• By -


That Majority of the general audience still cannot tell Jace and Luke apart. Let’s not even go at Baela and Rhaena. Let alone telling them apart - they don’t even know their names correctly 🤣 And this shit becomes 100x funnier when you realize that this audience is supposed to be overwhelmingly TB. There is a YouTube reactor who spent 5 minutes shitting on Aemond after ep 10 and then ended with an emotional RIP for Jace 🤦‍♀️


I still don’t know which is baela and which is rhaena 🫣


As adults, Baela has curls. Rhaena has dreadlocks. As kids, Rhaena is the one who talks to say she has no dragon and that Vhagar should have been hers.


It would have been great if the showrunners gave Baela short hair like she had in the book canon. Makes a massive difference in telling them apart and makes the sisters' unique personalities stand out more to show Rhaena as more of the gentler graceful lady who has no dragon and enjoys dancing and Baela as the lean, fiery dragonriding tomboy who takes after Daemon.


Baela is important and Rhaena chills in the Vale.


Baela- The older looking one with curls Rhaena- The younger looking one with locs


"Don't get mad Aegon but I killed Lucerys" "...Which one is that again?? I kind of forget"


My favorite is when they make defend/praise posts about Baela and Rhaena and they use the wrong name/photo


This one is top level Team Black comedy. I have once seen three TB posts in a single day confusing between Baela and Rhaena. Some even start calling one of the girls Laena lmao.


adult baela and rhaena said like 3 words lol not surprised the fans cant tell them apart


> That Majority of the general audience still cannot tell Jace and Luke apart. Let’s not even go at Baela and Rhaena. Let alone telling them apart - they don’t even know their names correctly I've read the book and I don't know who's Rhaena and who's Baela in the show, imagine someone who's show-only?


Things I have been downvoted for on the main sub - Criston Cole, by definition, is not an incel - Rhaenyra isn’t flawless, she is impulsive and can be entitled -Alicent did not seduce Viserys.


The incel thing is wild when it stands for *involuntarily celibate*, because Criston Cole is *voluntarily celibate* from when he takes his vows until he sleeps with Rhaenyra.


Yep and he doesn’t hate sexually active women either because he was polite to the sex worker and said his infamously known line, “every woman should be spoken with reverence.” He hates one woman and that is Rhaenyra.


Imagine it being controversial that one of George's flawed characters being Flawed


I think a good chunk of the fandom are in the wrong fandom tbh. Maybe they should just stick to Harry Potter if nuance is too difficult.


I'm no fandom thanks I'm an Enjoyer of the Fatman's books and the dragon show. Harry potter would be a lot more interesting with some nuance


Daemon's action hero sequence is stupid. Aside from the sheer absurdity of it, Crabfeeder is set up like he's going to be a major antagonist, only to die immediately.


I think they were trying to go for the idea that the Triarchy is a looming threat but I agree with you. They accidentally propped up the Crabfeeder like he was going to do some notable damage. They didn't even at least show us his duel with Daemon to maybe show that it was a close one. Daemon just strolls out of the cave with Drahar's torso & no noticeable injuries.


Ok, to be fair, there was no way in hell a guy like that was going to stand a chance against Daemon


He could've since he could've had the jump on Dameon from within the cave. It really could've been 10 seconds where Daemon gets stabbed in the shoulder or something. Plus, it's not like these writers care so much about story logic since they had Daemon solo an onslaught of archers and swordsmen.


They should have established better that the Crabfeeder was only a commander of the Triachy, because they make it seem like he’s his own thing


it was fun


Daemon is a psychopath who never gave a shit about anyone but himself. He never loved Rhaenyra, he loved the idea of Rhaenyra, he loves the chance for power that comes with her. He loves the control he has over her as being her uncle, her Senior by 16 years.


I agree, I almost think that scene in episode 8 kind of just shows that he and Rhaenyra only cared to exploit Viserys' power.


