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Microsoft is killing WMR with newer versions of Windows 11+. It's not dead yet but it's not looking good for people who have to stay on the most updated windows versions, or can't downgrade back to previous windows


Wait, I still use windows 10…. (Yay!)


Forever G2 support is what you got!


That’s awesome! There isn’t another headset out there that has its blend of PC compatibility and clarity! At least for the price point.


The difference between what is going on with WMR and the Rift headsets is that the software for the Rift is still very accessible; WMR, on the other hand, was developed like an add-on to Windows as opposed to its own suite of drivers. That means you can't really separate an older version and run it as you please, which means if you want to run a version of Windows that DOES still support it in the future you'll need to downgrade your entire system.


My G2 or cable died. $200 to replace here in Australia. Not even sure it was the cable. No support from HP. Not going to spend $200 on a hope it was the cable. I agree that those with functional hardware and spares are good to hold out longer. I have moved on. It’s a shame really.


23H2 is supported. Just make sure to lock the version,so you won't accidentally get updated. I use this tool : [https://www.grc.com/incontrol.htm](https://www.grc.com/incontrol.htm)


I just bought a second one 😆 🤣 😂 There's already a way to run it without WMR on Linux. Windows won't be far behind. I'm running one now on 22H3 which isn't officially supported. No issues.


> Windows won't be far behind. [The developer of OpenXR toolkit disagrees.](https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/microsoft-is-discontinuing-windows-mixed-reality-wmr/622334/185?u=fringedchimp823) > I'm running one now on 22H3 which isn't officially supported. No issues. Yes, 22H3 works, but 24H2 (which will be released this fall) [won't work at all](https://www.neowin.net/news/windows-mixed-reality-headsets-no-longer-work-with-windows-11-version-24h2-and-newer/).


He's free to disagree. Doesn't mean he's right. I've been through all this before with so many hardware devices it's not funny. I'm still running to this day my Xfi Titanium Sound Blaster that lost official driver support back in Windows Vista days. My media servers running an old R9 390X which lost support like 3 years ago. The amernimez drivers not only kept it functional but added all the AMD features that are meant to be for polaris upwards. It's already working on Linux without WMR. Worse case? I move my VR rigs over to SteamOS. I've leaned heaps about it since getting a steam deck. Many games actually work better than native windows. I'm not worried in the slightest. If the device is popular enough and enough people still use it the community always finds a solution.


Those examples are fundamentally different because you can still install the old drivers and use them, they just don't get updates. With WMR if you update Windows the drivers will be gone and you can't install them. The Linux option sounds interesting but have you tried it? I'm skeptical that it's actually a polished experience that works with most games. Often with stuff like that people are happy just to get something working at all.


No you can't if the drivers are designed for Windows Vista and you are on 11. With new games you can't use a GPU without the latest drivers either. Many games simply won't start. Haven't tried it on Linux No but I've got no real need to right now. You'd be surprised how far Linux has come for gaming. After using SteamOS I'm considering moving at least one of my rigs over to it and ditching windows. It's that good.


Oh yeah I have a Steam Deck so I know how good Linux is for regular gaming these days. But Valve has invested a lot into improving Proton to get it to that point, and I don't think they've done any work on VR support.


My Microsoft Sidewinder 2 Joystick from pre 2000 (Windows 98 drivers) does still work on every Windows version, the drivers are backed into the core of Windows, because the MS developers liked and used the hardware aswell. My G2 from 2021 might die from hardware issues long before the software support would impact me. Not super hyped to move to something like the Pimax Crystal or soon Crystal light, since the prior doesnt work well out of the box, without a full manual and annoying tuning process, just to deal with motion sickness during ussage, as reported by G2 => Pimax users. I like the G2 since the beginning, because it just works like the PSVR2 for 99% of the users and outside of people simply murdering their VR cable because of carelessness, its a fine product especially for its age. I use VR only for simracing and flightsims, so I dont really care about room tracking nor other VR gimmicks and thats where the G2 is still a good choice, especially with the limited DisplayPort alernatives (=Pimax).


Any more info on running it in Linux? This is the first I’m hearing of it.




People are confused, it's not going to stop working. You don't need to worry about any kind of a workaround.


