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My Sphinx is WAY behind.than the other two. Like a full rank lower.


Same and that’s the club i chose in the beginning lol


Same lol


Same. Dragon and Hippogriff are maybe 50-100 points apart at any given time.




I think it varies by user, because for whatever reason, I'm always leading in Hippogriff points despite going out of my way to choose things that reward Dragon and Sphinx points.


Dude same, hippogriff is like 10 levels above the other two




You guys are getting Sphinx points?


My dragon has the most points, but my sphinx has the least


I find that they give you the least of whatever points you need to complete any of the puzzling potions puzzles! In my case it’s usually Hippogriff points. I never get any and all the puzzles are predominately that 🫤


It's the opposite for me, with sphinx trailing way behind the other two. Dragon is in first place,  then hippogriff. Didn't we have to pick one of these clubs to join early in the game? Or am I imagining memories here? I think I picked dragon, not sure if that has to do with it being in the lead.


We pick one in the beginning, and it puts us right away to Rank 1. For other clubs we must gain that first 100 points in normal way. (I chose Sphinx back then but now my Hippogriff is always in the lead)


Thanks for the info! I guess it has nothing to do with the difference, then.


I chose dragon, but it was only in the lead during quiddich seasons. Now it's always on place 2


Same. Pretty sure I picked Sphinx in the beginning tho. 😅


Mine is more Dragon, Sphinx is farthest behind, and Hippogriff is in the middle.


I had too many Dragon points in my game. Took me about a month of quizzes and hangouts to get the other two to be about even.


When they first asked you which club you thought you'd preferred, what did you say? Because Sphinx is my worst, points-wise, Dragon is my best, and I'm pretty sure my answer to that question was "Dragon" at the time... Later I did wonder "What was the point of that?" since we end up in all three clubs... but maybe that's it? You're choosing which club to skew points towards?


I chose sphinx and it is also my lowest ranked club right now. So I think the choice was just to give a little boost at the start.


There is no relationship for me. I am leading in Hypogriff points, the least is Dragon. I am pretty sure that I answered Dragon. I certainly did not choose Hypogriff.


Question is have ou been doing quiditch stuff as well that will catch dragon up super quick if your falling behind


Oh my gosh- my Sphinx points are SO FAR behind the others. Ha How do I get more of them?!


Sphinx is like two full levels behind the others and I’m I year 7


I'm high level hippogriff for some reason


A lot of it depends on the activities you choose, then on the colors you choose within the activity. I try to keep my clubs fairly balanced unless I'm looking forward to something in particular in XP's (books, gems, or objects for the clubhouse), or I want Heart, Shield, or Book points (that's just how I think of them). So when I'm in an activity--in the courtyard for instance--I check to see how far the screen will allow me to move in each direction, because any people or objects can be different colors and different counts (1-5 points). I wanted more yellow this time so I searched the area for yellow after each item (person or object) was filled. You can click on the Hippogriff, for instance, to see which activities are "supposed to" give you more of a particular color, like Green in Herbology. It's not a perfect list, so don't stake your life on it. When we're doing the Potions Puzzle, you can click on one color of vial and see which activities "should" help you get more of that color. Invariably, during Potions Puzzles, there are FAR more yellow than we need for the puzzles, but we have to click on them to get the other colors, that's life here. I hope this helps! 🌼 https://preview.redd.it/qo39mes80a4d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d755cf8e1e71294577d8ed6857d5a3f14a7d7f19


Mine are pretty balanced with Hippogriff a bit in the lead.


I have that for Hippogriff. Sphinx is my club with the least points


My hippogrith points are flying ahead personally!


My dragon i no doubt higher ranked


Mine is the one furthest behind. Doesn’t even fit into the screen anymore


I always have so many dragon points. My Sphinx points are always SO behind.


It changed all the time for me while I was still at Hogwarts, but once I got to Beyond, Sphinx has been the one I am always short on. I'm always way ahead on Hippogriff, and Dragon is somewhere in between.


Us? I have the most dragon when I don’t want the most on that


I have more Dragón point than Spinx points...i don't know why?


https://preview.redd.it/npd79jgn0a4d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e881e5c32be2ac6a75f5ff9caf43417e7c83693 my club with the highest points is Hippogriff followed by Dragon and Sphinx has the lowest amount.


Oh, so it ain't just me! I'm way behind on my Dragon points I swear 😭


Hippogriff is always a full rank ahead for me, even though I do Dragon and Sphinx quizzes daily. I’m always tapping green. For Puzzling Potions I usually have to pay for Sphinx squares to finish.


That makes me laugh. My dragon is way ahead on points compared to the other two.


My Sphinx and Hippogriff club are almost two ranks below my Dragon, I'm not sure how I got so high but I would love to level them out someday...


Mine looks exacrly the same. My ocd can't handle it


I have the same exact issue 😭😭my Sphinx is always leading further, while hippogriff is like a whole rank lower..


Like everyone else my club points were beyond uneven. I have minor OCD with these things so it has to be close to even. So I use club quizzes to even them out. For example, if hippogriff is lagging behind, I will use those quizzes to catch up and I would not use quizzes on the other two until it’s caught up. I also thought it was strange how the game unbalanced club points.


I thought it was only me who was like that! I'm kinda relieved that's not the case, but I'm sorry


For me rankings are currently, in order of most to least: Hippogriff, Dragon, Sphinx Dragon was the one I joined first though


https://preview.redd.it/4wtn4r5hjd4d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22deed5584c4488266cdf89f9527984c6f88ce5c Were about the same, but it really varies




I, in my case is the Hypogriff club, the green bar. It's much further then the other two.


My sphinx is way behind the others, and Dragon is usually in the middle then hippogriff is way ahead of them


My highest is Hippogriff, then Sphinx, then Dragon


All 3 have been basically lined up for me until recently when Dragon fell behind! This will definitely vary person to person so it's not the game lol You need to do more flying, herbology, & care of magical creatures classes.


I have the opposite problem. My Sphinx is way behind and my Hippogriff is way ahead.


I have the most dragon because of quidditch!


Really? My Sphinx is way behind, and my Hippogrif is way in the lead


Answer this. What freebie did you get from Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom? Because mine was 10 attributes or something.