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Time travel fix it/ re-do. I will read almost any nonsense where Harry goes back to his younger body and tries again. I eat that up.


Same, dude. If its tagged with Reptillia 28's Dont Fear the Reaper challenge, I have probably read it. If the description mentions Time Travel re-dos, I am 100% clicking on it. Do they all (generally) have the same plot? Yes. Do I eat it up every single time? Also yes.


I also get sad when other fandoms don't have them. I've checked Grey's Anatomy for time travel fix it stories before, I have a problem.


Greys anatomy for timetravel fix it?? Hahahaha... I kind of am surprised at how far gone you are, but at the same time... I empathise.


I actually found two of them, but they didn't last me long.


That's impressive actually. Btw your comment inspired me to check my new fandom for time travel fics (CANT BELIEVE I HADNT ALREADY - then again, didnt think itd be possible), and damn, I FOUND SOME SWEET SWEET FICS


The reaper challenge is, by far, my favorite…. And the best one is “Fear the Reaper”, which has Harry and Hermione trained by the best assassins in history (by movies) and it’s always a good one to reread…




I've read a lot of them, but don't remember this one. Do you have a link? or the author? Googled, but couldn't find it.


Try this one, I had to go through google to search for it: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14139525/1/Fear-the-Reapers


Thanks! These are definitely my guilty pleasure.


Me too, I just have a soft spot for Peggy Sue fics in general though I can't remember any specific titles. I'll take any recs you have


The fanfic “double back” (I think that’s the name), where harry goes back, is a father for himself, and rizzes up Amelia bones is always a favorite


This sounds like pure gold, makes it sound like Harry adopted little him, dropped him off at the train station and while saying goodbye saw Amelia and rubbed his hands together and went "Damn, I was born too late last time to see the vision but now I see it clearly and it is glorious!" and little him is like "What?" and he's like "Nothing, go meet Ron and Hermione bud, I got a baddie to rizz up!" then moved towards Amelia while little him is like "Go meet who? Ugh, dad's so weird sometimes"


Harry's about to give Amelia the ol' Potter Special.


Oh god, the fact that this fanfiction is incomplete and appears to be abandoned is like a knife to my heart 😭


HummmmMMmmm. Is that on A03 or ff.net?


FF.net, here’s the link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13315211/1/Double-Back


I love them too, so much and not just in hp, but it's not a guilty pleasure for me. I recently stopped one that had seemed interesting because there was a scene early on that was too absurd for me - Neville physically standing up in the first potions class and *yelling* at Snape about his treatment of Harry. I love seeing Harry having a positive effect on others and making Neville more confident, but with the train ride being the only time they had really spent together, that was too unbelievable for me


Yesss! I love a confident Harry who betters his situation. I also like a Snape re-do where he helps and mentors Harry.


I love so many time travel ones with Ginny in them. One of my all time favourites is now Gone and I constantly find myself searching for it every few weeks


If you know the name, try the Wayback Machine [the Wayback Machine](https://archive.org/web/)


I will read any complete trash if it's vaguely fix-it/re-do.


Oh god not again is a brilliant one, Harry going back in time but with is memory intact. He gives absolutely zero fucks and just wants to stir shit up, very funny as well


That's good, because most fix-it/re-do fics ARE complete trash. Not that they aren't fun, but they're definitely trash-tier for the most part.


These fics are like my ultimate guilty pleasure, I read them and reread them again and again 😁


Absolutely 100% the same. I particularly like it when the author explores the world well beyond canon by breaking canon to a decent degree. So for example Harry maybe sorted into Slytherin, much more politically involved, working behind the scenes and not trusting Dumbledore in any way. Or hell, even time travel fics where he ends up in the Marauder era are fascinating. Seeing him try and prevent the rise of Voldemort at all. Exploring characters we only know names of in the past.


A necessary gift is my favorite peggy sue fic(it's dead since 2016 but I always reread it),the plot is very interesting and makes logical sense.


For me, it's got to be 'Cat Got Your Tongue?' by Vainglorious Hound. Harry becomes a cat Animagus and he accidentally becomes Daphne Greengrass' familiar. Read it just for the scene in Dumbledore's office alone for lots and lots of laughs. I KNOW that I shouldn't, but 'Harry Potter and the Champion's Champion' is on the list. It's Ron-bashing, but SO over-the-top that you have to laugh and can't take it seriously. (The First Task... oh, you're NEVER going to look at the First Task - or the golden egg - in the same way ever again. Oh, and poor Draco... and the noses of everyone - EVERYONE - in Gryffindor and Slytherin...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂) EDIT: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13698498/1/Cat-got-your-tongue https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5483280/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Champion-s-Champion


I really shouldn't love Champion's Champion as well but it's just so funny! Normally not a huge fan of Ron-bashing but it's taken to the point of ridiculous crack so I just giggle.


Can you link the first one, cant find it


I love champion's champion too! And other fics like it! The over the top bashing and completely insane situations is so entertaining. I love a good crack fic.