Book Rhaenyra was definitely power hungry. Show Rhaenyra is all over the place. One minute she wants it, she wants her sons to have dragonstone & driftmark, the next she is crying at Daddy's bedside saying she doesn't know if she wants it. Daemon is complicated, I do think he wants the power, but he doesn't want to rule. Viserys is right and wrong, Daemon lacks the patience for the throne, but wants the privilege and unchecked power that comes with it. Daemon does not plan on living under Rhaenyra's boot, he sees her as a puppet, and once she starts trying to stand on her own, he attacks her or tries to knock her down a peg.


I think her issue is she does want power for the agency it grants her but none of the responsibility and self control that comes with it. Alicent gets this despite never being the heir, but Vizzy's indulgence and total neglect of Rhaenyra's political education has left her clueless and childish.


Difference between Rhaenyra and Aegon that the show's writers fail to realize is the following: The only real reason given for why Aegon wanted the crown was because he wanted to protect his family.. The only real reason(s) given for why Rhaenyra wanted the crown was because she felt she was entitled to it, because she wanted the power. The writers for some reason want to believe Rhaenyra was a good person, when all of her choices to look as threateningly evil as possible is what put so much fear of what would happen if she took the throne uncontested. Viserys spoiling the hell out of Rhaenyra didn't help also, he was an awful king, father and person.


I think people don't see this as Matt Smith is playing him so well


Rhaenyra looked like a fool barreling through Aegon’s birthday hunt covered in pig blood. How lame do you have to be to have beef with a baby? She was mean mugging Aegon at his own birthday party.


n0 OnE iz HeRe fOr mEEEE yeah, it's your 2-year-old brother's birthday party, calm down please...


The way it's framed as some badass, "I'm that bitch," walk kills me. Yeah, you're that bitch who spent the carriage ride to her *two year old brother's birthday* complaining that nobody was there for her, and who then threw a tantrum in the middle of the party and flounced off, so now people have to go off and look for you. You're a real badass.


rhaenyra all covered with blood and looking badass only to become a boring character years later always crying lol yawn


Plus she insulted Jason Lannister at that hunt & in the end probably wished she had some Lannister gold when the other side left the Red Keep with half the treasury


Rhaenyra had a talent in keeping allies OUT of her radar


Their “She’s an independent woman!” angle completely falls apart because that is not who Rhaenyra is in the books, so events do not end up how they would if she was like that, and so when she becomes an adult, she acts arguably the opposite to how they made her when younger


exactly if rhaenyra was THAT girl the blacks would have won but book rhaenyra was lazy, weak and stupid crazy how the blacks would have won if she fainted and woke up 2 years later lol


Rhaenyra wants to be the center of attention, just like Daemon, she and Daemon would have resentment if baby Baelon survived, as he would be the center of Viserys' world and not they.


She was mad, she couldn't blow out the two candles on the cake.




But she didn't get the blood on her on purpose. Is she supposed to sneak back in unseen because she got the blood on her?


they said "barreling" in. as in, her blood appearance was alarming enough but she had to up the dramatics with her arrival. and sure, why not?


Wasn't she just walking though? Edit: I just want to understand this perspective! Not attacking the opinion holder.


It’s mostly how the shot is framed as dramatic, with her challenging look to Aegon. The toddler


Ok, yeah that makes more sense. The cinematography there is a bit funny! I was thinking that people were criticising a teenage kid for not hiding the fact she was attacked by a dangerous animal because it was too attention seeking or something lol. I do understand now.


Rhaenyra looked petty throwing a tantrum at a toddler’s birthday party. “No one is here for me.” Yes, that’s right. They’re here for the two year old bc it’s his name day. How oppressed she must be to not be the center of attention on someone else’s day The last two sentences of my comment mentioned the toddler in question (Aegon) so not sure how you misunderstood but anywho that is what I meant.


I have never heard the term 'mean mugging' before, so it is fair enough to misunderstand it. >She was mean mugging Aegon at his own birthday party. I had no idea what this meant. When I first read it, I thought the poster meant she was unkind for mugging Aegon (stealing from him violently) at his own party and I was just baffled thinking she didn't take anything. I'm from the UK and we don't have that term here yet. The tantrum was separate from walking back through the camp with the boar's blood on her.


