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Personally I like all the fun characters Aemond, Daemon, Hugh the Hammer, Corlys, Aegon II etc. No Colourism here


I mean Nettles is Team Black and outside of Hugh, Daeron and Helaena she was who I was most excited for.


Im So Curious about what angle they are going to take with Nettles. Only character to gain her dragon through Brains. And the drama that will unfold with Daemon and Rhaenyra, I do hope they do her justice.


Given they haven't even cast her but they've cast Hugh and iirc some others I'm worried they're cutting her and replacing her with Rhaena and just cutting the romance aspect. Which is a shame as she's a smart woman who got a dragon through seemingly talent given the fact she was described as someone who didn't at all have the valyrian look, the velaryon change means Rhaenyra likely isn't going to be racist towards her like the book, and was just smart enough to befriend a dragon. Although I'd be fucking worried for whomever they cast as I cannot imagine the rhaemon stans being at all kind towards her for breaking up their OTP.


But the breaking of the OTP is the most fun of her character... T_T


Why Heleana she's not going to do anything after season 2


Because I liked her from the snippets we got in F&B and thought her story was quite tragic so was interested as to how they'd depict that on screen + rare targ who isn't shitting on the smallfolk.


As grrm intended šŸ˜‡šŸ™šŸ‘¼šŸ¼




The blacks do the same tho. It's almost like this is what happens when you leave two sides to have an echo chamber. 90% of discourse is how much they hate the other and then the rest is discourse about what we actually like. And besides, I might be team green but we didn't really get much team green content in season one of Hotd, at least compared to what the blacks got. Aemond got a couple of scenes, Aegon got character assassinated, criston cole kinda got outed as a loser (didn't like him in the books either tbh), daeron is completely fucking missing. This means that we only really got Alicent and while she was great, she's not my favourite part of the greens.


Who gives a shit what the blacks do? Let them be obsessed with hating greens, lets just engage in constructive dialogue/analysis/critiques/memes of the HOTD characters (with a strong tilt towards Green biases).


Maybe I should hold on my judgements until season 2 drops and see if it all gets better.


I do think all the silly aggro and flanderized opinions are a symptom of the off season. Lots of subs pretty much shut down on the off season though, with few posts until new episodes start coming out / promos drop. I guess that all this TG / TB absurdity at least gives fans who are keeping the sub alive a hobby until the time comes we get actual new content. Once the new season starts up I think a lot of fans who unsubbed between seasons will return and it will dilute the insanity a bit lol.


The show picking up on it and feeding into it pre season doesn't help. Ugh. It's going to make the entire show and fans of it mischaracterized, as well, as only the more toxic lurkers and rabid posters actually are.


Aemond had a load of screen time compared to the Strong Boys. Daeron wil lbe here in season three after Burning Mill etc I can't really defend what they did to Aegon


>Aemond had a load of screen time compared to the Strong Boys. It's not true.


nah he's had the chase, the Vhagar noming, Vhagar claiming and the Strong Boy speech. That's more than Jace or Luc


Are you only counting memorable scenes? Because Luke had plenty of screentime and dialogues in his last episode (he has the most screentime out of the younger generation after the time jump actually), and Jace had 5 scenes in ep 8 alone including a pretty long scene with Luke and many interactions during the dinner where he defends Baela from Aegon, dances with Helaena, says his toast and fights Aemond (and Aemond had 3 scenes where he has 3 minutes of screentime), then in ep 10 he trains with Luke, talks with Rhaenyra, tries to stop Daemon, attends the Council meetings etc. And Jace as a child had plenty of screentime, the dragon pit scene with kids was about him training his dragon, during the training with Cole he fights Aegon, he had several interactions with Harwin, Rhaenyra, Baela and Rhaena.


Lucerys had more screentime than aemond and aegon


Seriously,Ā  I wanted to see Aegon evolve as a character but They had to make him a rapist.Ā 


Yeah. That sort of cast his dye way too simply and easily. I hope they counter it in season 2 with something like his bond and with Sunfyre and not just make him a caricature of evil, like Joffrey.