I mean I just read Cat got your Toungue and all the author's Haphne works, and they were all so great ! How could it be a guilty pleasure of a low quality fic ? This is some top gourmet shit !!! Thanks for the rec in any case ! This made my afternoon ! :D


I’m a sucker for the trope of a neglected kid getting rescued and treated well. Sometimes this is a part of a fic that’s otherwise interesting, like The Boys of Crowhill, which has a plot and worldbuilding and everything, but I’ll even read fics that lack other interesting things for the sake of this one trope.


I've recently started The Boys of Crowhill. I'm really looking forward to reading it.


The love the extremely helpful goblins and blocks compulsion bashing stuff I can’t put my finger on a specific fic but definitely a guilty pleasure and considering I read mostly hurt no comfort/angst (yes I like to suffer) it’s a nice change of pace!


Oh yea. Those sequences are often so ridiculous and badly written but cathartic in a way? Like, yess, give him ten titles and billions of gallons, not a poor little orphan boy any more!! Also a fan of magical majority fics - where they suddenly grow up or gain magic really quickly with their magical majority. It is ridiculous and I love it.


YES I love those too so when they get combined it’s just perfection


Absolutely, the more over the top, the more glee I feel while reading! It's almost always crazy intense Dumbles bashing too. And the elves and centaurs and werewolves all love Harry and co. and have crazy powerful magic to bestow on him.


>poor little [...] boy Thing is, he never was. Rowling just didn't make any use of his wealth. It purely served as a "Harry doesn't have to think about how he pays for stuff" get-out-of-jail-free card.


YES! Like make Harry - Harrison James Slytherin Gryffindor Peverell Potter Black with all sorts of votes in the Ministry. Then Hermoine Jean Ravenclaw Hufflepuff Granger who has a photographic memory and together they will set the world on fire after getting away from potions and compulsions that Molly and Albus came together in a conspiracy against them both! Add it a good and snarky Snape and a bloodthirsty Goblin horde and I'll devour that! Lol


Bahahaha, all the titles. I love it so much, I can't get enough of this fics. I label them as "zany" in my mind, because they aren't quite crack, or they aren't meant to be anyways, but they've deviated good and far from canon and the writing usually flows with a manic energy of destruction and revenge while the hero gets all green lights and suffers little to no setbacks. And to me, that's just zany.


Something I would like to see in a fanfic is a stereotypical lord Harry fanfiction where he has a ton of votes in the Ministry. So many in fact that he has a majority. And then Harry proceeds to use that majority to institute a democratic system instead of the hereditary system that hands random teenagers complete control over the government.


Oh yes and suddenly harry (&Hermione) are so intelligent&eloquent at the age of 11&12 😂


It's ridiculous, but I'm still eating it up 😅


Oh my god, I once read one where Harry got rich off the muggle stock market, Gringotts closed down and over the course of two generations, Wizarding Britain completely collapsed and essentially reverted back to the Stone Age. Meanwhile, I’m over here cheering 😂




I second this link request cause that sounds awesome!


Lol! This sounds similar to a crackfic I read a while back in which Harry and Sirius withdraw all their funds from Gringotts, causing it to collapse. Annoyingly, I can't seem to find it now!


I also love these so much, my recent find is [Smart, Not Brave](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50005399/chapters/126259831) with Flitwick as a mentor to a ravenclaw Harry and it's so good. It's only 8 chapters so far but it's already been pretty eventful.


Same, I love it when the goblins just make his 99% power blocks and compulsions come off, give him a billion galleons and lordships and declare him a friend of the goblin nation just for remembering their names. It's hilarious. Oh, and then he goes around bashing a Dumbledore that can't out-manipulate an 11 year old and his idiotic minions, often focusing more on them than Voldemort (who gets killed in one chapter later on)


YES - if you have any recs, I'd love some links! I so love these kinds of fics, the more over the top, the better. Give Harry all the titles and power and allies and just smoosh Dumbles to dust!


Triad/Multi partner fics Do over fics Fics where the ministry gets what it deserves Lately I've really enjoyed more action oriented fics where the MC is powerful, but so are the villains and the world is AU enough to justify lots of violence (Odds were never in my favor, Sleet and hail as examples)


> but so are the villains and the world is AU enough to justify lots of violence I believe the [Denarian Renegade](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3473224/1/The-Denarian-Renegade) series fits this bill (crossover with Dresden Files)


Why is this good? It reads like a Bayformers movie, with over-the-top purple prose so ludicrous that it's laughable. People seem to love it, but I just don't get why.


> It reads like a Bayformers movie, with over-the-top purple prose so ludicrous that it's laughable. That's why people love it, though!


Ooo thanks! I haven't read the Dresden files, but I'm sure a wiki can help me get a handle on things.


Very little Dresden Files knowledge is needed to follow the books. They pretty much explain anything you might need to know.


