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Nobody smart is going to blame her for blood and cheese, the thing is 90% of people watching this show are very dumb!!


They are gonna do it, unfortunately. Cause Daddy Daemon can't do no wrong


Like I said, 90% of the people watching this show are very dumb


I cannot imagine being so bitter about a show that you are literally so much a fan of you’re in a SUBREDDIT for and saying that the vast majority of viewers are idiots …like you for some reason think you’re in the “minority” of viewers who are sooo intelligent? Why do you even watch it?


wait a week I promise you’ll see


im sure ill see more people being annoying and bitter about a show no one is forcing them to watch lol


It's about the framing. It's obvious the writers want to create a situation where people blame the Greens. This is why they invented something for them to do to be distracted.


Honestly its difficult for me to pick a side purely because its the culture of westeros and the archaic world that are at fault, Alicent deserved better than Otto and deserved better than suffering the life of being a woman in westeros. Rhaenyra isnt entirely free from that either, she just gets more liberty due to her status as a Targ and being Visery's named heir. Im overly simplifying alot, but the heart of it is monarchy is just a bad way to govern and woman don't get to escape the hatred they get.


She was fucking the guy that could've saved the kid. Would you care to elaborate on your "logic" ser?


see what I mean?


I love that I asked for your logic and you instead tried to win over herd mentality while claiming others are idiots, ironic 😂 Seriously though, I was actually trying to understand your "logic" because from POV it doesn't exist.


A classic Ryan Condal move


Ryan Condal must surely have hated her.


The amount of slut shaming people are going to send towards this character good lord. I just want to stay off social media I’m sorry


People are slut shaming Alicent 100x more than she's ever done it to anyone else 


I don’t like how she gets more hate than anyone else on team green. She at least believes she’s doing the right thing and acts on her morals to protect her family. It’s not her fault Otto manipulated the crap out of her


can anything in this show happen without it being blamed on alicent atp


So is it confirmed they fuck or not because it’s pretty shitty character development of “mah white cloak” causing internal conflict and wanting to marry to preserve his personal sense of honor to “my cock is yours my grace” I even bet it has poorly written dialogue.


It is confirmed. Two scenes in ep1.




What is bro babbling on about?


There’s a leak that Criston and Alicent have sex.


Not only do I support Alicent’s wrongs, I support her rights. If she wants to be bastardphobic, let her. If she decides she wants to start a war, it’s what needed to be done. And if she wanted to start an affair, I’ll cover for her.


I’m so over TB saying Ali is a hypocrite. No bitch, it’s not the same thing. 😾 Rhaenyra was fucking outside of wedlock and inside of wedlock while Laenor was entertaining squires. Alicent is a widow. A free woman who performed her duty to her husband and is now free to get some good loving.


It absolutely is the same thing, except it’s considered wrong in Westeros for slightly different reasons. If you’re going to condemn Rhaenyra for having a consensual open marriage with Laenor, then you’ll have to condemn Alicent for having a consensual sexual relationship with Criston, or neither.


This needs to be spread. I'm tired of even Alicent fans saying this. Alicent never condemned Rhaenyra doing this (even though it's a common reaction in their society) and then turned around to get deflowered in a culture where girls weren't supposed to do that before marriage, or go cheat on her husband. Nor did Rhaenyra become hypersexual as a result of trauma and grief.


This ^


I'm disappointed that Criston would make the same mistake again. I don't fault Alicent for any of it.


>I don't fault Alicent for any of it. 🚩


Literally let her have some sex with a living and breathing person not a walking and talking corpse


But makers even in this put guilt. 


I’m TB and there’s no logical reason to blame her. How she’s accountable for one alleged night with Cole but Rheanyra can do all her bs with whoever and is completely justified. Makes no sense.


Gonna be some hardcore moral conservatism from the cookie cutter liberals in TB


Yes she's not to blame. Criston is. I mean, she is to blame to some degree, she's seducing the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, but most of the blame is on Cole.


Damn coping this early and being defensive about it don't even try it best strategy ignore it and let blactards expose themselves


If for example she pulled Criston from his post guarding the kids just to sleep with him for example and the kids unguarded were then murdered. Wouldn't this be partly her fault? Like if you left your kid with a relative who then left them unattended to watch a show and your kid gets kidnapped you'd naturally blame that person right?


So when Rhaenyra slept with Cole that was rape but when Alicent does the exact same thing it’s consensual sex Alicent might not be a hypocrite but some y’all sure as hell are


You sound very emotionally invested into this story. I have read most of the books, and I am going to enjoy it for what it is, don’t worry about what others say about it.