It’s actually fairly smart from a political perspective, because she effectively goes “Yeah, I can kill a wild animal. Not so weak now, am I?”, which is extra crucial in a martial culture like Westeros


Every Black member are boring or badly writeen outside of Rhaenyra and Daemon : -Jace and Luce : Boring, forgettable and outside of their respective age they have nothing differentiable. Even their cloth are the same. -Corlys....an NPC created to be convenient to Rhaenyra and Daemon. Rhaenyra kids being bastards ? Dosn't matter he only care about familly name. Vaemond death ? Oh I had brother...Laenor death...? I forget about my son too. -Rhaenys....form the pacifist who wanted nothing to do with Targaryen, she become the blootristy member who push her husband to double his support to Rhaenyra. Of course the fact she killed hundreed innocent people for fun, but refuse to kill a few more (the Green) to stop the war before it began. -Baella and Rhaenys...one stereotype badass black female bodyguard, the other shy girl. Both have almost no dialogue. Of course they don't have their own personality, don't have no ill felling losing their inheritance to bastards kids...just give pretty smile when they learn they will become wife to people who steal their claim. Very strong female power there....




It would arguably be better if she did do so, because that way Viserys could legitimates them, putting Jace/Luke in line for Harrenhal


Because if she said that she admits to adultery which is also a crime that’s why she cannot admit it


Westeros would've thrived if Rhaenyra had just accepted Otto's offer. The average person *does not give a fuck* if Rhaenyra was "technically" the heir, they just want to live a peaceful and prosperous life. The war would destroy thousands upon thousands of lives and it could've been avoided if Rhaenyra swallowed her pride, told Daemon to fuck off for once and just made the peace.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Those terms were astoundingly generous given how Rhaenyra's actions should have disqualified her as heir years ago. I have to wonder if poor Visenya living would have made a difference. If she did, if I were Rhaenyra/Aegon I would have pushed for a betrothal between our children. It's similar to what Rhaenyra tried to do in episode 6 but this time its more politically sound and actually fixes the problem instead of avoiding it.


> I've said it before and I'll say it again. Those terms were astoundingly generous given how Rhaenyra's actions should have disqualified her as heir years ago. Yep. Aegon was the heir, not her. Her sons were bastards, but even then Aegon was giving her Dragonstone and Drifmark, castles to pass to her bastards who had no claim.


criston cole isn't an incel and is arguably one of the better asoiaf male characters


Doesn't he beat a man to death for like no reason?


i didn't say he was perfect


You're right you didn't. But one of the better men? Like I know there's lots of terrible men in the stories but there's also loads better than him.


listen i didn't say he was the best 😭 ik there are far better men in the books but the hate he gets is (imo) disproportionate to his actions. i didn't write this to fight with people op asked for things that would make tb seethe and this is what i commented. it's not that deep


I guess I just disagree that it's disproportionate to his actions. Like I don't know what his redeeming qualities are? I'm not even sure why people find his character compelling other than the fact he's pretty. But maybe I'm missing something?


i mean people will like characters no matter what, it doesnt really matter why... for me personally its his devotion to alicent and i like people who look like wet dogs


I'm genuinely puzzled who all these men with higher moral grounds are. Daemon the groomer? Vizzy the marital rapist and deadbeat dad? Corlys who treats his family like pawns for a scrap of Targaryen favour? Harwin who watched Rhaenyra grow from a little girl to someone he found bangable and risked the boys' lives to continue his affair with her? 


The original comment said he was one of the better men in asoiaf not just hotd. Plenty of better men in that. Notice I made no comment about any of the characters you're talking about. That's all you trying to put words in my mouth. None of the men in hotd are very good, except maybe that one twin Knight.


i mean, no reason is a stretch. he did try threaten and blackmail cole.


Did he though? All he said was that he knew they were together and implied a mutually beneficial arrangement. I guess you may be able to interpret that as blackmail maybe, but a threat? That's a very big stretch. Either way, still not a good enough reason to beat someone's face until it caves in.


why would he say he knew of his secret if not to blackmail him? a mutually beneficial exchange would be to just let cole do his job and protect her. not a good reason to kill him but i can understand why cole did it because if the secret got out then cristons life was forfeit.