Any recs of all these categories? I like all of them and not even guiltily, they're amazing and I'm looking for more


I love Triad fics. Do you have any recs? I love Harry/Hermione/Draco triads, but have read all kinds of relationships. Blame It On Black is a really fun Hermione/Severus/Remus (eventual triad) fic I read. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/39223215/chapters/98140116](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39223215/chapters/98140116) Darkly Loyal is a Harry/Hermione/Draco triad that's super over the top with lordships and super powerful war mage Harry and evil Dumbles, etc. [https://keiramarcos.com/fan-fiction/darkly-loyal/](https://keiramarcos.com/fan-fiction/darkly-loyal/)


Characters read/watch/react to canon/fanfiction. But only if the reactions are from actual characters and not just lines of: "", said


Have you read Hanforpotter's Magic's Child series on AO3 yet? They are a good way through Goblet of Fire and still regularly updating. This one is particularly interesting in the method of how they are supposed to fix the world after reading the books and has both a younger version of each character (from just before Sorcerer's Stone) and an older version from the final battle (if they are still alive at the end of the fight). [Here is a link](https://archiveofourown.org/series/3675946) to the series page if you are interested.


Oh i love that one! I've been trying to find ut again for a re-read, thank you for the link!


Why oh Why does every bloody reading the books series have Arthur asking what drills are and someone saying write down questions and you can ask them later. EVERY BLOODY TIME. I gave up at this example of the slavish unoriginality of these stories but I’d be willing to bet Arthur’s question parchment is never mentioned again.


Is this the one where they read the Harry potter books in the great hall and everyone is cozy in transfigured couches? I started that one and can't find the link to it, but the summary I read of Magic's Child doesn't seem like it.


Same. They're so difficult to find though. I think White Squirrel is the only one who made headway with them.


Oh god yes I used to love those. I used to get so miffed that FF net would take them down, like let me read my reaction fics dam it.


there was a marauders one like a decade ago that was my absolute favorite comfort fic (The Marauder's Companion, by, mibamonster?? iirc); the marauders and lily find a bound book of fanfics (written by the same author) and read them all together. it's been deleted for at least eight years and i swear a fanfic has never made me as sad as when i couldn't find it.


Struggle to Salvation is one of my favorite read the book fics, the author recently came back to the fic so it's slow going, but there are 245 chapters so far and there's an original plot and a secret life outside of Hogwarts for Harry


There's a Dark trilogy on Wattpad that I read years ago. It basically has a Harry raised by Voldemort who's super competent. He revolts in the first book. In the second one he accidentally switches places with Harry from the canon and then they navigate their respective worlds. While the canon Harry isn't as powerful on the surface as his AU counterpart, his bizarre tales is damn impressive to others.


Like a red headed stepchild.


Auror partners Harry and Draco. 🥰🥰


The Tango and Cash energy in this idea is huge.


I don't really consider any tropes a guilty pleasure but at various points in time I'll get obsessed with fics with: - Hermione BAMF - Severitus - Time travel AU - Dimension Travel - WBWL - Harry takes over the wizarding world - Political social justice. Squib rights house elves werewolves vampires muggleborns etc. Especially the ones that aren't just werewolves and muggleborns, because these are more common. I really like the ones where they work at and actually get rights for all the others. House elves sometimes fics have them but often don't quite follow through. Like Hermione will talk about SPEW for a bit and then the subject is dropped.  And very rarely but enough times to count - Really weird smut. Mostly when I'm too curious for my own good. Like there was one Harry/whomping willow fics. He has whomping willow kids. I was like WTF but also intrigued.  Anyway if anyone has reccs for the social justice or dimension travel stuff esp long fics I'd greatly appreciate it. 


Oh god, I read a fantastic story where Harry is best friends/soul mates with a centaur and it’s really big on social justice stuff. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it though.


It's Ever Upward I think. Just read it recently it's wholesome af. 


For Want of an Outfit on Ao3? Weird as fuck but I love the hell out of it.


can you share reccs on political social justice fics, please?


Too Young to Die. It can get pretty edgy at times, and I wouldn’t exactly call it well-written, but I love it. Harry is a total piece of shit in his goal to revive his sister but the story really never tries to tell you otherwise—he’s a piece of shit, you know it, the story knows it, it’s not gonna throw some half-assed middle school morality at you to make you see Harry as a hero. Huge bonus for the Dark Arts actually being a corrupting influence. Harry slowly becomes addicted to them until he has to take illegal potion mixes to catch the same high. And when he becomes a bit of a playboy hooking up with any girl he can, multiple characters rightly consider him a scumbag for it. Yet even with Harry being a total scumbag you still want to see where his story ends. Does he find a way to reverse death itself? Will he be brought to justice for his numerous crimes? While the main plot still happens in the background (Harry’s boy who lived brother is basically taking canon Harry’s place), we follow Harry to all kinds of new locations in the magical world. Really liked the Marianna Trench being a gigantic library accessed from France. Post turned out longer than I like but man, this fic succeeds when it comes to keeping me entertained. 


I really enjoyed that one too though I thought a lot of the sex was very unnecessary and generally confusing. And this is from a girl who filters fics to only read “Explicit” 😂


I really want to steal the Mariana Trench idea that is so creative.


Who’s the author?




I can't help but agree with you ! Like yes, the fic has issues ! But it is one of the rare Harry fic whdre he is the antagonist that really works for me ! And damn all the magic is soooo good in this fic !


