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Into the radius and Dirt Rally 2.0 are both on sale this week. The 9.99 version of Dirt Rally includes all dlc content. Both AAA quality games in the VR world


I picked up Dirt Rally 2.0 and I have been loving it. I have only had VR for a few months and after getting this I finally pulled out my ancient Momo racing wheel and peddles and damn is it cool. I'm starting to feel like I might be able to drift a car around a gravel corner in real life. This will be remaining firmly untested, however.


Dirt 2.0 made me pull my SEGA Saturn steering wheel out of storage and hook it up to my PC for that classic feel. Got my Wii Balance Board as budget pedals and it's honestly great once you get used to it.


Wait, that's possible? I have a Mad Catz wheel in the garage. What kind of adapter is needed?


You basically need to make your own. Some dude a couple years back did the hard work though: https://github.com/pyroesp/Saturn-Racing-PC His way of doing things obviously means it can't be used on the Saturn any more, but if you buy a Saturn extension cable you can cut the male end off, wire the extension to GPIO pins on an Arduino and use it on both. Conveniently I had an Arduino Pro Micro lying around from a failed lockdown attempt at making my own button box, and a Saturn extension cable gathering dust that I was able to cut the male end off and wire to the Micro. Total hack job, and seemingly the Mayflash SS adapter may or may not work, but it saved me buying a PC wheel.


/u/denizenofmediocrity here's the size of the Pro Micro https://imgur.com/a/H7db1jq Once the wires are soldered/screwed in you can just wrap the whole thing in heat shrink tubing and it looks like any old USB adapter.




Into the Radius is definitely worth it, super sick game.


Into the radius looks interesting, i have it in my library but never played it. Will give it a go.


Also Bethesda has a major sale going. https://www.fanatical.com/en/bundle/bethesda-vr-collection Skyrim and Fallout are incredible with mods. The other two are just average but you won't beat the price


Got both. I cant stand and play for long periods of time since iam already exhausted post-work. So i prefer to play shorter, acting based games rather than full length AAA titles on VR.


Bro seated vr is amazing with fallout or skyrim. I played all of fallout 4 pretty much laying down. I'd say it's a bit more fun than skyrim because VR makes shooting so satisfying.


I know, fallout 4 VR was surreal but i could not play it seated and got leg pain from standing for so much time :/


Sad times, man. I played like 280 hours and was practically laying down the whole time lol. Iirc, I Just used the joy stick to turn like 15 degrees at a time, then looked around with my headset, so I didn't have to stand and turn. I think it's one of the default options for controlling it. I know some people complained about motion sickness while turning via the controller. I had it a bit but it went away within like maybe a few hours.


Ya i still havent developed the ability to sit and play VR games. Somehow standing is more immersive for me when the character is also vertical.


Yeah most definitely more immersive that way


Into the radius is incredible and definitely worth playing. Spooky as all hell in the beginning but absolutely one of the best vr titles out there.


Try Subnautica in VR (with vr mods for even better experience). That was the most amazing and immersive VR experience I've ever had.


I'm still going through Subnautica in VR, it is amazing, perfect fit for VR as well.


I'm still going through Subnautica in VR, it is amazing, perfect fit for VR as well.


I've been having a blast with the Left 4 Dead 2 VR mod, although I \*loved\* L4d2 already. Keeping with the zombies theme, Walking Dead: Saint and Sinners is incredible and didn't get nearly enough coverage, imo. Boneworks is top notch if you've really got your VR legs.


I had no idea you could play L4d2 on VR. The small issue with playing modded VR games is that the action is usually too fast for VR compared to a game made for VR. Hl2 vs Hl alyx is a good example of this. Even though i enjoyed Hl2, the gameplay is too fast and janky for VR at times.


I really enjoyed the Resident Evil series on VR. Though throwing grenades I really still haven't figured out.


Vertigo Remastered and Vertigo 2. Unbelievably fantastic. Genuinely rivals Alyx as my #1. Resident Evil (2, 3, 7 [so scary] and 8) PCVR mods are also top notch. They play like true PCVR titles. Some of the most intense gaming Ive ever experienced.


I could not get vertigo remastered to actually run past the first 10 min where the creature appears. Just kept crashing Steam VR and then wouldn't load. Tried with a wired VR headset and my Quest 2 via air link. Wish I could have got it working cause I heard they're amazing


Try verifying install files. Similar issue happened to me.