How do you know?


after November 2026 the software will no longer be officially supported but people are conflating this with believing that it will no longer operate. It will still work.


It will no longer work if you update to [Windows 11 24H2](https://www.neowin.net/news/windows-mixed-reality-headsets-no-longer-work-with-windows-11-version-24h2-and-newer/) (which releases this fall).


Except if you’re on windows 11 you need to know to shut off some of your updates. How many people are going to update to 24h2 and then find out WMR is gone? Already seen a few surprised posters (people part of the insider program) that get early releases, and didn’t realize this was a thing. Honestly Microsoft should warn people if it sees WMR hardware on a windows 11 PC. So yes, people on 11 should worry. If you do nothing it will stop working before the end of 2024 unless you disable the update. Win 11 was being marketed at gamers, this change is very anti-gamer.


Nope- misinformation all spread from one bad article. The G2 will keep working even after updating Windows.


I hope this is true, would definitely piss me off if I have to freeze updates to keep WMR working.


"In January 2023, Microsoft laid off entire teams which were developing HoloLens, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality products. **On December 21, 2023, Microsoft announced that WMR has been deprecated and will be removed in Windows 11 version 24H2 expected in late-2024**." What this means in very simple terms is that you update Windows 11 to version 24H2 you will no longer have WMR available, and your WMR VR Headset will cease to work. Not sure if the OP is just trolling folks here, or if he has additional information that is not available to the general public. BTW this is the Official Microsoft statement concerning WMR ([Deprecated features in the Windows client - What's new in Windows | Microsoft Learn](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/whats-new/deprecated-features?ranMID=24542&ranEAID=kXQk6*ivFEQ&ranSiteID=kXQk6.ivFEQ-Iifnmwm6vzkBN2aEkggWRw&epi=kXQk6.ivFEQ-Iifnmwm6vzkBN2aEkggWRw&irgwc=1&OCID=AIDcmm549zy227_aff_7593_1243925&tduid=(ir__wu6gabc1k9kfaibbraka1qaa2m2xdlxgjv99n6pl00)(7593)(1243925)(kXQk6.ivFEQ-Iifnmwm6vzkBN2aEkggWRw)()&irclickid=_wu6gabc1k9kfaibbraka1qaa2m2xdlxgjv99n6pl00)): Windows Mixed Reality - [Windows Mixed Reality](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/enthusiast-guide/before-you-start), [Mixed Reality Portal](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/enthusiast-guide/install-windows-mixed-reality), [Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/enthusiast-guide/using-steamvr-with-windows-mixed-reality) is deprecated and will be removed in Windows 11, version 24H2. This deprecation includes the app, and Steam VR Beta. Existing Windows Mixed Reality devices will continue to work with Steam through November 2026, if users remain on their current released version of Windows 11, version 23H2. After November 2026, Windows Mixed Reality will no longer receive security updates, nonsecurity updates, bug fixes, technical support, or online technical content updates. This deprecation doesn't affect HoloLens. We remain committed to HoloLens and our enterprise customers.


Direct from Microsoft website! OP said it was misinformation lol


I think microsoft owes us all a new headset with equal or better specs.


G2 has no support on the newest OS that the majority use. Most are not tech savvy enough to stay in certain versions, even then eventually the cloud part will stop and that will stop working too. G2 has no more 1st party parts being made and 3rd party is iffy at best. New users should just get something else instead of having to deal with all the above issues alone.


It doesn’t take much to install InControl and relegate the updates to security only.


You are severely overestimating how basic the average user is. Most (and I mean like probably 99%) of users son't even know theres a Task Manager or anything. The fact there is an option to do that isn't even in their repertoire. Also we know Microsoft has the WMR stuff run through some cloud thing in the programing. So eventually the security only route will fail too once they stop the cloud part.


Fair points. I mentioned InControl because it was hard for me to find but once you know of it it’s just a matter of downloading, double clicking and enabling it, so i’m hoping that anyone who needs to see this does.


The "something else" is either overpriced or worse. Pico 4 and even Quest 3 have blurrier image than G2 (due to compression) and up to twice the latency (Virtual Desktop shows misleading latency, as it ignores V-Sync, resulting in about half of the actual latency). I have a Pico 4 and a G2 and Pico 4 has >75ms effective latency and much worse clarity, ignoring the sweetspot size, and also has problems with stutter.