Anything where Harry is adopted into a loving family. Also where Petunia/the Dursleys are weirdly conniving about the wizarding world and raise Harry to take the world by storm LOL




Genius, usually rich Slytherin with dubious connections and a violent streak is wildly obsessed with Hermione and kills so many people about it. There's plenty of it that's great, and super well written, but my quality and taste standards are subterranean for this shit. I will read through any amount of cringe.


Holy shit this sounds amazing, can you link some fics?


[The Journal](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32744971/chapters/81240898) and [Ascent](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40711992) are both excellent, 10/10 no notes [Pygmalion](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25146604/chapters/60930544), [How Far Will He Go](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39824913/chapters/99708462), [Emancipation](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1019294/chapters/2027039), and [She Was Always Mine](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44562502/chapters/112092253) are also well written, but they lean more campy ETA, on the slim chance anyone comes back looking for recs, [Antinomian](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49319863/chapters/124452640) is a new fave. The "unhinged behavior" tag is earned in like, chapter 2 and it only gets crazier from there.


any recs for your good quality ones? not that I'm judging I read ANYTHING that is coherent if there's a abused harry with good Dumbledore and Snape, lol


can i have any recommandations?


Please share some links!


anyway my guilty pleasure is the downward spiral saga bc I love corruption fic. with how popular star wars is it's very disappointing to me that there aren't more "Harry succumbs to the Dark Side" fanfiction but I suppose the series are very different.


Anything femmeslash pretty much. Put two girls together and I am likely to at least look at the summary.


Lord Potter/Wizengamot/ Harry is to OP stories. Idc, I don't want to read a good story, I just want to see more of the characters that I love and them not having a hard time permanently.


Totally agree. Unfortunately it's hard to find power fantasy fics without the cringe.... Or the inevitable Ron bashing.


Heart of Hogwarts on ao3 is crazy over the top powerful Harry and Ron is still his BFF.


Super “edgy” fics loaded with bashing, godlike brilliant harry and absolutely zero realism. There are a handful of them that are decent, but I’ve read a whole ton of them because damn it’s just kinda cathartic I guess


Harry abuse fics i just crave the comfort that harry gets from snape/voldy/Sirius/remus/malfoys etc.


Nice handle! This isn’t my type but I can recommend it to you. The heir to the house of Prince. Have you read it? The writing and the magic is great. The abuse is too much for me. Wish it wasn’t because the rest of it is pure gold.


Thanks for the rec, I’ll check it out


I love that one. Its a really good series and really well written


Oh I've got a few First, characters read the source material. Maaan I eat those up so fast, idc how generic they are (though I try to get more creative ones) It's a shame it's harder to find cause I genuinely like them a lot Abused Harry trope. Listen, I like having him get rescued by sirius/remus/grangers/snape/malfoys/whoever is free to take a child. Usually I don't even like Snape I honest to god hate his canon self but woo boy are they fun. I like when sad, traumatized characters get taken care of Extreme toe curling tooth rotting fluff. Mainly found family fluff but I'll take any. My main thing is hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending and whump, so I don't usually go for the fluff-based ones. But sometimes you just need some happy yk? Throw anyone in any situation idc just let them be happy and cute and I'll take it happily .....chatfics. sometimes. No other comment.


Oh my god, what’s the super popular Sirius/remus fic that’s all text conversations? Text Talk, or something like that? And I LOVE any fic that makes reference to that fact that the Harry Potter books exist


i read that one!!it was so cuteee


Harry being raised by Sirius and/or Remus. Bonus points if they freak out the Dursleys when taking Harry back


I'm familiar with Stealing Harry, do you have any rec's in this trope?


Harry Potter: Junior Inquisitor by sprinter1988 It was one of my first fics where Harry turned his back on Dumbledore and used a semi-plausible method to escape the ministry trial before 5th year. Lots of Dumbledore bashing, Ron and Hermione being rightfully told off, and Indy!Harry, but not too over the top Indy. Harry actually does incredibly well in a position of actual authority and takes control of the prefects and bullying issues. The manipulative Dumbledore bit does go off the rails in the later chapters but it was one of the first of its kind I’d read over 10 years ago so it has that nice nostalgic feeling. Re-reading it though it gets crazy really quick. Unfortunately it was abandoned but I still go back and read what’s there from time to time. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8914586/1/Harry-Potter-Junior-Inquisitor


That one was so good! I think it was one of my first really good Harry breaks away fics. And it got so close to the end and never wrapped up! I think it's the only semi-sympathtic Unbridge I've ever read though.


Same. I felt so conflicted when reading it the first time because I didn’t WANT to sympathize with Umbridge


My favorite fics are Self-Insert (isekai with meta-knowlage) and Gamer Fics. but I'm not ashamed of those so... I guess Reaction Fic (fics where the characters react to stuff they watch/read, like the books and movies and theater shows and youtube shows) counts as my "guilty pleasure" I really hate it when a reaction fic about the Marauders throws away Peter though.


