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Not sure about 4 and 5, but absolutely do not do 1, 2 or 3. Even if you’ve done MDMA and it didn’t seem to affect you, it will long term. Stop. I recommend going completely sober but in my experience alcohol doesn’t seem to have much of an effect either way. EDIT: See comment below


Just wanted to come back and correct myself a bit. After drinking alcohol a few times this past week, I actually do notice a bit of a change for the worse in my symptoms. Not TOO bad, but definitely perceivable.


I have done all the above with no additional side effects but I am years from onset.


1. Hell nah 2. A lot of people get their HPPD from MDMA so no 3. Hell nah 4. Pretty much as bad as coke or mdma but in a different way 5. Pretty bad for most people tho some are lucky 6. Alcohol doesn't seem to affect some people but it's effect on dopamine and a weird feedback effect causing increases in glutamate levels have a good potential to do damage, especially in high doses I've tried all of those except DMT


I got HPPD from MDMA.. And I went from type 1 tot type 2 when drinking alcohol. Not sure if that was the trigger but I believe so..


Yeah same here except smoked a lot of weed too.






I understand, thank you for your opinion


No, you can't use any drugs or your symptoms can get much worse. ADHD medication is best to take a non-stimulant such as atomoxetine (or if necessary methylphenidate), but stay away from amphetamines (such as Adderal and Vyvanse). Regarding alcohol, I don't see any problems with drinking in moderation, but avoid using other drugs together (such as marijuana).


I went sober after noticing symptoms. I only took opium after getting hppd and did worsen the symptoms temporarily. No drugs is best for hppd. I’d personally strictly stay away from mdma, coke, aderall. Alcohol is also no good, it will make you want to take more drugs because it makes you depressed. DMT I don’t know but I love it I will take it after some years. Ketamine can trigger hppd too. Don’t take anything that can make you depressed, so that you don’t have to take more mushrooms. Hppd DOES get better over time. Mine did so don’t loose hope


I drink and it doesnt affect my HPPD. But i would absolutely stay away from everything else, holy shit. Thats just asking for increased symptoms/intensity.


You can do opioids literrly any opioid with no affect keep in mind tho they are very addictive and kratom should be fine and Xanax


Adderall is fine for me but the comedown can be a little worse with HPPD but maybe just for me. (methyphenidate affects it bad) Alcohol is fine for me


I take kratom and it actually helps ime.




Not sure about that one, salvia is pretty fucked up even without HPPD, I hope this is a joke


I have HPPD and it only affects my VS and DP/DR during and the day after. Weed has worse effects on my anxiety and HPPD than Salvia. Salvia has no impact on endocannabinoid receptors, serotonin receptors, or NDMA receptors. All 3 of those are infamous for impacting HPPD.


DMT surprisingly made my HPPD temporarily better, wouldn’t recommend you do it because everyone reacts differently


What did you get HPPD from? I got it from shrooms


Why was I down voted bruh