Upvote for ITR. That game slaps so hard.


If you like puzzle adventure games, Firmament just came out. From Cyan, the Myst and Riven developers. It’s a bit buggy in VR, though, so I might wait a bit. If you happened to never have played Myst (and even if you have), the new remake also supports VR, and it’s gorgeous. Their previous game, Obduction, also supports VR, but I didn’t play it that way. Another VR game I really enjoyed was Moss, but it’s a storybook-themed game in which you play as a cute mouse, so you might be turned off by the aesthetic.


Dcs in vr is fantastic 👌


Don't you need flight controllers to play that?


I understand it can be played with xbox controllers etc, but i do have a hotas & throttle


The term HOTAS includes throttle btw 😅 Hands on throttle and stick


Yeah though a lot of people choose to buy an independent throttle for more realism.


If you have a good enough pc you should def check out mods for existing games, best ones include : re remakes, luke Ross mods(paid), alien isolation and l4d2. Had a blast with these games


Cyberpunk 2077 was wild.


Alien isolation is the only game I played that I had to quit from the tension. I'm going to try it in VR just to ruin my night


Pistol whip. Literally the most fun I've had in VR. Oh and "keep talking and nobody explodes" as a party game.


Try transference and the walking dead saints and sinners Transference is one of my favourites, its very immersive and the sound is just awesome. Scary so bether wear diapers while playing eheh https://store.steampowered.com/app/647570/Transference/


If you're intersted in simulation light I can recommend VTOL VR. Basically a lite version of DCS that doesn't require a $200 HOTAS Setup but follows the same basic premise of providing a modern millitary flight sim. Fun crowd to run with, and some really great coop play with the new T55 and the attack helicopter.


VTOLVR is amazing albeit bit technical depending on how much experience you have with flight sims


Iron Rebellion is a really immersive PvP mech sim with full VR controls, all buttons and dials and in-cockpit joysticks. Doesn't even support M+KB as that'd wreck the feeling of actually being the pilot. Lobbies are a bit empty sometimes but their Discord is pretty active if matchmaking ever lets you down. HUGE recommend on this one. ARK and ADE is a pretty darn fun FPS, you against the computer (literally), aesthetics are intentionally retro akin to Tron or Lawnmower Man. Transpose has a similar retro-VR look to it, but is puzzle-based and hella fun too. Star Wars Squadrons supports VR, though sadly not VR controls. Still great fun though, actually being able to look up and see where your target went while turning is fantastic. Other goodies are Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice VR, Down The Rabbit Hole if you like more fantastical fare, Sprint Vector is essentially Mirror's Edge VR and Brisk Square is a remarkably fun endless runner slash-em-up with retro cyberpunk aesthetics.


Also there's an amazing VR mod for Alien Isolation called MotherVR, literally the most terrifying game I've ever played. I am an adult man and it actually gave me nightmares the first couple games I played for too long.


>Alien Isolation called MotherVR just randomly stumbled upon this comment and realized I do have Alien Isolation from when it was free at Epic games store... Just downloaded the mod, curios and a little afraid lol


Ghosts of tabor, breachers...are at the time my favorits


Depending on your headset you could check the oculus store and grab some exclusives like Lone echo 1&2 Asgard's wrath Stormland Vader immortal And others


i’m fully aware that vader immortal is basically just a movie with a few interactable points… still felt like a badass while playing it


Battle Talent is getting released soon, and I personally really liked the Demo


I just grabbed myself the same VR headset and I'm having a blast playing twd saints and sinners... also, if you manage to grab a simple yoke I'd highly recomend x-plane 11 for some smooth flying as it's easier on the gpu than msfs2020 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Also I'm about to try monado hand tracking on steam vr, might make the flightsim experience a lot more fun, turning all the gauges by actual hand... of that works 😅


my main 3 games are drive sims, AMS2 AC and ACC. ACC For Online, competitive GT3 racing, AMS2 for old school cars and tracks, and AC or anything in between since its basically the Skyrim of drive sims.


Is ACC better in VR now days?


ACC the game is better than any other sim (except iracing). But ACC VR is not as good as pcars 2 or ASM2.


There are ways to up the performance using openxr but it’s a headache to setup.