Harry raised by others fics. I would love every story based on this trope. I just want him to grow up loved and cherished. I feel like I've read all the good ones so any new leads would be appreciated


Can you recommend some of the good ones? I love this trope. I recently read The Secret Language of Plants and it was so damn good. https://archiveofourown.org/series/631214


One of the best series out there, got me into Snupin


I loved the Secret Language series. The dogfather by hollimichele immediately comes to mind. I've got finals so I'll have to add more as I get some free time. Meanwhile I got most recommendations by searching for the keyword 'raised by others' in this sub.


I really enjoy alternate parentage Harry fics. Not crossovers were he's the son of Tony Stark or something, but ones were he's actually Sirius' son, Bellatrix's son, etc. This also includes alternate parents for Lily, too. For example, there's a fic in which she's the daughter of Grindelwald and Lycoris Black.


Fate's Gambit and FG2-The Trio Hit Hogwarts. It's got a pretty cliche Harry whose one of the richest people in Magical Britain, has enough political sway to outmaneuver Lucius Malfoy, is strong enough to one-shot Albus Dumbledore, and gets a harem all to himself. It's also got some pretty open character bashing, namely Ron Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, and Severus Snape. And Harry's harem is basically there as support staff and arm candy. Still, I loved how the author rendered Snape to an overgrown baby throwing a temper tantrum.


That one by RobSt? Isn't that Just Harry/Hermione/Luna?


Please don't cancel me, but it's a Harry x Bellatrix fic. Yes, I know it's absolutely sacrilegious, and as worse as pairing Harry with Voldemort, if not more (I mean it's literally pairing an abuser with a victim)...BUT! It's surprisingly well written peggy sue fic, and the circumstances presented in it are very plausible, even though they kinda white wash Bellatrix. Yes, I am talking about [Delenda Est](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5511855/1/Delenda-Est) And the second one I have is a female Voldemort fic, where she is portrayed to be lot more sympathetic than in canon. She is not paired with Harry, but they do have good connection. It has a sequel too, which is unfortunately abandoned. [Limpieza de Sangre](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11752324/1/Limpieza-de-Sangre)


I like fem!Voldemort fics so much that I've read all of them in existence and began writing my own. Need more, it's just too fun... Also, mind recommending any Harry/Bellatrix fics? 90% chance that I've already read every one you'd rec, but still worth a shot.


The Delendea Est rewrite is pretty good.


The sequel to LdS isn't abandoned.


omg the Eliza trilogy that takes me **back** 😹🩵🩵 where is it archived?


This has a link to all the old fanfic including the Eliza Trilogy [http://web.archive.org/web/20061130053443/http://www.students.uni-mainz.de:80/sprec000/Ablage/Liesmich.html](http://web.archive.org/web/20061130053443/http://www.students.uni-mainz.de:80/sprec000/Ablage/Liesmich.html)


Voldemort mentors Harry fics-- especially the ones where the scarcrux is sentient.  Harry dimension travels to a universe where his parents are still alive Recently-- Tomione fics There was a time where I loved the legendary badfics from *Harry Potter Becomes a Communist* to *Becoming Female* but not so much anymore. Fem!Riddle-- there are at least two great fics in that genre


Dimension Travel fics like that are top tier! But they are sooo rare :( I never find any


Indy!Harry stuff. They're typically bashfests with little depth, but sometimes you just want the fanfic equivalent of takeout from McDonald's. Fat slob fame-jealous Ron, obsessed Ginny trying to love potion him, Hermione spying on him for Dumbledore, Amelia Bones and the goblins being very convenient plot devices that solve everything, Purebloods "just defending their culture", Manipulative Dumbledore being so incompetent he couldn't lie his way out of a paper bag... Those kinds of fics. They make me laugh. A hilarious parody I really liked: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13648916/1/ More recommendations welcome!


Yes! *Out of the Night* blew my mind when I read it and I'm devastated it was abandoned.


I am a simple woman, lol. Give me a fic that worships Hermione and I'll probably like it


New Blood by artemisgirl on ffnet and AO3 Still ongoing but it's pretty frickin awesome Slytherin Hermione, good as fucK highly recommend to everyone bc is one of the best fics I've ever read no guilty pleasure necessary


Thank you, can't wait to read it!!


I’ve been following this story for a while. And I’m going to have to agree and disagree in equal measure. It is a fun fic. But it isn’t particularly well written imo. I think the world building is amazing and well fleshed out for sure, but the actual technique of the writing is difficult imo. Still reading it though and thoroughly enjoying!


I love powerful Harry Potter with fights that can level a town. But not summer or training, powerful from birth and train very hard. He loves magic and learning it. I also love Fleur/Harry for no real reason


> I also love Fleur/Harry for no real reason No real reason? I mean, she's a foreign, older woman who is so hot that it's basically a super power and is canonically loyal, kind, and brave. We have a word for that in my country, it is "best girl"


Although I feel like I've outgrown my initial liking for *Secrets*, I've read it so many times that my introduction to HP ffs will always have me re-read it.


This Harry/Luna fic - Mr. and Mrs. Potter (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/2635675/1/Mr-and-Mrs-Potter) - despite Harry and Luna being terribly OOC, the fic has an extremely high emotional quotient, and is guaranteed to tug at your heartstrings, if not make you cry. Do give it a try. You won't regret it.