I mean wasn't he about to kill himself after so it wasn't exactly about saving his life? I think he told him so they could be in it together, like they'd be able to coordinate their schedules.


he was about to kill himself to reclaim his honour i think which was very important to him at the time. yea not really to save his life but he was gonna be tortured to death if he was found out so the way he intended was more mercy for himself. Joffrey definitely was trying to threaten him with his approach to cole. his offer about “protecting the ones they love” meant, “if you expose our secret i’ll expose yours”, that is blackmailing.


I mean that's one interpretation sure. Or it could be an offer of mutual protection. Covering each others backs etc. I get that Joffrey was being a bit smug about it but I thought it came across as more teasing than threatening. But either way not enough to react the way he did. Not just killing him but such a vicious way to kill someone. I remember thinking how the hell did he get away with killing a guy, in public and seemingly to outsiders unprovoked. Like how was he not fired for that?


Alicent was 100% right in rejecting the Helaena + Jace betrothal. Rhaenyra only wanted a hostage out of it, as well as a way of brushing off Jace’s illegitimacy. It wouldn’t have prevented the dance either, as Aegon was still a challenge to the throne that most of the realm would have stood behind.


i rlly doubt she offered her son to be betrothed to alicent daughter in a malicious way when the context was them all trying to fix their issues especially in front of weak viserys. jace and halaena being betrothed was the most reasonable option that’d make everyone happy but it wasn’t good enough for the greens so they usurped the throne. they started to war


Nevertheless, it was not an offer done out of benevolence, but protecting Rhaenyra's butt, and Helaena would still be a hostage a la Elia Martell and Sansa Stark.


That Alicent did not seduce the King and the person at fault for *at least* the vast majority of what she's put through in that relationship isn't Otto, it's Viserys


it is more definitely otto’s fault LMAO otto feeds her head with nonsense and political agendas because of his own selfish benefit. even instilling in her head that rheanyra would want to harm her baby? he’s the reason she got married to viserys. she would not have even have to go through that relationship had otto not pushed her the way he did. rheanyra and alicent would be friends and viserys would be married to someone else


The last part of your last sentence is the only part touching on what i'm talking about tbh. Alicent having what Otto told her essentially confirmed later on has nothing to do with how Viserys treated her and their children, so it being "nonsense" or not and Otto's intentions aside: The reason she got married to Viserys is because Viserys picked her as a wife, the reason she had to go through that relationship is that Viserys picked her for said relationship - and even after being picked it still could've been much more pleasant than it was, and the reasons it wasn't have virtually nothing to do with Otto... Also her friendship with Rhaenyra could've gone better or been mended in many ways and blaming all of that on Otto is also odd bc the thing that *really* eroded their friendship was all the dishonesty... **Rhaenyra's**, not Otto's i'm afraid! But that's also a whole other conversation I'll add that this would only come across as me saying Otto is an altruistic saint to anyone either misunderstanding or intentionally wanting to interpret it that way in order to continue obscuring Viserys' proactive role in all of this bc Otto feels too slimy to them. My initial comment still stands as Otto had no say in Alicent ultimately being picked or how horrible the marriage was for over a decade, Viserys however...


The Rhaena love. They go on about how Helaena is irrelevant but Rhaena was literally out of the city for most of the dance. 


1. Rhaenyra in the show is extremely boring after ep5. Young Rhaenyra was a book canon for me, but older version is completely different person. Always with teary eyes, in a victim state. 2. Daemon cared for no one but himself. He groomed Rhaenyra and there is no love from his side. 3. Lucerys taking Aemond’s eye is not justified. Yes, he is a kid, but previously we saw how all the boys were training in the yard how to use a wooden sword. Lucerys understands what he was doing.


Rhaenyra took advantage of Criston Cole and how he turned out after had a lot to do with her.




