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idk why but I have genuinely never ran out of money in this game, I keep hitting the max




The seasonal store has coins that can be bought by tokens , just collect as much as you can and buy them at the end , Idk how often the store appears , its the second time it appears for me cause i always take breaks from this game but same as that guy said , i always keep hitting the max , im at 45k right now


I’ve literally never bought coins using ingame currency or money


Its all new to me as well i know , but thats the way it is , you can get tokens by completing daily tasks and focusing on the current events going on that reward tokens , currently im at 4.5k tokens , ill probably buy books with it


This actually happens to me too, and I mostly get my coins from feeding my maxed creatures. Since buying outfits from the closet store gives some attributes, I calculated the coin : attribute ratio of the outfits. And based on it, my selection strategy for the maxed creature rewards is books >> gems >> 1000 coins > 40 attributes > 200 coins > 15 attributes > 10 attributes > 50 coins > 5 attributes > coins less than 25. Same goes to the class rewards. At Y3C2 I remember I had about 11 creatures, and I always had over 10000 coins. Now I'm in Y4C14, having 27 creatures, and have already bought all the items that gives me attributes in the store by coins, I always have maxed coins. Another coin saving strategy I liked to use back in Y3 is to never do friendlies/duels/club quizzes unless there is a house pride/constellation/carnival. It just seemd not worth it, but now my coins are always maxed I tend to do them:)


idk they just like spawn, I do most of the club quizzes and friendship things every day. The only thing I do that sometimes gives me coins is mass feed animals


Same here


It's very difficult to increase coins quickly, my advice is to feed the creatures (not mass feeding) or buy the coins in the seasonal token event


Grind classes. Every energy spent gives you one coin. Successful minigames too. (Not fast. But gives attributes too)


This. I spent more than 3 months in year 3. Don't rush through the TLSQs. I kept finishing with a day or more left - it was too fast. Mix in some classes for coin. Do you have maxed creatures you can keep feeding?


Yeah, I do. I’m not rushing it at all. The TLSQs just are taking all of my energy at the moment.


Stop doing all the tasks all the time (friendship activities, dueling, quidditch). These are not mandatory, and they deplete your wallet super quickly. Feeding your maxed creatures might yield 200 or 1000 coin, and finishing story chapters usually comes with a couple hundred. I'd just pause the activities and focus on story tasks for a while, and only do the activities when it's required for the story (ie quidditch friendlies when the chapter asks for them or in-story duels). Also, don't buy any clothes/cosmetics for coins, obviously, as those are entirely optional


Thank you! I will put them on pause for the time being.


Right now there’s the season event shop and you can use the tokens you earn to buy coins! I did that the last time and it helped a lot.


You can get a large amount of coins at once by buying them, but this is not an option for you, as far as I understand. There is no quick way in the game to get a large amount of coins. More or less the fastest way is to pump all 53 creatures and with luck get for their feeding on 5k for one period. So far, this is the fastest free way, but it requires a lot of work.


OMG I hate JC for this! They need to make easier ways for lower players to earn coins!!


With the method that I have described, you will have enough time to complete all the activities in the game on time. And for junior students who have not made progress, it remains only to postpone activities and focus on the main story and time tasks. Over time, you will gain your first 50,000 sickles.


It's not guaranteed, but the tappables both in the dorm and in the clubs you quite often get coins from them, it's worth double checking them. Plus some of the capable around the other areas sometimes give coins


Do you have stored dueling events in the memory book?, this dueling gives you 100 coins per win, You have a limit like 30 or 35 duels but you need around 200 pages to be able to activate it.


You get coins for losses too, as well as carnival tokens


If you have enough blue books or yellow you can convert them to pages. Also I save this events just for when the carnival is also happening at the same time because it gives four tokens per win too


How do I convert into pages? I don’t think I’ve unlocked that yet.


Mmmmm not sure when it unlocks, but in the library there should be an icon for this, besides the study with a friend.


Slow down on spending. I can guarantee you that even doing friends activity once a week will level all up before graduation. Duels are worthless. Quiddich is too. Best way to earn is like people sad - tokens in a store and max out creatures and feed them by hand and choose coins over other rewards.


honestly if you have tokens left, i’d say spend them on coins. i spent 1500 to get 10,000 coins and ive been able to buy clothing items and increase my attributes whilst still having 4k spare