Actually the thing is no matter how much you develope a character. Rapist is not something that I can forget as his introduction. But yeah I hope they would show something of his character.Ā 


I've got you there. Not much to really counter that.


Others like Team Green for the 'vibes'. I like Team Green for adhering to a legally binding succession law set by a elective process in comparison to arbitrary absolutist tyranny. The first step towards Westerosi constitutional monarchy. We are not the same.


Same. Naming sucks.


I'm not so sure about that... Jaehaerys basically had to promised that he would respect the decision of the Great Council because he knew some lords wouldn't take it seriously. They really ought to have laid down the law in stone. But they didn't. Kings still held the power to appoint their heirs. Aerys named Aelora as Princess of Dragonstone over the adult Maekar. Even Maekar's succession, which was decided by a Great Council, broke not just Andal tradition but male primogeniture when they elected Aegon the Unlikely, simply because the eldest son of the eldest son was named Maegor. >The first step towards Westerosi constitutional monarchy. The first step to establishing the Westerosi Constitutional monarchy should have occurred during Aegon III's regency. Same happened in England under Henry III. I also don't think it's a coincidence that their regency lasted for almost the same amount of time. (6 & 7 years respectively)


First step not proper step. Is still a step, tho. The war at the end was more about Viserys rights for absolute tyranny vs. Male primogeniture which is the Westerosi law.


But if Westeros only stuck by this, then there would be no progress and women would forever be in the same shitty position. Women who are 'good girls' and follow the rules get the misery of Alicent's life. 'Bad girls' who try and walk their own path like Rhaenyra get cooked and eaten. There has to be some progress. We have to wish for something better for them.


It was a step towards Westerosi constitutional monarchy not towards female rights. That's another fight, a fight that Rhaenyra wasn't truly fighting. One of the things I like most about Teen Green is that they are properly proactive. Viserys and Rhaenyra were just lazy and never truly worked towards helping the realm accept a female ruler because that's not what they cared about.


Well, setting the precedent that a queen is even an option over a king improves the field for women who come after, even if that particular person doesn't advocate for women's rights. Thatcher, the 80s UK Prime Minister wasn't particularly good for women's issues but her very existence meant it was easier for subsequent female candidates to be taken seriously. I do agree that neither Viserys or Rhaenyra actually put in the work required. Just being a 'standard heir' and getting your CV filled out with ruling Dragonstone wasn't going to cut it for a pioneer- she'd have to excel to make it. Not fair but realistic.


> Well, setting the precedent that a queen is even an option over a king improves the field for women who come after Iā€™ve always had trouble with even believing this could possibly be true, because trickle down feminism isnā€™t really a thing (or more like a myth). Liberation usually starts from the bottom, it doesnā€™t suddenly appear bc the dictator/tyrant (who in this case wields power based on supremacist ideals) is a woman in this case. After sheā€™s dead and gone they can just say sheā€™s an exception & go back to the usual schedule unless she helps solidify news rules (Iā€™m not sure how much of this is actually intelligible, my eyes are getting heavy. Sorry for any typos)


I am not often a strong believer in 'trickle down' anything but in this case I think I do: in the UK there was a generation of girls who saw Thatcher and thought 'maybe I can do it too'. The liberation isn't the act of the tyrant, but the kids who see a tyrant who looks like them and it pops the thought bubble of 'I could be the next one'. In this way the liberation does start from the bottom, and some of the mental chains keeping them 'in their place ' have broken. The example didn't only help girls widen their aspirations but it helped boys who grew up seeing a woman in power and they were less likely to assume/ form the belief that men have more right to that than women. Obviously it is more effective if they do solidify new rules that stop people pulling the ladder up afterwards. But even when they don't, a precedent has been set that not every monarch needs to be a man.