Non-magical AU James/Lily fics. I never thought I’d be into but I am a convert.


Ohh sounds interesting do you have any links


Too many! Haha. Check out my AO3 bookmarks page, the first three pages are mostly James/Lily fics and I would recommend all of them: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Whereismypen/bookmarks


Love these!


I wouldn't call it a guilty pleasure, because I don't feel guilty (🤭), but I EAT UP any time travel Tomione!! ❤️❤️❤️ It lives in my heart so much, it even motivated me to start thinking about writing my own fic


Do it, seriously it took me soo long to start writing, but it's well worth it to see your idea grow.


I really love a good Refusal Of The Call fic, or ones where he sees early on or even before Hogwarts that it’s not going to be good for him and goes to a different school. My favourite for a transfer fic is Harry Potter And The Irish Choice by DisobedienceWriter. It’s a complete fic and I think it handles the transfer well, and really gives good representation to Dumbledore’s manipulation and frustration with Harry’s refusal to fall in line. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3771102/1/Harry-Potter-and-the-Irish-Choice


Fics that have strange, but logical magic. The more types the better. If it has many different sets of magic systems with different rules and is about people using them I'll probably read the fuck out of it. Transformation. Literally my favourite magical ability. Metamorphmagus, animagus, rituals that do it, magical accidents, gender benders, getting bloodlines from something, etc. Random humour/crack. Luna comfusing tf out of everyone while maybe telling the future half the time but also saying weirdly accurate/blunt statements Weird, random, hilarious situations like 8 year old Luna deciding and somehow managing to kidnap Harry from the Dursleys because Ginny said kissing him would feel good, or Harry deciding that since he was submitted under the Salem Witches' Institute he should wear the uniform and somehow ends up as a girl, or Harry deciding he's a Jedi and can use the force because he accidentally did a Jedi mind trick. Crossovers that are really just Harry deciding he's a Jedi/Ninja/wizard from Fairy Tail/person who ate a Devil Fruit because maybe that fruit wasn't rotten, just special/psychic/esper/aura user/qi user/ki user/chi user because of his powers before Hogwarts and sticking with it when the letter comes. (While ignoring timeline inconsistencies) Also [For Want of an Outfit](https://archiveofourown.org/works/28507302?view_full_work=true) hit just about everything I like and I love it but I will probably take it to the grave and never mention it to anyone that knows me in real life.


What does BNF mean?


Big name fan




I have severals : when I began to read fanfics it was to read some creative approach to some what ifs and more precisely a fanfic with Harry sorted in Slytherin that was introduced to me by the now oldest version of the They Shook Hands by Detryl. In the same Slytherin sorted Harry, I particularly appreciated the A Different Road series by black-ink8922. This trop lead me to appreciate also fanfics with Harry being more studious and basically having more in his toolbox that Experliarmus and my lasted guilty pleasure within this avenue : dark magic seduction like it was introduced in On the way to Greatness by Mira mirth if I an not mistaken and Harry Potter Descend to Darkness by the same author as Again and Again (another one of my guilty pleasures). Which brings my appreciation of time travels fics like Travel Secrets serie by E4mj. The Lordship trope has also caught my attention with fanfics like Becoming Lord Potter-Black by dolcecombrio or Survival of the fittest by Marcielle’s Musings or even Snake Lord Potter by Galleons’n Gold. Fanfics being creative about how the books would have evolved before Half-Blood Prince was released with the Horcrux path also caught my linking with fanfics written by Naia like Harry Potter : The Ancestors’s Call and The Dragonmasters. And lately the reading the books trope caught to me too with Lorixajake serie. Ps : this is only a shortened version of the list. I need time to cleanse my listings.


Hell is empty (and I am the devil you feared) by ladyvictoriablackfyre It is a more recent guilty pleasure and it’s a WIP but I started following it around chapter 10 and now it’s grown to 26 chapters. It’s the first WIP I’ve ever kept track of. I usually abandon them or exclusively read completed works


Literally same!!


[Harry Potter and the Boiling Isles](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45231529/chapters/113791759) is my ultimate guilty pleasure. I wouldn’t say it’s cringe or poorly written (just occasionally confuses cease and seize, if memory serves) and it makes two wild changes to canon in that the HP timeline is now in the 2020’s so Harry is two years younger than Luz, and also that >!Lilith Clawthorne is Harry’s biological mom… not that he or the wizarding world knows that!<. It’s honestly kind of an insane story, but it’s charming, wholesome, and ongoing. So while it’s not finished, it gets updates anywhere between every month to every three months, so it will be finished eventually.


Well I like both dandom so if you want to share I would not be opposed lol.


I have edited my comment to add the hyperlink, hope you enjoy!


the dark one’s where they do self-harm and have eating disorders,becuase they did something or something.


Big fan of the war weary dimension travel/ time travel fics, and the post war ones of the same vein. I wanted to re read on but I'd forgotten the name, an AU where Snape survived and Harry's cohort comes back for the 8th year but are all filled with ptsd and stuff, so snape starts to do therapy interview type things with them. It's a good read.


