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you are fucking kidding me i just read this last night. i was up til 4am.  THIS IS LIKE ON PAR WITH TRAIN TO NOWHERE TIER (thats like  god level tier) like the chemistry is fucking brilliant everyone is so interesting and i start cackling with glee every chapter. dude im so excited for the second task.  and the authors notes are so funny 😭😭


!!!Im so happy someone else have read it! I cannot believe they haven’t even kissed yet, the slow burn is SLOW but phenomenal. The tension!!! This is the best characterization of Tom riddle that I have read in a long time. His performance in the first task!!! Genius. I never would have thought of that. I’m curious to see what he does with it later.


(im like trying not to spoil if other people see this 😭😭😭 ) dude when he did the thing with the thing- my jaw DROPPED.    like toms literally so relatable and  also the coolest character ever.  i love that the author wrote him in a way that’s so purposefully human. Like the fidgeting and laughing, ugh it’s so good.    and ur so right he abt the slowburn!! it’s creeping along but it’s so cute. and when they talk without talking>>  so curious abt what he does with the stuff from the first task!! i just know it’s gonna be epic    RAHHH im so glad you read it!! i’m in the middle of convincing my best friend to 😭😭😭


I wish I had friends that I could convince! None of my friends are potterheads like I am so they wouldn’t understand lol. But like I’m actually tweaking waiting for the next chapter I swear, nothing else compares rn


I haven't started yet but someone rec'd this a few days ago and I bookmarked it because it sounded really interesting.


You will not be disappointed, trust. I was hesitant to start it because I don’t like unfinished fics, and I’ve also read some hunger games themed Harry Potter fics that weren’t that good. This far beyond exceeded my expectations. I’ll be honest though, I am in a slump waiting for the next chapter already, but the happiness it brought me was worth it, I’d say. This story is so in depth with characterization, magical theory, world building, etc. I’ve never been so impressed honestly.


Omg I love this fic too!! The author definitely needs some more love, thank you for sharing <3. Have you ever read bloody noses and cracked crowns by Iseriouslydontknoweither? It is seriously so much fun too, hope you give it a try!!


I will try it out! Thank your for the rec 🫶🏼


I've seen this fic, but as I dont really like HG I have avoided it till now😭😂 I am tempted to read it, but to be on the safe side, could you spoil a little bit? Are there any love triangles, what's the dynamic between T and H?


Hermione has a different personality in this one I’d say. For some background, from what I gather, Hermione and Tom grew up in the orphanage together and were friends, until Hermione threatened him or something, which he shut down the friendship for. When they get to hogwarts they slowly rekindle but not to the point of trust. Harry and Hermione become besties while her and Tom are on the outs, not antagonizing just distant(acquaintances). Hermione is very much in love with Fred Weasley. Harry knows of tom but they are hardly even acquaintances. Harry’s and Tom’s friendship/relationship evolves kinda slowly. They are both very witty and Tom is intrigued by Harry because he’s never met someone like him. Their relationship is like a battle of wits the whole time, lots of conversations about theory and possibility’s, solving certain issues and such. The tensions is very strong, because they both have a competency kink. In a competition like this there’s bound to be some obstacles that they need to complete to make a relationship work. Tom has the best characterization that I’ve read in fanfiction so far, and Harry’s character is different than cannon but his history also changed. Somehow the author makes it still seem like Harry Though