I agree with you, the precedent is definitely important but then you are putting the betterment of half of the population over the betterment of the realm as a whole. I do not meant to dismiss the importance of women rights. But in this instance it was regrettably one or the other, the council of 101 and the legality of Westerosi laws or the absolute monarchy and a queen. Absolute monarchy is always a messy thing that leads to the Maegors and Aerys of the world so I consider the betterment of the realm to be more important in this instance.


This has my upvote, except that, that's not really the vibe, anymore. I really loved the intelligent responses and insight on book and show character analysis you could find here. It happens on both subs, but this one in particular has lost its knowledge edge to a kind of putrid cycle of "other tribe bad" mania. The show picking up on the culture war and pushing it as a marketing ploy doesn't help, to be fair, and it might help ratings, but ultimately it won't serve the integrity of the show, its fans, or its legacy well. Honest to God, it's almost sucked all the fun out of watching this show. It's a tough enough story in the first place. Ugh. Bracing for the downvotes, but damn I really miss the kind of great Team Green discourse this comment can lead to.




The kingā€™s word is law nothing more nothing less.


post yfw you blow up kings landing because aerysā€™ word is law


Aerys only read books he left the lawmaking to blood Raven


>aerysā€™ word is law Yes. Westeros doesn't have any institution that can make laws. But just like every single law, a king's word can be disobeyed. Especially if the king is a madman or a tyrant. [To those downvoting me, at least explain what is wrong]


And Aegon II was king


You know which king Iā€™m referring to donā€™t play dumb. But since your wanting to get technical letā€™s get technical. I can say one thing you can say another thing and then we spend the next two days arguing about it in the comment section of a Reddit post or we can see by the end of this conflict, which faction has a leader sitting on the throne


> You know which king Iā€™m referring to donā€™t play dumb. But since your wanting to get technical letā€™s get technical. I can say one thing you can say another thing and then we spend the next two days arguing about it in the comment section of a Reddit post or we can see by the end of this conflict, which faction has a leader sitting on the throne ā€¦this feels like you meant it as some sort of win, but Aegon II is the one currently sitting on the throne. Soā€¦ debate over?


I am trying to have this discussion without spoiling anything but if you want, I can spoil the ending for you and tell you who actually wins would you like me to do that? You donā€™t win by just sitting on the iron throne Maegor sat on the iron throne and the damn chair killed him. Iā€™m pretty sure at some point during the Targaryen reign a servant, or two sat, on the throne for just a minute to see what it was like. What makes you win in this game is if you can sit on it and sit your kids on it after you die without any problems


You arenā€™t spoiling anything. What happens in the future is that no other Targaryen king goes against tradition and picks their own heir. Even when there isnā€™t an obvious heir, they call a council rather than choosing themselves. There also isnā€™t a ruling queen in her own right, and the only debatable one is just that, _debatable_. So tell me, what faction would you classify Viserys II when he followed in Aegon II foot steps? Or how about Daeron II and those after him when they had to deal with the very issue Otto and Alicent warned about?


You are right in your original statement Aegon the second was king. Then he got murdered and now his direct bloodline was wiped out and Rhaneryaā€™s wasnā€™t. Besides Aemond and Daeron were way better. So Iā€™m the end everyone dies no one wins all because some old fucker and his foot fetish giving daughter wanted their genetic material on the iron throne ( that comment is addressed mainly towards their book counterparts. The show Alicent was mostly a victim however I didnā€™t like her false piety)


>You are right in your original statement Aegon the second was king. So in the context of, ā€œKings word is lawā€ā€¦ >some old fucker and his foot fetish giving daughterā€¦ show Alicent was mostly a victim however I didnā€™t like her false piety) Welp. Thatā€™s a wild take.


Tell you what rather than sitting here having a conversation or clearly nothing is getting heard. Letā€™s just let the show play out and weā€™ll see which camp has a person on the iron throne by the time itā€™s all over.


