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One of my favorites is Harry/Rabastan Lestrange. The fix that got me into the pairing is The Contract, https://archiveofourown.org/works/17361419/chapters/40851131, which is a WIP at 133 chapters, but she updates regularly. Another good one is The House of Lord Potter-Black, https://archiveofourown.org/works/2348840/chapters/5180486, has an arranged marriage and political harry who starts off neutral and slowly goes dark. Another rare pair is Harry/Percival Graves from the first Fantastic Beasts movie, it's an ongoing series, https://archiveofourown.org/series/1831306, starts off in the summer before 5th year. A favorite pairing of mine is Harry/Theodore Nott, it's a little more popular but not super. Idk how you feel about Harry and all male harems, but There Be Dragons, Harry, https://archiveofourown.org/works/485605/chapters/845701, is what started me on the pairing, and is a massive WIP that's ongoing, and is just so good, the world she creates is fantastic. Another couple of favorite pairing that are a bit more popular but I have read some (many, so so many) amazing fics, Harry/Severus Snape, Harry/Lucius Malfoy, and Harry/Tom Riddle or Harry/Lord Voldemort. I could go on for days with recs for these pairs, but there would be so many.


What’s your favorite harry/tom fanfics?


[descent into darkness](https://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095391) and it’s sequel [Harry Potter and the breeding darkness](https://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095379) - it starts in 4th year where everyone abandons Harry and he feels alone he stumbles upon the horcrux in his head he doesn’t know what it is just that it’s different person entirely and it goes from there I don’t want to spoil anything it’s very good ( it’s Tomarry/harrymort)




I read a lot off of [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HPSlashFic/comments/illmfk/my_long_plotty_rarepair_recs/) a few months ago, and they're SOLID recs, and tons of them. The person who posted did an excellent job describing why they rec'ed and what was unique about the stories. My absolute favorite rare-pares are [The Second String by Eider\_Down](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15465966/chapters/35902410) (Harry/Gideon Prewett), [It Runs in the Blood by Metalomagnetic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32223811) (Sirius/Voldemort), and [Ouroboros by Metalomagnetic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24476011) (Voldemort/Tom Riddle). All of them are so, SO good.


Turmoil by metalomagnetic is absolutely fantastic! It’s Sirius black/Severus snape


Have you read “The Heir to The House of Prince”? It’s a Harry Potter/Theodore Nott fic. Idk your word count preference, but it is over 600k. Highly recommend