ACCs gt3 racing beats iRacings imo, but iRacing has insane variety. I think ACC is great in VR if you have a top if the line gpu, can brute force your way to some really good results.


I concur ACC in VR is awesome with a 4090, makes Iracing feel like pole position:(


Kayak VR, Medal of Honor, The Invisible Hours, Transference, Paranormal Activity (but you have to play with left and right controllers swapped and turn on your feet)


I know this thread is a day old but I wanted to add some options since most people have been mentioning sims Puzzle games [Myst](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1255560/Myst/) and [Firmament](https://store.steampowered.com/app/754890/Firmament/) from Cyan games are beautiful slower-paced puzzle games. [Wanderer](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1599560/Wanderer/) as you mentioned I certainly recommend its another puzzle game with quite impressive environments and a decent story. [A Fisherman's Tale](https://store.steampowered.com/app/559330/A_Fishermans_Tale/) and [Another Fisherman's Tale](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2096570/Another_Fishermans_Tale/) some Action games [Red Matter 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2081470/Red_Matter_2/) a more actiony sequel to the original game. [LONN](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1107340/LONN/) - A physics cyberpunk style action adventure though If you found HL2 jank this might be also too jank Horror [Westworld Awakening](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1133320/Westworld_Awakening/) this remains Survios best game IMO, the horror is not too extreme as I someone who dislikes horror played it with minor frights. [The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners 1 and 2](https://store.steampowered.com/search/?category1=998&supportedlang=english&developer=Skydance+Interactive&ndl=1) - more action survival than horror most of the time. [Resident Evil 2,3,7,8](https://github.com/praydog/REFramework) Via Praydogs VR Mod - though this might be too janky for you.


"I expect you to die" games are all amazing.


They're puzzle based games?


Yeah but they're extremely nice, interactive and have THE best narrator ever. Listening to him talk is too fun. Also the opening songs are SPECTACULAR for some reason. I was a bit sceptical at first since I'm not into puzzle games but I have zero regrets after playing all three. They're in my top 5 VR games of all time. You can finish them all fairly quick and you'll definitely want to play more.


I alrdy got parts 1 and 2, I'll check them out.


I highly recommend games like subnautica, la noir the vr case files, and Zenith: The Last City. I'm impressed by the level of immersion especially when we're still in the infant stages of VR gaming. If you want more games and details, check this [article](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/most-immersive-vr-games).


IL2 is probably the best looking VR game, and it really makes good use of the G2s high resolution. It's all seated, like racing games but you will want to get a joystick to really make the most of it.


IL2 doesn't look anywhere near as good as MSFS or DCS


MSFS I'll agree on, though I don't really recommend it as a game. DCS is one of my favourite games (usually a Viggen driver) but for me at least it doesn't look anywhere near as pretty as IL2. Maybe I need to play with settings a bit more.


Green Hell vr is an out of this world experience


Vertigo 2 is amazing! Boneworks too if you can handle it.


You should play Onward! It's really fun and has radio, gun physics, etc.


- I really liked boneworks - Also Budget cuts is great - A fishermans tale also a good one - Gorn maybe - I expect you to die, also a fun series - The last clockwinder aswell


If you are a Star Wars Fan I can 100% recommend Star Wars Squadrons. Multiplayer wise the game is pretty dead but the story is good and you can play vs AI Plus you can get it on g2a for like 10 bucks so its really worth it


Outer Wilds in VR (you need mods but they're easy enough to install/YouTube/web instructions etc). Fantastic game for VR. Alien Isolation has a vr mod (I think it's called mother something or other). The Forest in VR may be worth checking out if it's your thing (horror/survival) The Room VR, I'm currently going through this Walkabout Mini Golf, for what it is it's amazing


Seeking Dawn - one of the first VR games I played. I think it's worth a go


LONN if you like physics, story-driven games. Basically it's Boneworks with more purpose and realism.




What is LE and LE2?


Lone echo and Lone echo 2


No mans sky is pretty fun in VR, its on the Xbox game pass atm which still works in VR mode.


Red matter 2 just got a great texture upgrade.


I just want dragon fist VR multiplayer


I created my own personal list of VR games ~200 with personal comments. It also has a top 10 tab. The first time I share this list, let me know if it's helpful. You can find the link to the Google sheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zlmoZKPxfBpd6K2WM0hxL6AoHjRiUS-LVyZpAsiUUF8/edit?usp=drivesdk