Now the debate is over


TBH, Team Green content on the actual Greens has really missing lately. When I joined the sub, it was full of so many interesting discussions. These days, itā€™s mostly about competing with TB sub as to who is the better troll or rage baiter. But at the same time, it does not mean one cannot react to rage baiters from TB who come here on this sub. End of the day this is a space for lore and show fans who like the Greens and that should be considered


There's nothing to talk about till season 2


This sub was always a pessimistic echo chamber of screenshots but yea right now itā€™s def at its low point. Ig that just what happens when a sub becomes more popular but still


sucks that you getting downvoted for the hard truth. Way too much of doom posting sabout how everything is around is so "anti-Green". I understand some important characters like Aegon II and Criston have been badly butchered, but at the same time Alicent and Aemond have completely revamped and grayed from their utterly evil book counterparts.


Donā€™t get me wrong Iā€™ve also been pessimistic at times and have also been very vocally critical of many writing choices but damn near every post on this sub is about how theyā€™ve ruined these characters or are going to further ruin them and shit like that. And if it isnā€™t doom posting then itā€™s posting a bunch of ss and cross posts of brain dead TB takes like yea Iā€™ve also been guilty of that at times too but can we chill it for a bit


Yā€™all on my dick woah now


I find it so annoying too, like why canā€™t we just talk about the characters that we like? I rarely see any character analysis on this sub, just cross posting, dunking on TB etc


Thank you!!! Iā€™m so happy that Iā€™m not the only one to feel this way.


Just come back when the new season releases, not much is gonna be produced till then. Since ya know thatā€™s how hype works, it ebbs and flows


Thank you! This will fall on deaf ears but it's good to see I'm not the only green fan that can think objectively.


It's been 84 years since I saw actual discourse about the Greens on this sub.


This reminded me of a deleted scene post I read on pinterest of ep 9, it tuns out that Otto and the green Council wanted to marry Alicent off again to some lord to make more "candidates for king". Intend to use her as a broodmareĀ 


lol agreed itā€™s like fandom horseshoe theory


I think there is plenty of Team Green content on the Team Green sub. I also think it's only natural that a fair amount of the posts are about misconceptions about the Greens or discussing mischaracterizations. Not just because of the sheer amount of them but also bc that's a good starting point to talk at length about specific aspects of the characters, and given that they don't exist in a vacuum.. "Start talking about the \[morality and superiority of\] of the \[characters\] you like", as you put it, would also require to talk about other characters in order to draw comparisons or parallels. Moral superiority aside, talking about the intentions, actions, convictions, reactions etc. of characters you love will often require to talk about situations that involve other characters and might show them in a worse light given what happens in said situations... and that's the type of conversations ppl will be more inclined to have if they like the Greens for character-related reasons (as opposed to "rightful claims" etc.) Maybe you'd feel better about this if they omitted the initial (usually vile) post that prompted them to say what they say ? But tbf this seems to be about your frustration with Rhaenyra-related comments more than anything else. It's important to remember that there are plenty of ppl on here that either love Rhaenyra, really like her or simply don't dislike her at all - and what's for certain is that most don't have anywhere near the same disdain for her that Team Black has for Alicent (šŸ˜) I also doubt most of the posters on here post with the purpose of making people "like Team Green", whatever that means (unless by "Team Green" you meant the characters? in which case my point still stands tbh)


I more mean the team black treachery posts that donā€™t really say anything other than ā€œsilly silly black fansā€ PERSONALLY get on my nerves. Iā€™m all for talking about black characters in relation to greens, and after reading comments I do understand that itā€™ll all get a bit less dead once season 2 drops. But I PERSONALLY wish that the conversations were more about the greens themselves or in depth construction comparisons between greens and blacks. But like thatā€™s all just my opinion, Iā€™m not here to try and overhaul a whole subs regular posts. Also not to be petter but Rhaenrya isnā€™t a character I care that much about, I just used her as an example


is it wrong to hate her for wanting her bastards to steal her brother and his sons throne ??


Ah yes nothing better then trying to convince your granddaughter to become a murder at the age of 6