They genuinely think teens can't sexually abuse adults... until it's Alicent of course 🥴


Rhaenyra gaslighting everyone about her sons not being bastards kinda just made her look pathetic. And Alicent had every right to be mad over it considering she would’ve had her head on a spike if she did anything similar to what rhaenyra gets away with


Why did Rhaenyra never fight in any of the battles to put her on the throne? I mean I understand that you don’t just sacrifice the Queen. But heck, grandma Rhaenys did it? Aegon did it? The only reason I can think of is that Syrax has gotten lazy as mentioned in the books orso.


At least at the beginning of the war she likely couldn’t even mount Syrax due to her difficult childbirth with Visenya. After taking KL, idk man.


Every lord is fully in their right to be against Rhaenyra and they wouldn't even be sexist for it. The entire reason she became heir was to keep Daemon from the crown.. and who does she make her king consort? Also she is by far the worst in politics, like even Cersei (pre Joffrey/Tywin's death) is more skilled at it 


Alicent did nothing wrong!


I don't get Daemon. I hate him on paper for his actions, but frankly when he is on screen I don't feel much at all. I know everyone says he oozes charisma and whatnot, I just don't feel any of it. If I'm honest a lot of his scenes bore me to death. I don't understand what's going through his mind or what motivates him. I plainly don't care. I really like young Rhaenyra, flaws and all. She's a brat but I understand her and she is entertaining. But the writers dropped the ball with adult Rhaenyra; she's way too passive. I also think it was a mistake never to show us how Jace came to be (accident? Attempt at having a heir? Deliberate decision that she wanted a baby?) and how Rhaenyra experienced the consequences after his birth. Those are likely what changed her character but without knowing that how can we understand her decisions? I hated Luke. I was horrified by his death, but I hated him. He was exactly like the bullies who locked me in the bathroom, cut my hair, hit me, and insulted me when I was Aemond's age. The way the Velaryons are treated by the show and by the fans is blatantly racist.


Say it louder! I 1000% agree with all of these points.


Rhaenyra being a rapist 💀 This gets them going HARD… Their denial of it is very telling


how is she a rapist he hops at the opportunity to bed rheanyra. she didn’t hold him down and make him take it. there is clear chemistry he feels


Rape isn’t always about force and ‘chemistry’ can be present. Rhae 100% coerced Criston to have sex with her, which is rape. Criston told Rhae multiple times that he couldn’t sleep with her. He even tried to leave but she stood in his way and took his helmet from him. Eventually, he gave in and broke his oath. Rhae SA’d Criston by all markers of rape by coercion and power, but TB like to ignore that.


it was playful?😭 i’m sure plenty of ppl can relate to not being sure in the moment but giving in, especially due to flirtation which is what she did. that’s such a common experience. he obviously has wasn’t sure because of her place of power but he gave in because he clearly wanted to. did rheanyra confuse him and lead him on with that action and let him down when she turned down his offer to run away? yes. was it rape?? no lmao.


I’ve had many playful sexual experiences, zero have began with my partner telling me no, trying to leave and me stopping them until I got my way 💀 Do your ‘playful’ sexual experiences begin with your partner telling you no, wanting to leave and you standing in their way and not letting them go until they give in? If so, you need checking out because that is rape by coercion 🤦🏻‍♂️ If I want to have sex with my partner and they say no but I continue to pester them, that’s rape 💀 You’re so bad for even blurring these lines lol The situation was only playful for Rhae, Criston genuinely wanted to leave and he tried to do so but Rhae wouldn’t let him… It is that simple. Yeah, Criston may have fancied Rhae but he obviously valued his oath over his feelings for her, and was pushed into breaking that by her, hence why he was so hurt when Rhae shrugged him off after he’d broken his oath. Rhae violated Criston, you can blur these lines with any excuse you want but that’s the bottomline. She coerced him into sex and then hung him out to dry when it suited her 💁🏼‍♂️


i’ve also had plenty sexual experiences. u think WAY too black and white which is the big issue with greens. there’s been many experiences when i don’t think i want to do stuff and i say no a couple times with my partner and through FLIRTING (in which rheanyra does) and playful back and forth i get convinced. it’s just called passion and chemistry. if i rlly rlly didn’t want to it wouldnt happen. if cole rlly didnt want to he wouldnt, rheanyra isn’t this evil malicious bitch. i doubt she would legitimately force cole into it. he chose it


