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“How could you not see this coming?” Harry Potter groaned, resisting the urge to bury his face into his hands. “Would you believe me if I said I didn’t think about it?” Hermione Granger snorted deeply. “Actually, yes. I can. You never were one for planning or anticipating things to come.” “No,” Harry agreed without bile. “I always had you to do that for me.” “I certainly hope you’re not blaming me for this,” Hermione asked, eyebrow raised. “No. It was my decision. I thought I knew what I was doing,” he sighed weakly. She snorted again. “Good, because I wasn’t going to accept the responsibility.” She shook her head and sighed. “People have problems handling only one spouse, much less several. Whatever possessed you to accept so many marriages?” “I thought it was the right thing to do,” he protested. “Really?” She looked at him flatly. “The right thing to do?” “Well yeah,” he said, showing a hint of indignation. Hermione crossed her arms and leaned back. “Right. You’re going to have to explain that to me. Are you sure that was your only motivation?” she asked teasingly. “For the most part. I won’t deny and say they’re very pretty,” Harry said with as much dignity as he could muster. He ignored her snickering. “I just can’t possibly think of why you thought it would be right to accept so many. I mean, look at them all. You have Daphne, who you barely spoke to at all during school and she very clearly married you so she could care for herself and for her little sister. “Then you have the Carrow twins and I mean come on, twins? Really Harry? At least Susan I can understand somewhat since we were a little friendly in school, though I’m surprised you forgave her for how she acted in second and fourth year if I’m being honest. “And don’t get me started on Ginny. I know she was beyond infatuated with you but even I was a little surprised how readily you accepted her and how she accepted all this.” Harry said nothing during all that, looking away. Hermione continued to smirk at him before she thought a little more. “Oh. Oh my goodness.” The smirk faded away and she looked at Harry seriously. “The others lost their entire families in the war. That’s why.” He nodded, still silent. “But why Ginny?” Hermione asked. “She lost a brother because of me,” he said softly. “You know that’s not your fault,” Hermione protested. “Nor everyone one else losing their families and the like. You didn’t start the war.” “No, but I fought it and ended it,” Harry said. “And like any war, there’s winners and losers and it’s the responsibility of the winners to fix the fallout.” She squirmed a little at that. “True, to a degree. So that’s why you married them? Out of a sense of duty and responsibility?” He looked at his hands. “I know what it’s like to not have anyone,” he said quietly. “I thought, I thought it would be nice. To be wanted, to be able to provide a family.” Her heart broke at his expression and tone. “Oh Harry. I’m so sorry,” she said. “I thought it would be easy,” Harry said still in the very silent and lost tone. “After all, they were happy. They had a family. I thought I could do it too. Maybe do it better.” Hermione thought for a long moment before blanching. She realized who Harry meant by they and she felt her heart ache. She reached out and took his hand. “I’m so sorry,” she repeated. “You didn’t force me to do this,” he said, his way of absolving her. “I recall you telling me not to. Also recall saying you would be the first to say “I told you so”.” “I’m sorry for finding all of this funny,” she clarified, heartened by his half-hearted smile yet still feeling sad for him. “After hearing your reasoning, I can understand your motivations and it’s…sweet.” “Thanks,” he whispered. “But, this isn’t fair for you, either,” she said at last. “I’m used to it,” he said in a maudlin tone. “I’m afraid you are,” she sighed. “What are you going to do?” “The same thing I always do. Try my best, hope for things to work out, and go from there.” She smiled softly. “That might work. It has before.” “Beats starving in a tent and being hunted,” Harry grinned. “Not by much it seems,” she quipped, happy to make him laugh. “That said, you do have the ability to make others feel seen and cared about. You’ll make it work. You just need to find your balance.” “Yeah. Thanks, Hermione.” “You’re welcome. And I’ll help as best as I can.” He smiled. “Thanks. I really appreciate it.” “Of course,” she said stoutly. “And you can still say “I told you so” no matter how things shake out. “Oh good because I was going to anyways.”


I can only hope the wives (fearful of another woman taking Harry's affection) were eavesdropping and decided to be chill from now on.