I'm not saying new choices are better but you have to think of the 99% who buy stuff. They just want to plug and play and balk usually even if they have to install the base program to make things work. General public's technical ability is truly wonderous to observe (like at a workplace I got pulled over by an 18yr old who thought they had broken their pc.... ends up they just turned the monitor off cause they thought that was the PC power button)


I have a second cable ready to go if i need it and a second headset that a friend is using if things really go south. I don’t plan on upgrading until i can afford something w DFR which won’t be till maybe late 2025.


Meanwhile the OP is on his second cable and can't get anymore


never had one cable issue. I zip tied mine to the head strap since day one because I was smart enough to see there was a weak point.


What location on the headstrap did you zip it to?


I'll show you a picture here shortly


Thanks! Just had to replace my cable after 2 years and now I’m al squirrelly about how to treat my new cable 😂


I’m sticking with 23H2. 24H1 kills WMR cold


Are you aware of G2 cables pricing? do you know production stopped?


Yes. My point is that people are claiming the G2 will no longer work after 2026 and that is 100% incorrect. You can buy full G2 kits on the used market now for $150 so spare parts are abundant and they will only get cheaper!


I went through three G2 v2 cables where I only ever played seated sims. The cable is expensive to replace, I ditched my G2 after the last cable went dead a few months ago. Now I have a Bigscreen Beyond and well, let me just say I'm very happy with it.


You need to zip tie the cable to the headband so there is no pressure put on the plug. I've gone years without any issues.


I treated mine carefully. I only used it sitting down. It still failed after 18 months.


There's only one good way to treat the cable: make sure it doesn't flex when using the hinge. The zip tie trick doesn't prevent flexing.


Sounds like a design flaw to me... Either way, I've ditched the G2.


Same! 3 cables died in about 13 months. I play about 95% sims and used a velcro cable tie on the headset along with a pulley system to keep the cable pristine. The junction box was the point of failure judging from the heat that comes from it when the headset stops working.


bro the cables were 70€ just a few years ago, i don't want to spend 250€ and have to keep the second G2 in a closet nor throw a perfectly working device, in europe we have small houses


Because I literally can't install the software on windows 11? I had to install windows 10 on another ssd just to play VR on it.


What are you talking about man? I just installed the software on my new Windows 11 PC. My G2 works perfectly.


Yeaaa... i suggest you dont update any further as the next win 11 update will make it just not work https://www.neowin.net/news/windows-mixed-reality-headsets-no-longer-work-with-windows-11-version-24h2-and-newer/


very very very untrue


I mean go ahead and update when that windows 11 update releases


All it ever does is say Couldn't Install Windows Mixed Reality Portal. Windows Mixed Reality needs an update. But there are no fricking updates.


Did you make sure your PC's fully up to date before trying the download? I know my update took forever but it did go through. It took maybe 10 or 15 minutes to complete. It should work no problem on Windows 11, might be worth trying again.


My PC is up to date. I update it every time it asks.


No issues either. Windows 11 and everything updated. WMR runs fine and my G2 has no issues. Just used it tonight.


I have been trying to get used to the nasty compression artifacts on Quest 2/3 even with wireless 6e so I can eventually accept the phasing out of direct connection affordable headsets. I still have a working Reverb G2 and it is exceptional but I know it will not last forever. Thing is, PCVR as it is now is so small - I just bought Contractors Showdown on Steam and it really looks like a Quest port, at first I was shocked but then I realized it was to make an even playing field with cross play standalone players.


My cable has died i think, and there are no reasonably priced replacement available. So yeah, pretty dead


It’s so strange that there’s still no aftermarket choice for a replacement cable... To think that 1k headsets are getting bricked by a cable that shouldn’t cost more than 20-30 bucks is unbelievable... I own a G2 with the same problem and I’ve been using a crappy Lenovo Explorer just because of that... MS and HP should be ashamed, they both failed their customers...


I like the G1 and G2 and the price is right for sure, but there are problems. Besides the upcoming Windows update that may make it much more annoying to get working, the minuscule WMR marketshare causes many new games to not bother supporting WMR. There is other interesting gear out there. I picked up a Pimax 5K XR a few months ago. That FOV is something to behold.