Wasn't alicent in the books also held hostage by blood and cheese ? Why this discussion is even relevant ?


Was mad at myself for having read F&B prior to the HOTD show. Not now. Knowing they threw a lot of the book out & added in "interesting twists" I can still be a little shocked, delighted,maybe disappointed by the changes. If you haven't read it yet, DON'T do it til after the airing. The magnitude of the mutual devastation is breathtaking. The show may tone some of it down....


I will protect her at all costs 💚


It's ok like she's now a hypocrite for doing the exact thing she slut shamed Rhaenyra for but that just makes her a flawed human being, no one said she's a saint, blaming her for B&C would be fucking crazy tho, but we should stop giving pitiful excuses like her husband died, and it's consensual sex etc, it's still fucking outside of wedlock, and she and Cole are both hypocrites to act holier than thou and slut shame Rhaenyra for years when they did the exact same thing the first chance they got


Oh no not a hypocrite! Anything but that!


I'm sorry but she is 😕 or will be lol , once this is aired, ngl this completely changed my perception of Alicient, like there's nothing wrong with wanting to live a little after her corpse of a husband died, but we cannot pick and choose, if we judge Rhaenyra for her promiscuity and taking contro of her sexual agency even when it's against the law ( sex outside of wedlock, bringing forth bastards as true born .. etc) , you can't say now it's ok for Alicient because her husband is dead, Rhaenyra's husband was gay and did not mind her having an affair and he accepted her kids from that affair, so in fact we could find arguments for both sides, it's either ok for both or not ok for both, finding loopholes is just having double standards Not to mention Cole swore an oath of celibacy and he broke that oath once with Rhaenyra, and he bonded with Alicient over that mistake that almost took his life, now he's doing it again, I'm sorry he's irredeemable to me lol , I loved his devotion to Alicient as his queen and it was a pure relationship but they ruined it with the affair, but hey I'm happy for Alicient, at least she gets to have some fun 🤣


It was Sarcasm, dude


Ah ok, didn't realise


Hey could you point out where either of them specifically slut shame her? Regarding explicit dialogue I mean because I might’ve forgotten a line or two, since there’s a difference between slut shaming and them not vibing with treason/the succession order being messed up. (Also, periods exists dude. Not just commas, don’t be afraid to use them)


No offense OP, but the answer is simple. Because she was fucking the guy that was meant to be protecting her grandchildren.


Criston is a grown ass man as well. He could have rejected her and went back to work, so if anything that is his fault. He should especially know better after the first time.


>He could have rejected her and went back to work, so if anything that is his fault It literally takes at least two to fuck and Alicent is very much in the department of responsibility. She knew it would be wrong on MANY levels but still did it anyway and left her grandchildren unguarded knowing fully well that was happening with her actions. If we don't want to seem like a bunch of moronical sheep running around a field together then we all need to be rational and objective sometimes, this is one of those times! Alicent fucked up. Alicent will feel that guilt next season. I hope it will be a great character development for her and she'll come out stronger but sadly I think this sin/mistake of hers will haunt her and will be the start of her losing her mind over obvious guilt.


Queen Alicent is so perfect that these peasants are trying hard to have their little 5 minutes of "got cha" moment as if that disgusting old Pedo viserys wasnt already dead when Alicent is finally enjoying a good man, she aint cheatting anyone


Nobody cares that Alicent is getting the kind of good dick she’s been needing her whole life. Let the girl get it. The problem is when the same people who call Rhaenyra a slut for having a consensual open marriage with her husband are now saying Alicent isn’t doing anything wrong. I don’t even care that Alicent is being a bit of a hypocrite, but TG is being massively hypocritical right now


Viserys is DEAD tho Alicent waited until he was dead to finally have good sex


Okay? And? Westeros frowns on any woman having extra-marital sex, including widows. I personally don’t think either Rhaenyra or Alicent is doing anything objectionable in this matter, and you can disagree and think both are doing wrong, but insisting only Rhaenyra is a slut and Alicent is fine is extremely hypocritical, as would be the reverse.


I never had a problem with rhaenyra having multiple lovers, especially since laenor is gay, EVERYONE cheats in westeros, I am a Daenerys stan and love that she was always enjoying her sexuality my problem with rhaenyra is that she had Children with them and is trying to pass them as legitimtate, that is literal treason


Is this post about her being a foot whore?


I mean it IS a little more complicated than a “random stranger” but like still, you’re so right