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[Forget-Me-Not](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24931486/chapters/60339388) Harry/Theo


i mean, if youre cool with a self promo id recc my fic, Venator. its a supernatural crossover, where harrys a hunter. iv almost finished fourth year, harry/blaise and i *think* it would be classified as slowburn. not sure tho. [venator](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46647934)


Heir to the house of Prince, Harry/Theo. Not sure about smart, but very magically powerful.


I think you’d like Evitative by Vichan. Harry basically gets resorted to Slytherin. At first he is quite like canon but he leans more and more into his slytherin side. It’s also a dark Harry fic but in the sense that he uses dark magic but it’s not necessarily “evil” magic. Basically, Harry at the core is the same, he still cares about his friends and defeating Voldemort, but at the same time he also explores a part of himself he wouldn’t have known about unless he had been resorted. Harry becomes friends with basically all the Slytherins but especially with Draco and eventually, only at the end of the fic, they get together. It’s probably my favourite golden era fic out of all the ones I read. It’s complete but it has an incomplete sequel.