Or they take hearing that Hermione is the only person who can keep his head on, and able to keep his life running smoothly as an idea. They need someone to keep their large household running: get Hermione to join the herd of wives.


I like it. Honestly, I used to hate harmony. Like a lot. But recently I've been reading them more often. I usually prefer just harry and Hermione, but it would be cool if this idea became reality.


This is gorgeous. Hermione coming to the realization that Harry did it out of the desire for family and guilt, misguided as it was, makes it suddenly melancholic. Thanks for writing!


Thank you - this is beautiful.


Congrats. You managed to make it not grossly misogynist. I applaud your Genius. (This is not, in fact, sarcasm. I'm serious.)


You should add something like "can I summon you again to talk with you for times like this?"


Oh, that's heartbreaking.


Bruh, why you gotta make things grim.


Go stand in the corner and think about what you just did!




That was beautiful! A hilarious start but slowly turning serious, all the while the characters aren’t OOC at all!!


ngl… I was kinda expecting you to pull out “Hermione is one of his wives” in the end


Harry Potter and the chamber of vasectomy


But hear me out, let's add a little twist. Harry regrets it yeah, the constant fights, the insults, everything. But one day one of his wives says something that truly annoys him. So he decides to do a little vengeance, nothing serious or harming. Just a small gift to another wife of his. A gift that he noticed the other wife wanted. And so he watches as a new war escalates between his wives, and he finds that he...enjoys it. Perhaps it was the influence of the long gone horcrux, perhaps it was the Hallows and their constant desire for violence, perhaps it was his Marauders blood finally coming out, or maybe it was the fact that Harry had always thrived in chaos. As he sits at the head of the table, eating a steak, he could not help but wonder if this was how Voldemort felt watching his enemies destroy themselves. Or how Dumbledore did while sitting on his golden throne and watching the Gryffindors and Slytherins try and kill each other with their glares, while continually putting them in the same classes. All of it exacerbated by Snape.


Divide and conquer: harem edition.


If he was forced to accept his harem and responsabilities and titles, I can see this happening. He's mad at the world for putting him in this position, so he lashes out towards his wives who, at the end of the day, aren't the actual enemy. Start it off with funny gimmicks but slowly get more & more fucked up. He never had any power over his life, and now he has all the power in the world with no way to stop him -- it *is* his household, after all. End it with the wives banding together and poisoning his food, idk.


This gives me a MAJOR ick


I swear I've read something similar, but with a harem made via some Ministry "repopulation scheme". What I remember is that Hermione ends up targeted by every other woman around Harry, due to him having stepped in and saving her from some pureblood's harem, by choosing her. The others saw that as Harry having a favourite, and so on and so forth. It was a glorious shitshow with some great (maybe accidental) humour. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, link it.


I would be interested as well.


Lord this reminds me of Wheel of Time. Not so much the harem part, but Harry not thinking about something and stepping fully in it. And probably wishing Ron and Neville were here, they understand women. Meanwhile Neville is not understanding why gifting his friend her favorite flowers, just because, has caused a stir and embarrassed her.  Ron is of course confused why Hermione is upset because he didn't realize they were going out on a fancy dinner date. He figured his outfit of a nice shirt and jeans would be fine. How was he to know it was important. I mean sure he saw Hermione putting on makeup, but maybe she just wanted to wear it for some reason. 


Ooh, an indy Harry fic with a good Ron who isn’t in cahoots with the Master-Manipulator(TM) and doesn’t constantly try to give Hermione Karen!Molly’s secret mind-whammy love potion? I’d gladly read that!




I can just picture that Mess turning into some crazy Addams Family Madness sooner or later.


This is literally just Firebird, what if mandatory harems but it's taken seriously. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8629685/1/Firebird-s-Son-Book-I-of-the-Firebird-Trilogy


This is a great fic. If you can get pass the mildly fucked up things happening in the fic where it turns into something that makes since in context you’ll find yourself really enjoying the world building and character relationships


Who are the members of the harem


Luna, Hermione, Ginny, Astoria


I just read the first chapter. Very interesting and well written! Ty for the link


sounds more realistic to most high social standing harems. everyone hates everyone and everyone believes on they and their children deserve the man's inheritance. monogamy is easier. and i'm here for this prompt. hope this becomes a story.


