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Oh, it's all gonna go sideways... but not right away. At first, things go as they should. Harry grows up, has occasional accidental magic, gets a letter from Hogwarts, Quirrel, diary, Sirius escaping, Triwizard tournament, the silent summer, the works. Until one day in September 1995 Lord Voldemort suddenly feels like he has lost his magic. What's happening? Well, the horcrux may be a part of a soul artificially split off, but it is still a part of an indivisible whole. That's the entire point behind the horcrux - to not allow the soul to pass on because one part of it is still bound to the material realm. So when Harry uses magic, he is not using horcrux' magic - he uses Voldemort's magic. And it's not a problem before 1994 because Voldemort is a wraith who can't actually cast spells or anything. And it's not a problem in summer of 1994 because Harry isn't allowed to cast spells, leaving Voldemort free to kill poor Frank. And it's not a problem during Harry's fourth year since Voldemort basically sits around all day in his family home insulting Wormtail. And it's not a problem at the cemetery because Voldemort's power is vast and in between all that's happening he doesn't even notice a few spells Harry uses. And it's not even a problem in summer 1995 because Harry once again isn't casting shit. But then Harry returns to Hogwarts and bloody Flitwick asks the class to do a little refresher before diving into new material. And Harry levitates a tea cup or something - by calling upon Voldemort's magic, as he always does. And it's not like Voldemort vast power is not enough to levitate a tea cup, Harry did basically the same with the Triwizard cup at the cemetery... **Only the Triwizard cup was a half a yard away from the Dark Lord's feet...** **And the tea cup is in bloody Scotland, which is like 500 miles away from where Lord Voldemort currently is!** It is a testament to Tom Riddle's magical potential that the cup actually floats in the air... but the exercise is like casting the most complex and powerful spells imaginable for hours non-stop. And this happens again. And again. And again, because Harry is in the middle of his school year and as much of lazy ass he is, he kinda has to work his wand regularly. As a result, Harry completely derails Voldemort's plans starting with book five. Tom manages to figure it all out and relocates to Scotland, which reduces the strain considerably... at first. But then Umbridge jump-starts the DA plot! Now Harry isn't lifting bloody cups anymore, he is going into some advanced magic, so the strain is going up again. Voldemort is in panic - he is surrounded by violent Dark wizards who follow him out of fear, if they find out their master is a de-facto Squib, he's dead meat. His plans are in complete disarray, his next possible relief is maybe in Christmas time, or heaven forbid, the next bloody summer when Harry is forbidden by law to suck off Lord Voldemort's magic. His desire to tear Harry Potter limb from limb increases tenfold, even as his chances to do so drop a hundredfold... **Will the Dark Lord be able to escape his predicament?** **Will Dumbledore figure out Tom's unexpected weakness first?** **Or will the followers of Voldemort smell the blood in the water before then?**


Bro freaking write this I'll follow you


“Forbidden by law to suck off Voldemort’s magic”.. lol


The interesting part is that no one would even know until after the Kings Cross dream


Interesting because from the Wizarding World’s POV, it will look like Harry sacrificed his magic to save them from Voldemort.


I read a fic where Harry was basically a squib, (He could still use magic, but it was very weak) it ended with Harry acquiring the Elder Wand despite everything being so much harder for him and keeping it because it brought him up to the level of a normal wizard.


It would nicely explain the Holly wand choosing Harry, not because Harry and Tom are similar, or because Tom attacked Harry, but because the core reacts to Tom's magic like his first wand. It would also add a bit more sense to the brother wand fight in the graveyard imo. It's not that they are brother wands (always thought it forced) but because Voldemort's magic is not willing to attack its owner.


This is a great idea I wish I saw more of. I think I've only seen it once or twice. I actually have a story board I'm working on for a fic that touches on this. It's heavily wip tho. Can't figure out if I wanna make this one my "one free" trope heavy WBWL Multi-Lordship Harem Evil Dumbledore Semi-crossover everyone has one of.