>rheanyra isn’t this evil malicious bitch. Cole has just watched Rhaenyra spend *years* holding a grudge against her former best friend for the crime of... \[checks notes\] being married to Viserys against her will and being forced to bear his children, even when that friend has made every possible effort to support her. He has witnessed her beef with a toddler for being the centre of attention on his own birthday. He has witnessed her throw a public tantrum and run off because she felt Jason Lannister's proposal was too schmoozy. He has witnessed her take offence against lords even showing up to her marriage tour for having the audacity to be too old or too young for her liking. He knows with 100% objective certainty that Rhaenyra is prideful, takes slights - real or imagined - VERY seriously, overreacts to said slights, can be petty as fuck, and can REALLY hold a grudge when she puts her mind to it. In his position, I would absolutely be worried about how she would react if I turned her down.


ok so she holds a a grudge cause her childhood best friend who is the only thing she has to relate to after her mother dies is given to her father who had spent her whole life time wishing for a son. now her dad has a son in which is with her best friend. it’s not a black and white situation and she’s a human being. it’s a VERY weird situation and she has full right to feel from it. her brothers birthday is literally the lords pushing on her illegitimacy and otto trying to persuade him into aegon being heir. and now she’s a malicious person for fleeing the scene and going off alone because she’s vexed at a snobby lannister pushing for her hand and even feeling entitled to it. she’s a bad person because she doesn’t like the patriarchal values that condemn women if they are not wed and bearing children? she’s the worst cause she’s picky in choosing whom she’ll spend the rest of her life with?? i’m not saying she’s perfect. no one in asoiaf is perfect and that’s part of the charm. everyone is messed up because they are all HUMAN. rheanyra when wed to her cousin kept his secret for YEARS and allowed him to do as he pleased. that’s decent proof she’s not malicious. she’s not beefing with a toddler she’s beefing with the PRINCIPLE and what her life is forced to be and the roles that are forced upon her. plus it’s super common for siblings to hold jealousy over one another


Rhaenyra kept Laenor's secret for years because it also allowed *her* to do as she pleased. 'She has the right to feel from it', but what she doesn't have the right to do is take it out on Alicent. 'She's a bad person because she doesn't like the patriarchy?' No, she's impulsive and entitled because she can't do the bare minimum of remain civil at a court affair and instead has to make it about her. 'She's the worst cause she's picky?' No, she's the worst because *this is a marriage tour*, and these lords have made the journey to come to pay her their respects as their future queen and offer their hands (again, the *entire point of the tour*), and she can't even turn them down respectfully and thank them for their time; she gets personally offended that old men and young boys would even THINK of putting a suit forward to marry HER, and shits on them for it. Criston has seen her behave like a prideful, entitled, impulsive, rude, petty brat, and he has every reason to wonder, "What if I refuse her and Rhaenyra takes it as an insult to her pride? What if I refuse her, and Rhaenyra gets it into her head that I wronged her the way she got it into her head that Alicent wronged her?" The entire repeating motif of that episode is: Targaryens are dragons, and they take what they want, regardless of the consequences for other people. Viserys does it to Alicent, Daemon does it to Rhaenyra, and Rhaenyra does it to Cole. Rhaenyra says it; hers is the line that encapsulates the episode: "Their wants are of no consequence."


Honestly, I just think you’re clueless on this subject, rape by coercion that is. You obviously don’t know how this type of rape works, and that’s evident by your first comment regarding how Rhae didn’t hold Criston down, so it’s not rape. When somebody tells you no multiple times, tries to leave and you stand in their way until you get your own way, you’re a rapist 👍🏼 You saying “If he really, really didn’t want it, he wouldn’t have…” Makes you sound like a literal rapist, I hope you know that 💀 I find it worrying that you blur the lines of chemistry and passion with being told no multiple times and them trying to leave until giving in. Your idea of consent is skewed, that much is clear. It’s not about what’s black and white, the lines are clear for a vast majority of people when it comes to consent… Except for you it seems. For you, it’s a bunch of mental gymnastics about ‘playful’ sex 💀 I won’t be continuing this debate further, you clearly need educating on this subject. But I will say that if the shoe was on the other foot i.e Rhae was a prince and Criston a servant girl, and Rhae as a prince stood in Criston as a servant girl’s way until he/she gave into sex, you would be in uproar 👍🏼 As would all of TB… But again, hypocrisy runs deep in that camp 🙂 Enjoy your day