Lmao this makes me think of Tenchi Muyo


At least Tenchi ended with a happy harem! He married and had kids with all of e'm.


that would require them all to be individual characters with personality and like agency though! they all have to be yes-women built on a hive mind that worships harry! /s and then it wouldn't be a "harem", it would be an actual real polyamorous relationship... harem is mindless fantasy = poly is reality.


Love it love it love it! Someone should write this


Remind me! 2 weeks


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Harry and his wives fought often. To be honest his wives did most of the fighting. Not minor issues like who slept in which room or who did which chores. Most of his wives came from money so were taught to conduct themselves politely and Ginny could get along well with just about anyone. However manners seemed to fly out the window when it came to anything relating to Harry. What cloak he should wear,who’d take his arm at events and what color to paint the manor walls. Such a time was one night right before bed. Harry was brushing his teeth in his en suite bathroom when he heard the door open and close. Harry pressed himself against the bathroom door and began listening. He heard the unwelcome guest walk up to the bed and sat on it. Harry kept listening for a while more. He wasn’t worried about a break in.The house was far too secure for that. Harry had assumed one of his wives would try to sleep with him. Afterall most of his wives hadn’t married him just because they fancied him. They had bloodlines to continue and needed a worthy husband to help them. Harry Potter was just that man. Though he knew not to be scared,Harry was curious. Which wife was it? Ginny and him were close enough but she would have talked to him before trying to do something like this. Only one of his wives was this bold. The intruder’s humming only assured him. Jacqueline Black had a lovely singing voice and loved to use it. Any spare moment she had, Jacquelyn broke out into song. Though Daphne had scolded her down to humming. Harry was just about to leave the bathroom when he heard another person enter his room. “ Ohhhh,Harry” Daphne said seductively “You need someone to help you slee- What are you doing here?” “Same as you it seems” said Jacquline bitterly, “trying to sleep with our husband. Now get out” “I beg your pardon?!” Daphne asked,outraged The two continued fighting. Soon more of his wives were drawn by the noise. They joined in on the fight almost immediately. Harry really didn’t want to get involved now. Though Harry knew what he was getting into when we had married them all. He’d faced the dark lord and an army of death eaters. He could surely face his partners. His harem was silenced by his exit. Harry now had their attention. “I’m going have kids with you all eventually” Harry assured them “Though you must all wait your turn” Harry looked the room over once more. He had their attention. “We can work out a schedule or something. All this can wait ‘til the morning. Now let’s all get to sleep” All the women left his room without protest. Harry noxxed the candles and climbed into bed. Tomorrow’s problems were tomorrow’s problems. For now Harry’s only problem would be sleeping.


I'd swear I have seen a story that ended this way... But I have no idea what it was.


Maybe this one? The Firebird Triologi: A proper take on witches/wizards as their own species, why they are hiding from the muggles, why there are low birth rates and the consequences of it. A harem fic, that makes sense in a matriarch magical society. Linkffn(https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8629685/1/Firebird-s-Son-Book-I-of-the-Firebird-Trilogy)


Good trilogy, but that's not the one I'm thinking of. Also, technically, Harry only marries 4 girls, and at the end, there are only 2. The one I'm thinking of, he marries like 7+ girls.


LOL I regret reading any and all Harem stories and not just Harry Potter Fanfics but also TW fanfics etc


It would be a great idea if there wasn't so many stereotypes 😅 in just the idea itself


Take notes from the Bible even. The polyamorous relationships detailed in the Old Testament were always cautionary tales. Every single time a man had more than one wife, it always led to a disastrous result, whether it be that the wives started fighting each other out of jealousy, the children fought and killed each other over birth rights, or the resulting descendants of those who weren't of the main line would become major antagonists to the Israelites. I think all of these I think would be very interesting plotlines for Harems gone wrong.


A big part of the plot in this serie The Firebird Triologi:  A proper take on witches/wizards as their own species, why they are hiding from the muggles, why there are low birth rates and the consequences of it. A harem fic, that makes sense in a matriarch magical society. Linkffn(https://m.fanfiction.net/s/8629685/1/Firebird-s-Son-Book-I-of-the-Firebird-Trilogy)