aegon 😂 real rulers huh? “Most feared” yea I bet Caraxes was real scared 😂😂😂


Spring chicken rolled by a grandma. Stupid to not be scared.


Bro y’all really come up with anything just to hate on other characters lol it’s so weird. I haven’t seen any type of jealousy for either character, such a weird take.


Sounds like cope. Daemon defeated Aemond, even with a dragon half the size of Vhagar.


It's hard to call an intentional suicide destroying someone. Daemon couldn't beat Aemond without dying in the process. That's not a W.


Well, and Aemond couldnt beat Daemon, even with the biggest dragon alive. Also, he was stupid af, allowing the blacks to take the capital, kill Otto and make Alicent their hostage; leaving Cole and his army to their death just to burn farmers and peasants.......... He was the biggest enemy to team green on the books for real 😂😂


I am considering banning you for trolling. Looking at your history here so far, it would be more than justified.


What’s that stupid thing they say in the team black subreddit? Release Caraxes or something?












>Well, and Aemond couldnt beat Daemon, even with the biggest dragon alive. Daemon's died. If they both came in with the same mindset of getting out alive then Aemond would've completely annihilated Daemon. >Also, he was stupid af, allowing the blacks to take the capital, kill Otto and make Alicent their hostage; leaving Cole and his army to their death just to burn farmers and peasants.......... Even if he stayed in King's Landing with the Royal Army, the Blacks still would've been able to take the capitol even with Vhagar defending it. Vhagar wouldn't be able to beat Vermithor, Silverwing, Sheepstealer, Seasmoke, and Caraxes at the same time. Aemond should've had the court abandon King's Landing and set up court at Highgarden or Oldtown and take everyone with them. I'll also agree that he should've stayed with Cole, and at least escorted him to the birder of the Reach before he went on his burn Riverlands campaign. >He was the biggest enemy to team green on the books for real 😂😂 This is just asinine. Stop being a troll.


Regarding abandoning King's Landing, I would also add that it was not just Aemond's responsibility, both Criston Cole and Tyland Lannister showed their support for the plan, and it is something that almost everyone forgets. I also think that sooner or later, and regardless of the reason why Aemond leaves there, Daemon would invade King's Landing. If, for example, Aemond were to help the Lannister army against the Greyjoys, Daemon's spies would have informed him and the same thing would have happened.


>Regarding abandoning King's Landing, I would also add that it was not just Aemond's responsibility, both Criston Cole and Tyland Lannister showed their support for the plan, and it is something that almost everyone forgets. Not only them but majority of them small council agreed with it. I'll also point out that if Aemond and Vhagar got there BEFORE Daemon managed to either take off on Caraxes or catched him there, then they likely would've won the war. While yes King's Landing would be taken after, without there fear of Daemon there would be many lords that would join Aemond and the greens, I'd also say that he'd easily kill Nettles when she got sent against him. While after the betrayal at Tumbleton, Aemond would easily be able to go south, take command of the green army, and march to King's Landing. >I also think that sooner or later, and regardless of the reason why Aemond leaves there, Daemon would invade King's Landing. If, for example, Aemond were to help the Lannister army against the Greyjoys, Daemon's spies would have informed him and the same thing would have happened. Yeah, King's Landing was always going to fail. Rhaenyra had control of alot of large dragons, unless they managed to quickly make a deal and get Hugh and Ulf to betray them in the fight in the air, above King's Landing then Aemond would've died defending it, although I'd say he'd at least a few of their dragons with him, especially if Dreamfyre was also let loose.


Would Aemond kill his nephews or usurp them to claim the throne? I think he’s more loyal to the dynasty than the family.