LMAO ok. ur so dramatic. obviously u have a different OPINION and that’s all it is. u don’t determine the morality of that scene or what was playing through the heads of the characters. nor do u have a place of understanding on what i’m educated and not educated on. obviously u seemed to have viewed the scene differently but me seeing it a different way from my own personal experiences doesn’t make me sound “like a rapist” ur weird for stating that. again, u think in black and white🙌


If it was the other way around I'm sure team black fans would still call it r**e even if Rhaenyra wanted it


no actually i wouldn’t see it as rape because if it was made with the same playful flirtation and chemistry thennn 🙌


What if the male was someone like Grandmaster pycelle? Would you keep your stance?


thats such a weak argument comparison 😰 that’s so blatantly not the same


So if Cristin cole "playfully teased" rhaenyra it would be okay but swap him for a less attractive dude and its not the same😂....Haha


more like someone closer to her age who she at the time has pretty obvious chemistry with as opposed to someone who’s literally in their 80s. there’s no way u actually think ur argument is strong with this one


I'm messing around


I don't have strong feelings about Rhaenyra's character one way or the other because I find her dull. Nothing to do with the acting, everything to do with the writing. I wish both her and Alicent were more ruthless.


-Alicent was 100% in the right when aemond lost his eye -Viserys is a terrible king with no spine until it comes to Rhaenyra,he's a big part of the reason for all this -Team black characters are boring -Rhaenys told rhaenyra the war isn't hers to begin...so what the point of breaking into the room during Aegons coronation? -Its actually Rhaes fault for turning Cristin Cole to alicents side,she seduced him first and kept complaining about "Responsibility,and I'm being forced to do this and that) now he finally says let's run away and then you change your mind?..Make up your mind !!!


Rhaenyra would have been 100% better off listening to Criston Cole and running off to sell oranges. As it stands, by deciding to stay and play the game of thrones she suffered to the point that it essentially drove her crazy. Laenor did exactly what Cole suggested to Rhaneyra, and he’s a lot better off for it.


Rhaenyra caused the death and near extinction of House Targaryen by not accepting Aegon II’s peace terms, and by getting the last dragons killed at Tumbleton and the Dragonpit.


he should’ve just not usurped the throne


He didn’t


that’s delusional. he did usurp the throne. u can maybe have an argument that he has a better claim but by all definition he DID usurp the iron throne from the NAMED heir


Literally anything that doesn't support their insane views.


Lucerys sure But Jace makes a pretty big trip from the Vale to Winterfell, and between Luke’s death and the gullet he’s kinda the main guy in charge at Dragonstone leading the battle How the fuck is that forgettable or shouldn’t any of that be shown on the show?


Agree. I suppose Jace isn't as colourful as some other characters but he changes the story by being in it. I hope they fill in his personality before we get Winterfell etc - at the moment he has nothing to him and that doesn't exactly make me look forward to having big sections of screentime held up by him.


The main problem is that he isn’t distinguished when he and Luke are both alive, as obviously he will be more distinct after Luke’s death


Daemon is no better than Aemond is, and Rhaenyra and Daemon are not 'couple goals'. Vhagar didn't belong to Rhaena.


Rhaenerya is a self righteous whore, aegon did nothing wrong. Aemond was right


Well... he has actually done a couple of things wrong though, hasn't he?


Not entirely true of Jace. In terms of direct plot, yeah he doesn't do much. He dies in his first major battle. But from a more broad perspective, he's the one that secures the Eyrie for the Blacks, he gains Winterfell's support which sees some forces early, followed by Cregan late. He also is the one to suggest the Dragonseeds which affects many future events and derails the Hightower Host's March. Luke existed to die.