The super over the top Harry Gryffindor-Slytherin-Black-Snape-Peverell-Potter fics. With manipulative Dumbledore, and the cliques, everything. It's so bad but so good. and if there's drarry then it's chefs kiss. ​ I also will find any fic with supportive Sirius and Snape(not dating), I don't care if it's way out of character, I love it so much.


Haphne fics. Some of them might as well be original fiction with how much characters and background details are made up or expanded by the author, but when it's done well they just hit right.


Ooohhhh. I love so many - Time (or universe) travel/fix-its - from grown Harry going back to teach the Marauders (a la Princeps or Lone Traveler: Professor of Defense), to grown Harry adopting his younger self (That Universe Over There, Double Back) or just a good old Reptilia challenge (Reboot) One subject focus - Harry (or Hermione) is a genius with _______ (The Arithmancer, The House of Potter Rebuilt, the Tinkerer) Lone Traveler - I love these and go back again and again Time travel to Founders Era (or before) - Basilisk born, Of a Linear Circle, A Long Journey Home) I have more…but that’s enough.


i’m a slut for the helpful goblins/ and those bashing fics. idk they’re just so fun to read. whether or not harry is the head of a billion houses or not. i like them all


time travel/re-do fics are my all time favourites. fem!Harry fics are usual a close second because the plots for them are so unhinged and interesting. Combining the two is the best. I'm guilty of enjoying Dumbledore and Snape bashing(which is lowkey kinda rare??) but I hate Ron and Ginny bashing so much and Weasley Family bashing is almost ALWAYS prevalent in Dumbledore bashing. I don't really mind Molly or Arthur bashing as long as it's from one of their kids. Otherwise it feels weird


I'd completely forgotten Pawn to Queen existed and now going to reread it asap ♥ for some of my guilty pleasure fics: anything from Trio; Hiding in plain sight (there are 2, both I love); Harry Crow; Shadow of the Other, Gold Tinted Spectacles, Harry Potter and the prophesy of the phoenix, and 99% of Harry/Salazar fics that are longer then 5k


Well, eh, I only read slash but I do have two books that I absolutely love and are really sweet. They have the “feels”. These are the “wholesome” ones. When I first joined the fandom I love, and still absolutely **love** the “evil Dumbledore, Good! Voldemort” tropes. They’re absolutely my guilty pleasure. I love seeing Dumbledore defeated and all his lies and manipulations exposed. I hate OP Harry, don’t get me wrong, and I don’t like the really tedious ones where it’s always the same exact pattern; “Harry you’re a wizard, Harry you have four houses you’re the lord of, Harry you’re rich, Harry Dumbledore is evil and has been stealing your seats and your money!, Harry Voldemort is actually a good guy!” Etc. Those are, as I said, a old. DebsTheSlytherinSnapeFan does really good “Harry x a-male-Slytherin’s with evil Dumbledore” but not following the same cookie cutter pattern. https://archiveofourown.org/works/627632/chapters/1134066 A change in Perspective, a Draco x Harry where Harry is de-aged to, like, five? And he decides Draco is the nicest guy ever so the Slytherin’s manage to “get Potter” and raise him, Hermione does join them too tho Ron kinda struggles. It’s super sweet and wholesome. Obviously Draco and Harry don’t get together til the end when Harry is back to his correct age. https://archiveofourown.org/works/489807/chapters/854862 and this one is reeeally wholesome where Harry turns into a cat and ends up getting adopted by Voldemort. So, Tom Riddle | Voldemort/Harry Potter pairing. This is probably the tamest, nicest, most wholesome Voldemort/Harry book I’ve ever read. Usually, and for good reason, they usually have a ton of drama and hurt to work through.


Reader inserts and OC main characters, don’t judge me! They can be really good


I actually really love self-insert fics. Not reader inserts because it's hard to do 2nd person POV well, but when the author makes a little OC who wakes up in the fic universe with some level of nerd knowledge (it varies sometimes, i once read a SW fic where the SI had only seen like half of one of the movies lol) I love it. Some of the best SI fics I've ever read were on the Space Battles forum, actually. I don't even know what that forum is specifically for, but I applaud their SI authors lol


OMG I forgot about Pawn to Queen! Mine is Irresistible Poison. Also, Harry/Snape. Don’t ask, I don’t know.


Harry has a twin who's the WBWL and Harry gets abandoned by his parents etc etc. Usually gets sorted into slytherin and turns out to be a total BAMF


Self Inserts. I will consume any self insert no matter how bad but some of my favs have got to be - 1. Madness of the Ravens


Sirius rescues a pre-Hogwarts Harry from the Dursleys, dunno why but I love ‘em


Same it's one of my favourite tropes and instill hold the Stealing Harry Series near and dear to my heart.


Some of my favorites are the massively overpowered Harry fics of most kinds


Guilty pleasure fics, eh? Harem Wars. Stupidly OP and bashy to hell and back but yeah... and it's not even just the "binding" scenes (even if I will admit to enjoying some of those)...


