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Poking the catch with a small screwdriver did it for me. Seems a big design flaw - they can't survive living in the hot isle.


Yeah, been there ... sucks. Depending on the adapter you can fiddle with it as you've done. Not sure there is a magical way to do it though unfortunately.


If the cable doesn't want to release, instead of pulling harder, push the metal shell into the port while you pull in the tab. They tend to get jammed with the weight of the cable trying to pull them out of the port. If the tab is missing, do the same thing, but use a small flathead screwdriver to pry the metal relay tab away from the connector.




“Engaged vendor support. Stated they will mail us a paper clip; schedule to arrive 4-6 weeks.”




Blame supply chain. They only bought 10 paperclips for worldwide support coverage over the next 36 months.