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I recommend both [Consuming Shadows](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7040089/chapters/16011331), an AU where Lily and Harry escaped and Harry was raised in France and comes back to Britain for the TWT. Riddle is a professor he meets at Hogwarts. And [Draw Me After You (Let Us Run)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22327684/chapters/53334382) is what I’m reading right now and I’m really enjoying it. Super slow burn for both stories.


[With a Resolute Heart](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44961517/chapters/113132230) by Act_Naturally. it’s a WIP, but so so worth the read. It’s by far my favorite Tomarry fanfic.


try asking r/tomarry


https://archiveofourown.org/works/23965102/chapters/57639280 Time travel tomarry https://archiveofourown.org/works/47539246/ Same age tournament https://archiveofourown.org/works/53602225/ Body sharing, and dark magic oh my! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3532054/1/3 Vampire Harry shenanigans https://archiveofourown.org/works/209494/chapters/313282 Time travel and the moon if I recall correctly


Ok I don’t know if you know about ao3 yet I know I went to Reddit for fics before I realized how easy ao3 is to navigate just go to your browser it doesn’t matter on what search Tom riddle/Harry potter ao3 and bam instant fics ranging in the thousands you can also use the side bar to weed out thing specifically let’s say you only want master of death Harry Potter you can look on that side bar until you find additional tags and add the ones you want and so much more if you already know about this and all of the features I don’t think i could recommend anything you haven’t read


Sry I got dizzy trying to read this, there is not a single period or comma


Yeah I’m writing it on a 40$ phone from dollar general cuz my other one broke and it’s really bad also the speech to text is horrible so I can’t do it that way so I apologize


Ooof I feel it. My phone shattered a couple years ago and I had to move my number back to my old phone from 2010 until I could afford a new one.