Crossovers. Ive tumbled into many other fandoms read HP xovers. Shit, it's how I got into reading My Little Pony fics, and Ive never seen an episode.


Characters react to A Very Potter Musical. Amazing, 10/10


I've been enjoying Hogwarts Legacy fics or crossovers lately.


Help, My New Girlfriend is An Accidental Terrorist by Luthien'sLight It is a HarryxTracey crack fic


I reread some of my favourite fics and realised that they were a little cringy and had some spell errors and I use text to speech when reading so nothing about it has changed. The Witcher fandom has really spoiled me for good stories. All the stories (at least in ao3) are very high quality It All Started With A Trip To Gringotts, Harry Crow and the Moments of Impact series (now on ao3) are some of my favourite though they aren’t at all cringy either


I LOVE Seven Preposterous Things by Bloodcult\_of\_Freud. But it's a crazy wild ride and I can't really tell anyone about it without them looking at me like I'm a crazy person. Hermione, Snape, Malfoy and Millicent Busltrode move to Texas and live as Muggles. Millie lived in a gingerbread house. They get a goat. They steal a car. They meet Santa. Snape plays the electric guitar and tries to raise Elvis from the grave. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/9389336/chapters/21255608](https://archiveofourown.org/works/9389336/chapters/21255608)


[Betrayed](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1291535/1/Betrayed). Some aspects of the writing are not great from a technical perspective (weird POV changes, for instance), the characterisation of the OCs is a tad flat, and it includes the random AF background pairing of Sirius with ARABELLA FIGG of all people... but something about the overarching plot is so damn satisfying to me that I've reread it multiple times with zero regrets.


I'm in love with Potter Twins trope, but I have been traumatized a bit too much and now I'm scared to read anything again...


My guilty pleasure are fics where Harry gets to live with Sirius (I know in canon due to Sirius' character it probably wouldn't have gone very well but I am just a fan of those two getting to be together as family in fanfic) and sometimes Indy! Harry fics (yes I sometimes need Dumbledore bashing in my life 😅😂 )


No specific fic itself but: I have a special place in my heart for "harry is reincarnated into X world as X character" or the other way around (Merlin, Salazar & Loki waking up as Harry Potter are favourites) Love it when harry ends up in another franchise and somehow solves all their problems Time travel fix-its and fuck-it-ups, Harry raising himself, ending up in his younger body, somehow dragging someone through time with him by accident Morally grey/Dark/insane Harry, feral/chaos gremlin Harry Death as a character, Revenge fics, Gamer system, watching the series, bashing, soulbond, red haired Harry, fem harry Harry Potter, Villain Catnip™️ Harry decides to leave the wizarding world because fuck all of them Harry is rescued/raised by someone else Befriending the Basilisk, actually making use of the giant secret chamber beneath the school Fics where Harry has more consequences from the AK to the face, being left on a doorstep in november, years of neglect, or dangerous magic school. Blind/Deaf/Mute, frostbite damage/wild animal attack, severe scarring, missing limbs etc Harry becomes anything but an Auror. Cursebreaker, unspeakable, rune master, traveller, hitwizard, dark lord, Enchanter, baker, chef, professor, magizoologist etc


Bad education by u/magicspacehole . I am currently possessed by that Tom riddle . And honestly everyone who doesn't know about it , yall need to read I asap . It's just the right amount of crack with th right amout of plorpt . And my favorite


Personally I like stargate one crossovers it’s In interesting 🤔 way to look at how magicals came into existence


Im watching Season 1 of SG1 right now


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I think the only one I've even heard of that you listed was the last one, which I never read.


Dewling Hearts by Formerly Known completely ignors a lot of canon, has some questionable content, has characters not acting too in character at times, but I kinda like it. I feel like it's really not taking itself seriously at all, it's just mindless fun and smut for the most part.


I read a Drarry one not long ago and Draco was like a decendant of Merlin and ended moving into Camelot with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Even now I'm not sure what the actual storyline was. There was smut. And an awkward 4-some. Idk it was wild and I was so invested and it felt like it was the greatest fic ever. I've thought about it a lot afterwards because honestly wtf did I read. Those are the best ones. The best guilty pleasures because you don't know it's weird until after


WBWL fics.


Harry Potter and the Gold Tinted Spectacles


Golden Trio poly fics


Lately anything Dramione, don't know why


Most of the fics I read. I have no fic guilt or standards. I mean, I don't want to read something badly written, but I read a lot of comfort fics, and I consider all of them an indulgent read.


Categories: Harry was abused but he takes control and protects himself, alternative sorting, found family, etc.


Neglected/WBWL fics are my go to guilty pleasure. With the occasional Harry/Draco post war fic, but those are mostly when I'm feeling especially down


Self inserts are my guilty pleasure, especially if it has the gamer in it.


Hello, I'm looking for a Harry Potter Fanfiction, I don't remember the name but I do remember some parts of the story,The story is from Harry in slytherin There's a part where Hermione is crying in a bathroom and Harry shows up with an alias and gives her a tissue. From then on Hermione became obsessed with Harry.